here - Friends at the End

Single Membership
Joint Membership (two people at the same address)
£15 per annum
£20 per annum
The membership year runs from 1st November to 31st October and the first amount is due immediately.
For those joining between 1st June and 31st October, the next amount will be deducted on 1st November
of the following year.
Additional amounts would be welcomed and will be treated as donations.
Please use BLOCK CAPITALS and complete all sections except the shaded area
Name(s) of Member(s)/
Account holder(s):
Post Code:
Name of your Bank or Building Society:
Address of Bank or Building Society:
Post Code:
Bank Sort Code
Account Number:
^ three pairs of digits, e.g. 12-34-56
^ eight digits
To payee’s bank: - Standing Order set-up:
Please pay the sum of £
(In words)
Member: Please insert the sum you wish processed in the Standing Order
This shaded area to be completed by Friends at the End
Please make payment(s) - first: immediately/ASAP,
- then second: annually from 1st November 20 __ __
& 1st Nov thereafter until further notice to:
Quoting reference:
Friends at the End, Bank of Scotland, 174 Byres Road, Glasgow G12 8SW
Sort Code: 80-07-52
Account Number: 00109639
Member: please use a signature(s) registered with your Bank for your a/c otherwise there may be delays in processing.
Please do not send any payment with this completed form.
Please return completed SO to the Membership Secretary [address below] who will add the Reference,
record your Standing Order, and forward it to your Bank or Building Society. Please send to Douglas Hall, 6 Learmonth Park, EDINBURGH, EH4 1BZ : 0131 629 0350
Revised Feb 2014