The Review of Waste Stream Management Using Composting within the Irish Agri-Business Sector Environmental Science & Technology, Year 4 SUBMITTED TO: Dr. M.A.Broaders PRESENTED BY: Diarmuid Neilan John Durcan Michael Fielding Table of Contents 1.0 Page Number Introduction 3 1.1 What is Composting? 3 1.2 Characteristics and benefits 4 1.3 Composting Technology 5 1.4 Composting Processes & Practices 9 1.5 Composting standards & Legislation 15 1.6 Composting in Ireland in Relation to the Rest of Europe 17 2.0 Microbiological Composting Processes 2.1 The Three Stages of Composting 2.2 Functions of Micro-organisms 2.3 Optimum Conditions 2.4 The Biochemistry of Composting 18 18 20 22 28 3.0 Composting in the Agri-Business Sector 3.1 Organic Waste Streams in the Irish Agri-Business Sector 3.2 Manure as a Composted Material 3.3 Mushroom Composting/Spent Mushroom Composting 3.4 Pesticides & Composting 3.5 Manure-A Compostable Product in Ireland? 29 29 38 42 45 51 4.0 Case Studies 4.1 Cork Waste Shredder Scheme 4.2 International Case Study 53 53 54 5.0 Health Hazards & Mitigation Measures 5.1 Bioaerosols/Dust 5.2 Odour 5.3 Pathogens 58 58 60 62 6.0 Discussion and conclusion 66 7.0 Calculations of the Adjustments Required to Find the Optimum C:N Ratios for Both Cattle Manure and Spent Mushroom Compost 67 8.0 References 69 9.0 Appendices 73-84 2 1.0 Introduction 1.1 What is Composting? USEPA (1994) describes composting as a natural process that begins with the first plants on earth and has been going on ever since. As vegetation falls to the ground, it slowly decays, providing minerals and nutrients needed for plants, animals and microorganisms. Composting is often used synonymously with biological decomposition. However composting generally refers to the controlled decomposition of organic (or carbon-containing) matter by micro-organisms (mainly bacteria and fungi) into stable humus material that is dark brown or black and has an earthly smell. Satriana (1974) states composting is distinguished from digestion or fermentation in that the decomposing material is primarily discrete solids with open pore spaces rather then solids in a liquid or semi-liquid environment. Composting processes vary from anaerobic to aerobic and from mesophilic to thermophilic decomposition. However, aerobic thermophilic composting is generally believed to provide the most rapid, and complete decomposition of the readily oxidizable matter. Forester and Wase ((1987) states during the process degradable organic substances undergo chemical and physical transformations to give a stable humidified stable end product. The product is of value in agriculture both as an organic fertilizer and as a soil improver. Brady and Weil (2002) describe the composting process as the practice of creating humus like organic materials outside of the soil by mixing, piling or otherwise storing organic materials under conditions conducive to aerobic decomposition and nutrient conservation. The aerobic decomposition in a compost pile can conserve nutrients, while avoiding certain problems such as noxious odours and the presence of either excessive or deficient quantities of nitrogen, which can occur if fresh organic wastes are applied directly to soils. USEPA (1994) states composting programmes can be designed to handle yard trimmings (e.g., leaves, grass clippings, tree trimmings) or the compostable portion of a mixed solid waste stream (e.g., yard trimmings, food scraps, scrap paper products and other decomposable organics). These materials are the feedstock for the composting process. 3 Composting Unit Operational Model Source: 1.2 Characteristics and Benefits of Composting Brady and Weil (2002) outline seven distinct advantages of composting: Safe storage: Composting provides a means of safely storing organic materials worth a minimum of odour release until it is convenient to release until it is convenient to apply them to soils. Easier handling: As a result of CO2 losses and settling, the volume of composted organic materials decreases by about 30 to 50% during the composting process. The smaller volume and greater uniformity of the resulting material may greatly ease and the eventual use of the organic matter as a soil amendment or potting medium. Nitrogen competition avoidance: For residues with a high initial C/N ratio, proper composting ensures that any nitrate depression period will occur in the compost pile, not in the soil thereby avoiding induced plant nitrogen deficiency. Nitrogen stabilization: When applied to the soil the composted materials generally decompose and mineralize much more slowly then un-composted organic materials. Composting low C/N ratio materials (such as livestock manure and sewage sludge) with high C/N ratios materials (such as sawdust, wood chips, senescent tree leaves, or municipal solid waste), provides sufficient carbon for microbes to immobilize the excessive nitrogen and minimize any nitrate leaching hazard from low C/N materials. It also provides sufficient nitrogen to speed the decomposition of the high C/N materials. 4 Partial sterilization: High temperature during the thermophilic stage in well managed compost piles ills most of weed seeds and pathogenic organisms in a matter of a few days. Under less ideal conditions, temperatures in parts of the pile may not exceed 40 to 50 oC, so weeks or months are required to achieve the same results. Detoxification: Most toxic compounds that may be in organic wastes (pesticides, natural phototoxic chemicals, etc) are destroyed by the time the compost is considered mature and ready for use. Composting is therefore often used as a method of biological treatment of polluted soils and wastes. Disease suppression: some composts can affectivity suppress soil borne plant diseases by encouraging microbial antagonisms. The U.S EPA states compost is a valuable soil amendment. Some of the improvements in soil properties that can result from using compost are: Improved soil porosity Improved water retention Improved soil filtration Improved resistance to erosion Enhanced storage and release of nutrients Decreased soil crusting Improved soil tilth Plant disease suppression Due mainly to its organic matter and humus content, compost helps to reduce erosion and improve plant growth, which can substantially reduce nutrient transport in runoff to surface waters. Therefore, the addition of compost to soil not only reduces erosion and recycles nutrients, but also provides important water quality benefits. 1.3 Composting Technology (Processes and practices) Tchobanoglous and Kreith (2002) state the rationale underlying compost system design is twofold: (1) provide optimum conditions for composting in an environmentally and economically acceptable manner: and (2) determine the type and size of the compost system and other aspects of the technology by the type, volume, nature of waste, and the size of the available buffer zone. The U.S EPA (1994) defines composting into three stages (pre-processing, processing and post-processing). The technologies and methods used at each stage will depend on a number of factors. These can range from simple low-technology systems that require minimal attention and maintenance to complex systems that use sophisticated machinery and require daily monitoring and adjustment. The design and complexity of a composting programme is determined by the volume, composition and size distribution of the feedstock; the availability of equipment and the capital and the operating funds; and the end use specification of the product 5 Process Parameters The breakdown of organic wastes during the composting process is a dynamic and complex ecological process in which temperature and food availability is constantly changing. The subsequent composting process involving microbiological processes will be dealt with in section 2.0. But the rate of progress towards a mature end product is dependent on several interrelated process parameters. Forester and Wase (1987). These include the following: Nutrient supply, Particle size, Moisture level, Structural strength, Aeration, pH and size of heap. Therefore, the choice of technology used at all stages of the composting process must also consider these process parameters in order to have a successful composting process. Composting processing Methods Pre-processing processes U.S.EPA (1994) states pre-composting has a significant impact on the quality of the finished compost product and the speed at which composting can be conducted. In general the more effective the pre-processing stage, the higher the quality of the compost and the greater the efficiency of processing. Pr-composting process can be divided into the following: 1/sorting and removing materials that are difficult to compost 2/reducing particle size of the feedstock materials 3/treating feedstock to optimize composting conditions –mixing (bulking agents – adequate porosity etc.) 1/ Sorting The USEPA (1994) describes the level of effort required to sort and remove unwanted material from the composting feedstock depends on several factors. Including the source of the feedstock, the end use of the product, and the operations and technology involved. The more diverse the feedstock material, the more sorting and removal will be required. 2/Reducing particle size and feedstock material. Skitt.J, (1972), discusses the importance of having an initial small particle size to aid rapid decomposition by providing greater surface area for microbial attack. It also reduces the depth of oxygen diffusion and microbial advance within the particle, aids the homogenizing of an initially heterogeneous material and improves insulation. On the other hand, too fine a particle size will involve very small inter-particle voids. These will impede the diffusion of 02 and CO2 from the sites being attacked, especially during the thermophilic stage of composting when oxygen consumption is the highest. This consideration is particularly important in heaps and windrows relying on natural aeration, rather then on forced air supply. Forester and Wase (1987) state a compromise of particle size is therefore necessary. For mechanical plants with agitation and forced aeration the particle size may be as low as 12.5 mm after shredding. For the naturally aerated static heaps and windrows a 6 particle size of approximately 50 mm is appropriate. In some publications the minimum particle size is quoted as being as low as 3.5mmm for forced aeration systems to 25mm for windrows. Other factors such as agitation are important also here. 3/treating feedstock to optimize composting conditions –mixing Skitt (2002) states it is reasonable to assume that the composting process can be speeded up by the judicious use of agitation. Movement of the material aids, especially in heaps and windrows, introducing a fresh air supply into the middle of large masses where diffusion alone has been insufficient to maintain high O2 and low CO2 levels. Agitation aids homogeneity of the composting mass, aiding an even spread of organic material and nutrients. It will also cause particles to rub together leading to abrasion, size reduction and exposure of the unattacked material. Also it assists the uniformity of temperature, prevents overheating in the centre of large masses, and cooling at the exposed surfaces. USEPA (1994) state the mixing process is often required to achieve optimum composting conditions. Mixing entails blending certain ingredients with feedstock materials together. For example bulking agents are often added to feedstock materials that have fine particle size. Bulking agents have the structural integrity to maintain adequate porosity and help to maintain aerobic conditions in the compost pile. Forester and Wase (1987) also describe the process of ‘bulking’ which is normally necessary to ensure an open matrix for air diffusion when composting finely divided organic solids such as sewage sludge animal manure slurries. Wood chip have been favoured as the bulking agent in aerated pile systems for sewage sludge. Processing Technologies The criteria for composting systems can be divided into two types as outlined by Polprassert (1996) who describes both on-site and off-site systems. On-site refers to composting organic waste in the place of generation. i.e., farm yard composting. Offsite systems involves collection and transportation of organic waste to be composted at central plants; the composting process is either controlled manually or mechanically. Off-site composting usually refers to composting of large qualities of organic wastes and requires large scale industrialized processes. Therefore composting systems can be divided into in two main categories (1) Windrows and (2) In-vessel. Reflecting their mechanism of aeration, Windrows may the turned type, forced aeration (static pile) type, or a combination of turned and forced aeration. Reactors in in-vessel systems have one of the following configurations: horizontal drum, which is rotated slowly and which may be compartmentalized; vertical silo; and open tank equipped with a stirring or an agitation device. All designs of in-vessel systems have provisions for forced aeration. Tchobanoglous and Kreith (2002) 7 Figure 1 Simple flow diagram of processing methods Source: U.S EPA 530/ R-94-003 Sorting Process selection Passive piles Aerated static piles Turned windrow Suction system Positive Pressure System In-vessel Systems Rotating Drum Tank system Curing/Storage Aeration mechanisms The provision of satisfactory aeration is an essential feature of almost all existing compost systems. Tchobanoglous and Kreith (2002) describe the aeration mechanisms involved in providing atmospheric oxygen fall into three broad groups, namely, agitation, forced aeration, and turning. A particular system may incorporate one or a combination of mechanisms. Agitation is accomplished by tumbling, stirring, and/or the act of mixing, the composting mass. In forced aeration, air is either pushed or pulled through the composting mass. Most in-vessel systems rely on a combination of the three mechanisms. In windrow composting, milling and stacking the raw waste accomplishes the initial aeration. Forester and Wase (1987) state where the technology of forced aeration is applied moisture loss can be excessive and it may be necessary to supply additional water to the composting mass. Also, in natural aeration composting systems the lower central regions of the composting mass becomes anaerobic because the rate of diffusion of oxygen into the mass is too low for metabolic requirements. In such cases turning the pile by hand or by machine allows air to reach these deficient regions. 8 1.4 Composting (Processes & Practices) Processing Methods Windrow systems Polprasert (1996) states this process involves periodic turning of the compost piles, manually about once a week or mechanically about once a day. The purpose of pile turning is to provide aeration and mix the composting materials. Construction Tchobanoglous and Kreith (2002) describes a windrow is constructed by stacking the prepared feedstock in the form of elongated pile. The procedure of packing the material is influenced by the volume and nature of the feedstock, the design and capacity of the available materials handling equipment, and the physical layout of the windrow pad. Windrow dimensions (height and width) Forming windrows of the appropriate size helps maintain the appropriate temperature and oxygen levels. Polprasert (1996) outlines the approximate size of the pile to be 13× 3 × 1.5 metres (length by width by height) but other size may also be employed. Tchobanoglous and Kreith (2002) offers a more elaborate approach to determining windrow dimensions describing three key factors that enter into the determination of windrow dimensions include (1) aeration equipment, (2) efficient utilization of land area, and (3) the structural strength and size of the feedstock particles. Structural strength, in turn, is a key factor in the maintenance of the interstitial integrity needed to ensure a sufficient oxygen supply. Other factors outlined by the U.S EPA (1995) include type of feedstock, season, the region in which the composting operation is being conducted and the tendency of the materials to compact. Windrow Geometry Tchobanoglous and Kreith (2002) outlines that windrow geometry should be geared towards climatic conditions and efficient use of pad area. In regions in which rains are frequent or heavy and the windrows are not sheltered the cross sectional configuration should be conical in order to shed water. The USEPA states windrows with concave crests are appropriate during dry periods when the moisture content when the moisture content of the composting material is low to allow precipitation to be trapped more easily. 9 Figure 2 Diagram of windrow The amount of moisture content in the windrow is a crucial factor for a healthy microbial composition. The shape of the windrow is therefore influenced by climatic conditions. In areas of high precipitation the windrow should have a peak shape to help water run-off. The absorption of too much moisture at this stage can have adverse effects on the composting process. Turning equipment used The turning equipment used will determine the size, shape and space between the windrows. Figure 3 Method of turning a windrow Likely Environmental problems The US EPA states Leachate can be a problem in the windrow composting process. However, problems can be minimized by constructing windrows on firm surfaces surrounded by vegetative filters or trenches to collect the run off. Run off controls are also helpful. The problems with odour will be dealt with in section 5 health hazards and mitigation 10 Pollution of surface waters (lakes, streams) is the other major concern with leachate. While leachate from leaf composting is generally not toxic, it may deplete the dissolved oxygen in the water, possibly even to the point where fish kills could occur. Because of its dark color, it might also lead to a discoloration of the water. In order to prevent this potential pollution, leachate should not be allowed to enter surface waters without prior treatment. Forced-air aeration composting Aerated static Piles In order to increase the rate of decomposition and reduce and remove the need for turning Forester and Wase (1987) states some windrow processes force-aerate the heaps from air channels or pipes beneath the windrows. Polprasert (1996) discusses forced-air aeration composting as an efficient composting method which ensures temperatures in the upper thermophilic range and provides an effective inactivation of pathogens. Tchobanoglous and Kreith (2002) states this could actually be an effective means of aeration as a prime savings would be in the elimination of expensive turning equipment used in windrow composting. Although in practice this savings may not actually materialize because some turning is inevitably necessary for the satisfactory remedying of localized problem zones, for ensuring the uniformity of decomposition, and for adequate destruction of pathogens. Figure 4 Diagram of an Aerated static pile Source: U.S.EPA (1996) 11 Construction US EPA (1994) outlines that in this method piles or windrows are placed on top of a grid of perforated pipes. Fans or blowers pump or pull air through the pipes and consequently through the composting material. This maintains aeration in the composting pile and minimizes or eliminates the need for turning. Woodchips (or other porous materials) are poured over the perforation pipes at the base of the pile. The feedstock is then added on top of the woodchips. A layer of finished compost or bulking material is then layered over the feedstock, protecting the surface of the feedstock from drying, insulates it from heat loss, and protects it from drying. One innovations and advantage of the aerated static pile system as outlined by Tchobanoglous and Kreith (2002) who describes - tying airflow rate and timing with temperature control. The underlying rationale is to use windrow ventilation as a means of cooling the interior of the windrow. The temperature control approach attempts to control the optimum temperature (e.g., 130 to 140oF or 54.4 to 60oC). Because temperature directly indicates the status of the process, electronic temperature sensors, such as thermocouples or thermisters, provide a means to control airflow as well as monitor the temperature. Environmental problems In the suction method being drawn through the composting material condensate drawn from the pile also needs to be removed before the air reaches the blower. It is important to use an additional system to contain the exhaust gases being drawn from the pile. Therefore a filter is required to filter the odour and bioaerosols. No systems indicated the use of the forced aeration system to collect the leachate . In-vessel systems In vessel systems are high technology methods in which composting is conducted within a fully enclosed system. All critically environmental conditions are mechanically controlled with this method, and with most in-vessel systems they are fully automated. Tchobanoglous and Kreith (2002) states the primary objective of the design of the invessel systems is to provide the best environmental conditions, particularly aeration, temperature, and moisture. Nearly all in-vessel systems are forced aeration in combination with stirring, tumbling or both. The four basic configurations are as follows: Vertical silos, the horizontal silos, the horizontal drum (usually rotating), and the horizontal open tank (rectangular or circular). 12 Figure 5 Flow diagram of a typical in-vessel composting system Source: U.S.EPA (2000) Representative systems Plug-flow vertical reactors Forester and Wase (1987) describe the vertical silo systems as a circular or rectangular in cross-section and may have more then one floor. The material passes through on a continuous batch principle. The air is supplied through a perforated floor. Agitation may be either by vertical screw or auger device, or by horizontal rotating arms or ploughs. Plug-flow vertical reactors is a tubular reactor that typically consists of along cylindrical pipe where the reactants are fed into one end and the products are are withdrawn from the other. Experiences with the plug-flow vertical reactor has revealed difficulty in adequately aerating the contents throughout the column. Rotating horizontal drum US EPA (1994) state the rotating drum system relies on the tumbling action to continuous mix the feedstock materials. Oxygen is forced into the drum through nozzles through exterior air pumping systems. The tumbling of the materials allows oxygen to be maintained at high and relatively even level throughout the drum. Forester and Wase (1987) states rotating drum units basically consist of a cylinder up to 4m in diameter and 40m long, inclined slightly to the horizontal, the feedstock is physically broken down by attrition and abrasion as the drum rotates continuously. Figure 6 Diagram of a rotating drum 13 Open Horizontal, Rectangle Tank This method of in-vessel composting is a combination of forced aeration and tumbling. It involves the use of a long horizontal bin. Tchobanoglous and Kreith (2002) outline that in the operation of the system; properly prepared waste is placed in the bin. Tumbling is accomplished by way of a travelling endless belt, and air is forced through the perforated plates that make up the bottom of the bin and into the composting mass in the bin. The belt is passed through the composting material periodically. The open horizontal rectangular tank is one of the most successful invessel units. This is probably related to the aeration and adequate retention time. Figure 7 Diagram of Open Horizontal Rectangular Tank Vertical mixed reactor This tank is equipped with a set of augers supported by a bridge attached to the central pivoting structure. The bridge with its set of hollow augers, is slowly rotated. The augers are turned as the arm rotates. The hollow augers are perforated and air is forced through the perforations and into the composting material. Tchobanoglous and Kreith (2002) 14 Environmental Considerations of In-vessel systems Table1 Comparisons of composting processes Source: (Sept.2002) 1.5 Composting Standards and Legislation Both Quality and Marketing have been established as being critical to the composting industry. In order for the industry to progress, the concept of common standards has to be embraced by all. Across Europe, and where they exist, standards for composting may vary significantly. In countries such as Germany and Austria, regulations exist that owe much to decades of experiences, research and advances. (Barth, 2003) In Ireland, there is no direct legislation in place to cover composting and the recent growth in the industry in this country has largely been driven indirectly by a number of directives from the European Union. Under the European directive on the landfill of waste (99/31/EC), each member state must reduce the amount of biodegradable waste sent to landfill by 25%, 50% and 65% by 2006, 2009 and 2016 respectfully. Reductions are relative to volumes recorded in 1995. Composting is generally been seen as a cost effective method of achieving these targets. 15 Under the Waste Management Act, 1996-01, and the subsequent Waste management (Licensing) Regulations 2004, facilities composting waste amounts greater than 5000 tonnes per annum must obtain a waste licence and perform quality analysis subject to the terms of licence. (Herity, 2005) In a waste licence application, compost facilities are referred to in the 4th schedule of the Waste Management Act, 1996-01 – Recovery Activities, Class 2 and 13, and in the 3rd schedule of the Waste Management Act, 1996-01 – Disposal Activities, Class 6 and 13. Compost facilities may also come under the terms of the Air Pollution Act, 1987, regarding dust and bioaerosol emissions; however it is more likely that these parameters would be referred to in a Waste licence. In those countries where standards do exist for composting, they may vary considerably across borders. This is particularly so in relation for heavy metal content and can be seen in table 1. The working document ‘Biological Treatment of Biowaste’, second draft, commonly referred to as the ‘Biowaste Directive’ aims to establish the requirement of member states to perform compost quality testing according to specific parameters and to establish separate collection schemes for Biowaste in order to reduce contamination. It sets limits for the presence of heavy metals, certain micro-organisms and also foreign matter. (Appendix1) It also divides compost into classes; Class I compost, Class II compost and stabilised Biowaste. It is intended that Class I compost be available for use without restriction, Class II compost-where it is spread on agricultural land-must not exceed 30 tonnes dry matter/hectare on a 3 year average. Stabilised biowaste must not be used where food production is concerned and is therefore likely to suitable for landfill restoration. (Herity, 2005) As of November 2005, the European Parliament has abandoned the idea of legislation specifically designed for biowaste and instead, they intend to focus solely on the setting of quality standards. 16 Table 2 European Quality Standards Country Quality of Standard Austria Belgium (Flanders) Denmark Germany Ireland Cd Cr Cu Hg Ni Pb Zn Biowaste Ordinance Class 1 A 70 150 0.7 60 120 500 Agricultural Ministry 70 90 20 120 300 - 100 0.8 0 30 120 4000 100 100 1 50 150 400 1.5 100 100 1 50 150 350 1.5 100 100 1 50 150 400 20 100 200 1.5 Agricultural Ministry 0.4 II Biowaste Ordinance Type 1.5 II Draft Luxembourg Environmental Ministry 1 Netherlands “Second Class Compost” 1 50 Spain (Catalonia) Class A (draft) 2 100 100 1 60 150 400 Sweden Quality organisation 1 100 100 1 50 100 300 United Kingdom TCA Quality Label 1.5 100 200 1 50 150 400 1.6 assurance 60 0.3 Composting in Ireland in relation to the rest of Europe The European Union prior to the 2005 enlargement can be divided into categories based on their development of organic waste activities. Figure 8 17 Austria, Belgium (Flanders), Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Italy, Spain (Catalonia), Sweden and the Netherlands fall into category I as they have fully implemented waste strategies and separately recover 80% of their organic waste most of which is composted. Denmark, United Kingdom and Norway make up Category II as these nations have established the correct political, quality and organisation framework for separate collection and composting. Finland and France fall into category III. These two nations have developed a strategy and are at the initial stages as regards separate collection and recovery of their organic waste stream. In the fourth category are countries where no organised effort has been established for the composting of source separated organic waste. These countries include Ireland, Greece, Portugal and parts of Spain. It is estimated by the Environmental Protection Agency that 85% of the waste stream in Ireland is organic and that up to 33 million tonnes of farm waste currently being disposed of on land could be treated by a combination of composting and anaerobic digestion. At present there are 27 composting facilities throughout Ireland with several more proposed, however obtaining planning permission remains a stumbling block. ( 2.0 Microbiological composting processes. When observing the actions of micro-organisms within the composting process, one may look at the life cycles and metabolisms of various individual micro-organisms, or one may look at the overall product of their cumulative actions. In the interest of simplicity this section will first describe the three commonly recognised stages of composting, giving further detail when mentioning specific functions of micro-organisms. 2.1 The three stages of composting: The Initial Stage. The Initial stage occurs in the first few weeks of the composting process. In this stage the compost heap is colonised by common genera of mesophillic bacteria. Their rapid rate of metabolism and carbohydrate utilisation begins to heat up the compost heap. Presuming the absence of any major impingement on the mesophile’s metabolism or habitat, as well as a helping hand from man (pH and C: N Ration adjustment), they will continue to feed and reproduce. The sheer numbers and rapid rate of metabolism within the compost causes the temperature to rise, which in turn creates difficulties and opportunities for various species of micro-organisms. The heat produced by the metabolism of the mesophiles will eventually cause the temperature of the compost to exceed 40°C, and become a more habitable environment for thermophillic species. 18 The Active Stage. Once the temperature has risen above 40°C the compost is now said to be in the second phase or the active stage, as the majority of the degradation processes take place by thermophillic (>40°C) bacteria. The main factor leading to the majority of degradation taking place at this stage is largely due to the fact that these bacteria produce active cellulolytic enzymes. It is important to note that all species of bacteria may be present throughout all stages, but lie dormant through the action of cyst formation or other spore formations. The active phase of composting produces heat itself, and the thermophiles which dominate here heat the compost to temperatures sufficient to kill of any potentially pathogenic micro-organisms. Pathogens generally require temperatures surrounding mammalian temperature (37°C) for survival and in an unventilated compost pile the temperature can reach in excess of 160°F, (71°C) ( However, a well maintained compost heap is not allowed to reach temperatures in excess of 65°C, as this is detrimental to the survival of many of the thermophiles and dormant mesophiles themselves. The temperature of the compost pile is managed at this stage by periodic turning of the pile. As well as keeping the temperature in check, this also incorporates oxygen into the system and increases the pore space. The active stage of the composting process breaks down a great deal of the proteins and fats present, as well as some complex carbohydrates. Due to the nature of the bacteria these energy sources will eventually become scarce, and as thermophillic bacteria become scarce themselves, the temperature of the pile will descend to temperatures below 40°C again. This is regarded as the third and final stage of the composting process. The Curing Stage. This third stage of the process is often referred to as the curing or maturation phase. It differs significantly to the other two phases as it is dominated not by unicellular bacteria, but by fungi and actinomycete degraders. The populations of these microorganisms rise as environmental conditions are invariably favourable for them in older composts. The temperature has dropped somewhat and there remains a carbon source in the form of the non-water soluble carbohydrates (Lignin, hemicellulose and humic material). It is extra-cellular degradation which gives these groups the upper hand once the readily degradable organics are depleted. 19 2.2 Functions of micro-organisms Colonisation of the compost material. Colonisation of compost material may be primarily accredited to mesophillic freeliving bacteria. These bacteria are omnipresent in municipal and agricultural wastes, and also enter the compost heap through the feedstock and exposure to the air. During the initial stage of composting these bacteria will first utilise the most readily degradable hydrocarbons, and reproduce rapidly. Many different communities of bacteria will proliferate during this stage, the diversity of which is comparable to that of topsoil, with bacillus and clostridia among the most predominant genera. There is generally no requirement for inoculation of the feedstock due to the nature and source of the material, especially in the agricultural sector. The rate at which bacteria grow in the initial stage is subject to many varying factors such as the oxygen content of the compost, the pore space within the compost, water content, carbon – nitrogen ratio and the range and volume of organics and toxins present etcetera. These conditions which vary enormously will be dealt with in section 2.3 Optimum conditions. It can be presumed, however, that the growth of bacterial populations is rapid here unless high concentrations of pesticides or toxins are present. Carbohydrate Stabilisation and Humification. The process of biodegradation is at play throughout all stages of the composting process. In the initial stage the most readily available organics are broken down by the mesophiles, and in the active stage these and even more complex organics are degraded by thermophillic micro-organisms. The final stage of curing, in which fungi and actinomycete populations predominate, can even reduce complex organics such ad celluloses and hemi-celluloses. These are broken down by extra-cellular degradation as the long chains and high molecular weights of the compounds are too large to be ingested by the bacterial species present. Bacteria are the most numerous living organisms in any compost. They can reach numbers in excess of one billion per gram and make up 80 – 90 % of the billions of micro-organisms found in a typical gram of compost. ( ). However due to their size they do not contribute as much to the overall microbial mass as fungi. The bulk of decomposition within a compost system is still carried out by bacteria due to the sheer ferocity of a thriving colony’s collective metabolism. ( The composting process of any material is relatively simple to predict. When nutrient levels (including the carbohydrate sources) and oxygen are available bacteria will be first to colonise the pile (See section 2.5 Colonisation process). All waste organics from agriculture, by their very nature, will contain large numbers of micro-organisms, 20 and the bacterial populations are by far the most predominant in utilising the soluble and readily degradable compounds ( It is for this reason that the initial stage of composting, or initial degradation, is dominated by mesophilic (0-40°C) bacteria. Principals of Biodegradation/Recalcitrance. 1. Compounds which are substituted (e.g. Chlorinated), insoluble or of a high molecular weight are more resistant to enzymatic attack and degradation. 2. Carbon-Hydrogen bonds are stable and require an energy input to be broken. 3. Many substances (e.g. Pesticides) are engineered to be stable. This is not desirable from an ecological/Environmental perspective due to their persistence. 4. Cyclic structures, Aromatic compounds, Cycloalkanes and heterocyclic compounds are more resistant to linear ones. 5. Generally the more complex a compound, the more resistant it is. (e.g. Polymers are more resistant to their large size and insolubility.) 6. Some compounds do not induce the synthesis of specific enzymes. 7. Some compounds are too large to enter the cell, and therefore are resistant to intracellular degradation. 8. Compounds which are insoluble in water are more recalcitrant. 9. Compounds with excess toxicity, or products of degradation with excess toxicity are more recalcitrant. Pathogen destruction. As mentioned in section 2.1.2, Colonisation of the compost material, a typical pile will contain whichever species the pile comes into contact with. And due to the large microbial biomass which is encouraged within the system, the risk of pathogen growth must be considered. It is fortunate that the vast majority of the risk is averted by the process and microbial populations themselves. The active phase of composting produces heat itself, and the thermophiles which dominate here heat the compost to temperatures sufficient to kill of any potentially pathogenic micro-organisms. Pathogens generally require temperatures surrounding mammalian temperature (37°C) for survival and in an unventilated compost pile, the temperature can reach in excess of 160°F, (71°C) ( However a well maintained compost heap is not allowed to reach temperatures in excess of 65°C, as this is detrimental to the survival of many of the thermophiles themselves. The temperature of the compost pile is managed at this stage by periodic turning of the pile. As well as keeping the temperature in check, this also incorporates oxygen into the system and increases the pore space. It is generally recognised that a turned windrow system must be maintained at 55°C or higher for a period of 15 days, and turned at least five times during this time for a satisfactory level of pathogen removal. (See section on pathogen removal). 21 Nutrient management. Micro-organisms within a compost system are the main biological material within that system, and therefore follow the same biological principles within another area of the biosphere. Microbes multiply rapidly during the initial and active phases and in doing so they remove nitrogen, as well as many other organic nutrients from that portion which is bio-available. This reduction in the proportion which is bio-available does restrict the growth of the microbial biomass, but it also has much greater advantages. In the preparation phase of composting, where feedstock is added, the primary considerations include the carbon-nitrogen ratio (C: N Ratio). This is due to the fact that they are the two principle elements at play during biodegradation of organic matter. If the carbon content of a pre-compost material was too high, then there would be a deficiency in the nitrogen, which would restrict microbial growth. This would eliminate the active phase of composting as there would not be sufficient heat generated. The composting process, if possible, would take many extra months/years to complete, and this would cost a direct factor in the financial viability of a commercial composting facility. If on the other hand the carbon content was not great enough, then microbial growth would exceed that which is required for stable degradation, and there would be residual nitrogenous material. Curing of the compost material. This process takes place at the end stage of the process, and is defined as the degradation of the remaining carbohydrates by actinomycete and fungal species through extra-cellular degradation. Insoluble carbohydrates such as Cellulose and hemi-cellulose are not broken down to a great extent in the earlier stages due to the availability of more readily degraded materials, and subsequent proliferation of bacteria. Once these materials become short in supply new species of micro-organisms, which now have the advantage, begin to advance. Degradation of insoluble carbohydrates is often described as one of the most important chemical reactions on earth, as if the reactions could not take place, the carbon would effectively be lost from the biosphere. 2.3 Optimum Conditions/ Factors influencing composting Micro-organisms are essential to the composting process. The environmental conditions that maximize microbial activity will maximize the rate of composting. Microbial activity is influenced by the following: Temperature, oxygen level, Nutrient level and balance, pH of the materials, C/N ratios and moisture content. Any changes in these parameters are interdependent; a change in one parameter can often result in changes in others. 22 Table 3 Desired characteristics of raw material mixes Characteristics Reasonable Range Carbon to Nitrogen 20:1 – 40:1 (C:N) Ratio Moisture Content 40-65% pH 5.5 - 9 Bulk Density Less then 1100a U.S (pounds per cubic yard) a = 40 pounds per cubic yard Source: 2000) Preferred Range 25:1 – 30:1 50 – 60% 6.5 – 8.5 (updated Temperature At any time, the temperature of a pile of organic waste reflects the balance between microbial heat generation and the loss of heat to the surroundings. Cheremisinoff (2003) states the rate of heat generation is a function of factors such as temperature, oxygen, water, nutrients, and the remaining concentration of easily biodegradable organic materials. The rate of heat loss is a function of factors such as ambient temperature, wind velocity, and pile size and shape. Temperature is a powerful determinant of the rate of decomposition. Composting will generally take place within two temperature ranges known as mesophilic (50-105oF) and thermophilic (over 105oF). Although mesophilic temperatures allow effective composting, experts suggest maintaining temperatures between 110oF and 150oF. Microbial activity can raise the temperature of the pile's core to at least 140 °F. If the temperature does not increase, anaerobic conditions (i.e., rotting) can occur. Temperature and Oxygen Heat generated by microorganisms as they decompose organic material, increases compost pile temperatures. There is a direct relation between temperature and rate of oxygen consumption. The higher the temperature the higher the oxygen uptake and the faster the rate of decomposition. Generally oxygen level of 5% by volume in a composting mix is required for aerobic conditions. However, increasing the concentrations over 15% may result in a temperature decrease because of the increased airflow. Therefore temperature monitoring in conjunction with oxygen monitoring is required. Moon (1997). Oxygen EPA (1996) states although composting can occur under both aerobic and anaerobuic conditions it occur about 20 times faster under the aerobic conditions. As stated previously anaerobic composting tends to generate more odours, as noxious gases such as hydrogen sulphides and amines are produced. The microflora involved in the composting process requires oxygen. In the absence of oxygen these will diminish 23 and anaerobic micro-organisms will replace them. This occurs when the oxygen in the compost heap falls below 5-15%. Therefore void spaces must be present within the composting material. So the oxygen requirements of the compost heap depends on a number of factors: 1/the stage of the process - it is usually required at the initial stages but isn’t required at the curing stage. 2/the type of feedstock - Dense nitrogen rich material will require more oxygen 3/the particle size of the feedstock - smaller feedstock will tend to condense reducing the void space and therefore oxygen availability. Therefore the size of shredded material in the feedstock needs to be monitored depending on the type of initial feedstock being composted. Generally forced aeration systems can compost smaller particle sizes but windrow systems would require more void space and bulking material. 4/the moisture content of the feedstock – Materials with high moisture content will generally require more oxygen. Increasing moisture content in a pile could force the air out leading to anaerobic conditions. Oxygen flow In relation to windrow composting processes turning the pile, placing the pile on a series of pipes, or including bulking agents such as wood chips and shredded newspaper all help aerate the pile. Aerating the pile increases decomposition. Care must be taken, however, not to provide too much oxygen, which can dry out the pile and impede the composting process. pH and Materials Composting may proceed over a range of pH’s without seriously limiting the process. The optimum pH for micro-organisms involved in composting lies between 6.5 and 7.5 %. Optimum conditions for bacteria are 6.5 to 7.5 and 5.5 to 8.0 for fungi. The pH of most animal manures is approximately 6.8 to 7.4. Composting itself leads to major changes in materials and their pH’s, as decomposition occurs. For example release of organic acids may temporarily lower the pH, and production of ammonia from nitrogenous compounds may raise the pH in the early stages of composting. Whatever the pH in the starting stages composting will eventually yield a stable pH usually near neutral. Rynk et al (1992). states the pH can also affect the amount of nutrients available to micro-organisms. Also if the pH drops too low certain heavy metals within the feedstock may become immobilized and therefore kill off the micro-flora. If the pH drops below 6 micro-organisms especially die-off and decomposition slows. If the pH rises above 9 nitrogen is converted to ammonia (NH3) and becomes unavailable to organisms. This also slows the decomposition process. Like temperature pH will follow a successional pattern through the composting process. The diagram below indicates the progression of pH over time in a composting pile. As illustrated most composting takes place between 5.5 and 9. 24 Figure 9 Compost temperature and pH variation with time. Source: As the diagram indicates during the start of the composting process organic acids are typically formed and the composting materials become acidic with a pH of about 5.At this point the acid tolerating fungi play a significant role in decomposition. Acidophilic micro-organisms and fungi soon break down the acids and the pH levels gradually rise to a more neutral range. The role of bacteria increases in predominance again as the pH levels rise. If the pH doesn’t rise this could be an indication that the compost is not fully matured or cured. C/N ratios The rate of carbon to nitrogen affects the rate of decomposition. The rate must be established on the basis of available carbon. An initial ratio of 30:1 carbon: nitrogen is considered ideal. To lower the carbon: nitrogen ratios, nitrogen rich materials e.g., animal manures may be added. Moisture content Water is essential for biological functions in general and composting is no exception. Adding water (when needed) at the start of the composting process is very important to ensure adequate moisture throughout the pile at the time of its function and thereafter. Composting proceeds best at a moisture content of 40-60% by weight. Moisture is necessary to support the metabolic processes of the microbes. At lower moisture levels, microbial activity is limited. At higher levels, the process is likely to become anaerobic and foul-smelling. Water displaces much of the air space within the composting material when the moisture content is above 65%. This limits the air content and leads to anaerobic conditions. Moisture content generally decreases as the composting proceeds; so moisture may need to added to the compost. (Oct.1995) 25 Moisture content and air temperature An important factor to consider when striving to maintain the correct moisture content of the pile is to measure the air temperature. Steam rises from composting material during turning. With a pile of compost, if the air comes up from the bottom of the pile, the bottom of the pile usually dries out first because low temperature air (e.g. (10 o C) enters the pile at the bottom and picks up moisture as the air warms. The warm saturated air (60 oC) rises to the surface and equilibrates with the outside air. If the outside air temperature is low, there is a zone of equilibration near the surface of the compost, where the moisture in the hot rising air is condensed onto the surface of the composting mass. If the outside air temperature is high, the air has much more capacity for holding moisture, which means that the compost pile dries out faster. This can be observed during the summer months, where compost piles often require water addition because they dry out very quickly. Other factors influencing composting Chemical composition Dramatic changes in chemical composition occur during the composting process. Most starting materials for composting are plant-derived residues and contain carbon in the form of polysaccharides (cellulose and hemicellulose), lignin, and tannin. The end-product has a low polysaccharide content, most of which is microbial cell wall and extracellular gums, with about 25 % of the initial carbon content present in the form of highly stabilized humic substances. Organic matter content ranges from 30 to 50 % of dry weight, with the remainder being minerals. The combination of high organic content and a variety of minerals makes compost an excellent adsorbent for both organic and inorganic chemicals. Toxic Substances The high temperature achieved during the composting process also accelerates the relative slow chemical reactions that occur in soils, where temperatures are 15-30oC in most temperate climates. By comparison, typical temperatures during composting are 50oC or higher. Humic materials can catalysis degradation of such compounds as atrizane and other compounds. Also since the humic content of mature compost can be as high as 30% by weight, whereas typical soils contain less then 5%, compost contains a much higher concentration of reactive chemical then is found in soils 26 Micro-organisms and the composting processes Table 4 Micro-organisms in composting Microflora Bacteria (very small plants) Very thin, enormous numbers. Many varieties spheres, rods, filaments, Some form spores, Size range 1-8um Actinomycetes They have slender branched filaments. Flourish under hot, fairly dry conditions. Filaments 0.52um Fungi, moulds, Larger organisms. Usually form filaments and yeast’s spores (pseudohyphal yeasts). Several varities. The thermophilic ones are very important. Size range 3-50um. Algae Prefer wet conditions. Size range 10-100um Viruses Extremely small. Need a host organism. Bacterium or actinomycetes, to live on. Size: head 0.1um diameter. Tail 0.2 um long Microfauna Protozoa Move around with whips or hairs. Some prey on Very small animals the bacteria. Size range 5-80 um. Macroflora Macro-fungi Or higher fungi. Grow up through the compost (larger plants) heap with fruiting body in the air above. Size of the head about 25mm diameter Macrofauna Millipedes, Millipedes mainly vegetarian. Centipedes centipedes carnivorous. Sizes: millipedes 20-40mm long,centipedes 30mmlong Mites, springtails Wide range of sizes. Some are vegetarian, others carnivorous. Size range 0.1-1-2 mm Worms Eisenia foetida, or manure worm, very important Also in the manure heap. Size ranges 30 –100mm. ants,termites,spiders, beetles Source :Forester and Wase (1987) The table above gives an indication of the micro-organisms present in a healthy composting pile. Although optimum composting conditions kill pathogenic organisms it also produces some microflora in the 1um -10um size range that may result in respiratory problems. An important factor to be considered when composting. Summary To sum up, composting is a biological process influenced by a variety of environmental factors, including the number and species of micro-organisms present, oxygen levels, and particle size of the composting material, also nutrient level, moisture content, temperature and pH. All of these factors are interrelated and must be monitored and controlled throughout the composting process to ensure a quality product. 27 The composted end product will be a stable product this means it will not undergo rapid decomposition or produce nuisance odours when applied by users. If the composting has undergone the adequate composting and curing procedures there should be no problem in achieving a stable product. In the composting process Mesophilic bacteria and fungi are dominant in the initial warming period, thermophilic bacteria (especially actinomycetes) during the high temperature phase, and mesophilic bacteria and fungi during the curing phase. The resulting compost has a high microbial diversity, with microbial populations much higher than fertile, productive soils and many times higher than in highly disturbed or contaminated soils. 2.4 The Biochemistry of Composting Aerobic composting is the decomposition of organic waste in the presence of oxygen, which produces carbon dioxide, ammonia, water and heat energy. teria CO2 + NH3+ other end products + heat energy. ORGANIC MATTER aerobicbac In the absence of oxygen the end products are methane. Carbon dioxide, ammonia, other gases and low molecular weight organic acids. acteria CO2 + H2S + NH3 +CH4 + other end products ORGANIC MATTER anaerobicb + heat energy The biochemical breakdown of organic waste is complex and depends on the nature of the waste. Its stages correspond with the microbial growth patterns observed in composting. (Polprasert, 1996) The biochemical processes described above take place during the thermophillic stage. During the mesophillic stage, secondary fermentation occurs, a slow process which ultimately leads to the formation of humus. It is also during this stage that Nitrification occurs whereby ammonia is oxidised to Nitrite by Nitrosomonas, then to Nitrate by Nitrobacter bacteria. NH4+ + 3 as O2 Nitrosomon NO2- + 2H+ + H2O 2 NO2- + 1 r NO3O2 Nitrobacte 2 During aerobic composting, oxygen has two main functions: A terminal electron acceptor in aerobic respiration. A substrate for the enzyme oxygenase. Oxygenases are capable of incorporating oxygen into molecules from alkanes, aromatic hydrocarbons and halogenated hydrocarbons. Haug (1980) described the various biochemical stages of composting. 28 Release of extracellular hydrolytic enzymes by the cell and transport of enzymes to the surface of the substrate; Hydrolysis of substrate molecules into lower molecular weight , soluble fractions; Diffusion transport of solubilised substrate molecules to the cell; Diffusion transport of substrate into the microbial cell, floc, or mycelia; Bulk transport of oxygen (usually in air) through the voids between particles; Transport of oxygen across the gas-liquid interface and the unmixed regions which lie on either side of such an interface; Diffusion transport of oxygen through the liquid region; Diffusion transport of oxygen into the microbial cell, floc, or mycelia; and Aerobic oxidation of the substrate by biochemical reaction with the organism. 3.0 Composting in the Agri-Business Sector 3.1 Organic waste stream from the Irish Agri-business Waste Generated in Ireland Waste is generated in all areas of Irish society. Information published by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the three National Database Reports (1995, 1998 and 2001) demonstrates a general trend towards increased waste generation. Household waste, commercial waste and construction and demolition waste all show clear upward trends. In line with international experience, there appears to be a correlation between waste data and economic indicators showing increased household waste generation with economic growth. Coupled with decreasing available waste disposal capacity, this presents the driving force to prevent, reuse, and recycle all waste. oranalyser/MiljoeOgEnergi/ The EPA National Waste Prevention Programme 2004 – 2008 states some of the more significant waste generating sectors include agriculture, industry, and commerce. Other areas include; the construction industry, mining, quarrying and households. 29 Figure 10 -Irish Waste Breakdown Source: Agricultural wastes generated in Ireland The EPA National Waste Prevention Programme 2004 -2008 states that the agricultural sector is the single greatest generator of waste accounting for an estimated 56.7 million tones in 2001 or 76.5 % of all waste generated. Agricultural waste can include such wastes as dairy wash waters to mushroom composting. The EPA’s National Database report (2001) states the majority of the waste arising from agriculture are all types of animal excreta (i.e., urine and faeces from cattle, sheep pigs and poultry in the form of slurry) or where it is mixed with straw farmyard manure. Typically this waste is applied to agricultural land to attenuate soil and therefore doesn’t create same waste stream as municipal waste. Principle Farm Wastes The principle organic wastes concerning farmers are as follows: Animal slurries and manures Spent mushroom compost Other Wastes Include Farm Plastics – farm films fertilizer bags, plastic drums. As well as all of the above, there are hazardous wastes such as sheep dip and vetenary medicines which arise on farms – these are under consideration by the EPA National Hazardous Waste Strategy. Animal Slurries and Manures Figures from the Environmental RTDI programme 2000-2006 show the annual organic amendment of organic manures is 40,000,0000 tonnes which requires management each year . Most of which is carried out at the farm stage through the spreading of the organic waste onto soils. However limits are placed on farmers by EU and National regulations including the revised P nutrient advice for grassland, the EPA BATNEEC Guidelines, the national Code of Good Agricultural Practice to Protect Groundwater from Pollution by Nitrates, and the National Rural Environment Protection Scheme. 30 Spent Mushroom Compost (SMC) In the National Waste Database Report 2001 the EPA states it was processing nine waste licensing applications for composting waste facilities. The majority of these were for the production of mushroom compost the raw materials of which consist of straw poultry, horse manure, gypsum, and water. Other Farm Wastes: Farm Plastics The National Waste Management Plan (2002) recognised other on-farm waste streams including farm yard plastics. Since 1997 Irish farm plastics group (IFFPG) have operated a successful scheme to recover farm plastics i.e., bale wrap etc. As with the general packaging waste scheme operated by repak, this voluntary compliance scheme is backed by regulations made under the waste management act 1993(I.S. No 315 1997) under the regulations importers, manufacturers and suppliers are required to participate in a waste collection and recovery scheme Other categories of wastes generated on farms include some of the unreported hazardous wastes for example: waste packaging (e.g., fertilizer bags, chemical; containers, etc.) waste oils and oily sludge from machinery, unused or used crop protection products, sheep dips, vetenary medicines etc. These waste streams are considered product wastes are would be dealt with separately. Hazardous waste, generated on farms include: waste packaging (E.G. fertiliser bags, chemical containers, etc), waste oils and oily sludge’s from machinery maintenance, unused or waste crop protection products, sheep dip, veterinary medicines, etc. These non organic waste streams are principally ‘product waste’. Sources of Organic Agricultural Wastes The source of agricultural organic wastes is represented in the following pie-chart. The 61.3% indicating cattle slurry should be animal manure. Figure 11 – Irish Agri-Waste Breakdown Source: EPA National Database 2001 31 Agricultural Organic Waste Production and trends (See Appendix XIII) Animal wastes The graph below indicates a substantial increase in livestock numbers between 1985 and the late 1990’s. As the generation of animal waste is based on livestock numbers, CSO (2002), this would seem to indicate a rise in the agricultural waste production over this time period. The trend indicates a levelling off or reduction of livestock numbers in the late 1990’s. Figure 12 Livestock Numbers Source: ional2001.pdf Mushroom production Mushroom production has expanded significantly over the last 20 years initially due to increased British consumption. However in the past few years consumer consumption has peaked and the demand has levelled off According to the Teagasc, mushroom production continues to increase; the number of units has declined from 576 in 1997 to 465 in 2001. The amount of compost waste generated from mushroom production is determined by compost use. So the demand will determine the production of waste. Future Trends in Agricultural Organic Waste Production As stated, the estimation of agricultural waste generation from Animals is based primarily on animal numbers and the average waste per animal. Therefore it may be possible to predict the future trends in the likely production of organic wastes production. CSO publication Crops and Livestock Survey indicates the general reduction of farm animal numbers in the period 1998-2005. The results indicate from a total approximate number of cattle 7,571,000 in 1998 to 6,888,000 in 2004.Total sheep numbers of 7,998,000 in 1998 to 6,204,000.2 in 2005. A pig reduction from 1,741,000 in 2001 to 1,645,000 in 2004. The results also indicate a reduction in 32 poultry numbers between 1999 and 2002. The results correspond with the results from the EPA’s National Waste Database Report 1998-2001 that indicated a significant change in waste generation between 1998 and 2001. In relation to agricultural waste production the report states -agricultural waste and sludge generation have decreased. Trends in Farm Animal and Poultry Numbers on Irish Farms Figure 13 – Farm Animal Numbers Cattle Sheep Pigs Farm Animal Numbers 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 9,000.00 Numbers (000') 8,000.00 7,000.00 6,000.00 5,000.00 4,000.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 Figure 14 – Farm poultry Numbers Farm Poultry Numbers Poultry 13,700.00 13,600.00 (000') 13,500.00 13,400.00 13,300.00 13,200.00 13,100.00 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Years Data Source: ional2001.pdf 33 Data for organic agricultural waste generation 1998 - 2001 As the chart above and the graph below indicate the actual production of organic waste on Irish farms has decreased inline with the reduction of livestock numbers. The chart indicates a total of 10.23 % total organic agricultural waste over the time period 1998-2001. Table 5 -Animal Organic Waste Source: National Waste Database 2001 Trends in Compost Production and Use in Ireland Taegasc states it is reasonable to assume that the weight of spent mushroom compost (SMC) is similar to weight of compost used. A census of mushroom production was carried out by Teagasc in 1997 which estimates that 272,554 tonnes of compost was used for mushroom production in 1997 Figure 15 –Compost Production Compost Production and Use Ireland 1992-2002 Produced Used 300,000 290,000 280,000 Tonnes 270,000 260,000 250,000 240,000 230,000 220,000 210,000 200,000 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 Years Year Tonnes 1994 229,596 250,369 1996 259,257 259,512 1998 265,047 280,046 Data Source: Bord Glas/Daf/DARD/Teagasc 34 2000 259,290 270,177 2002 270,462 294,742 Management of Agricultural Wastes and Good Farm Practice The EPA National Waste Prevention Programme (2004-2008) outlines how agricultural wastes are typically applied to agricultural land. In the correct proportions and when applied to suitable land its management in this way provides agronomic benefits and may be a considered activity. Nutrient management planning is required in many agricultural sectors (REPS, IPPClicensed) and its extension to all farms would ensure the improved management of agricultural organic wastes. Advice on the management of agricultural organic wastes comes with the remit of other organisations (e.g., Taegasc and the Dept. of Agriculture and Food) and programmes (e.g., IPPC licensing). Opportunities for reducing the volume of organic waste by good farmyard management practices and division of clean run-off will be explored with these advisors. oranalyser/MiljoeOgEnergi/ (Jan.2005) As stated The REPS scheme has specific guidelines developed on the appropriate procedures for using other farmyard organic wastes in the attenuation of soils. These include: Farm Yard Manure, Spent Mushroom Compost and Poultry Manure must not be spread during the winter from November 1st. Other guidelines include spreading of silage effluent to be completed by September 30th each year. Soiled Water and Dairy Washings can be land spread all the year round where conditions are suitable and pollution risks minimal. Land spreading must be deferred where soils are saturated. Under Good Farming Practice, farmers outside REPS are encouraged through various schemes (i.e., Disadvantaged Area Compensatory Allowance, Installation Aid, OnFarm Investment) not spread slurry, dungstead manure or chemical nitrogen the winter months Management of Agricultural Waste: Regional Approach As prescribed in the Waste Management Act, 1996 (No. 10 of 1996) Local authorities are encouraged to adopt a regional approach to the development of their waste management plans, with a view to more effective provision of service and infrastructure. In total there are 6 regional management plans incorporating 25 local authorities. These include Dublin, the midlands, the north east, the north west, Connacht and Cork City and County. In addition 6 counties in the south east have waste management plans. The Connacht has 6 local authorities- Galway Corporation and Galway City Council, Leitrim, Mayo, Roscommon and Sligo. (Dec.2001) The Connacht Waste Management Plan states the management of agricultural wastes is not undertaken directly by the local authorities, but they do have the responsibility for agricultural waste planning (under the waste management act 1996) to insure that 35 these wastes are disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. which as stated generally involves attenuation to lands to improve soils. Of course if not managed correctly agricultural wastes can have adverse effects on groundwater, surface waters and general environmental degradation of an area. As stated under such schemes as REPS, farmers are advised as to the most appropriate attenuation procedures for spreading slurry onto fields. Composting of Farm Organic Waste The EPA states a number of local authorities operate composting facilities including Dublin City Council and Kerry County Council but these generally have emphasis on composting of municipal waste although by 2001 the EPA were processing nine waste licences for composting facilities engaged in the production of mushroom compost. Agricultural Waste Stream Disposal and Recovery End of Use Animal Manures The attributes of animal manure include; high organic content, high nutrient content containing high P, K and N. Contains plant available S and Mg and has ideal water holding capacity. Therefore, the primary management for manures is land spreading and this likely to remain the same in the future. At present there is limited composting of animal manures. Poultry manure is used to make compost for the mushroom industry.,1961,en.pdf (2002) Poultry Manure The use of poultry manure on REPS farms is not a viable proposition because of their high N content. Fortunately for poultry producers, significant quantities of poultry litter are used in making mushroom compost, and are not applied directly to land. However, the resulting SMC is typically managed by land spreading following the production of the mushrooms. The majority is managed by spreading on land as soil fertilisers. This has some adverse effects if excessive chemicals are being used. It is considered recovery if carried out in accordance with the farm nutrient management plan. Spent Mushroom Compost Approximately 280,000 tonnes of compost were used in 1998. Loss of dry matter as a result of cropping s roughly 50kg/tonne of fresh compost with a dry matter content of 30%. However this loss is countered by the addition of a caustic layer. So the weight of spent mushroom compost SMC is similar to the weight of the incoming layer.,1961,en.pdf (2002) 36 Land application of SMC is attractive as an end use for SMC because it has been practised successfully for a number of years. However, as concern over eutrophication of Irish waters has increased, the use of phosphorus in agricultural systems has come under closer scrutiny. Phosphorus is, therefore, the land limiting constituent in SMC. Most crops on soils of moderate to good P status require very little P from external sources. Thus, in areas where mushroom growers are concentrated, such as Co. Monaghan, need outstrips the supply of suitable land on which to apply the quantities of SMC generated. Weather and cropping considerations further restrict the availability of land that can receive SMC. In addition, there is competition for suitable spreading areas posed by other organic sources of nutrients, most notably manure from livestock. (July 2000) SMC as Organic Manure for Potatoes Potatoes with their high nutrient demand and an area of 26,000 ha in 1999 are a potential target crop for utilising SMC. This experiment was set up to assess the suitability of SMC for use as a soil amendment and nutrient source for potato production and studied its effects on the yield, quality and nutrient uptake of the crop. Conclusion The research indicates the organic waste stream from the Irish Agri-business mainly includes animal excreta and mushroom compost. Generally in Ireland, the animal manure produced only is only a fraction of the total waste that has to be managed. This is usually the organic waste generated during the housing period of the animals. This in some cases is as little as 6 weeks over the winter period. Although the EPA National Waste Prevention Programme (2004 -2008) states that the agricultural sector is the single greatest generator of waste. There isn’t any report as to an alternative approach to organic on-farm waste management. As prescribed in the Waste Management Act, 1996 (No. 10 of 1996) Local authorities are encouraged to adopt a regional approach to the development of their waste management plans, with a view to more effective provision of service and infrastructure. Yet the management of waste outlined in the connacht regional waste management plan for example is related to municipal waste streams and not farm wastes. The traditional methods of on-farm nutrient management of spreading solid and liquid manures seems to be the only approach with the relevant EU Directive as guidelines and various incentive programmes as to the correct method of nutrient management. The research indicated the national herd has also reduced over the last 5 years so the amount on the practice of organic waste has also decreased. Therefore, this is likely to reduce the pressure on the practice of land spreading of manures. As stated, land application of SMC is attractive as an end use for SMC although concern over eutrophication of Irish waters has increase as the use of phosphorus in agricultural systems has come under closer scrutiny. So as of yet there is little information to the likely future use of SMC in Ireland. 37 3.2 Animal Manure as a Composting Material (selected example) It has been estimated that 153 million tonnes (M t) of manure are produced annually in Ireland by farmed livestock. In terms of perspective, this aggregate quantity of manure would require 53% of the utilisable agricultural area (UAA, 4.43 M ha) if applied at a rate of 20 t per hectare (t/ha).However, of this amount of manure, only that produced when the animals are kept indoors requires management. Almost 43 M t produced by cattle and sheep requires storage and spreading annually. Pig and poultry enterprises produce an estimated 2.8 and 0.6 M t of manure, respectively, every year. Traditional uses of animal manure As stated in Ireland the typical methods of disposing of animal manures is to spread it on the land. For liquid manure techniques this involves either splash plate technique or the band spread technique. For solid manure the rear discharge spreader or the "sideflinger" spreader are the two most common types of spreading equipment. Manure and odour emissions Manure and odour emissions are almost synonymous. This is particularly true for pig and poultry operations. Data from England indicates that there are about 4000 complaints annually about odours from farming (Pain, 1994). Pig and poultry farmers were reported as being responsible for over 57% and 22%, respectively, of the complaints. Land spreading causes more public odour complaints than any other component of manure management. A recent Irish survey found 81% of odour complaints recorded by Local Authorities derived from land spreading Manure nutrients The types and amounts of nutrients in manure and their eventual uptake by plants will vary considerably from farm to farm and are determined by many factors. The major determinants of manure nutrient content and availability are: (a) composition of the rations fed to livestock; (b) method of waste collection and storage; (c) amount of feed, bedding and/or water added; (d) method and time of land application, including use of additives which preserve nutrient value; (e) characteristics of the soils; and (f) type of crop to which the manure is applied. Differences in animal type, age, diet, will affect the characteristics of the manure also. An appropriate C:N ratio and moisture content are essential for successful composting. Poultry manure for example has a high nitrogen content then other animal manures and is moist. Low C:N ratios is an issue and therefore nitrogen loss and the associated odour can be a problem due to the high nitrogen content and high pH. On the other hand the poultry manure decomposes quickly and makes excellent compost with a high nutrient value. Horse manure is also a good composting material and tends to be relatively dry with a high C:N ratio due to the amount of bedding. It will compost well and can be added to wetter manure like cattle manure. izers/CompostManure02.pdf 38 Nutrient composition influenced by feedstock The levels of nutrients and the presence or absence of certain feed additives in livestock rations will be reflected in the nutrient composition of manure. For example, changing the levels of inorganic salts (sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphate, and chloride) and feed additives (copper, arsenic compounds, sulpher, antibiotics, or enzymes) in rations will change the concentrations of these elements and possibly the rate of decomposition of organic matter in the manure. For instance, the use of a phytase enzyme in poultry and swine rations can reduce the phosphorus content of manure by 25 to 40%. Reducing crude protein levels and supplementing with specific synthetic amino acids to balance the ration can reduce the N content of manure by 22 to 41%. Copper sulfphate in rations fed to pigs will decrease dry matter degradation resulting in sludge build-up in storage, but arsenic compounds in feed will increase liquidification of manure. Changing the kinds and amounts of roughages or concentrates in rations will also alter the composition of manure. Increasing the fineness of grind and pelleting improves feed utilization. Composting Manures – An alternative Benefits of composting manure As outlined in section 1.1 of the project. Composting of manure has the following benefits: It reduces substrate mass Improves friability and handling characteristics Destroys weed seeds and pathogens by generating high(60-700C) temperatures during the process Provides phyto-sanitory effects on incorporation into soil. Incorporates inorganic N into the organic fraction, thus protecting from immediate loss after application Reduces odour and ammonia emissions during land spreading Concentrates plant nutrients enabling application rates to be lowerand the risk of crop smothering to be reduced. 39 Comparison of nutrient losses during the composting process and traditional spreading methods Composting The potential benefits of composting may be lost and harmful environmental impacts caused by poor practice. Increased rates of ammonia volatilization have been measured and ammonia emissions are dependent on temperature, total ammonia-N content, turning frequencies, moisture content, and the composition of the manure. Nitrogen losses can range from less than 10% with manure composted with straw to over 75% with poultry manure composted without any straw or wood waste. An understanding of how ammonia is lost and how composting works is required to minimize nitrogen losses. None of the other nutrients are lost during the composting process, as long as the compost process is done in a manner than minimizes leaching losses. For example, other nutrients will definitely be washed out of the composting material if the material is exposed to excess rainfall. Ammonia emissions can be reduced by composting manure with an initial C:N ratio of >35:1 and by carefully balancing the frequency of turning to meet the conflicting requirements sufficient aeration and minimum disturbance. Traditional methods During traditional manure management, nitrogen losses can range from 10% during liquid storage to over 25% with solid storage. If the manure is not incorporated within 24 hours of application to the field, a further 30-40% of the nitrogen could be lost with liquid manure, and 10-30% with solid manure. This means that a nitrogen loss of over 50% with traditional manure management is not uncommon. These nitrogen losses are easier to control during the composting process than during traditional manure management. Composting of manure has been proposed to play a role in manure management programs designed to protect water quality., Composting reduces the hazards from transporting weeds and diseases because of the high temperatures involved in the composting process. Odors as discussed earlier are usually reduced by composting. There is much greater public acceptance of compost than raw manure, regardless of the properties of either material. In fact, composted manure is a marketable product in some cases that can result in significant farm income. Thus, composting manure could play a role in dealing with the potential environmental problems related to manure nutrients. Liquid manure composting Composting is rarely considered as an option for liquid manure because of the amount of bulking agent required to create a solid material having a moisture content of 5060%, which is the moisture content at which composting works best. For example, the volume of bulking agent required to bring a 75% moisture content waste to 60% is 40 similar to the volume of waste to begin with, which means that you now have double the volume of composting waste to process. As the moisture content of the initial waste increases, so does the bulking agent requirement Comparison of manure and compost disposal methods Whether manure is stored or composted, there has to be a strategy for disposing it. Manure and compost are valuable on-farm and off-farm resources. The following chart indicated the advantage and disadvantages of disposing of manure in the unprocessed state and as a composted finished product. Table 6 On Farm management options for manure and used bedding Unprocessed Composted Advantages Low cost Easier to spread on land Low labour input Poses lower water quality risk Nutrient content usually Less likely to contain weed seed and/or higher pathogens Improves soil structure Less odour Slow release form of nutrients Compost is a superior soil amender Can reduce volume to spread by about 50% Disadvantag Can be difficult to spread Compost contains more labour, time and money es Poses higher water then storing and applying raw slurry quality risks More likely to contain weed seed and/or pathogens Odour can be a problem May need to add N source to pile Considerati Must have adequate land on which to spread manure (raw manure volume is ons and approximately twice that of compost) additional Pathogens are a human health concern if not handled improperly information Serious water quality hazards and regulatory violations can result if composting or raw manure is piled or stored on site indefinitely The herbicide clopyralid (among others) will not breakdown during animal digestion, storage of manure or composting. Source: 41 Table 7 Off-site management options for manure and used bedding Give away or sell raw Give away or sell used manure compost Advantages Avoid time, labour and Finished compost is cost of composting easier to give away or sell while getting rid of then raw manure manure Possible to make a profit on an initial system investment. Disadvantages System may necessitate Compost requires more meeting and helping labour, time and money people interested in acquiring manure Source:: 3.3 Haul manure from premises Easiest and quickest management option Higher expenses pickup and disposal fees. Mushroom Composting/Spent Mushroom Composting The mushroom industry in Ireland is estimated to be worth in excess of €100 million to the economy. Production occurs widely throughout the country with the highest concentration of farms being concentrated in the Cavan/Monaghan region. An operation exists whereby mushroom compost is manufactured by a central body and then distributed to a number of satellite growers, who harvest the crop and then supply the mushrooms back to the central body for sale and supply. Mushroom compost is a mixture of wheaten straw and poultry manure with the addition of gypsum and water.. (APPENDIX 2). This mixture is composted for 6-8 days followed by pasteuration for another 7-7 days at which point the compost is spawned with mushroom mycelium, bagged and sent out to the mushroom producers. Upon colonisation of the compost by the mycelium, a layer of peat/limestone mixture is added to the subsurface which induces sporophore formation. Once production has ceased, all that remains is a material known as Spent Mushroom Compost (SMC). Accounting for losses of dry matter during crop production, and allowing for the addition of a surface layer of peat/limestone mixture, the volume of spent mushroom compost that remains is approximately equal to the volume of original mushroom compost supplied. As much as 300,000 tonnes of this agricultural by-product is generated in Ireland each year. (Maher et al., 2000) Spent mushroom compost cannot be used again in the mushroom industry for reasons of hygiene. At present, it’s mainly used for land application; however it must compete with more traditional materials such as livestock manure for the limited amount of land available. For this reason, bags of spent mushroom compost are often an unsightly presence in quarries and by roadsides wherever mushrooms are produced. 42 Spent mushroom compost is naturally high in electrical conductivity indicating a high content of water soluble salts. Average nutrient levels are 8.0 kg N, 3.9 kg P and 7.9 kg per tonne. It has dry matter content of approximately 35% of which 65% is organic, a low bulk density of approximately 319 g/l and an unbalanced distribution of major plant nutrients. (Appendix III) In 2001, the Northern Ireland Centre for Energy Research and Technology (NICERT) published a report which aimed to assess spent mushroom compost as a potential energy feed stock. It found that on a dry, ash free basis, spent mushroom compost had a calorific value ranging from 12.1 – 13.7 MJ/kg, a range similar to that of sewage sludge. It considered two combustion plant designs, a stoker fired chain grate boiler and a bubbling fluidised bed combustor. It noted that high moisture content of spent mushroom compost was a potential drawback as if an auxiliary fuel needed to be used during start up, little energy would remain for recovery. An investigation into possible emissions from the combustion process found that NOx emissions would be high due to high levels of nitrogen (1.8%-2.9%), however SOx emissions would remain low as although the sulphur content of spent mushroom compost is high (1.25% - 2.99%), approximately 70% of this was in the inorganic form. Phosphorus (0.55%-1.37%) and Chlorine (0.43%-0.55%) levels were also estimated to be high; however the majority of both of these substances were likely to remain in the ash as phosphates and chlorides. It was estimated that for a combustion facility to function efficiently, approximately 100,000 tonnes of spent mushroom compost would be required each year. It proposed situating the combustion facility in the north Monaghan region, citing both logistical and economic reasons. (Williams et al., 2001) At present no such combustion plant exists in Ireland. A Teagasc study into how to manage spent mushroom compost concluded that, in their opinion, land application and landscaping were “the most immediately available and environmentally sustainable end use for large quantities of spent mushroom compost” (Appendix IV) In their report they envisioned centralised depots which would provide for the following: Receive and mechanically de-bag spent mushroom compost Store spent mushroom compost between the months of November and February Perform further composting and processing Organise the distribution of spent mushroom compost for re-use. Using county Monaghan as an example, the study examined the possibility of introducing one or more processing facilities which would be capable of handling 650 tonnes of spent mushroom compost per week. Teagasc estimate that such depots “would achieve economies of scale in the management of spent mushroom compost not possible with management approaches undertaken by individual growers”. 43 Each depot would operate using either a high capacity bunker with biofilter to alleviate odour or an aerated pile system with odour control accomplished by frequent turning using a front end loading machine. The following table (Table 2) represents the estimated costs involved in running such a facility. Table 8 Estimated Running Costs Estimated costs for a 650 t/wk centralised SMC depot using two composting techniques. Cost Category Bunker System Aerated Pile Depot structure & €1,370,000 €793,750 machinery Compactor truck (30 m3) €165,000 €165,000 Running costs €28,000 €28,000 Contract haulage, 20 loads €257,500 €257,500 per week, 24 t truck The above figures do not include start up costs, labour costs or any eventual profits arising from the sale of the end product. Assuming the involvement of 100 mushroom growers, the running costs of such a facility would be approximately €3175, a figure similar to disposal costs currently associated with disposal of spent mushroom compost for a grower that operates four mushroom tunnels. (Maher et al., 2000) Both of the above mentioned studies relate to alternative end use for large quantities of spent mushroom compost produced in Ireland and have discussed potentially viable alternative options to the grossly unregulated spent mushroom compost management that exists at present. They also highlight the financial difficulties associated with various strategies, particularly for the majority of small time mushroom growers in Ireland. It may be that the lack of any direct legislation in the area of composting could be responsible for the apparent lack of progress in the area. The employment of any management strategy would require cooperation and involvement of all mushroom farmers in the country and it is likely that any initial costs may have to be subsidised by the relevant local authority in a public-private partnership. Spent mushroom compost has recently been cited as being of considerable use in the bioremediation of soils contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH’s). A study carried out by the Chinese University of Hon Kong found spent mushroom compost of the mushroom species pleurotus pulmonarius (oyster mushroom) immobilised the fungal liginolytic enzymes Lactase at 45°C and Manganese Peroxidase at 75°C. In a laboratory controlled experiment, complete degradative removal of naphthalene, phenanthrene, benzo[a]pyrene and benzo[g,h,i]perylene (200mg PAH/kg sandy-loam soil) by 5% spent mushroom compost was observed in just two days under continuous agitation at 80°C. The results suggest the possible use of spent mushroom compost in ‘ex-situ’ soil bioremediation. (Lau. 2003) 44 3.4 Pesticides In composting Persistence and Degradation of Pesticides in composting. The composting process, as detailed in previous sections, provides for the microbial degradation of organics which are contained within the system. There are many factors however which may impinge on biological action within the system, and therefore have a negative impact on the process (toxins). Apart from this there are many organics which may resist degradation due to their chemical structure, size etc. and cause negative effects on the receiving soils. Within composting in the agri-business sector, pesticides and herbicides are ideal examples of substances which may have this effect. They are residual in almost all tillage and fodder production, and also may be persistent through the digestive systems of livestock. (See section on Ivermectin) In general, composting provides the optimal conditions for pesticide degradation and volatilisation, but due to their poisonous nature and possible high concentrations we will look at their interactions within the composting process. Examples of specific pesticides activities in composting have been drawn from a number of sources, but for a more complete picture of their degradation see (pesticide microbiology – book). It is important to remember that pesticides will behave quite differently in a compost system, as they would in a soil system due to the increased temperatures, organic matter and microbial activity. Exit routes for pesticides within a compost system. Composting is well suited for pesticide removal due to reactions which may take place within a properly managed in-vessel or windrow system. Pesticides may be broken down through metabolism by microbial species within the degrading material. Due to the quantity and diversity of micro-organisms which make up the biomass of a compost heap, there is a good chance that the pesticide will encounter a microbe that can degrade it. Alternatively pesticides may be co-metabolised by micro-organisms. This is a process whereby the compound is adjacent to matter which is being used as an energy source, and is consequently degraded. The microbe gains no energy from the co-metabolite. The great diversity of bacteria and organic matter helps to promote the chances of this happening. During the active phase of composting, the elevated temperatures have a direct effect on the rate of biochemical reactions. Since many systems reach temperatures in excess of 65°C, and the rate of reaction doubles for every 10°C rise in temperature, it is not unreasonable to presume some reactions may take place at four times that of a room temperature of 20°C. 45 Degradation is not the only rout of pesticide removal from compost systems as thermophillic temperatures achieved during the active phase of composting will often be high enough to volatilise many pesticides, or products of their degradation. In the tests carried out by Petroska, 1985, which are detailed within this report, diazinon (an organophosphate pesticide) and chlordane (a chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide) both showed high levels of volatilisation, the latter releasing over 50% of it’s carbon content in this manner. (See appendiced report on pesticide disposal)) Alternatively pesticides may be leached from the compost heap or adsorbed into the humic material. ( ). Figure 16 (Details the possible exit routes of organic pollutants from soil or compost systems) The nature of the pesticide. The recalcitrance of a pesticide is directly related to its chemical structure (See section 2.11. The principals or biodegradation/Recalcitrance), and as we can see from the bench top system for evaluation of pesticide disposal by composting (appendiced) organophosphates and less-chlorinated hydrocarbons may be degraded to some extent through this process. Picolinic acids which include clopyralid or picloram, both used in herbicide production, are however very persistent. Some chemical and physical features of picolinic acids are listed in Table 1 (). 46 Table 9 Some chemical and physical features of clopyralid and picloram (picolinic acids). Property clopyralid picloram Formula (acid) C6H3Cl3N2O2 C6H3Cl2NO2 Solubility (water) mgL-1 1000 430 Stability Unstable in acid Decomposed by UV light pKa* 2.3 2.3 Persistence (field half life, 40 (12-70) 90 (20-300) days) Clopyralid and picloram are growth-regulator type herbicides. Like 2,4-D and dicamba, they work by mimicking plant growth hormones called auxins. Hydrolytic enzymes, mono-oxygenases and di-oxygenases. There are a great number of pesticidal compounds which are in continuous use throughout the farming industry. Many of these are synthetic compounds which contain functional groups within the molecule which prevent their natural degradation. The chemical structure also dictates some very important characteristics of the compound, namely its water solubility. The greater the solubility of a compound in water, the greater the bioavailability of that compound since microbes more readily assimilate water soluble compounds. (Refer to section 2.1.2 Principles of biodegradation/recalcitrance.) If the functional groups of the pesticide weakly bound to the molecule, this will increase the chances of its degradation. These weak or ‘labile’ bonds may be broken by hydrolysis, and subsequently degraded by hydrolytic enzymes. Pesticides capable of hydrolytic degradation include carbamate pesticides, urea derivatives, pyrethroids, diazinon, dicamba, dichloropicolinic acid, dimethoate, phenylalkanoic ester, dimethoate, phenylalkanoic pyrazon, atrazine, linuron, propanil, chlorpyrifos, and 2,4-D. ( Mono- and di-oxygenases introduce one and two atoms of oxygen into the molecule respectively, which may increase its bioavailability. This process of oxidation may take place at the extra-cellular level, allowing the molecule to be ingested and degraded internally. Alternatively the now oxygenated compound may encounter an enzyme capable of degrading it externally. The Lists below from Mitchell (Environmental Microbiology Ralph Mitchell 1993) shows the most favourable site conditions for the implementation of in-situ bioremediation. These factors are relevant, though perhaps more difficult to generate in a composting system. 47 Chemical conditions: o Small number of organic contaminants o Non toxic concentrations o Diverse microbial concentrations o Suitable electron acceptor conditions o pH 6-8 On observation of this list and comparison to the conditions present within a compost system it is fair to say that composting provides a good media for bioremediation of trace contaminants within the system. There will invariably be a low concentration of the contaminant within the system and there is a hugely diverse microbial population at play. Also due to the incorporation of oxygen into the system and pH regulation, these should not be limiting factors when disposing of pesticides through composting. Hydrogeological conditions: o Granular porous media o High permeability o Uniform mineralogy o Homogenous media o Saturated media The above list refers to the hydro-geological conditions for bioremediation to work most efficiently within the subsurface. All of these factors are however, at play within a properly maintained compost heap. During the feedstock preparation and through the additions of feedstock and bulking materials themselves, the compost which enters a facility should be a porous and homogenous media. The material may not be fully saturated, or of uniform mineralogy but as the material is turned and maintained there is every chance given to populations which may degrade the contaminants within the system. Summary of ‘a benchtop system for the evaluation of pesticide disposal by composting. (Appendix IX) This is a method developed by J. A. Petruska et al., 1985, of evaluating the potential of disposing of pesticides by composting. The article which was retrieved from (‘Nuclear and Chemical waste management’, Vol. 5, pp. 177-182, 1985,) through the electronic journal web of science, gives an interesting observation of the bulk disposal of pesticides, an agricultural waste, and in doing so details the problems which may arrive from their presence in other agricultural wastes. 48 Methods: The compost media was contained in a glass vial with temperature control, and aeration. All CO2 and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) which were released from the system were captured via a system of scrubbers. The moisture-laden air was then continuously fed to the composting system to prevent desiccation of the compost. Equal proportions by volume of dairy cow manure and sawdust comprised of the compost media, the moisture content of which varied from 60-65%. 10g of this material was then aerated and heated to a temperature of 35°C for 24 h. The temperature was then raised by 5°C for every 24 h elapsed until reaching 65°C (six days incubation). This temperature was then maintained throughout the experiment, and aeration was provided for 1 out of 10 min, at the rate of 25 or 50 ml/min. Diazinon (0-0-diethyl 0-(2-isopropyl-6-methyl-4-pyrimidinyl phosphorothiate), and Chlordane (1,2,4,5,6,7,8,8-octachloro-3a,4,7,7,a-tetrahydro-4,7methanoindane) were selected as representative organophosphate and chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides respectively. Preliminary doses of pesticide were at a rate of 100µg/g (wet wt) of Diazinon and Chlordane, and carbon dioxide evolution was used as a measure of microbial activity. Volatiles were captured in the scrubbing apparatus and were analysed by thin-layer chromatography (TLC). Remaining pesticide was analyzed in the compost by solvent extraction, evaporation and TLC. Remaining organic carbon was combusted to CO2 and collected. Results: C recovery after composting: There was very little CO2 production through the composting of either of the pesticides. (0.2 and 0.5%). Diazinon, the organophosphate released 16.6% total carbon as VOC’s, while Chlordane released over 50% in this manner. Carbon bound organics accounted for 69% of the Diazinon and just under 48% of the Chlordane. TLC Results: These indicate that there was little or no transformation of Chloridane within the system. However ‘IMHP (2-isopropyl-4-methyl-6-hydroxypyrimidine), a product of degradation of Diazinon, ‘was present at a trace level in the standard but in significant quantity in the solvent extracts’ 49 Discussion: This type of experiment proves that use of a benchtop study can trace all major routes of transportation within a system. The results indicate that the major routes of removal of these pesticides are volatilization and hydrolysis. Bases on TLC analysis Diazinon was almost completely transformed to IMHP. A Flavobacterium sp. Has been isolated that uses Diazinon as its sole carbon source. Chlorodane’s persistence in soil has been measured as being in excess of 12 years, and its metabolism in this experiment was negligible. Volatilization may be the major route of removal from composting systems for some pesticides. When monitoring on site, temperature studies throughout the system should be preformed as volatiles may recondence on the outer edges of a composting system (e.g. windrow systems). Ivermectin: Ivermectin is a pesticide which was introduced in the early 1980’s. It belongs to a chemical group called avermectins and has the formula 22,23-dihydroavermectin B. It is a broad spectrum anti-paracitic drug which was introduced for the treatment of worms in sheep and cattle. Avermectins are macrocyclic lactones with a very high degree of potency against nematode and anthropod parasites. They are produced by the actinomycete Streptomyces avermytilis, and are active at a fraction of a milligram per kilogram against immature and mature nematode and anthropod paracites of sheep, cattle, horses, dogs and swine. They are neuro-inhibitors. ( 03 ) The acute oral toxicity (LD50-mouse) is 29.5 mg/kg, and the aquatic toxicity is 29µg/l in a 24 h test using daphnia magna. The products of its degradation are less toxic than the substance itself. In the late eighties and early nineties there was great concern about the persistence of ivermectin in the faeces of dosed animals. Studies showed between 39 and 69 percent of initial doses were recoverable in the faeces, which caused concern due to the toxicity of the avermectin to all forms of degraders including earthworms. Cow-pats and manure from treated animals was found to resist the usual processes of degradation. This occurred for a number of reasons. Ivermectin has a very low volatility (15x109 mg Hg) and is therefore unlikely to disperse to the atmosphere. It has an octanol-water partition coefficient (Kow) of 1651, and is therefore more readily adsorbed onto soil/humus particles than leached out through the flushing action of water. This means that the main method of removal from soil/compost systems will be microbial/chemical degradation.( ) 50 Conclusion. Pesticides are a great concern within the agri-composting industry. There are however many factors in place which facilitate their removal without any specific methods being employed. The major factor at play when considering their potential adverse affects is the type of pesticide that is present. As a whole many of the more nuisance pesticides will be present at lower levels, due to the relationship between pesticidal character and persistence in the environment. Many may be degraded (organophosphates) or volatilised (chlorinated hydrocarbons), through natural processes, but the more persistent and recalcitrant forms may significantly impair composting systems if present in sufficient concentrations. 3.5 Composting Manure – A Marketable Product in Ireland? There are over 140,000 farm holdings in Ireland, with an average size of almost 30 hectares, or 74 acres. Around 270,000 people work either on a full time or part time capacity in farming. Teagasc reports available at Upload,5983,en.pdf outline the farm types in Ireland. Teagasc states farms in Ireland can be divided into three categories based on nutrient balances: The first is the tillage farms with no livestock, grassland farms or intensive agricultural enterprises. On tillage farms the crops (e.g. wheat, barley, and sugar beet) are exported off the farm. The resulting removal of the nutrients in the crop creates a farm nutrient deficit. Just 6 %, or approximately 280,000 hectares is used for tillage. The second farm type is the grassland farms. Grass grown on the farm is used to feed the animals. But only about 20% of the nutrients ingested by the animals produces animal product and the remainder is excreted as waste. These farms are likely to produce an excess of nutrients. The third category of farm is known as an IAE or Intensive Agricultural Enterprises.Most nutrients are imported in the form of cereal-based animal feeds or in the form of imported substrates such as composts (poultry litter and straw are the primary ingredients) on mushroom farms. Therefore there is also an annual nutrient surplus is generated on an IAE. Teagasc restates the excess nutrients are contained in the manure or compost, and exported to farms with nutrient deficits, e.g. grassland or tillage farms. Teagasc also states properly managing manure (liquid and solid) and other organic wastes on farms is essential to achieving sustainability, both in environmental and economic terms and the recycling of animal manures back to the land is the most viable approach. So in order for nutrient s to be sustainably managed in Irish farming it is necessary to transfer animal wastes between different farm types depending on their nutrient requirements. But on the other hand the vast majority of Irish farms are grass farms and IAE’s with only 6% tillage of land used for tillage farming. As tillage farms are 51 the most likely to be nutrient deficient and the other two most likely to produce excess waste, there will be an excess supply of nutrients. As stated earlier there are many environmental concerns to using manure (both solid and liquid) as a nutrient to be spread on land. This has lead to increasingly strong legislative controls on the spreading of nutrients onto land in the form of EU Directives and farm management initiatives. By 2006 it is expected 70,000 + farmers will be participating in the REPS scheme. Typical problems associated with animal waste nutrients include phosphates in water courses which can lead to alga blooms while Nitrates in water can have even more serious human health effects as methemoglobinemia or blue baby syndrome. The knock on effect is that farmers are finding it increasingly difficult to dispose of animal wastes. Spreading manure on nutrient deficient tillage farm land is an option as outlined by Teagasc, but transport costs have to be considered here as animal manures can be difficult to move especially liquid manures with high water contents and could prove costly for farmers. Also farmers in areas of Greater IAE’s concentration like Caven, for example will have to travel greater distances to dispose of their wastes onto tillage farms which tend to be concentrated in the southern counties. An alternative to land spreading of manure is to compost it. The composted product has a reduced C content of between 30-50%, so is easier to handle, a moisture content that is greatly reduced and odourless stable end product humus. This would make it more economical to transport between farms. The stability of compost gives it greater utility over manure. It can be stored for greater periods, and spread onto land during different seasons and climatic conditions with little or no legislative restrictions and none of the environmental problems associated with manure (i.e., odour, volatilization nutrient loss, leaching and pathogens). Although there are some problems of pathogenic colonisation of bioaerosols to be considered. The partial sterilization of pathogenic organisms during the thermophilic composting stage means it can also be spread under fruit trees and vegetables without risk of soil bourne plant diseases. A Composted product can fill a greater scope of niche markets, including large scale operations including ; use on golf courses, horticulture, soil attenuation on farms, large scale landscaping and to reduce soil erosion. Also other markets include; gardening, potting plants, soil attenuation on lawns and root cover during the winter. Also the need to maintain a buffer zone or the proximity to humans during application would not be an issue with compost as it would with manure. The disadvantage of compost over manure is the cost of setting up a composting system. Of course this is relative to the type and scale of composting being carried out. The average farm size in Ireland is 30 ha. And whether composting of on-farm organic waste is likely to be cost effective is difficult to determine. Also the amount of bulking material required for high liquid content manures like slurry is very high. As stated, the volume of bulking agent required to bring 75% moisture content waste to 60% is similar to the volume of waste to begin with, which means that you now have double the volume of composting waste to process. At present there is basically no research into the composting of agricultural manure wastes in Ireland. In relation to agri-waste composting, Teagasc reports deal only with the composting of spent mushroom compost (SMC). Teagasc reports tend to focus on the correct procedures for the spreading of agri-wastes and new and advanced 52 technologies to do so. The EPA National Waste Database only deal with the composting of municipal organic waste and mentions the legislative guidelines farmers must comply with when disposing of organic agri-waste. Similarly the Connacht Regional Waste Management Plan (1999-2005) refers only to the importance of Complying with the Code of Good Agricultural and Nutrient Management Plans when dealing with farm organic waste. There doesn’t seem to be any change for the revised plan (2005-1010) Whether composting of agricultural organic waste becomes a part of waste disposal and nutrient management on Irish farms in the future is difficult to say. As the traditional method for nutrient waste management like manure has been to spread it on land, the idea of composting it would be a break from tradition. But as nutrient management legislation becomes increasingly more stringent and new EU Directives as the WFD Directive are being transposed into Irish legislation, the composting of organic farm wastes may become more viable. An option may be to form a composting co-op between a number of farms where equiptment is shared. But whatever the approach it needs to be spearheaded by the Teagasc, the Irish Agricultural and Food Authority as well as other Farming organizations. 4.0 Case Studies 4.1` Cork green waste shredder scheme The green waste shredder scheme which was established by cork county council in 1998 is located at landfill and civic amenity sites within County Cork. In the past these sites saw the transit of green waste mixed with other household waste, all of which was destined for landfill. Since 1995 however, and the establishment of the Cork waste management strategy the steadily rising volumes of waste destined for landfill have been significantly reduced. The Cork waste management strategy is a joint initiative between Cork County Council and Cork City Council. It’s most notable initiative is the 20/20 vision public awareness campaign, which is based on the three R’s of reduce, reuse and recycle, focusing on the 280,000 residents of the County. The strategy’s level of public awareness and involvement has been essential in its success, as the management strategy includes a high degree of advertising, as well as school visits, newsletters, broadcasts on local television, public education campaigns and green awards. 53 An essential element of the present process is the application of the green waste shredder scheme to local drop off points for waste. There is also a mobile shredder unit which operates after the Christmas season. The volume of green waste which is disposed of in this manner amounts to approximately 1000 tonnes per year.( The aim of the green waste shredder scheme is to influence the reduction of municipal solid waste going to landfill from 225,000 tonnes to 200,000 tonnes by the year 2020. This may not appear extremely optimistic, but as the quantity has been forecast to rise to as much as 450,000 tonnes per year, it will take a great number of changes to fulfil. The Government target figures of 50% reduction in biodegradable waste destined for landfill by 2013 are certainly not being met, and schemes of this nature are becoming more and more popular as an effort to meet these targets. The composting method is the windrow system and this takes place at Ballincollig nurseries, which is owned by cork county council. The finished compost is applied to nursery plants and used in public landscaping projects such as parks, roundabouts and road margins. At present there is no commercial exploitation of the product but with ever increasing volumes and an increased general awareness (relative reduction in advertising costs) this is becoming more of a possibility. Future plans for the scheme involve the purchase of additional shredders and the sale of the compost mulch. New civic amenity sites in the County and a greater presence of the shredders will further increase the volumes of material being composted. 4.2 International Case Study A new approach to on-farm nutrient management. One of the principle advantages of composting on farms is the reduction of organic waste that is generated during farm production processes. Today, environmental concerns and tight profit margins have forced livestock producers to re-evaluate their manure handling programs. Manure is considered less as a liability to be disposed of and more as an asset to be stored and applied in a way that maximizes its nutrient value The following International composting case study process using integrated biosystems. This system incorporates composting as an integrated nutrient management plan for a farm. The process outlines the waste streams that flow through a farm and the processes that are used to manage them, including composting. The waste on the farm is fully management without having to invest in disposing the waste off-site e.g., composting leachate off site, therefore incurring additional costs. Also the waste is managed as a resource rather then a waste and is utilised completely to reduce the overall farm running costs. Although it is an international example- with the stricter legislative disposal requirements for spreading of nutrients in Ireland it may be a valid alternative. 54 Background to Integrated Bio-systems Integrated bio-systems connect different food production activities with other operations such as waste treatment and fuel generation. Integrated bio-systems treat production and consumption as a continuous closed loop system where outputs of one operation become inputs into another, thus reusing resources and minimising environmental impacts. The Integrated Bio-Systems (IBS) approach follows three basic principles. The first principle is to use all biological organic materials and wastes instead of throwing it away. The second principle is to obtain at least two products from a waste. The third principle is to close the loop for the material and nutrient flows to achieve total use of a resource and zero waste disposal. The IBS approach has many benefits and potentials but it also has limitations. Traditional integrated bio-systems often use labour-intensive bio-systems or technologies in low-input, organic farming that can provide a variety of products at a micro-level. They recycle nutrients in solids and liquids into bio-fertilisers, feeds, aquatic plants, fish and food. In the past century, access to chemical fertilisers, pesticides, herbicides and mechanization led to monoculture crop production. This replaced the practice of the traditional integrated farming systems in many countries. H:\Integrated Bio-Systems AGlobal Perspective.htm Factors to be considered: Simple connections are made to the flow of materials through a system these include the following: Simple connections – e.g., livestock manure is used as a fertiliser or a plant crop. Intermediate connections- e.g., organic wastes- compost or vermiculture – Plant crops Fuel generation – e.g., organic wastes – biodigester and biogas Remediation and nutrient recovery – e.g., effluent from sewage treatment plant is pumped into storage lagoons and used to grow aquatic plants (e.g., duckweed) Duckweed growth reduces the originally high nutrient load to a level where the water is suitable for irrigation (e.g., for fibre crops) The duckweed is harvested for food for ducks and fish. The Case Study Integrated Biosystems used in Practice Pozo Verde Natural Reserve is an integrated farm located in the Cauca Valley Province in South western Colombia at 950 metres above sea level. This is an example of a large IBS farm. Pozo Verde Farm is a livestock farm of 50 ha in size, of which 2 ha is used for building space and the rest for forage (42 ha of sugar cane, taro, grass, forage trees, aquatic plants) with an additional 5 ha of wetlands. It buys ingredients and formulated feed for the sows, growing and fattening pigs, and broilers. All manure (920 tons/yr) is used in the farm to produce energy (19,200 m3 biogas), vermi-compost (160 tons), feed additives (52.6 tons as chicken manure), and forage (6,323 tons) for cattle and pigs. 55 Organic Matter Recycling There are several methods in the farm to recycle the organic residues produced in the different subsystems. The purpose of these systems is to use efficiently all the byproducts of the farm, to replace inorganic fertilisers and to reduce the impact caused by water and air pollution. Composting using earth worm culture (Eisenia foetida) The solid fraction of cattle and buffalo dung collected every day, as well as other organic residues from households and garden maintenance are processed in a 300 m2 area of worm culture. (See Appendix VIII) In total 230 tons of cattle dung and 37 tons of buffalo dung are used per year, to produce 160 tons of worm-compost that is used mainly to fertilise grasslands and crops, although an important fraction is sold to the market. Productive water decontamination system 1 This system was installed to treat the wastewater from the pregnant sows building, equivalent to 912 m3 per year. It consists of two plastic tube biodigesters of 14 m3 each and a channel of 64.5 m2 of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), complemented with plantain, banana, giant taro and nacedero tree (Trichanthera gigantea) planted along the channel. Wastewater passes through the two bio-digesters and them to the aquatic plants. Table below shows the efficiency of the system to remove Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) in kg per year. Table 10 Average BOD and TSS removal in the productive water decontamination system 1 (kg/year). Wastewater Biochemical 1722 Oxygen Demand (Kg/year) Total Suspended 2663 Solids (Kg/year) Biodigesters outlet 111 Aquatic plants channel outlet 27.9 426 10 Aquatic plants and sludge produced in the channel are used as fertiliser for the associated crops and the water is pumped to irrigate adjacent grass lands. A total of 4.6 tons of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) were harvested per year in this system. Biogas obtained in this system is stored in a 49 m3 and used for electric power generation in a diesel engine. 56 Decontamination System 2 This system receives the wastewater from the dairy stable and from lactating sows, growing and fattening pigs. It consists of two 75 m3 plastic tube biodigesters and a storage tank (See Figure 16) that process in total 12,448 m3 of wastewater per year. Biodigesters effluent is stored in the tank and them pumped to fertilise 30.8 ha of pastures and crops in the farm. In total it is estimated that 15,000 m3 are pumped every year. Biogas produced in this system is estimated in 19,200 m3 per year used in 51 burners for heating piglets from birth up to 60 days. Burners used for this purpose are shown in Photo 7. The remaining biogas is piped to the same storage bag of system 1 to be used for electric power generation. Figure 16 Materials flow diagram on the farm This case study shows how the composting process- in this case vermiculture can be applied to compost solid waste manure while liquid manure is used to fertilise crop fields (before planting) and washing from dairy stable and from lactating sows is diverted to a nutrient pond via a biodigester growing aquatic plants – these plants are grown and harvested to feed ducks. The process fully utilises the waste on the farm itself to the benefit of production on the farm. Any waste from the composting process –i.e., leachate is also fully utilised therefore reducing the cost of disposal.. 57 Conclusion Negative environmental impact is reduced due to the recycling of organic "wastes" in the farm, which avoids water, soil, and air pollution. The use of organic fertilisers also benefits biota in the soil and improves its physical properties. Mixed crops with trees, grass and other fodder plants, as well as the wetland in the farm are providing nest and food for wildlife, particularly for birds. The composting products and by-products are utilised on the farm as part of the overall nutrient management. Some compost is also marketed and sold. No waste leaves the farm and therefore the disposal costs of wastes are eliminated as are the cost of buying fertilisers and other external inputs such as foodstuff, fossil fuels and electricity. Although this isn’t an exclusive system of composting of farm waste it is an indication of how composting can become an integral part of the on farm nutrient management plan. In most instances composting per se may not be the answer to a financial viable method for on-Farm nutrient management but it is probably part of the solution. 5.0 Health Hazards and Mitigation Measures 5.1 Bioaerosols in Composting Overview The microbial nature of the composting process together with frequent agitation of the compost pile in the form of turning, permit for the presence of high numbers of microorganisms in the air surrounding a compost facility. Where composting is concerned, the bioaerosol present may include a range of bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes as well as material of plant origin. They are of considerable concern due to their potential to cause adverse health effects in those who work in the composting industry, those who use the end product and also the general public, particularly those who reside close to a compost facility. The Environmental Protection Agency in Ireland regards bioaerosol emissions as being a potential drawback to the developing compost industry in the country. Pathogens present in compost bioaerosol tend to secondary in nature that is they grow during the composting process rather than being present rather than being present in the raw material. (Prasad et al., 2004) Health Effects Bioaerosols are known to have the potential to cause infection, allergy or poisonings among susceptible populations. Allergy and hypersensitivity are the main effects where composting bioaerosols are concerned. In immuno-compromised individuals, responses to bioaerosol contact range from inflammation and allergy to tissue or systemic infection caused by bacterial 58 endotoxin. (Millner., 1995) Much work to date has focused on Aspergillus fumigatus and the condition it causes in humans and animals, Aspergillosis. An epidemiological study conducted by Clarke et al, 1984, on compost workers at nine sludge composting plants in the USA, on behalf of the water pollution control federation, found that there was a higher health risk for those working in the compost industry than for control groups. The main findings of the study were: Excess nasal, ear and skin infections in compost and intermediate exposed workers, Symptoms of burning eyes and skin irritation were higher in compost workers and intermediate exposed workers, Evidence of higher white blood cell counts and haemolytic complement in compost workers, Higher antibody levels to compost endotoxin in compost workers. Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillosis The genuses Aspergillus are ubiquitous fungi that include 132 species and 18 variants. Several species are pathogenic to humans and other animals and include Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus terreus, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus clavatus, Aspergillus nidulans and Aspergillus fumigatus. Of these species, Aspergillus fumigatus is responsible for up to 80% of Aspergillosis related illnesses in humans. Aspergillus fumigatus functions between the temperatures of 15°C and 53°C. It is commonly associated with compost piles, mulches and sewage treatment facilities. (Appendix V) Conidia spores produced by this species range in diameter from 1.5µm to6.0 µm, and when inhaled by humans are capable of reaching the lower respiratory tract. Aspergillus is the general term to describe the spectrum of diseases caused by the Aspergillus genus. Clinical manifestations may range from Aspergilloma, a saprophytic colonisation of pre-formed cavities or dilapidated tissue to Allergic bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA), a type of hypersensitivity pneumonitis which can cause life threatening complications. ( Migratory potential After odour, bioaerosol concentration is the issue most likely by the public concerning composting facilities. For those living adjacent to a composting operation, the bioaerosol to which they may be exposed is much dependent on a number of factors; wind speed and direction, weather, nature of the composting activity and concentration of the bioaerosol at source. (Reinthaler et al., 1998/99) Several studies have been undertaken to try establish a safe distance from a compost facility at which bioaerosol concentrations are reduced to background concentrations. Results from some of these studies are displayed in Appendix VI and can be seen to range from 61-2614 metres. With such high variance amongst results, it’s not surprising that no European country has yet decided on such a safe distance. 59 In Austria and Germany, regulations exist concerning buffer zone distances between compost facilities and residential areas; however these regulations are in relation to odour only. In the United Kingdom, The UK Environmental Agency recommends a buffer distance of 250 metres, after a study found that spore concentrations decreased by 80%-90% at a distance of 20-40 metres from source. (Casella Science and Environment Ltd., 2001) Dust Dust occurring at compost facilities is technically not bioaerosol, but may contain microbial constituents which have adhered to the particle surfaces. (Prasad et al., 2004) As with bioaerosol, the concentration of dust in the air at a composting facility is a function of the weather, wind speed, wind direction and the nature of the composting operation. The single most important factor concerning dust at a composting site is moisture content. Epstein (2001) has reported how dust concentrations decrease dramatically as moisture content increases. Dust concentrations have also been found to diminish significantly as one moves away from the composting site. Van der Werf et al, 1996 report how dust concentrations decrease considerably 10 metres upwind and downwind of the facility. Dust from a compost facility is therefore likely to be an issue for the compost worker rather than the general public. 5.2 Odour One of the major problems encountered at composting sites is odour. Cheremisinoff (2003) describes the development of odour problems in four stages: Odorous compounds must be present initially or be produced during the processing. These odours must be released from the pile The odours must travel off-site. They must be detected by sensitive individuals. Prevention of odour at a composting site can be achieved at any of these stages. But in most cases prevention of odour problems can be best achieved by preventing odour formation in the first place. In theory aerobic composting does not generate odorous compounds, as anaerobic processes do. However, objectionable odours can come from certain raw materials or the process itself if conditions are not right. There are three primary sources of odours at the composting facility: odorous materials, ammonia lost from high nitrogen materials, and anaerobic conditions within windrows and piles. 60 Aerobic verses anaerobic composting Aerobic micro-organisms thrive at oxygen levels greater then 5 % (fresh air is approximately 20% oxygen). They are the preferred micro-organisms as they provide the most rapid and effective composting. Anaerobic micro-organisms thrive when the compost pile is oxygen deficient. The decomposition by anaerobic micro-organisms is known as fermentation. Anaerobic composting is undesirable in a composting pile as some of the products of anaerobic composting produce offensive odours. Some of these include the following: Hydrogen sulphide, Cadaverine and putrescine. In addition anaerobic processes can cause the production of acids and alcohols which are damaging to plants. Cheremisinoff (2003) also describes the by products of anaerobic conditions include; volatile organic acids (which have a vinegar, cheesy, goaty and sour odours), alcohols, and esters (fruity, floral alcohol like), and amines and sulphur compounds (barnyard, fishy, rotten) can be produced. In contrast in aerobic conditions only a mild earthly odour is expected. The process of reducing the odour from composting material is outlined by Cheremisinoff (2003) who states since many of the odorous compounds in composting material are acidic in nature , raising the pH (neutralizing the acids) will convert them to an ionized (negatively charged, disassociated) form. In this form they cannot be released to the air and will remain in the pile. This method of odour reduction may be ineffective with odours generated from grass clippings or other high nitrogen wastes. Ammonia and amines are weak bases rather then acids and raising the pH may therefore actually increase odour release. NH4+ = NH3 + H+ Odour may require odour control technologies these include masking agents, wet scrubbers, activated carbon filters, thermal oxidation and biofilters. It is the biofilters that are becoming the most popular. Biofiltration is a relatively simple process and is effectively a high C:N ratio compost pile and is capable of removing a large range of odorous compounds. The efficiency of the biofilters is dependent on the sorption capabilities particles and the regeneration of the absorbed chemicals. As air is pumped through the biofilter, odorous compounds are absorbed on to the media surface or dissolved on the any moisture present. The process efficiency is therefore proportional to the surface area of the media particles. Regeneration of sorbed compounds involves microbial degradation, thermal processes and the chemical reactions. It is the microbial processes which are dominant in biofilters as they require less energy, however do require an adequate amount of moisture. An example of microbial regeneration is the oxidation of hydrogen sulphate by thiobacillus bacteria to H+ ions in the sulphate ions which are both odorous. It may take some time for a biofilteration operations to equilibrate on site, as it relies on a balance of sorption and regeneration processes i.e., the regeneration ratio must at least equal the absorption ratio. This can be achieved by monitoring flow ratio and assess its correlation with the elimination of odours. 61 Positioning of Composting Material on-site Odour and leachate One way in which leachate may form a problem is by forming small pools or ‘ponds’ in windrow composting process. Cheremisinoff (2003) states ponding is of concern because it can create odour problems; since anaerobic conditions are likely to occur both in the pool and in the base of the saturated piles. Prevention by properly grading the site, is the best remedy. Also windrows should run down slope instead of across., making it easier for the water to run off rather then accumulate between the windrows. Other problems from composting leachate may include fish kills if the high BOD leachate gets into surface waters. 5.3 Pathogens In composting When composting on a large scale, and especially when using wastes of an agricultural nature, the issue of pathogen survival within the compost is of paramount importance. Although the potential for human pathogens presence in manure is dependant on the type of waste, type of manure and the source of the manure, livestock manures naturally contain a wide range of bacteria, viruses and protozoa. Harmful bacteria within animal manure may include E.Coli (including 0157:H7), Salmonella spp., Listeria, Streptococcus spp., Campylobacter, Clostridium spp., and protozoa including Giardia and Cryptosporidium. In the past, applications of raw manure onto food crops have caused infections by Cytosporidium parvum and Giardia duodenalis, not to mention Campylobacter, Salmonella, E.Coli and Yersinia. Yard trimmings, which are a common component of most composting systems also contain E. coli, Giardia and helminths. ( Plate 1 (Bacteria (rods) one source of pathogens in composting) 62 Plate 2 (Fungal spores which cause a great number of respiratory diseases in humans) There are many methods of disinfection which will ensure that compost is pathogen free, however these methods add an extra stage to an already laborious process, and live cultures within the compost are hugely beneficial, especially if the amterial is to be used as a soil additive. There is also the latent effect of the disinfectant method, which could so damage to receiving media further down the line. Destruction of the soil biota is not a viable option when removing pathogens from compost. It is therefore very convenient that pathogen destruction is yet another function of the compost biota themselves. The compost bacteria themselves and the composting process, under the right conditions, create an environment which is detrimental to the survival of human pathogens. There are two factors to consider when assessing pathogen destruction within a compost system. First is the amount of time a pathogen can survive without a host (composting is a process of many weeks/months), and second is the creation of adverse conditions, within the compost heap, by the compost bacteria themselves. The survival of these pathogens in manure will largely depend on the temperature and moisture content of the materials. Other factors are oxygen level, pH, ammonium content, microbial competition, etc. It is safe to say, however that longer storage times and higher temperatures, are direct factors in the destruction of pathogens within soil or compost systems. See table of pathogen survival times in soil, below. Table 11 : Typical survival times of pathogens in soils: (from Broaders, 2004) Pathogen Maximum survival time Common maximum survival time 1 year 2 months Bacteria 6 Months 3 Months Viruses 10 Days 2 days Protozoa 7 Years 2 Years Helminths 63 We can see that the above table (from Broaders, 2004 (notes)) shows a large proportion of pathogens cannot survive without a host for any great length of time. We must also bear in mind that these are maximum survival times for some of the most host-independent micro-organisms. Composting duration varies considerably depending on the organic materials being composted as well as other conditions. An ideal composting system may take twelve to fifteen weeks to complete. This progresses to a curing period which lasts for another four to six weeks. During this time, a considerable proportion of the microorganisms in the above table will be destroyed. The remaining proportion are not a threat either as they will most likely have been already destroyed by this stage due to the production of adverse conditions such as increased temperature within the compost pile. As pathogen destruction in compost is achieved by the process itself, we must look at the parameters which have been identified as useful in pathogen destruction. Pathogens are generally accepted to be killed off when temperatures are maintained above 55°C for at least three days within an in-vessel or aerated composting system. The core of a windrow system may reach these temperatures, and indeed points other than the core may, but the outermost layers of a windrow system will have lower temperatures. ( ). Repeated turnings are therefore necessary to ensure that all areas of the windrow will reach these temperatures. This is however already carried out in order to introduce oxygen into the core. It is generally recommended that windrows maintain a core temperature of 55ºC for 15 days with at least 5 turnings. Due to the need for proper mixing and consistent high temperatures, pathogen reduction in windrow composting has sometimes been found to be less consistent than when using well-managed, aerated static pile or in-vessel systems. ( 64 The following plates show the active heat generation of windrow compost systems. Plate 3 (windrow system showing heat production in the form of steam) Plate 4 ( a windrow system releasing steam while being mechanically turned) 65 6.0 Discussion and Conclusion of the Research The overall research into the report indicated there to be a wide variety of technologies available for composting. The chosen technology depends on the type and scale of composting to be carried out. At present there is no standard legislative framework in relation to composting throughout Europe. Also in the Irish Context there is no standard regulation within Ireland either. In the European context Ireland is rated a category IV in relation to its level of organic waste recycling facilities. This is the lowest score in a1-4 rating where countries like Sweden, Germany, and Italy scored a 1 rating due to their established separate collection and composting facilities. The research indicated the greatest amount of waste generated in Ireland is in the Agricultural sector. Some of the main agri-waste products in Ireland include Spent Mushroom Compost and Animal manure. At present the main waste disposal methods of these agri-waste products are to spread them on land as outlined in Taegasc reports. Ultimately both products compete against each other for land spreading space. The time and place of spreading is also being reduced due to stricter EU environmental legislation. However, the research has indicated, in relation to waste from the agribusiness, the national herd has actually decreased in the last four years and this has lead to a slight decrease in manure output. Mushroom compost production on the other hand has increased significantly in output in the late 1990’s but has also stabilised. Still the need to find alternative methods for disposal of this waste is necessary. The lack of real progress in the composting of agri-waste as an alternative to land spreading may be due to the legislative grey area of the composting process as stated above. The research indicated the composting process can ultimately take a waste product like manure or spent mushroom compost and through the composting process produce an end product with a greater utility and market potential. Yet, although the composting process kills pathogens and the end product is stable humus, the research indicated composting does have its problems especially in the way of bioaerosols and in certain situations odour. Alas, the use of pesticides in the agri-business and its effects on the composting process needs to be researched and determined with legislation developed in relation to this also. On another level there are no standards set in relation to the quality of the compost. Therefore it is difficult to market a product with no quality standards as guide lines to determine what is being sold. At the time of the research ‘Cre’ The composting Association of Ireland were in the process of developing standards. In the future if composting is to be developed as a viable option for agri-waste disposal many of the above factors need to be considered. Conclusion There are no EU legislation standards for composting There are no EU legislation for compost quality At present composting agri-waste isn’t being considered as an alternative to traditional methods of organic agri-waste disposal in Ireland. 66 7.0 Calculations of the Adjustments Required to Find the Optimum C:N Ratios for both Cattle Manure and Spent Mushroom Compost The following calculation determines the amount of manure and spent mushroom compost that are required to create the correct C:N ratio for a successful composting process to be developed. Due to the low C:N ratio of both cattle manure and spent mushroom, it was decided that the theoretical sawdust requirements of each should be calculated in order to further investigate their viability as compost feed stocks. This was achieved by the following mathematical analysis: Feed Stock Material Moisture Content (%) Nitrogen (% D.W.) C:N Ratio Cattle Manure Spent Mushroom Compost Sawdust 81 69 35 2.4 19:1 2.1 18:1 0.11 500:1 Every kg of feedstock contains: Cattle Manure Water (kg) Dry Matter (kg) Nitrogen (kg) Organic Carbon (kg) 0.81 0.19 0.00456 Spent Mushroom Compost 0.69 0.31 0.00651 0.35 0.65 0.000715 0.08664 0.11718 0.3575 Sawdust When equal parts of both cattle manure and sawdust are mixed, the C:N ratio is as follows: C:N Ratio = C (Cattle Manure + Sawdust) N (Cattle Manure + Sawdust) C:N Ratio = 84.197:1 When equal parts of both SMC and sawdust are mixed, the C:N ratio is as follows: C:N Ratio = C (SMC + Sawdust) N (SMC + Sawdust) C:N Ratio = 65.699:1 67 To calculate the weight/kg of sawdust required to achieve a C:N ratio of 30:1, the following formula is applied: X(Kg of Sawdust needed for C:N ratio of 30:1)= % Nb ( R Rb (1 Mb) x x % Na ( Ra R ) (1 Ma ) Where, a = Sawdust b = Cattle Manure/ Spent Mushroom Compost Na = % Nitrogen in Sawdust Nb = % Nitrogen in Cattle Manure/ Spent Mushroom Compost R = Desired C:N Ratio Ra = C:N Ratio of Sawdust Rb = C:N Ratio of Cattle Manure/ Spent Mushroom Compost Ma = Moisture content of Sawdust Mb = Moisture content of Cattle Manure/ Spent Mushroom Compost Cattle Manure X(Kg of Sawdust needed for C:N ratio of 30:1)= 2.4 (30 19) (1 0.81) x x 0.11 (500 30) (1 0.35) X = 0.1492, Therefore, in order to achieve a C:N ratio of 30:1, 0.1492 kg of sawdust must be added to each kg of cattle manure. Spent Mushroom Compost X(Kg of Sawdust needed for C:N ratio of 30:1)= 2.1 (30 18) (1 0.69) x x 0.11 (500 30) (1 0.35) X = 0.23215, Therefore, in order to achieve a C:N ratio of 30:1, 0.23215 kg of sawdust must be added to each kg of Spent Mushroom Compost. 68 8.0 References Barth, J. (2003). Biological Waste Treatment in Europe – Technical and Market Developments. Brady N and Weil,R. (2002). The Nature and Properties of Soils,13TH ed. US, Prentice Hall. Casella Science and Environment Ltd. (2001) IACR Rothamstad, Monitoring the Environment-Impacts of Waste Composting Plants R & D Technical Reports P428. Environmental Agency Pp 113. 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(1998/89) Comparative investigations of airborne culturable micro-organisms in selected waste treatment facilities and neighbouring residential areas, Zentrallblatt für Hygiene und Umweltmedizin, 202-1-17. Rynk et al (1992), On-farm Composting Handbook, Ithaca NY: Corporate Extension, Northeast Regional Agricultural Engineering Services. Satriana, M.J. (1974) Large Scale Composting, Noyes Data Corporation, New Jersey 07656USA Skitt. J, (1972)Disposal of Refuse and Other Waste- Introducing domestic, industrial, toxic and hazardous waste.. Great Britain, BKT printers LTD Tchobanoglous.G, and Kreith. F.,Hand (2002) Book of Solid Waste Management, 2nd ed. NY, McGraw-Hill. USEPA, (1994) Composting Yard Trimmings and Municipal Solid Waste, USA U.S EPA, 2000. Biosolids Technologu Fact Sheet; In-vessel Composting of Biosolids, US EPA, Washington D.C U.S EPA 530/ R-94-003 USEPA 96 U.S Environmental Protection Agency, 2000. Biosolids Technology Fact Sheet; In-vessel Composting of Biosolids EPA /832-F-061, Washington D.C : U.S Environmental Protection Agency (good in-vessel diagram) Van der Werf,P.,Carter,C.Browne,G, Hosty, M, Environmental RTDI Programme (2000-2006), Assessment and Evaluation of Outlets of Compost produced From Municipal Wastes,(2000-MS-6-M1), Environmental and Resource Management LTD. Final Report. Williams, B., McMullan, J., McCahey, S. (2001) An initial assessment of spent mushroom compost as a potential energy feedstock, Northern Ireland Centre for Energy Research and Technology (NICERT), Bioresource Technology 79 (2001) 227 – 230, Elsevier Science Ltd, U.K. 70 Websites (Sept.2002) (updated 2000) (Oct.1995) oranalyser/MiljoeOgEnergi/ ional2001.pdf oranalyser/MiljoeOgEnergi/ (Jan.2005) (Dec.2001),1961,en.pdf (2002),1961,en.pdf (July 2000) izers/CompostManure02.pdf com/article6.html (May1999) df Oct/2005/300 71 ttp:// pload,5983,en.pdf,385,en.pdf art00003 .shtml 72 9.0 Appendices Appendix I Table 12 73 Appendix II Table 13- Composting Flow Chart 74 Appendix III Table 14 Composition of Irish Spent Mushroom Compost Composition of Irish Spent Mushroom Compost Constituent Available Mean Minimum Nutrients* pH 6.6 5.9 EC (mS/m) 750 580 NO3 62 21 NH4 49 2 P 31 11 K 2130 1450 Na 253 160 Cl 118 40 Total Nutrient Content N (g/kg DM) 25.5 23.1 P 12.5 10.3 K 25 17 Ca 72.5 42 Mg 6.7 5.2 S 15.9 9.6 Na 2.67 1.7 Fe (mg/kg DM) 2153 1300 Mn 376 320 B 37 32 Cu 46 36 Zn 273 220 Bulk Density (g/l) %Dry Matter (DM) % Ash 319 31.5 35 257 24.1 30.4 Maximum 7.4 903 87 133 73 2650 350 157 28.2 15.3 32 99 8.7 22 3.2 3200 460 43 65 390 395 35.1 41.5 * mg/l in a 1.5 distilled water to 1 spent mushroom compost volume extract. 75 Appendix IV 76 77 Appendix V Table15 15 Appendix VI Table 16 78 Appendix VII A BENCHTOP SYSTEM FOR EVALUATION OF PESTICIDE DISPOSAL BY COMPOSTING. J. A. Petruska et al., 1985. This is a method of disposing of pesticides by composting. The article which was retrieved from ‘Nuclear and Chemical waste management’, Vol. 5, pp. 177-182, 1985, through the electronic journal web of science, gives an interesting observation of the bulk disposal of pesticides, an agricultural waste, and in doing so details the problems which may arrive from their presence in other agricultural wastes. Methods: The compost media was contained in a glass vial with temperature control, and aeration. All CO2 and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) which were released from the system were captured via a system of scrubbers. The moisture-laden air was then continuously fed to the composting system to prevent desiccation of the compost. Equal proportions by volume of dairy cow manure and sawdust comprised of the compost media, the moisture content of which varied from 60-65%. 10g of this material was then aerated and heated to a temperature of 35°C for 24 h. The temperature was then raised by 5°C for every 24 h elapsed until reaching 65°C (six days incubation). This temperature was then maintained throughout the experiment, and aeration was provided for 1 out of 10 min, at the rate of 25 or 50 ml/min. Diazinon (0-0-diethyl 0-(2-isopropyl-6-methyl-4-pyrimidinyl phosphorothiate), and Chlordane (1,2,4,5,6,7,8,8-octachloro-3a,4,7,7,a-tetrahydro-4,7methanoindane) were selected as representative organophosphate and chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides respectively. Preliminary doses of pesticide were at a rate of 100µg/g (wet wt) of Diazinon and Chlordane, and carbon dioxide evolution was used as a measure of microbial activity. Volatiles were captured in the scrubbing apparatus and were analysed by thin-layer chromatography (TLC). Remaining pesticide was analyzed in the compost by solvent extraction, evaporation and TLC. Remaining organic carbon was combusted to CO2 and collected. Results: C recovery after composting: There was very little CO2 production through the composting of either of the pesticides. (0.2 and 0.5%). Diazinon, the organophosphate released 16.6% total carbon as VOC’s, while Chlordane released over 50% in this manner. Carbon bound organics accounted for 69% of the Diazinon and just under 48% of the Chlordane. 79 TLC Results: These indicate that there was little or no transformation of Chloridane within the system. However ‘IMHP (2-isopropyl-4-methyl-6-hydroxypyrimidine), a product of degradation of Diazinon, ‘was present at a trace level in the standard but in significant quantity in the solvent extracts’ Discussion: This type of experiment proves that use of a benchtop study can trace all major routes of transportation within a system. The results indicate that the major routes of removal of these pesticides are volatilization and hydrolysis. Bases on TLC analysis Diazinon was almost completely transformed to IMHP. A Flavobacterium sp. Has been isolated that uses Diazinon as its sole carbon source. Chlorodane’s persistence in soil has been measured as being in excess of 12 years, and its metabolism in this experiment was negligible. Volatilization may be the major route of removal from composting systems for some pesticides. When monitoring on site, temperature studies throughout the system should be preformed as volatiles may recondence on the outer edges of a composting system. VIII Appendix Methodology to estimate quantities of neat excretia (urine and faeces) Produced by different classes of livestock (source: EPA National Waste Database 2001) The factors used to derive the total factors of organic waste arising from the various agricultural sectors. These factors are applied to the livestock population in 2001. The proportion of managed (i.e., collected and stored and applied to the land at a later date) organic slurries and manures is estimated by applying the following average winter housing periods – cattle 20 weeks and sheep 6 weeks (lowland ewes only).It is assumed that the total amount of slurry and manure arising from the pig and poultry sector is collected, stored and subsequently applied to land. 80 Appendix VIII Table 17 - Central Statistics Office-Agricultural Data Source: Source: 81 Figure 16 Animal Waste Irish Agri-business Source: National Waste Database 2001 Appendix IX Vermicomposting Vermicomposting is the process whereby earthworms are used as a biological degrader of organic wastes in a controlled environment, and the earthworms themselves are the main product of degradation. Earthworms have long been credited with increasing the porosity, friability, and general health of soils. Charles Darwin stated that ‘It may be doubted whether there are many other animals which have played so important a part in the history of the world, as have these lowly organized creatures’. Earthworms used in vermicomposting eat approximately their own body weight each day, and reproduction is rapid where conditions are favourable. Vermicomposting is becoming increasingly popular in both domestic and agricultural applications as the product of the application is an increase in the fertility of any soils. As sub surface feeders earthworms used in this practice will only colonise 8-12 inches of material so deeper bins are lined with porous bedding material, and organic matter is layered on top. Additions of new material are made by rotating the top couple of inches in order to bury the new material. This keeps the organic material away from flies and birds, as well as denying it access to regions lacking in oxygen. Optimum conditions: Like any form of composting, one of the most important factors is aeration, so it goes without saying that this factor is crucial too for the survival of oxygen dependant earthworms. In larger scale applications the consistency of the material is crucial as the harder wastes from crop production alone are too tough, where as this material is necessary to provide aeration. Also the pore space of the bedding material is crucial to provide both aeration and moisture removal. 82 Extensive studies in vermiculture have revealed that earthworms eat all kinds of organic wastes, from the many grades of sewage sludge to pulverised eggshells. However limited amounts of citrus, or other acidic plant wastes may be added as the pH of the system must be kept above pH 6.0. The optimum pH is 6.5 and the upper limit is pH7.0. Earthworms also dislike strong light or heat so the temperature of the system should be kept in check. The optimum temperatures for degradation are 12 - 25°C but the red worms used in the process can survive temperature of just above freezing to 30°C. The moisture content of the material should be high enough to allow the softening of the harder components of the compost, but not high enough so as to retard aeration. Piles must be covered from rainfall. (Edwards, 1998) System management: The process is generally a resilient one whereby if too much organic matter is added to the systems gas production will be noticed through the presence of odours. When this happens the solution is simply to stop adding organic matter until the worms have a chance to catch up. On the other hand if too little new matter is added natural competition will simply reduce the number of competitors and the system will stabilise again. Worms are very sensitive to some forms of pesticides (See section on Ivermectin) so it is therefore unlikely that vermicomposting could be applied to conventional areas of crop producing agriculture where the use of these chemicals is greater than any other area. The process may be more applicable to areas where very little or no pesticides are used such as tuber production or the various practices in organic farming. Harvesting the system. There are three basic methods involved in harvesting the worms from the system (usually carries out every 2 – 3 months. The first involves simply moving the old material and worms over to one side of the digester and beginning the process again on the cleared space. Worms contained within the composted material should colonise the new material. This method will eventually require the removal of worms however, unless the mass of composted material is continuously increased. To completely separate the composted material from the worms the material may be sifted with a suitably sized mesh, or alternatively piles of material may be left in strong sunlight. The worms dislike of strong light and heat will cause them to concentrate in the centre of the pile. Repeating this process should produce a concentration of worms ready to be used in soil applications. 83 84