Educational Impacts of the Intelligent Integrated Computer-Assisted Language Learning (iiCALL) Environment Harald Wahl University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, Austria Department of Information Engineering and Security Werner Winiwarter University of Vienna, Austria Research Group Data Analytics and Computing Abstract: The Intelligent Integrated Computer-Assisted Language Learning (iiCALL) Environment is a Web-based platform that supports language learning integrated in specific working environment like Web browsers or Email clients. Currently, the platform exists as a prototype that implements a view learning cases. In future versions, iiCALL can support users to train their context-related language expertise. Necessary skills like requirements engineering, design of software architecture, implementation of the prototype, or dealing with standards in NLP and e-learning: the integration of the iiCALL development in academic teaching offers research-oriented and problem-oriented teaching and learning. Several technical and nontechnical skills are needed to implement the iiCALL environment. The paper gives an overview of the educational impacts and shows the current results influenced by the teaching experiences. Introduction Especially in degree programs on a master level, research-oriented teaching plays an important role in academic education. Our research deals with Intelligent Integrated Computer-Assisted Language Learning (iiCALL), this is a language learning platform that additionally offers the possibility to use common working environments like Web browsers or Email clients for learning. Development of the iiCALL environment requires several competencies particularly in the field of information technologies like software programing, software architecture design, or Natural Language Processing, as well as project management skills or the ability to work in a team. The paper shows the experiences made by integrating research in academic education and describes the effect with respect to courses designed by competence-oriented learning outcomes. Research-based Teaching The way we apply research-based teaching is based on concepts of (Dee Fink, 2003) which tends to result in significant learning outcomes. The learning process starts with the definition of learning goals (based on research issues) followed by the definition of teaching and learning activities. The feedback loop of periodic evaluation and assessment helps students to adjust their activities to reach supposed learning goals, as illustrated in Figure 1. Research-based teaching mainly faces goals of student-centered learning outcomes, which chiefly is meant as building up knowledge and improving competences and skills in several disciplines. In some circumstances, especially if students with specific previous knowledge are involved, research-based teaching can also benefit research progress. Defining Goals Research-based teaching Feedback and Evaluation Defining Activities Figure 1: Research-based teaching for significant learning outcome. Learning Goals for iiCALL To illustrate which learning goals are needed in the iiCALL research-based learning scenario, we should take a closer look at the system overview of iiCALL, see Figure 2. Language learning is performed in common working environments which appear, for instance, as plug-ins in Web Browsers or Email clients (cf. number 3). These plug-ins communicate with the server using Web service technologies. At the server side, the core software framework (see number 1) manages data exchange and is responsible for persistence purposes. Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks are fulfilled by the General Architecture for Text Engineering (GATE), a framework fully implemented in Java which comes with already implemented NLP features and which can easily be extended (see number 2). The evaluation of NLP toolkits and the decision process for using GATE in iiCALL can be viewed in (Wahl et Winiwarter, 2010). iiCALL environment 3 4 Workflow Engine Platforms for integration Web 1 2 LR NLP Apache Tomcat Figure 2: The system overview of the iiCALL environment (Wahl et Winiwarter, 2011a) Based on the requirements of iiCALL, i.e. the research goals of iiCALL, the main learning goals were identified. Table 1 shows those goals and the corresponding competences and skills that students should gain to reach them. Learning Goals Requirements engineering Competences and Skills Capability of problem analysis Use case identification Use case specifications Applying the Unified Modeling Language (UML) Software architecture Knowledge of client-server architecture Knowledge of n-tier architecture Interface specifications Data modeling Prototyping Implementation of Browser plug-ins Integration of software framework Implementation of Web services Integration of persistence frameworks NLP algorithms Standards Knowledge about NLP standards Knowledge about E-Learning standards Project management Project leading Team work Table 1: The learning goals and competences of research-based teaching using iiCALL Learning Activities for iiCALL Learning goals are directly connected to learning activities. The activities are based on different methods, starting from literature research, problem analysis, documentation, or prototypical implementation. The whole learning process is chiefly oriented to the idea of Problem-based Learning (PBL). The problem, i.e. fulfilling the goals of iiCALL, is divided into sub-problems which students are instructed to solve in teams. We started to include iiCALL into education by discussing the idea of iiCALL. First activities belong to requirements engineering. Here, teachers (normally in the role of coaches) act as “customers” to simulate a customer and contractor situation. Results come up to functional and non-functional requirements. The corresponding use cases are identified and documented following the UML standard for future implementation: Use case diagrams, sequence diagrams, and activity diagrams support software development process. Relevant use cases in iiCALL are categorized as shown in Table 2: Use case category User profiles Exemplary use cases Create account; Login; Change profile data; Change learning needs; Change language preferences; Language Testing Do language screening test; Do vocabulary trainer; Do cloze test; Do social translation; Do grading test; User progress Check personal language skills level; Synchronize with server; Re-do test; View personal statistics Communication Ask for help; Communicate using social media platform; Contact native speaker; Open chat; Table 2: Use case categories and exemplary use cases Based on the specified use cases, technical specifications of the system had to be defined. Infrastructure was provided to the students. Students themselves followed the task to design and implement the software architecture for iiCALL. Therefore, different options were selected and evaluated. Client-server architecture and 3-tier architecture as well as interface specifications were part of teaching. At the client side, software prototyping resulted in a Mozilla browser plug-in. This plug-in tried to implement the use case “Do vocabulary trainer” which supports very simple context-related language learning, see (Wahl et Winiwarter, 2012b). Standards play an important role in the area of CALL, be it on the one hand e-Learning standards and on the other hand standards of NLP. Because all sub-problems have to be solved in teams, students are forced to comly project management rules. Students can choose between different project management models, like PMI or Scrum, comprehensive project documentation is requested. Feedback and Evaluation for iiCALL The role of teachers in research-based learning can be compared to the teachers’ role in PBL. Teachers are coaches that support students to find a way to solve a specific problem. In traditional PBL, the coach knows pretty well how a problem can be solved. If PBL is used in research, it is important that students interact with persons working on that research topic. Alternatively, the coaches themselves should actively work on it; see (Wahl et al. 2009). In the iiCALL research-oriented teaching, all coaches are familiar with the current state of research. Feedback is given with respect to applicability in iiCALL. Discussions with coaches take place frequently; they should help students to understand the integration in iiCALL and to adjust their current work. Effect on Academic Education and on Progress of iiCALL From the students’ point of view, research-oriented teaching offers the advantage that learning contents always have practical relevance. In particular, the iiCALL research offers different IT-related sub-problems that students can try to solve in teams. These teams follow project management methods and teachers appear in the role of coaches. They assist and direct students. Due to the own character of research – innovation does not necessarily mean that a solution exists or the way to the solution is previously known – research-based learning is suitable for students who have already gained an advanced level of knowledge and former experiences. Hence, research-based learning is suitable for students studying on a master level. The initial effort to explain the research idea grows with the complexity of research. In iiCALL, language learning, NLP, and semantics of languages had to be explained to IT students, whilst technical IT basics have already been known. The challenge of iiCALL was given by understanding context-related language learning and the abstraction of learning processes being transferred into IT. Students themselves were highly motivated while working on iiCALL. Research is a possibility to show students real applications and bring them closer to the idea of innovation. 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