Ms. Madrid Spanish 1 LESSON PLAN August 7-8 2014 Introduction to Spanish :Preliminary Chapter ¡HOLA! Vocabulary PRE list lunes 10 martes 11 miércoles 12 jueves 13 viernes 14 Standards for all days 1.1 Engage conversation 1.2 Understand language 1.3 Present Info. 2.1Practices/perspectives 4.1 Compare languages OBJECTIVES: for 9 days OBJECTIVES: Check understanding of Introductions by sharing yesterday’s work and speaking to a partner OBJECTIVES: TSW: Demonstrate understanding of yesterday’s lesson by sharing their work and practicing with a partner OBJECTIVES: TSW: Practice the verb SER to talk about origin. OBJECTIVES: To become familiar with the Spanish alphabet and the phonetically correct way to pronounce the letters as we sound out basic words. Compare and contrast with English alphabet and letter/vowel sounds In this lesson, TSW learn: 1. To greet people and say goodbye 2. Introductions 3. The Spanish alphabet and letter/vowel sounds 4. To say where someone is from 5. Numbers from 0-10 and how to ask for and exchange phone #’s 6. The days of the week 7. Weather statements 8. Classroom commands Names and location of Spanish speaking countries TSWBAT carry on simple conversation & recall vocab. - produce logical sequences and responses TODAY’s objectives: Learn and practice vocab. for greetings and goodbyes Learn about common Latin-American names for boys/girls Introduce personal pronouns for 1st,2nd and 3rd persons Introduce the verb Present and practice greetings and making introductions - Practice asking someone’s name, giving your name, asking about someone else’s name and introduce friends -Distinguish between familiar/formal introductions GRAMMAR: Pronouns, the verb LLAMAR, and reflexive pronouns(graphic organizer) -Learn and practice saying where they/someone is from by using the verb SER Identify and label countries on the map of Latin America/Europe Learn the names of countries in Spanish Speaking world and their capital cities. “ESTAR” Learn to distinguish between formal/familiar greetings by using ESTAR with “Tú & Usted” Activities: 1. SUPPLY CHECK 2. In FOLDER- Spanish alphabet handout Explain and practice the sounds of the alphabet Complete El Abecedario Handout pgs 7-8 and correct as class - Practice with partner spelling out loud vocabulary words with & without using alphabet notes TSWBAT -recall phrases for greetings and goodbyes - Compose conversation skit practicing these phrases - Understand the difference between formal/familiar greetings TSWBAT distinguish between formal/familiar introduction, be able to correctly use reflexive pronouns, conjugate TSWBAT engage in conversations and translate correct phrases to express greetings and introductions Activities: - Finish going over Alphabet practice from yesterday Vocabulary List PRE and Grammar Handout Pre 1 –( in folder) Play Hola ¿qué tal? Video (TBK pgs. 2-3) Engage students in small greeting/goodbye conversations to mimic what they saw/heard share names on pgs. 4-5 in TBK Complete: (Translate section 1 on every page) -Back to school resources handouts pgs. 1-3 Work as class. Activities: - Practice conversation skits from yesterday’s lesson with a partner and share Act 2 pg.3 – Check for completion Activities: Check for completionyesterday’s work Ask students to share Act.2 pg 6 with class. -Vocabulary/grammar presentation for making introductions (Tbk. Pgs. 6-7) -Back to school resources handouts pgs. 4-6 . Translate all section 1’s. Ask students to share responses as they work. Correct as class. Finish for HW if not done in class GRADED/timed PRACTICE- greetings and introductions Grammar Handout Pre 2- The verb SER to talk about where you are from-(in FOLDER) Explain conjugation Tchart and how endings match the pronouns in boxes Engage students in small conversations so they can Activities: Pre-2 MAP handoutLabel countries on maps using the table on 2nd page. Back to school Resources handouts pgs. 10-12- HW if not completed in class Vocabulary QUIZTuesday Aug. 18th all terms on PRE list Finish for HW Act 2 pg 3 if not done in class state where they are from Practice conjugations on Grammar tutor pgs 5-6 as guided/individual practice