CSP - Society of Radiographers

College of Radiographers
Practice Educators Accreditation Scheme
Endorsement of Programmes Leading to
Practice Educator Accredited Status
September 2006
College of Radiographers
Practice Educators Accreditation Scheme
Endorsement of Programmes Leading to Practice
Educator Accredited Status
This guidance has been prepared by the College of Radiographers to assist
higher education institutions (HEIs) seeking College of Radiographers
endorsement of a post-qualifying programme leading to Practice Educator
accredited status within the Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme Scheme.
The Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme has been developed in line with
the College of Radiographers CPD strategy and offers Practice Educators a
choice of two assessed routes to accredited status:
programme route 
experiential route
There is also a fast track route available until 31st October 2007.
All routes are supported and assessed by higher education institutions
(HEIs), and require the Practice Educator to demonstrate that s/he has
fulfilled the Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme learning outcomes.
Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme learning outcomes
The Practice Educator should provide evidence that s/he is able to:
describe the role and identify the attributes of the effective Practice
apply learning theories that are appropriate for adult and professional
learners, 
plan, implement and facilitate learning in the clinical setting,
apply sound principles and judgement in the assessment of
performance in the clinical setting,
evaluate the learning experience,
reflect on experience and formulate action plans to improve future
This guidance aims to:
outline the College of Radiographers endorsement process
College of Radiographers, August 2006
explain the documentation requirements and other features of the
show how these requirements apply to the Practice Educator
Accreditation Scheme
It should be read in conjunction with the College of Radiographers publication
Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme, 2006 and the Guidance for Higher
Education Institutions available on the Society of Radiographers website
www.sor.org or from the Approval & Accreditation Department at
approval@sor.org. These contain background information on the Scheme’s
aims, information about the Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme learning
outcomes and an explanation of how the programme and experiential routes to
accredited status exist in parallel.
Throughout this guidance the following terminology is used:
- a generic term to describe all types of taught course or
- describes the individual Practice Educator who undertakes
the programme.
- describes Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme-specific
material - the completed experiential route application with
reflective statements, evidence and other material (fitting
within an individual’s broader, more private CPD portfolio).
A full glossary of terms can be found in the College of Radiographers
publication Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme, 2006.
The Approval and Accreditation Board of the College of Radiographers is
responsible for endorsement of programmes leading to Practice Educator
accredited status within the Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme and for
ensuring the robustness and parity of expectations both across the two routes
of the Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme, and across institutions.
The endorsement process
The College of Radiographers considers formally assessed programmes for
endorsement through its established process.
New programmes are
considered for endorsement. Existing programmes may be submitted for
retrospective endorsement.
However, this is not a usual route to
endorsement, but recognises the existence of established programmes
covering the learning objectives of the Practice Educator Accreditation
Scheme, prior to the introduction of the scheme
Programmes may be designed, developed and delivered by an HEI or a
clinical team in collaboration with an HEI.
The endorsement process is separate from HEIs’ own approval processes.
However, the College of Radiographers seeks to work in partnership with
College of Radiographers, August 2006
individual institutions, linking into their processes and documentation
The College of Radiographers maintains a register of representatives to
consider programmes for endorsement. These representatives, known as
assessors, are College of Radiographers members with knowledge and
experience of designing, delivering and assessing radiography education.
The Approval and Accreditation Board appoints assessors to the register
College of Radiographers endorsement of post-qualifying programmes
leading to practice accredited educator status within the Practice
Educator Accreditation Scheme
HEIs with clinical imaging and oncology programmes have systems in place
to recruit, prepare and support practising clinicians in their role as Practice
Educators. As part of this, each HEI is responsible for developing, designing
and delivering its own schedule of Practice Educator developmental activities.
Traditionally HEIs have run study days, half-days and short courses, not
formally assessed, to support their Practice Educators. The value of this
more informal provision for supporting Practice Educators in their role
development is well recognised in clinical imaging and oncology. These
activities are unlikely to be suitable for endorsement as a programme route
unless they are developed to form a more complete, coherent assessed
learning experience. However, they remain very valuable to Practice
Educators pursuing the experiential route and for Practice Educators for
whom pursuing accredited status is not a current CPD priority.
Routes within the Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme
Independent study, HEI informal short
supported by an
courses and study
assessing HEI
for Practice
Educators, not
formally assessed
for credit
HEI formally
assessed Practice
Educator workbased learning
(Hons degree level
or above
Uni- or multiprofessional workbased courses,
formally assessed
and with credit
rating by HEI or
other qualification
HEI redevelops
course to include
formal assessment
Participant pursues HEI encourages
experiential route participant to pursue
experiential route
HEI seeks College of Radiographers
(see below for prospective and
retrospective processes)
Experiential route
Programme route
College of Radiographers, August 2006
To date, and in keeping with current quality initiatives in health and higher
education, the schedule of Practice Educator community developmental
activities that each clinical imaging and oncology education provider offers
has been considered in the approval process of programmes leading to
qualification as a practitioner.
The stages in the endorsement process for HEIs seeking endorsement for
programmes leading to Practice Educator accredited status are outlined at
section 9.
HEIs wishing to seek endorsement of taught programmes for eligibility for the
Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme should contact: The Approval and
Accreditation Department by email: approval@sor.org
Types of programmes leading to Practice Educator accredited status
likely to be appropriate for endorsement by the College of
The College of Radiographers encourages HEIs to seek endorsement of
programmes leading to accredited status within the Practice Educator
Accreditation Scheme for any taught programmes which are specifically
developed, designed and delivered to support the role development of
Practice Educators with a range of learners, and which configure with the
Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme learning outcomes and guiding
Such programmes will fit into one of four categories:
Taught programme Formally assessed Academic credit
by HEI
College of Radiographers
endorsement for inclusion in
Practice Educator
Accreditation Scheme
Seek endorsement
Seek endorsement
Seek retrospective endorsement
by HEI
Seek retrospective endorsement
Expressions of interest in endorsement are welcomed from HEIs with multiprofessional programmes and/or with a programme developed in
collaboration with other HEIs who have Practice Educators in common.
The College of Radiographers also welcomes expressions of interest in
endorsement from HEIs with programmes across the range of learners within
the clinical imaging and oncology workforce. The appropriateness of
endorsement by the College of Radiographers is likely to depend on the
extent of practitioner involvement in the programme’s development and
delivery and the extent to which it addresses the learning needs of the clinical
imaging and oncology workforce.
HEIs with such programmes are
encouraged to have an exploratory discussion with an officer within the
College of Radiographers’ Approval and Accreditation Department.
College of Radiographers, August 2006
The College of Radiographers’ prime objective in considering new or existing
non-endorsed programmes for endorsement for eligibility for the Practice
Educator Accreditation Scheme is that they enable participants to fulfil the
Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme learning outcomes and assess this
Those programmes considered suitable for submission for endorsement will
form substantial learning opportunities that contain formal elements of
supported, practice-based learning.
A programme with no formal assessment of learning is not appropriate for
consideration for endorsement. However, it can valuably contribute to the
delivery of an experiential learning route.
Entry to the Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme register is open to
anyone who supervises and assesses learners in the clinical imaging and
oncology workforce. Accreditation is free to all members of the Society of
Radiographers and individuals not eligible for membership undertaking the
role of Practice Educator for a College of Radiographers approved education
provider. For others there will be a charge.
The College of Radiographers’ expectations in the endorsement
process for HEIs seeking endorsement of a programme leading to
Practice Educator accredited status
The College of Radiographers welcomes invitations to consider endorsing
programmes leading to accredited Practice Educator status through a number
of routes:
attendance of a assessor at an approval event, if appropriate 
adviser involvement in an HEI’s phased approach through the process
of commenting on initial and revised documentation at appropriate times
in the institution’s approval processes (new programme)
considering an existing programme for retrospective endorsement
(Whilst consideration of retrospective endorsement is exceptional for
programmes, it may be applicable for HEIs with established taught role
development programmes for their Practice Educator communities in the
early implementation of the Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme).
In each instance, the adviser/assessor acts as a representative of the College
of Radiographers, most commonly by commenting on documentation or,
when appropriate, attending an approval event.
The College of Radiographers is keen to fit into individual institutions’
arrangements for considering programmes for recognition and to work
collaboratively with institutions to achieve a successful outcome to approval
events, where appropriate
College of Radiographers, August 2006
Individual HEIs have sole discretion to invite involvement of the College of
Radiographers with their own approval events (e.g. validation, discrete
submission of a programme for endorsement within Practice Educator
Accreditation Scheme etc).
If appropriate to involve the College of Radiographers in an approval event,
the College of Radiographers expects that:
It is notified in good time, by the HEI, of the date and location of the
approval event and/or a deadline for submitting comments, so that
appropriate arrangements can be made for representation if required.
The HEI sends the Approval and Accreditation Department, College of
Radiographers 3 sets of the necessary documentation sufficiently in
advance of the event/deadline to allow full consideration of its contents.
The received documentation includes:
full, up-to-date information on the programme being considered,
the deadline, if appropriate, for written comments,
information on the institution’s approval and credit-rating
procedures, if appropriate.
The College of Radiographers’ assessor is granted full membership of an
approval panel if a programme is to be considered in this way.
The HEI meets the adviser/assessor’s expenses
Outline of the stages in the endorsement process for HEIs seeking
endorsement of programmes leading to Practice Educator accredited
St New programme seeking endorsement
Existing programme seeking retrospective
endorsement for inclusion in Practice
Educator Accreditation Scheme
HEI/team identifies the rationale for a new
course development for which it seeks
HEI/team identifies the rationale to seek
retrospective endorsement of a current
HEI/team advises the College of
HEI/team advises College of Radiographers’
Radiographers’ Approval and Accreditation Approval and Accreditation Department that it
Department that it is seeking endorsement. wishes to seek retrospective endorsement.
The College of Radiographers will consider
existing formally assessed programmes for
Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme
providing the learning outcomes are clearly
mapped against the Practice Educator
Accreditation Scheme learning outcomes.
College of Radiographers, August 2006
If the HEI is seeking an advisor for
development of a programme or holding an
event The College of Radiographers will
identify an adviser/ assessor from its
register of members appointed to act as a
representative and notifies the HEI/team of
the assessors contact details.
HEI provides 3 sets of programme
HEI provides 3 sets of programme
documentation and completed proforma
documentation and completed proforma
(attachment 1) to the College of
(attachment 1) to the College of Radiographers’
Radiographers’ Approvals and Accreditation Approvals and Accreditation Department
Adviser/assessors participate in phased
Advisors reviews documentation
process of commenting on documentation Using the proforma for assessors
(and/or HEI approval event, if appropriate.) (attachment 2)
If applicable, HEI/team submits report of
approval event to the College of
Radiographers’ Approval and Accreditation
Assessor fills out endorsement proforma,
Assessor fills out endorsement proforma,
(attachment 2) and seeks any additional
(attachment 2) and seeks any additional required
required information from HEI’s key contact. information from HEI’s key contact.
Assessor completes endorsement proforma, Assessor completes endorsement proforma,
making recommendation whether or not
making recommendation whether or not
endorsement should be granted.
endorsement should be granted.
HEI/team sends definitive programme
documentation to the College of
Radiographers’ Approval and Accreditation
Department (this may be before or after
submission of recommendation to the
Approval and Accreditation Board)
Assessor submits completed proforma to
inform endorsement recommendation
College of Radiographers sends HEI/team
written confirmation re. endorsement
HEI maintains database of successful
participants and provides College of
Radiographers with details for Practice
Educator Accreditation Scheme register
HEI/team sends definitive programme
documentation to the College of
Radiographers’ Approval and Accreditation
Department, (this may be before or after
submission of recommendation to the
Approval and Accreditation Board))
Assessor submits completed proforma to
inform endorsement recommendation
College of Radiographers sends HEI/team
written confirmation of endorsement
HEI maintains database of successful
participants and provides College of
Radiographers with details for Practice
Educator Accreditation Scheme register
Level of study for programmes eligible for inclusion in the Practice
Educator Accreditation Scheme
The Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme recognises the professional
status of Practice Educators. The College of Radiographers expects all
programmes leading to accredited status to equate with honours degree level
learning or above, to ensure that the work is at least commensurate with that
College of Radiographers, August 2006
of new graduates. It is the expectation of the College of radiographer that
programmes should attract academic credit.
Each HEI is at liberty to set a programme at a higher academic level and is
responsible for assessing and awarding credit at the level it sets.
Where a programme carries a credit-rating, the College of Radiographers
expects the principles of credit-rating to be implemented in ways that are in
keeping with accepted standard practice, both in terms of the level of credit
and the number of credit points awarded to a programme.
Practice-based learning within the programmes
Participants in Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme programmes are
required to fulfil the role of Practice Educator in order to have sufficient
relevant experience to draw on. However, the Practice Educator Accreditation
Scheme does not specify the setting, model and number of placements for
which a participant should have had responsibility as a Practice Educator.
What needs to be explained is how the requirements of the programme
ensure that participants’ learning:
Demonstrably fulfils the Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme
learning outcomes 
Is captured for assessment 
Is evidenced. 
The College of Radiographers expects documentation on Practice Educator
role development programmes presented for endorsement for eligibility for the
Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme to include information on the factors
listed below, and on the proformas for HEI and assessors use (Attachment 1,
design and
a. full impression of the programme, its philosophy, rationale and
structure, including HEI and work-based delivery elements.
b. rationale for developing the programme for the HEI’s clinical
education community.
c. Mode(s) of delivery.
d. Participant effort hours and tutor-directed (contact) hours.
College of Radiographers, August 2006
e. that the programme is in harmony with the aims and principles
of the Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme.
f. explicit aims and achievable learning outcomes, which must be
clearly mapped against the Practice Educator Accreditation
Scheme learning outcomes.
g. the learning outcomes for the programme may exceed the
Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme learning outcomes but
should not exclude any.
 if the wording of the programme learning outcomes
differs from the Practice Educator Accreditation
Scheme learning outcomes it should be clearly evident
that both sets of outcomes are comparable.
 how the programme enables participants to
demonstrate their fulfilment of the learning outcomes of
the Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme.
 that the aims and learning outcomes appear
commensurate with the intended academic level of the
h. that the credit rating and/or awards attached to the programme
are stated and commensurate with the academic level,
i. that the learning and teaching methods are stated.
j. that the structure of the programme is clear.
k. that the resource implications and demands of the programme
are identified
l. Indicative content
Assessment (
m. that the assessment criteria and procedures are explicit and
mapped against the Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme
learning outcomes and these are explained, including criteria
against which participants’ performances will be judged, the
relative weighting of different procedures, the requirements for
participants to achieve a recommendation for accreditation and
procedures surrounding resubmission.
n. that where a programme has additional academic recognition
awarded by the HEI, the assessment procedure will need to
ensure the appropriate level is achieved.
o. that the process and arrangements for renewing accredited
status at the end of the 5-year period are being developed.
p. that those involved in delivering the programme are supported
in developing an evidence based understanding of the
educational philosophy and demands of the programme.
q. details of any research and development initiatives/staff activity
relating to the development and delivery of the programme in
College of Radiographers, August 2006
Evaluation and
r. evidence that participants will have access to appropriate
learning resources relating to delivery of the Practice Educator
role development programme, (e.g. access to HEI library
resources, information services, support for producing a learning
s. evidence of appropriate participant support services.
t. that HEIs ensure prospective participants are aware that the
Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme is open to anyone who
supervises and assesses learners in the clinical imaging and
oncology workforce.
u. details of admissions criteria, including how prospective
participants are guided on choosing the appropriate route to
Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme, the suitability of the
programme for them - e.g. taking account of individuals’
experience as a Practice Educator; whether the programme is
designed for a multi- or uni-professional target group.
v. information for prospective participants on the HEI’s schedule
of delivery, including the strategies in place for recruiting,
preparing and developing members of their practice education
community, along with evidence of how the endorsed Practice
Educator programme route fits within the HEIs wider provision.
w. a timetable of future programme availability, along with details
of the application process and the selection criteria to assist
prospective participants with their professional development
planning. Whenever possible this should include information and
advice on making informed choices between opportunities
offered by collaborating and/or local HEIs.
x. Adherence to processes for:
quality assurance
participant evaluation
employer evaluation
staff evaluation
y. Evaluation of how delivery of the programme contributes to the
enhancement of the education of the clinical imaging and /or
oncology workforce and the development of partnerships with
placement providers.
Status of assessment
Any applicants who are referred on academic assessment may continue to
work on their application for accredited status and follow the HEI
resubmission procedures or use their experience to inform their application by
the Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme experiential route.
Whilst the assessment procedure is programme-specific, HEIs may wish to
include the development of a work-based learning profile in their taught
programme. An active profile will provide a baseline tool by which Practice
Educators will be able to demonstrate, via the experiential route, how they
have maintained their professional status as Practice Educators, for the
purpose of re-registration after 5-years.
College of Radiographers, August 2006
Recognition of professional status as an accredited Practice Educator
Upon completion of an endorsed programme eligible for the Practice
Educator Accreditation Scheme HEIs will be responsible for providing the
College of Radiographers with a list of successful participants with their
Society of Radiographers membership number, if applicable.
Accreditation is free to all members of the Society of Radiographers and
individuals not eligible for membership undertaking the role of Practice
Educator for a College of Radiographers approved education provider. For
others there will be a charge.
Non-members will be required to fill in an application form for admission to the
register giving their background details
These participants will be entered on the College of Radiographers register of
Practice Educators with accredited status (Practice Educator Accreditation
Scheme register). Each will receive confirmation of this and a Practice
Educator Accreditation Scheme certificate from the Society.
In the event of a programme receiving retrospective endorsement for
inclusion in the Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme, the HEI should
submit the programme pass list to the College of Radiographers. The names
of the current members will be entered on the Practice Educator Accreditation
Scheme register and each will receive confirmation of this and a Practice
Educator Accreditation Scheme certificate from the College of Radiographers.
Should a Practice Educator with accredited status become aware that s/he is
failing to meet any Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme learning outcome
during their five-year registration period; s/he is advised to seek an
opportunity to discuss the situation with the supporting/assessing HEI.
Renewal of Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme registration
The College of Radiographers will register Practice Educators as accredited
for a 5-year period. At the end of this time it will be the responsibility of the
Practice Educator successfully to demonstrate that s/he has continued to
meet the Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme learning outcomes and
maintained her/his professional achievements as a Practice Educator. A
maintained profile provides an appropriate tool for this purpose.
HEIs are advised to maintain their register of accredited Practice Educators
and operate a system by which to remind registrants in reasonable time to
prepare to renew their Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme registration.
Ongoing monitoring of endorsed programmes
The College of Radiographers endorses programmes in association with an
HEI’s quality assurance mechanisms. When a programme is due for HEI
review or re-approval, the College of radiographers needs to be involved,
College of Radiographers, August 2006
either by attendance at an event or through commenting on documentation, in
order for the programme to retain endorsement.
Attachment 1 - proforma for HEI
Attachment 2 - proforma for assessor
The Society and College of Radiographers is grateful to
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy for permission to adapt and
reproduce the Accreditation of Clinical Educators (ACE) Scheme
Copy © The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy 2005
It is also grateful to The College of Occupational Therapists for allowing the
adaptation of elements of the Accreditation of Practice Placement Educators
Scheme (APPLE)
College of Radiographers, August 2006
Attachment 1
New programme seeking endorsement
Existing programme seeking retrospective endorsement
me Key contact details
Email address:
Phone no.:
Title of
Date programme
approved by HEI
Date endorsement
sought from
If credit rated, no. of
Academic level
(please identify)
Any related
programmes offered
at different levels
rationale, philosophy
and evidence
ive Participant effort
ry hours
Tutor directed hours
Is the cohort for this
programme? (please
If multi-professional,
College of Radiographers, August 2006
Attachment 1
Mode(s) of delivery
Cu Programme aims
Programme learning Please attach a copy of the programme learning outcomes mapped
against the Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme learning outcomes
Learning and
teaching methods:
Indicative content:
As Mode(s) of
se assessment:
Please attach a copy of the programme assessment criteria mapped
against programme and Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme learning
Pa Participant support
ort Learning resources
required and
available resources
College of Radiographers, August 2006
Attachment 1
Support for staff
group delivering
Ad Pre-requisites for
mi entry
Evaluation and
Please ensure
1. Programme learning outcomes mapped against Practice
copies are attached
Educator Accreditation Scheme learning outcomes
1. Programme assessment criteria mapped against programme
and Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme learning
1. Outline programme timetable
1. HEI’s development plan for practice education community,
including evidence of preliminary planning for re-registration at
5 years
College of Radiographers, August 2006
Attachment 2
(Please complete in conjunction with HEI Guidance)
New programme seeking endorsement
Existing programme seeking retrospective endorsement
Key contact details: name:
Email address:
Phone no.:
Title of programme/module:
Name of Assessor:
Date of programme approval by HEI
Academic level: (please identify)
If appropriate:
Date of endorsement:
If credit rated, no. of credits
Any other related programmes at a different level(s)
Feature of programme
Assessor’s comments
Programme rationale,
philosophy & evidence
underpinning rationale
Participant effort hours
Tutor directed hours
Cohort profile (uni- /multidisciplinary
If multi- details of which?
College of Radiographers, August 2006
Attachment 2
Mode(s) of delivery
Programme aims
Programme learning objectives
mapped against Practice
Educator Accreditation Scheme
learning outcomes
Learning and teaching methods
Indicative content
Mode(s) of assessment
Assessment criteria mapped
against programme and
Practice Educator Accreditation
Scheme learning outcomes
Participant support
Learning resources required
and available resources
Support for staff group
delivering programme
Pre-requisites for entry
Evaluation & monitoring
Attached copy of:
1. programme learning outcomes mapped against Practice Educator
Accreditation Scheme learning outcomes
2. outline of programme assessment criteria mapped against programme and
Practice Educator Accreditation Scheme learning outcomes
College of Radiographers, August 2006
Attachment 2
3. outline programme timetable
HEI’s development plan for clinical education community, including evidence
of preliminary planning for re-registration at 5 years
Please complete either A or B:
A. Recommended to Approval and Accreditation Board as programme leading to Practice
Educator accredited status
Signature of assessor: ................................................................
Date: ............................
B. The following further information is required before the scrutiny is completed:
Please use this section to log any requests for further information, or other contact with HEI
and the response given.
Request log
Response log
Recommendation of Assessor to Approval and Accreditation Board
Signature of assessor: ................................................................
Date: ............................
Approval and Accreditation Board approval granted
Date: .............................................
Five year period of approval
From: .............................................................. To: ...............................................
Notification of approval to HEI
(attach copy of letter)
Date: ................................................................
College of Radiographers, August 2006
Attachment 2
College of Radiographers, August 2006