IIA AS SW WR RS Sp peecciiaall LLiissttsseerrvv A An nn no ou un ncceem meen ntt O Occtto ob beerr 1 18 8,, 2 20 00 04 4 Compiled as a resource to advance social work education, practice, and policy through social work research. For more information about IASWR visit www.iaswresearch.org. See subscription information below. For previous issues of IASWR Listserv Announcements, please visit IASWR Online Archives SPECIAL LISTSERV ANNOUNCEMENT Occasionally IASWR receives a newsletter that is so full of useful and interesting information that we forward it in its entirety. This is one of them. Current Awareness in Aging Research (CAAR) Report #257--October 7, 2004. CAAR (Current Awareness in Aging Research) is a weekly email report produced by the Center for Demography of Health and Aging at the University of Wisconsin-Madison that helps researchers keep up to date with the latest developments in the field. For more information, including an archive of back issues and subscription information see: http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/cdha/caar.html ======================================================================= I. Data: 1 CENSUS BUREAU: A. “National Estimates by Age, Sex, Race: 1900-1979 (PE-11) (October 2004, Microsoft Excel, .pdf, and comma separated value [.csv] format). The worksheets are estimates by single year of age, and topcoded at 75+ for 19001939, 85+ for 1940-1979. The race breakdowns are for "White, Nonwhite" for 1900-1959, and for "White, Black, Other" for 1960-1979. Files are available in year by year or 10 year increments. http://www.census.gov/popest/archives/pre-1980/PE-11.html B. International Data Base: The US Census Bureau has updated IDB as of Sep.30, 2004. The database is available either via a web extraction system or a downloadable program for use on the PC. "The International Data Base (IDB) is a computerized data bank containing statistical tables of demographic, and socio-economic data for 227 countries and areas of the world." http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/idbnew.html Click on "Release notes" next to "Data updated 9-30-2004" for content of the latest updates. C. "Consolidated Federal Funds Report 2003 (State and County Areas)" (CFR/03, September 2004, .zip compressed ASCII data and .pdf format report, 110p.) and "Federal Aid to States for Fiscal Year 2003" (FAS/03, September 2004, .pdf format, 56p.). The reports and data are linked to IASWR Listserv Announcements October 18, 2004 from a Census Bureau news release: "Federal Domestic Spending Tops $2 Trillion in 2003, Census Bureau Reports" (CB04-176, Oct. 7, 2004). http://www.census.gov/PressRelease/www/releases/archives/governments/002939.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------2. HRS UPDATES: A. "The Family Data resource pages have been updated to reflect the rerelease of HRS 1992 and HRS 1994. Visit Overview: Creating Parent Files with One Record Per Respondent to view changes" (University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research, Health and Retirement Study, Oct. 5, 2004). http://hrsonline.isr.umich.edu/news/sho_news.php?hfyle=change&xtyp=4 See the Oct. 5, 2004 notice. B. "1994 HRS Core (Wave 2, Final, Version 2.0): Data File W2PARS Replaced" (University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research, Health and Retirement Study, Oct. 7, 2004). http://hrsonline.isr.umich.edu/meta/alerts/sho_alerts.php?hfyle=cpub013&xtyp=3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------3. MEPS: A. "HC-068: Multum Lexicon Addendum Files to MEPS Prescribed Medicines Files 1996-2001" (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, September 2004, documentation in HTML, .pdf, .asp, or ASCII format, with SAS and SPSS programming statements; data in ASCII (.zip or .exe compression) or SAS transport format (.zip or .exe compression)). http://www.meps.ahcpr.gov/Puf/PufDetail.asp?ID=162 B. "HC-067H: 2002 Home Health File" (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, September 2004, documentation in HTML, .pdf, .asp, or ASCII format, with SAS and SPSS programming statements; data in ASCII (.zip or .exe compression) or SAS transport format (.zip or .exe compression)). http://www.meps.ahcpr.gov/Puf/PufDetail.asp?ID=165 C. "HC-067C: 2002 Other Medical Expenses" (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, September 2004, documentation in HTML, .pdf, .asp, or ASCII format, with SAS and SPSS programming statements; data in ASCII (.zip or .exe compression) or SAS transport format (.zip or .exe compression)). http://www.meps.ahcpr.gov/Puf/PufDetail.asp?ID=164 D. "HC-067B: 2002 Dental Visits" (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, September 2004, documentation in HTML, .pdf, 2 IASWR Listserv Announcements October 18, 2004 .asp, or ASCII format, with SAS and SPSS programming statements; data in ASCII (.zip or .exe compression) or SAS transport format (.zip or .exe compression)). http://www.meps.ahcpr.gov/Puf/PufDetail.asp?ID=163 E. "MEPS Household Compendia of Tables" (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, September 2004). Household Medical Quality Tables for 2001 have been added. http://www.meps.ahcpr.gov/CompendiumTables/TC_TOC.HTM ======================================================================= II. Reports and articles: 4. SSA OP COMPENDIUM: "SSI (Supplemental Security Income) Annual Statistical Report, 2003" (US Social Security Administration Office of Policy, September 2004, HTML and .pdf format, 139p.). Note: Past reports back to 1999 are available at the bottom of the web page. http://www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/statcomps/ssi_asr/2003/index.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------5. SSA OCT REPORTS: A. "A Stochastic Model of the Long-Range Financial Status of the OASDI Program," by Anthony W. Cheng, Michael L. Miller, Michael Morris, Jason P. Schultz, J. Patrick Skirvin, and Danielle P. Walder (US Social Security Administration, Office of the Chief Actuary, Actuarial Study 117, October 2004, .pdf format, 92p.). Introduction Extract: Each year the Board of Trustees of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) and Disability Insurance (DI) Trust Funds provides three separate sets of long-range (75-year) assumptions for key demographic and economic variables that affect the future financial status of the combined OASI and DI (OASDI) programs. The intermediate (alternative II) set of assumptions represents the Trustees’ best estimate for future experience, while the low cost (alternative I) and high cost (alternative III) sets of assumptions are more and less favorable, respectively, from the perspective of the trust funds’ future financial outlook. The Office of the Chief Actuary (OCACT) of the Social Security Administration (SSA) uses the three sets of assumptions to project the principal factors affecting the financial status of the OASDI program. Taken together, these three projections give policy makers a sense of the range of variation in the assumptions and in the financial status of the OASDI program. However, this deterministic approach makes no attempt to assign values to the likelihood of these sets of assumptions. This Actuarial Study documents the OCACT Stochastic Model (OSM), Version 2004.1. The OSM assigns random variation for some of the key demographic and economic assumptions. These include the total fertility rate, rates of change in mortality, levels of immigration, emigration, and net other immigration, unemployment rate, inflation rate, real interest rate, growth rate in the 3 IASWR Listserv Announcements October 18, 2004 real average wage, and disability incidence and recovery rates. The OSM is designed such that the projected values for each variable are centered on the intermediate assumptions of the 2004 Trustees Report (TR04II). http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/NOTES/as117/as117.pdf B. "Unisex Life Expectancies at Birth and Age 65," by Felicitie Bell and Michael Miller (US Social Security Administration, Office of the Chief Actuary, Actuarial Note 2004.2, September 2004, .pdf format, 3p.). http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/NOTES/an2004-2/an2004-2.pdf ----------------------------------------------------------------------6. CMS NEWS RELEASE, PERIODICAL: A. "CMS Announces Demonstration Project for Beneficiaries with High Medical Costs" (US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Oct. 1, 2004). http://www.cms.hhs.gov/media/press/release.asp?Counter=1221 B. "The CMS Quarterly Provider Update." US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, October 2004). http://www.cms.hhs.gov/providerupdate/ Links to this and archival updates are at the bottom of the page. ----------------------------------------------------------------------7. DHHS NEWS RELEASE: "Medicare Advantage Plans Expand Coverage to Seniors, Lower Costs for Enrollees" (Oct. 6, 2004). http://www.hhs.gov/news/press/2004pres/20041006a.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------8. CENSUS BUREAU REPORT: "A Profile Of Older Workers In Maryland, by Nick Carroll and Cynthia Taeuber (US Census Bureau Local Employment Dynamics LED/OW-MD, August 2004, .pdf format, 22p.). Note: The report is linked to from a Census Bureau news release: "Maryland's Work Force Remains on the Job, As It Ages" (CB04-177, Oct. 5, 2004). http://www.census.gov/PressRelease/www/releases/archives/employment_occupations/002947.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------9. IRS ARTICLE: "Federal Estate Tax Returns Filed for Nonresident Aliens, 2001 and 2002, by Darien Berkowitz Jacobson (US Internal Revenue Service, 2004,.pdf format, 16p.). http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-soi/02esnonr.pdf ----------------------------------------------------------------------10. GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE: "Prescription Drugs: Trends in Usual and Customary Prices for Drugs Commonly Used by Medicare and Non-Medicare Enrollees" (GAO-05-104R, October 2004, .pdf format, 7p.). 4 IASWR Listserv Announcements October 18, 2004 http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d05104r.pdf Note: This is a temporary address. Selected GAO correspondence may be archived at: http://www.gpoaccess.gov/gaoreports/index.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------11. AARP ARTICLES, REPORT: A. "International Trends in Public Pensions: Towards Strong Social Security Systems," by Dalmer Hoskins (AARP Global Perspectives Program, September 2004). http://www.aarp.org/international/Articles/a2004-09-10globalperspectives.html B. "African Americans Age 65 and Older: Their Sources of Income," by Laurel Beedon and Ke Bin Wu (AARP Public Policy Institute, September 2004, HTML and .pdf format, 2p.). http://research.aarp.org/econ/fs100_aaincome.html C: "Out-of-Pocket Spending on Health Care by Medicare Beneficiaries Age 65 and Older in 2003," by Craig Caplan and Normandy Brangan (AARP Public Policy Institute Data Digest DD101, September 2004, .pdf format, 8p.). http://research.aarp.org/health/dd101_spending.html Click on "Download or view" at the bottom of the page for link to full text. ----------------------------------------------------------------------12. KFF FACTSHEETS, MEDICARE DRUG IMPLEMENTATION RESOURCES, REPORTS A. "The Role of the Medicaid and Medicare Programs for People Living with HIV/AIDS" (Kaiser Family Foundation, October 2004, .pdf format, each factsheet is 2p.). "Two new fact sheets provide an overview of the role of the Medicaid and Medicare programs for people living with HIV/AIDS including federal funding estimates, eligibility criteria and services, profile of beneficiaries, and future outlook. Most people living with HIV/AIDS who qualify for Medicaid are Supplemental Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries, meaning they are both disabled and low income. The majority of Medicare beneficiaries with HIV/AIDS are under the age of 65 and disabled, and most also rely on Medicaid. http://www.kff.org/hivaids/hiv100104pkg.cfm B. "Resources on the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Update" (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2004). "The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 was signed into law on December 8, 2003. The Foundation has compiled some resources to reflect the latest information, as well as background materials on various parts of the law." http://www.kff.org/medicare/rxdrugdebate.cfm C. "Papers on Issues For People With Medicare Raised By Proposed Drug Benefit Regulations." "The Kaiser Family Foundation has commissioned a series of 5 IASWR Listserv Announcements October 18, 2004 issue papers to explore key issues that may be of concern for Medicare beneficiaries as the new Medicare drug benefit is implemented. These papers focus on specific areas of potential concern for people with Medicare. "The papers are: "Marketing and Privacy Issues: An Analysis of the MMA and Proposed Regulations," by Joy Pritts (September 2003, .pdf format, 15p.); "Issues for Medicare Beneficiaries in Long-Term Care Facilities: An Analysis of the MMA and Proposed Regulations," by Vicki Gottlich (September 2004, .pdf format, 11p.); "Grievance and Appeals Procedures: An Analysis of the MMA and Proposed Regulations," by Sara Rosenbaum (September 2004, .pdf format, 12p.); and "The Effect of Formularies and Other Cost Management Tools on Access to Medications: An Analysis of the MMA and Proposed Regulations," by John F. Hoadley (September 2004, .pdf format, 11p.). In addition, there is a "Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act Implementation Timeline: June 2004 - December 2006 Key Dates" timeline at the site (HTML and .pdf format, 2p.). http://www.kff.org/medicare/med092004pkg.cfm ----------------------------------------------------------------------13. BOSTON COLLEGE RETIREMENT RESEARCH CENTER JUST THE FACTS: "Changing 401(k) Defaults on Cashing Out: Another Step in the Right Direction," by Alicia H. Munnell and Jamie Lee (JTF #12, September 2004, .pdf format, 4p.). "Over the last 20 years, pension coverage has shifted from defined benefit plans, where benefits are based on years of service and final salary and generally paid as an annuity, to 401(k) plans, where individual and employer contributions and earnings on those contributions are awarded as a lump sum at retirement. Although the majority of workers lucky enough to have a pension will rely on a 401(k) plan, these plans are coming up short. The main reason is that 401(k) plans shift all the risks and decision-making from the employer to the individual, and individuals make mistakes all along the way. One of the most serious mistakes occurs when young people cash out small pension accounts upon changing jobs. The regulation issued today from the U.S. Department of Labor with regard to provisions in the 2001 Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act should help solve the 'cash out' problem. http://www.bc.edu/centers/crr/jtf_12.shtml ----------------------------------------------------------------------14. URBAN INSTITUTE ARTICLE: "The _USA Today_ Lifetime Social Security and Medicare Benefits Calculator: Assumptions and Methods," by C. Eugene Steuerle and Adam Carasso (October 2004, HTML and .pdf format, 4p., with six Microsoft Excel tables). http://www.urban.org/url.cfm?ID=900746 ----------------------------------------------------------------------15. CENTER FOR ECONOMIC AND POLICY RESEARCH ISSUE BRIEF: "Financing Drug Research: What Are the Issues," by Dean Baker (September 2004, .pdf format, 27p.). http://www.who.int/intellectualproperty/news/en/Submission-Baker.pdf More information on CEPR: 6 IASWR Listserv Announcements October 18, 2004 http://www.cepr.net/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------16. _PNAS_ ARTICLE ABSTRACT: "Efficient reversal of Alzheimer's disease fibril formation and elimination of neurotoxicity by a small molecule," by Barbara J. Blanchard, Albert Chen, Leslie M. Rozeboom, Kate A. Stafford, Peter Weigele and Vernon M. Ingram (_Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences_, Vol. 101, No. 40, Oct. 5, 2004, p. 14326-14332). http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/abstract/101/40/14326?etoc ----------------------------------------------------------------------17. _NATURE_ ARTICLE ABSTRACT: "Hedgehog signalling in prostate regeneration, neoplasia and metastasis," by Sunil S. Karhadkar, G. Steven Bova, Nadia Abdallah, Surajit Dhara, Dale Gardner, Anirban Maitra, John T. Isaacs, David M. Berman, and Philip A. Beachy (_Nature_ Letters to _Nature_, Vol. 431, No. 7009, Oct. 7, 2004, p. 707-712). http://www.nature.com/cgitaf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nature/journal/v431/n7009/abs/nature02962_r.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------18. _JAMA_ ARTICLE ABSTRACTS: A. "Estrogen Plus Progestin and Lewis H. Kuller, Ross Prentice, S. Stafford, Steven Sidney, and Medical Association_, Vol. 292, Risk of Venous Thrombosis," by Mary Cushman, Rebecca J. Rodabough, Bruce M. Psaty, Randall Frits R. Rosendaal (_Journal of the American No. 13, Oct. 6, 2004, p. 1573-1580). http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/292/13/1573 B. "Esterified Estrogens and Conjugated Equine Estrogens and the Risk of Venous Thrombosis," by Nicholas L. Smith, Susan R. Heckbert, Rozenn N. Lemaitre, Alex P. Reiner, Thomas Lumley, Noel S. Weiss, Eric B. Larson, Frits R. Rosendaal, and Bruce M. Psaty (_Journal of the American Medical Association_, Vol. 292, No. 13, Oct. 6, 2004, p. 1581-1587). http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/292/13/1581 ----------------------------------------------------------------------19. _NEJM_ PERSPECTIVE ABSTRACT, ARTICLE ABSTRACT: A. "Mechanisms of Androgen-Refractory Prostate Cancer," by Jose D. Debes and Donald J. Tindall (_New England Journal of Medicine_ Perspective, Vol. 351, No. 15, p. 1488-1490). http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/extract/351/15/1488 B. "Docetaxel plus Prednisone or Mitoxantrone plus Prednisone for Advanced Prostate Cancer," by Ian F. Tannock, Ronald de Wit, William R. Berry, Jozsef Horti, Anna Pluzanska, Kim N. Chi, Stephane Oudard, Christine Théodore, Nicholas D. James, Ingela Turesson, Mark A. Rosenthal, Mario A. Eisenberger (_New England Journal of Medicine_, Vol. 351, No. 15, p. 1502-1512). http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/abstract/351/15/1502 C. "Docetaxel and Estramustine Compared with Mitoxantrone and Prednisone for 7 IASWR Listserv Announcements October 18, 2004 Advanced Refractory Prostate Cancer," by Daniel P. Petrylak, Catherine M. Tangen, Maha H.A. Hussain, Primo N. Lara, Jr., Jeffrey A. Jones, Mary Ellen Taplin, Patrick A. Burch, Donna Berry, Carol Moinpour, Manish Kohli, Mitchell C. Benson, Eric J. Small, Derek Raghavan, and E. David Crawford (_New England Journal of Medicine_, Vol. 351, No. 15, p. 1513-1520). http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/abstract/351/15/1513 ----------------------------------------------------------------------20. _BMJ_ NEWS ROUNDUP, ARTICLE: A. "Commission raises questions over Northern Ireland's death certificates," by Muiris Houston (_British Medical Journal_ News Roundup, Vol. 329, No. 7469, Oct. 2, 2004, p. 760). http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/329/7469/760?etoc B. "Life span and disability: a cross sectional comparison of Russian and Swedish community based data," by Martin Bobak, Margareta Kristenson, Hynek Pikhart, and Michael Marmot (_British Medical Journal_, Vol. 329, No. 7469, Oct. 2, 2004, HTML and .pdf format, 5p.). http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/329/7469/767?etoc ----------------------------------------------------------------------21. _LANCET_ EDITORIAL, SEMINAR, : Note: _Lancet_ requires free registration before providing content. A. "How would you like to be treated when you are 75?" (_Lancet_ Editorial, Vol. 364, No. 9441, HTML and .pdf format, p. 1192). HTML: http://www.thelancet.com/journal/vol364/iss9441/full/llan.364.9441.analysis_a nd_interpretation.30904.1 .pdf: http://pdf.thelancet.com/pdfdownload?uid=llan.364.9441.analysis_and_interpret ation.30904.1&x=x.pdf B. "Elder abuse," by Mark S. Lachs, Karl and Pillemer (_Lancet_ Seminar Vol. 364, No. 9441, HTML and .pdf format, p. 1263-1272). HTML: http://www.thelancet.com/journal/vol364/iss9441/full/llan.364.9441.review_and _opinion.30887.1 .pdf: http://pdf.thelancet.com/pdfdownload?uid=llan.364.9441.review_and_opinion.308 87.1&x=x.pdf ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 IASWR Listserv Announcements October 18, 2004 22. _NEWSWEEK_ ARTICLE: "Seniors & the City," by Peg Tyre (_Newsweek_, Oct. 11, 2004). http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6160422/site/newsweek/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------23. _US NEWS AND WORLD REPORT_ ARTICLE: "Pharmaceutical politics: The Senate ties itself in knots over cheaper drugs from Canada," by Terence Samuel (_US News and World Report_, Oct. 11, 2004). http://www.usnews.com/usnews/issue/041011/usnews/11import.htm ======================================================================= III. Working Papers: 24. NBER: A. "Global Demographic Change: Dimensions and Economic Significance," by David E. Bloom and David Canning (National Bureau of Economic Research, w10817, October 2004, .pdf format, 45p.). Abstract: Transitions from high mortality and fertility to low mortality and fertility can be beneficial to economies as large baby boom cohorts enter the workforce and save for retirement, while rising longevity has perhaps increased both the incentive to invest in education and to save for retirement. We present estimates of a model of economic growth that highlights the positive effects of demographic change during 1960-95. We also show how Ireland benefited from lower fertility in the form of higher labor supply per capita and how Taiwan benefited through increased savings rates. We emphasize, however, that the realization of the potential benefits associated with the demographic transition appears to be dependent on institutions and policies, requiring the productive employment of the potential workers and savings the transition generates. Economic projections based on an "accounting" approach that assumes constant age-specific behavior are likely to be seriously misleading. http://www.nber.org/papers/W10817 Click on "PDF" or submit your email address for full text. B. "Health Shocks and Couples' Labor Supply Decisions," by Courtney C. Coile (National Bureau of Economic Research, w10810, October 2004, .pdf format, 32p.). Abstract: Unexpected health events such as a heart attack or new cancer diagnosis are very common for workers in their 50s and 60s. These health shocks can result in a significant loss in family income if the worker reduces labor supply, but the family can also protect itself against this loss if the worker's spouse increases labor supply, generating an "added worker effect." In this paper, I examine the effect of health shocks on the labor supply of both spouses using the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). I find that shocks lead the affected worker to reduce labor supply dramatically, particularly if the shock is 9 IASWR Listserv Announcements October 18, 2004 accompanied by a loss of functioning. I also find that the added worker effect is small for men and that there is no such effect for women. There is some evidence to suggest that families respond to health shocks in predictable ways depending on characteristics such as access to retiree health insurance. The study concludes that health shocks result in real financial losses for families and are an important source of financial risk for older households. http://www.nber.org/papers/W10810 Click on "PDF" or submit your email address for full text. ----------------------------------------------------------------------25. WHARTON SCHOOL (UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA) PENSION RESEARCH COUNCIL: "Changing the Retirement Paradigm," by Robert L. Clark and Olivia S. Mitchell (WP 2004-18, 2004, .pdf format, 19p.). Abstract: Labor market changes are driving employers, employees, and policymakers to confront the need for a new retirement paradigm. The old model assumed a relatively homogeneous labor force where employee benefits, particularly pensions, were designed to reward career employees after years of loyalty, effort, and productivity. When labor force growth was the norm, many firms favored hiring plentiful younger workers over retaining more costly older employees. It was in that context that employers developed defined benefit(DB) plans that benefited mainly full career employees, while penalizing those who remained with the firm only a few years. Now labor force aging, combined with slower rates of workforce growth, suggest that jobs and pensions will have to be structured rather differently. This chapter overviews the factors driving the new model. http://prc.wharton.upenn.edu/prc/PRC/WP/WP2004-18.pdf ----------------------------------------------------------------------26. NEW ZEALAND TREASURY: A. "Women's Retirement Incomes in New Zealand: A Household Bargaining Approach," by John Gibson, Trinh Le and Grant Scobie (TWP 04/22, September 2004, .pdf format, 19p.). Abstract: Bargaining models of household wealth accumulation point to a potential conflict of interest between husbands and wives. Since wives are typically younger than their husbands and have longer life expectancy, they have to finance a longer expected retirement period. Thus, it is argued that when women have greater relative bargaining power, households will accumulate higher levels of wealth. However, in this paper, exactly the opposite pattern is reported for New Zealand. To explain this contradiction of the pattern reported in the literature, we construct a consumption smoothing model of saving for retirement. The results suggest that in this setting it may be rational for women with greater bargaining power to favour greater current consumption rather than wealth accumulation. These results indicate the importance of defining the policy context precisely when considering the implications of household bargaining models. 10 IASWR Listserv Announcements October 18, 2004 http://www.treasury.govt.nz/workingpapers/2004/04-22.asp B. "Saving for Retirement: New Evidence for New Zealand," by Grant Scobie, John Gibson and Trinh Le (TWP 04/12, September 2004, .pdf format, 28p.). Links to an extensive abstract and full text can be found at: http://www.treasury.govt.nz/workingpapers/2004/04-12.asp C. "Population Ageing and Government Health Expenditures in New Zealand, 1951-2051," by John Bryant, Audrey Teasdale, Martin Tobias, Jit Cheung and Mhairi McHugh (TWP 04/14, September 2004, .pdf format, 44p.). Abstract: The paper uses a simulation model to assess the effects of population ageing on government health expenditures in New Zealand. Population ageing is defined to include disability trends and "distance to death"; government health expenditures are defined to include both acute and long-term care. The model results suggest that population ageing is associated with a large increase in expenditure share of people aged 65 and over, which rises from about 29% of total government health expenditure in 1951 to 63% in 2051. Analysis of demographic and health trends over the period 1951 to 2002 suggests, however, that these trends account for only a small proportion of the total growth in health expenditure. Most expenditure growth is attributable to other factors, such as an expansion in the range of treatments provided, and increases in input prices such as wages. Growth in this non-demographic component of health expenditures has reached 3-4% per year over recent years. Projection results for the period 2002 to 2051 suggest that restraining government expenditure on health to 6-12% of GDP would require long-run growth rates for the non-demographic component of health expenditure that are significantly lower than current rates. In other words, future demographic changes may be less threatening than is often assumed, but it would still not be possible to maintain current growth rates for government health expenditure and avoid substantial increases in the ratio between expenditure and GDP. http://www.treasury.govt.nz/workingpapers/2004/04-14.asp ======================================================================= IV. Journal Tables of Contents (check your library for availability): 27. INGENTA Tables of Contents: INGENTA provides fee based document delivery services for selected journals. A. Point your browser to: http://www.ingenta.com/ B. C. in D. click on "browse by publication" Click the "fax/ariel" radio button, type the Journal Name in the "by words the title" search box and click "search". View the table of contents for the issue noted. Educational Gerontology (Vol. 30, Nos. 8, 9, 10, September, October, 11 IASWR Listserv Announcements October 18, 2004 November/December 2004). Note: Full electronic text of this journal is available in the EBSCO Host Academic Search Elite Database. Check your library for the availability of this database and this issue. International Journal of Ageing and Human Development (Vol. 59, No. 2, 2004). Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect (Vol. 15, No. 2, 2003). Journal of Gerontological Social Work (Vol. 43, No. 1, 2004). Omega: Journal of Death and Dying (Vol. 49, No. 1,2 2004). ----------------------------------------------------------------------28. AMEDEO MEDICAL LITERATURE: Note: "AMEDEO has been created to serve the needs of healthcare professionals, including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, administrators, other members of the health professions, and patients and their friends. They can easily access timely, relevant information within their respective fields... All AMEDEO services are free of charge. This policy was made possible thanks to generous unrestricted educational grants provided by AMGEN, Berlex, Eisai, Glaxo Wellcome, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche, and Schering AG." A. Osteoporosis: Literature for the week of Oct. 6, 2004: http://www.amedeo.com/medicine/ost.htm B. Alzheimer's Disease: Literature for the week of Oct. 6, 2004: http://www.amedeo.com/medicine/ad.htm C. Parkinson's Disease: Literature for the week of Oct. 6, 2004: http://www.amedeo.com/medicine/pd.htm D. Prostate Cancer: Literature for the week of Oct. 6, 2004: http://www.amedeo.com/medicine/prc.htm AMADEO Literature Guide: http://www.amedeo.com/index.htm ======================================================================= V. Books: 29. UNRISD: _Living Longer: Ageing, Development and Social Protection_, edited by Peter Lloyd-Sherlock (United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Zed Books, 2004, 308p. 16.95 British Pounds (approx. 30.50 US dollars). "Living Longer examines relationships between the well-being of older people and processes of development, taking examples from diverse range of low-, middle- and high-income countries. A key message is the danger of generalization: either about later life or development experiences. Older people are an extremely heterogeneous group, with varying needs, capabilities and expectations." For more information, including ordering information see: 12 IASWR Listserv Announcements October 18, 2004 http://www.unrisd.org/80256B3C005BCCF9/(httpPublications)/78831271BB23C593C12 56F190050B992?OpenDocument ======================================================================= VI. Funding Opportunities/Employment Opportunities: 30. DHHS HRSA: "Comprehensive Geriatric Education Program" (US Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration HRSA-05-068, Sep. 24, 2004). For more information see: http://www.fedgrants.gov/Applicants/HHS/HRSA/GAC/HRSA-05-068/Grant.html Click on "Link to Full Announcement" address. ----------------------------------------------------------------------31. NIH: A. "Improving Measurement Tools For Sternal Skin Conductance and Hot Flashes: Phase I SBIR" (US National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Aging, in conjunction with several other agencies, RFA-AT-05-005, Sep.29, 2004). For more information see: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-AT-05-005.html B. "Manufacturing Processes of Medical, Dental, and Biological Technologies" (US National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Aging, in conjunction with several other agencies, PA-04-161, Sep.29, 2004). For more information see: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-04-161.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------32. UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS BOSTON DEPARTMENT OF GERONTOLOGY EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: "The Department of Gerontology at the University of Massachusetts Boston invites applications for a senior faculty position at the associate professor or full professor rank to begin Fall 2005. The successful candidate will also serve as the Director of the Gerontology Institute, a research and service unit closely affiliated with the Department of Gerontology. PhD or equivalent terminal degree required. The Department will consider candidates with backgrounds in the social, behavioral or policy sciences. Areas of specialization are open. We seek candidates with strong scholarly records and substantial experience generating external grant support. The Department of Gerontology is located in the newly established John W. McCormack Graduate School of Policy Studies. The mission of the Department of Gerontology is to train highly qualified graduate students within a multidisciplinary framework to do research on policy issues facing an aging society. The Department offers doctoral and masters degrees. The position includes teaching in the department and mentoring doctoral candidates. The Director will have overall responsibility for the administration of the Institute's research and public service agenda, maintenance of the Institute's support for the University's graduate programs in Gerontology, and oversight of the Institute's integration into the McCormack Graduate School. The Director will be responsible for bridging the diverse basic research, applied research, and public service agendas within the Institute. 13 IASWR Listserv Announcements October 18, 2004 The Director is expected to strengthen the Institute's funded research activities, which include policy research on income security, health, longterm care, and productive aging, as well as social and demographic research on aging, and demonstration projects concerned with delivery of aging services. More information about the Gerontology Department and Gerontology Institute can be found at www.geront.umb.edu Salary and benefits are competitive. Applicants should send a letter of interest, Curriculum Vitae, and three letters of reference; finalists may be asked to provide additional materials related to research and teaching. Applicants should refer to Search #540b in their cover letters. Applications will be screened beginning December 15, 2004. The search will remain open until the position is filled. All materials should be sent to Dean of the McCormack Graduate School, Search #540b, University of Massachusetts Boston, 100 Morrissey Blvd., Boston, MA 02125-3393. UMass Boston is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Title IX employer. ======================================================================= VII. Conferences: 33. WHITE HOUSE CONFERENCE ON AGING: "The White House Conference on Aging (to be held Oct. 23-26, 2005 in Washington D.C.) occurs once a decade to make aging policy recommendations to the President and Congress, and to assist the public and private sectors in promoting dignity, health, independence and economic security of current and future generations of older persons." For more information see: http://www.whcoa.gov/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------34. MEPS WORKSHOP: "AHRQ (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality) Data Users'(Medical Expenditure Panel Survey) Workshop, to be held Nov. 30-Dec. 1, 2004, in Rockville, Maryland. For more information including registration information see: http://www.meps.ahcpr.gov/workshop.htm Click on "Workshop Schedule". ----------------------------------------------------------------------35. AARP/WHARTON SCHOOL [UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA]: "Maximizing Your Workforce: Employees Over 50 in Today's Global Economy," an event to be held Nov. 10, 2004 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. For more information see: http://www.aarp.org/international-events/Articles/a2004-09-27-wharton-1104.html ======================================================================= VIII. Legislation Information Updates: 36. US SENATE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON AGING HEARING PUBLICATION: "Strengthening Social Security: What can We Learn from Other Nations? a hearing held May 18, 2004 (Senate Hearing 108-577, Serial Publication 108-35, ASCII text and .pdf format, 124p.). http://www.access.gpo.gov/congress/senate/senate22sh108.html Scroll to or "find in page" "108-577" (without the quotes). 14 IASWR Listserv Announcements October 18, 2004 ----------------------------------------------------------------------37. US SENATE COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND TRANSPORTATION HEARING TESTIMONY: "The Effect of Federal Bankruptcy and Pension Policy on the Financial Situation of the Airlines," a hearing held Oct. 7, 2004). Hearing testimony: http://commerce.senate.gov/hearings/witnesslist.cfm?id=1332 Note: Mr. Walker's testimony (US Government Accountability Office GAO-05108T, .pdf format, 9p.), not available at the site at the time of publication, can be found at: http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d05108t.pdf Note: This is a temporary address. Selected GAO testimonies may be archived at: http://www.gpoaccess.gov/gaoreports/index.html ======================================================================= IX. Websites of Interest: 38. AARP: "Aging Advances: Global Innovations to Enhance the Lives of Older People." "AARP's Global Aging Program has launched this new website which serves as an informational site featuring global 'best practice' products, programs and services that enhance the lives of the 50+ population worldwide. The site highlights unique community programs, government initiatives, health and long-term care innovations, and universal design." http://www.aarp.org/international/agingadvances/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------39. AMERICAN COLLEGE OF OBSTETRICIANS AND GYNECOLOGISTS FAQ: "Frequently Asked Questions About Hormone Therapy," (October 2004). http://www.acog.org/from_home/publications/press_releases/nr10-01-04.cfm News release: http://www.acog.org/from_home/publications/press_releases/nr09-30-04-2.cfm ----------------------------------------------------------------------40. MEDSCAPE RESOURCE CENTER: Note: Medscape requires free registration before providing content. Medscape's Palliative Care Resource Center (Collections of Medscape's key clinical content), was updated as of Oct. 5, 2004). http://www.medscape.com/pages/editorial/resourcecenters/public/hospice/rchospice.ov?src=hp7.rcbottom -Jack Solock Data Librarian--Center for Demography and Ecology 4470 Social Science University of Wisconsin-Madison 15 IASWR Listserv Announcements October 18, 2004 Madison, WI 53706 608-262-9827 jsolock@ssc.wisc.edu IIA ASSW WR R LLIISSTTSSEER RVV IIN NFFO OR RM MA ATTIIO ON N IASWR Online Archives To Subscribe to the IASWR Listserv: Send email to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.SC.EDU Leave subject line blank and type in message area: Subscribe iaswrlst then your firstname and lastname To Unsubscribe from IASWR Listserv: Send email to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.SC.EDU Leave subject line blank and type in message area: Signoff iaswrlst SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors Council on Social Work Education Group for the Advancement of Doctoral Education National Association of Deans and Directors of Schools of Social Work National Association of Social Workers Society for Social Work and Research Institute for the Advancement of Social Work Research 750 First Street, NE, Suite 700 Washington, DC 20002-4241 Phone: 202-336-8385 Fax: 202-336-8351 Email: iaswr@naswdc.org Web site: www.iaswresearch.org 16