School Name Liaison Meeting held site on Date of Meeting

Schools Forum Minutes of Meeting on
Thursday, 21st September 2006 @ 4.30pm
Andrew Kennedy (Chair) [AK]
Terry Daniels (Vice Chair) [TD]
Andrew Boxhall
Dave Marris (DM)
Marion Pretlove (MP)
Ken Butt (KB)
Rob Doyle (RD)
Celia Dawson (CD)
Leanne Walder (LW)
Zoe Church (ZC)
Janet Martin (JM)
Elsada Doyley
Steven Pragassen - minutes
Councillor Debbie Shears
Wimbledon College
Aragon Primary School
Haslemere Primary
Links Primary School
VA Governor
Rutlish School
Cricket Green
Merton Children and Young People SPB
London Borough of Merton
London Borough of Merton
London Borough of Merton
London Borough of Merton
London Borough of Merton
Apologies for absence
David Jackson (DJ)
Eber Kington (EB)
Father Adrian Porter (FAD)
Mary-Jane Taylor (MJ)
Gill Wilson (GW)
Sandra Peddy
Andy Halpin
Louise Fox
Dave Hill
Chris Pagdin
Councillor David Chung
ATL (Trade Teacher Union Rep)
Wimbledon College
St Matthews Primary School
Aragon Primary School
Bishopsford Secondary
Harris Academy
St. Marks Academy
London Borough of Merton
London Borough of Merton
London Borough of Merton
Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from the members listed above.
New members welcomed and introduced.
Minutes of Previous Meeting and matters arising
The minutes of 10th July 2006 were received as a true record.
School Forum membership
Accepted the Heads of the new Academy schools to attend meetings as
Observers with limited contribution. The school members (headteachers or
governors) shall comprise 7 representatives from Primary, 4 from secondary and 1
from Special schools.
Celia Dawson attended as the representative for the Special schools. The Special
schools will rotate their membership with one person from any of the schools
representing on their behalf in future meetings. AK enquire for members for
declaration of interest in the position of Chair of Schools Forum; none was brought
Finalise Constitution
E-mail from EK 18th September 2006
Para (paragraph) 3.4:
Amend to: The LA will seek to appoint one Trade Union and two other non-school
members from groups such as professional association, parent groups, Early
years groups, Youth groups, teachers in charge of the PRU and school
improvement partners. - Agreed
Para 8.8:
“the Chair may call an urgent meeting” amended to “the Chair may call a special
meeting” – Not Agreed
Constitution finalised with the above amendment.
Induction Training for New Members/Refresher Training
ZC will set up a training session on the financial side of the budget process.
Timing and expression of interest will be sought by e-mail.
ZC to provide a glossary of acronyms for the training session.
Draft Fair Funding Consultation Document 2007/08
Para (paragraph) 1.2: Dedicated Schools Grant
The following sentence to be deleted: “Amendments were made to the Schools
Standards and Framework Act 1998.”
Para 1.3: The Minimum Funding Guarantee
The first paragraph starting “The MFG is a guaranteed per” and relating to 2006/07
to be deleted. Sentence 4 of second paragraph starting “The DfES have
specified…” to be moved to the start of the paragraph.
The Authority will consult the forum on whether to make changes to the Minimum
Funding Guarantee (MFG) as previously the Forum agreed a one year adjustment.
Appendix A:
As final budgets are dependant on correct PLASC data and the duplicates are
taken out and PLASC confirmed by DfES around 23 rd March, amend to note that
Final Budgets to be distributed to schools by 31st March 2007.
Para 3.2: Funding for Pupils with Statement – for information
Append the following sentence: To report on the audit process for School Action
and School Action Plus to the next meeting of the Forum (JM).
Para 3.2.1: SEN Statement Banding – For Decision
Bulleted points in the Recommendation to be highlighted.
ZC advised that the proposed banding system will only affect new statements and
that existing statements will remain. There will be updates to statement review
process with general descriptors. SENCOs to be issued with guidance and given
training in due course. ZC to circulate descriptors to Members and for
Headteachers to discuss the proposal with their SENCO for the next Forum
Para 3.3: The Funding of Special Schools and the number and designation of
Attached Bases - for information
Update the figure £550,000 with £600,000 as agreed by the Forum. There will be a
wider consultation with Bases and Special Schools, taking into account specific
trends and level of provision.
Para 3.6: Teacher Pay Funding
Update the first sentence of Recommendation as follow:
The DfES recommends funding to be allocated on the basis of AWPU for the 3
Year Budget Cycle 2008/09, 2009/10 & 2010/11.
The Forum is against putting Teacher Pay funding through the AWPU at present.
The Forum and Finance Team to recommend Option 1 for 2007/08. Beyond
2007/08, schools to be consulted if there are dramatic changes when it becomes
clearer what will happened next year taking account of current changes going
through teachers training and performance Performa.
Para 3.7: Personalised Learning
Highlight the second sentence of the second paragraph starting “ The DSG
Para 3.8: Mobility – for decision
The Authority would continue with the Mobility data it could obtain for one more
year as no other indicator considered was an appropriate proxy.
Date of next meeting
The next meeting is to take place on Thursday 12th December 2006 @ 4.30 –