An Organisation-wide Document for the Prevention and Management of the Deteriorating Patient NHS Trust An Organisation-wide Document for the Prevention and Management of the Deteriorating Patient Version: Ratified by: Date ratified: Name of originator/author: Name of responsible committee/individual: Name of executive lead: Date issued: Review date: Target audience: V.4 March 2012 Page 1 of 15 An Organisation-wide Document for the Prevention and Management of the Deteriorating Patient Contents 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 4 2 Purpose .................................................................................................................... 4 3 Explanation of Terms ............................................................................................... 4 4 Duties ....................................................................................................................... 4 4.1 4.2 5 Duties within the Organisation ............................................................................................... 4 Committees and Groups with Overarching Responsibilities .................................................. 5 Training .................................................................................................................... 6 5.1 6 General Training Recommendations ...................................................................................... 6 Recognition of the Patient at Risk of Deterioration ................................................ 6 6.1 6.2 Monitoring of Patients. ........................................................................................................... 6 Recognition of Deterioration .................................................................................................. 7 7 Actions to be Taken to Minimise or Prevent Further Deterioration in Patients ..... 7 8 Response to the Deterioration in a Patient’s Condition ......................................... 7 9 Equality Impact Assessment .................................................................................... 8 10 10.1 10.2 11 11.1 12 Monitoring Compliance with the Document ....................................................... 8 Process for Monitoring Compliance ....................................................................................... 8 Standards/Key Performance Indicators .................................................................................. 9 References ............................................................................................................ 9 Guidance from Other Organisations ....................................................................................... 9 Associated Documentation .................................................................................. 9 Appendix A - Template Document for the Prevention and Management of the Deteriorating Patient .................................................................................................... 11 V.4 March 2012 Page 2 of 15 An Organisation-wide Document for the Prevention and Management of the Deteriorating Patient Review and Amendment Log Version No Type of Change Date Description of change V.4 Annual review Mar 2012 Update to section 4 ‘Duties’ V.4 Amendment Mar 2012 Change of document title and update, especially section 6, 7 and 8 to broaden scope of document from resuscitation to cover the deteriorating patient Please Note the Intention of this Document This document has been developed with the aim of providing a model document template. However, any documentation subsequently produced must follow its own rules and include details of all the requirements set out in sections 1-12, where relevant. The organisation may use this template and adapt it to reflect procedures within the organisation or alternatively use a document already in existence. Whichever approach is used the organisation must ensure it is compliant with the minimum requirements of the relevant National Health Service Litigation Authority (NHSLA) Risk Management Standards. a To assist the organisation, areas have been identified in the margins where the section within the template document relates to the minimum requirements for the criterion in the relevant NHSLA Risk Management Standards. It is important that the document should follow any pre-existing guidance within the organisation in relation to style and format of documentation. Please note that a template document entitled An Organisation-wide Document for the Development and Management of Procedural Documents can be found on the NHSLA website which may provide the organisation with additional guidance. V.4 March 2012 Page 3 of 15 An Organisation-wide Document for the Prevention and Management of the Deteriorating Patient 1 Introduction This section should state the reason the document has been developed in the organisation. This document provides a template for organisations to address the risks associated with the management of the deteriorating patient and supports national recommendations for recognising the acutely ill patient in hospital and guidance published by the Resuscitation Council (UK) (2004, revised 2008). It has been constructed to promote compliance with the NHSLA Risk Management Standards. 2 Purpose Within this section the organisation should provide the rationale for the development of the document. It should include a description of how the organisation intends to ensure that processes are in place for the detection, prevention and management of the deteriorating patient. The purpose of the document is to provide direction and guidance for the coordinated approach to identifying any deterioration in patients and the subsequent actions that aim to prevent further deterioration and possible subsequent cardio-respiratory arrest. 3 Explanation of Terms This section should list and describe the meaning of the terms used in the context of the document if considered necessary. For example: Anaphylaxis Anaphylaxis is a severe, life-threatening, generalised or systemic hypersensitivity reaction. This is characterised by rapidly developing life-threatening airway and/or breathing and/or circulation problems usually associated with skin and mucosal changes. The following list is a guide only and is not exhaustive: 4 Patient at risk system Situation Background Assessment Recommendation (SBAR) (or RSVP – Reason, Story, Vital signs, Plan) Duties Healthcare organisations have an obligation to provide safe and effective care to their patients. Give a brief overview of the roles, responsibilities and accountabilities for the implementation of the organisation’s process. This section should be a brief overview only and the details of the process for managing this should be incorporated within later sections of the document. The following list is a guide only and is not exhaustive: 4.1 Duties within the Organisation Some example responsibilities have been identified below; however, these should be considered within the context of the individual organisational structure. V.4 March 2012 Page 4 of 15 An Organisation-wide Document for the Prevention and Management of the Deteriorating Patient Chief Executive This section should state that the chief executive is ultimately accountable for the implementation of this organisation-wide process. Outreach/Critical Care Service/Team Roles and responsibilities of the individuals nominated as part of the outreach team and their involvement in the prevention and management of the deteriorating patient within the organisation. Line Manager(s) Roles and responsibilities of line manager(s) and their involvement in the prevention and management of clinical deterioration in patients. All Staff This section should define the responsibilities of all staff. It should emphasise the individual responsibilities of all staff in relation to the detection, prevention and management of deterioration in patients. 4.2 Committees and Groups with Overarching Responsibilities Trust Board For effective implementation of the Organisation-wide Document for the Management of the Deteriorating Patient there must be active support from the most senior members of the organisation. Organisations should detail how the chief executive and the nominated directors are to gain assurance that this document is being implemented within the organisation. There must be effective cooperation at all levels of the organisation in order for this process to be successful, and to ensure that an organisation wide approach is agreed, implemented, and regularly reviewed within the clinical governance framework (DH HSC 2000/28). Committees/Groups This section should identify the committee/group which will have overall responsibility for the prevention and management of clinical deterioration in patients. The section should include: V.4 how this committee/group links with all the other relevant risk management committees; the role this committee/group has with ensuring continuous development of this document; the role the committee/group has in the analysis of the management of the prevention of clinical deterioration in patients; how this committee/group communicates both up to board level, and down to the local management levels; and how the committee/group facilitates organisational learning and improvement as a result of analysis and monitoring of the management of the prevention of clinical deterioration in patients. March 2012 Page 5 of 15 An Organisation-wide Document for the Prevention and Management of the Deteriorating Patient It would be considered good practice if the organisation developed terms of reference for this committee/group including: accountability, responsibility, authority, membership (including identified co-opted members and deputies), meeting schedule and quorum, etc. In addition the terms of reference should be dated and signed. 5 Training The strategy for training should be led by the responsible committee and should explicitly include the identification of the deteriorating patient at risk from cardiac arrest and an approach to implementing preventative measures such as Early Warning Systems. The organisation should provide sufficient and appropriate training for each staff group which may incorporate competency based frameworks, and should identify how they will ensure staff attendance. This section should cross-reference to the organisation’s training needs analysis. 5.1 General Training Recommendations All clinical staff should be trained in the identification of the deteriorating/critically ill patient and the use of physiological observation charts to enhance decision making and the escalation of care. The organisation should make sure the training is in line with associated activities such as cardio-pulmonary resuscitation training, of which the level of training may be determined by national guidance and professional bodies. 6 Recognition of the Patient at Risk of Deterioration For some patients in hospital there is a risk of becoming acutely unwell and in this situation, should their clinical condition deteriorate, it is essential that healthcare staff are equipped to recognise and manage the deterioration confidently and competently. This section should identify the standards required in all clinical areas for identifying and managing patients who deteriorate. This section may also include specific circumstances where sudden deterioration may occur. For example: a Anaphylaxis Adverse Drug reactions including blood transfusion 6.1 Monitoring of Patients. This section needs to describe the requirement for a documented plan which should include vital signs monitoring, including: V.4 the variables that are to be measured; the frequency of measurement. March 2012 Page 6 of 15 An Organisation-wide Document for the Prevention and Management of the Deteriorating Patient 6.2 Recognition of Deterioration Prevention of in-hospital cardiac arrest requires: b staff education; monitoring of patients; recognition of patient deterioration; a system to call for help; and an effective response. The organisation should have an early warning system established and details of how this system works should be included here. It is advised that there is a reference to the use of an early warning chart, which should be included as an appendix. Guidance on how to complete the early warning system and when and where to record observations should be included as a minimum. All clinical staff should be trained in the identification of the deteriorating/critically ill patient and the use of physiological observation charts to enhance decision making and care escalation. c 7 Actions to be Taken to Minimise or Prevent Further Deterioration in Patients The organisation should have clear mechanisms in place that support the communication and escalation of care and treatment amongst all healthcare professionals. This section should identify what actions are expected to minimise or prevent further deterioration in patients. This should cover the process throughout all care areas and the organisation is advised to include: 8 the escalation process between healthcare professionals; the use of a structured communication tool to ensure the effective handover of information between staff such as SBAR - Situation-Background-AssessmentRecommendation; RSVP - Reason, Story, Vital signs, Plan; the use of traffic light system, or score could be discussed; the process for escalation in and out of hours; and use of an organisation outreach service and/or appropriate emergency teams, which should be orientated to respond to medical emergencies in addition to cardiorespiratory arrest. Response to the Deterioration in a Patient’s Condition This section should describe the possible outcomes for patients and the organisational response. For example: V.4 March 2012 Page 7 of 15 An Organisation-wide Document for the Prevention and Management of the Deteriorating Patient d e 9 Resuscitation strategy which should include: Do not attempt Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation Manual handling Cross infection Resuscitation equipment (checked, stocked and fit for use) Defibrillation Post resuscitation care Transfer arrangements Equality Impact Assessment The organisation should identify who will undertake the Equality Impact Assessment which is required to consider the needs and assess the impact of this document in accordance with the Organisation-wide Document for the Development and Management of Procedural Documents. The Equality Impact Assessment Tool found at Appendix E of the Organisationwide Document for the Development and Management of Procedural Documents could be completed and form part of the body of the document, but as a minimum a statement should be included within the document to demonstrate that an Equality Impact Assessment has been carried out and that the document does not discriminate, highlighting any areas of good practice or risk areas requiring attention. f 10 Monitoring Compliance with the Document Patient safety incidents should be reported and followed up using the local reporting system. Patient safety incidents should also be reported to the National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS). 10.1 Process for Monitoring Compliance This section should identify how the organisation plans to monitor compliance with the Organisation-wide Document for the Prevention and Management of the Deteriorating Patient. As a minimum it should include the review/monitoring of all the minimum requirements within the NHSLA Risk Management Standards. The following list is a guide to issues which could be considered within this section and should be added to where appropriate: V.4 Who will perform the monitoring? When will the monitoring be performed? How are you going to monitor? What will happen if any shortfalls are identified? Where will the results of the monitoring be reported? How will the resulting action plan be progressed and monitored? March 2012 Page 8 of 15 An Organisation-wide Document for the Prevention and Management of the Deteriorating Patient 10.2 How will learning take place? Standards/Key Performance Indicators This section could contain auditable standards and/or key performance indicators (KPIs) which may assist the organisation in the process for monitoring compliance. 11 References This section should contain the details of any reference materials reviewed in the development of the procedural document. Listed below are some useful sources of reference material: 12 11.1 Guidance from Other Organisations British Medical Association, the Resuscitation Council (UK) and the Royal College of Nursing (2007) Decisions relating to cardiopulmonary resuscitation London: BMA Department of Health (2009) Competencies for Recognising and responding to acutely ill patients in hospital London DH National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD) (2007)Emergency admissions: A journey in the right direction London: NCEPOD National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) (2007) CG50 Acutely Ill Patients in Hospital London: NICE National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) (2004) Patient Safety Alert 2004/02. Establishing a Standard Crash Call Telephone Number in Hospitals NPSA National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) (2007) Recognising and responding appropriately to early signs of deterioration in hospitalised patients London: NPSA Patient Safety First. ‘How to Reduce Harm from Deterioration’ Patient Safety First website page The Resuscitation Council (UK) Resuscitation Guidelines 2010 (2010) Associated Documentation This section should provide a cross reference to any other related organisational procedural document(s). The following list is a guide only and is not exhaustive: V.4 Resuscitation Medicines management Transfusion Training needs analysis Prevention and control of infection/decontamination of medical devices March 2012 Page 9 of 15 An Organisation-wide Document for the Prevention and Management of the Deteriorating Patient V.4 Paediatric Discharge Handover of care March 2012 Page 10 of 15 An Organisation-wide Document for the Prevention and Management of the Deteriorating Patient Appendix A - Template Document for the Prevention and Management of the Deteriorating Patient NHS Trust An Organisation-wide Document for the Prevention and Management of the Deteriorating Patient Version: Ratified by: Date ratified: Name of originator/author: Name of responsible committee/individual: Name of executive lead: Date issued: Review date: Target audience: V.4 March 2012 Page 11 of 15 An Organisation-wide Document for the Prevention and Management of the Deteriorating Patient Contents 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 14 2 Purpose .................................................................................................................. 14 3 Explanation of Terms ............................................................................................. 14 4 Duties ..................................................................................................................... 14 4.1 4.2 5 Duties within the Organisation ............................................................................................. 14 Committees and Groups with Overarching Responsibilities ................................................ 14 Training .................................................................................................................. 14 5.1 6 General Training Recommendations .................................................................................... 14 Recognition of the Patient at Risk of Deterioration .............................................. 14 6.1 6.2 Monitoring of Patients .......................................................................................................... 14 Recognition of Deterioration ................................................................................................ 14 7 Actions to be Taken to Minimise or Prevent Further Deterioration in Patients ... 14 8 Response to the Deterioration in a Patient’s Condition ....................................... 14 9 Equality Impact Assessment .................................................................................. 14 10 10.1 10.2 11 11.1 12 Monitoring Compliance with the Document ..................................................... 14 Process for Monitoring Compliance ..................................................................................... 15 Standards/Key Performance Indicators ................................................................................ 15 References .......................................................................................................... 15 Guidance from Other Organisations ..................................................................................... 15 Associated Documentation ................................................................................ 15 Appendix A Early Warning Score Tool ...................................................................... 15 Appendix B Plan for Dissemination .......................................................................... 15 Appendix C Equality Impact Assessment Tool ......................................................... 15 Examples of the Checklist for the Review and Approval of Procedural Documents, Version Control Sheet, Plan for Dissemination and the Equality Impact Assessment Tool can all be found within the Organisation-wide Document for the Development and Management of Procedural Documents on the NHSLA website. Appendix B in the Organisation-wide Document for the Development and Management of Procedural Documents contains a flowchart to assist with the process for the creation and implementation of procedural documents. V.4 March 2012 Page 12 of 15 An Organisation-wide Document for the Prevention and Management of the Deteriorating Patient Review and Amendment Log Version No V.4 Type of Change Date March 2012 Description of change Page 13 of 15 An Organisation-wide Document for the Prevention and Management of the Deteriorating Patient 1 Introduction 2 Purpose 3 Explanation of Terms 4 Duties 5 4.1 Duties within the Organisation 4.2 Committees and Groups with Overarching Responsibilities Training 5.1 6 General Training Recommendations Recognition of the Patient at Risk of Deterioration 6.1 Monitoring of Patients 6.2 Recognition of Deterioration 7 Actions to be Taken to Minimise or Prevent Further Deterioration in Patients 8 Response to the Deterioration in a Patient’s Condition 9 Equality Impact Assessment 10 Monitoring Compliance with the Document V.4 March 2012 Page 14 of 15 An Organisation-wide Document for the Prevention and Management of the Deteriorating Patient 11 10.1 Process for Monitoring Compliance 10.2 Standards/Key Performance Indicators References 11.1 12 V.4 Guidance from Other Organisations Associated Documentation Appendix A Early Warning Score Tool Appendix B Plan for Dissemination Appendix C Equality Impact Assessment Tool March 2012 Page 15 of 15