Heritage Education Access Project (HEAP)

Heritage Education Access Project (HEAP)-Scotland (Glasgow)
July - September 2005
The key aims of the project are to:
To create awareness among ethnic communities in Scotland that the heritage sector is an
area of major opportunity to improve the quality of their lives.
To create awareness among heritage organisations about the potential for ethnic
communities to contribute to the sector.
To create opportunities for the heritage sector and ethnic communities to work together.
To reach out to ethnic communities in order to stimulate awareness in heritage.
to identify and make contact with ethnic groups.
Information distributed to 29 community groups throughout Scotland.
to highlight heritage in the local and ethnic press and media.
HEAP information and news article published in local community
SEMSA website.
To provide an information and advice service on heritage to ethnic groups
to provide a basic telephone information and advice service.
Feedback to 5 community groups :Multi-Cultural Family Base (Edinburgh)
Saheliya (Edinburgh)
Scottish Inter Faith Council (Nationwide)
KULOC (Kilmarnock)
Khush Dil (Edinburgh)
to network ethnic groups to further information, resources, expertise and
opportunities for participation in heritage.
Networking community based events attended :- 0
Community/Heritage Events where HEAP have had a presence:Target 2-3 Urban Events per year.
Achieved this quarter: 3
Beveridge Park Community Festival, Fife.
Glasgow Mela, Glasgow
Edinburgh Mela, Edinburgh
To support the development of heritage projects undertaken by ethnic groups
to give direct support to ethnic groups in formulating heritage projects in
partnership with heritage organistions.
Ethnic groups receiving ongoing support :West Dunbatonshire Asian Womens GroupWDAWG (Clydebank)
Scottsih Ethnic Minority Sports Association SEMSA (Glasgow)
Heritage projects delivered to community groups:Target: 6-8 for the year.
Achieved to end of this quarter: 4
Stirling Castle (Barnardos Apna Services)
Kelburn Castle & Pollok Country Park (SEMSA)
Culzean Castle & Country Park & Peoples Palace (WDAWG)
Tolquhon Castle (Aberdeen Filipino Association)
Heritage projects being developed for community groups:National Museum of Scotland
Hopetoun House/ Laurieston Castle
Ethnic groups receiving initial support:Multi-Cultural Family Base (Edinburgh)
Saheliya (Edinburgh)
to develop a national and local network of support.
An informal advisory group has been set-up and meets every quarter.
Looking to establish links with Local Authorities to promote Black
History Month.
To support heritage organisation to reach out and work effectively with ethnic
raise awareness of ethnic issues through running workshops/events
Information collated from training needs questionnaire. 3 training modules
have been prepared.
Consultation with Glasgow Museums regarding Transport Museum.
Training Events delivered to Heritage Organisations.
Target 180 beneficiaries for the year.
Achieved this quarter: 0
Achieved to date this year: 46
provide policy support to heritage organisations
Continued support with 7 heritage organisations :National Trust for Scotland
Scottish Forestry Commission
Historic Scotland
Scottish Museums Council
National Museums of Scotland
Scottish Natural Heritage