Napa County Putah Creek Watershed Group Best Management Farming Practices for Water Quality Protection Sediment Basin (NRCS Conservation Practice Code 350) Perf. Riser D D m Daaam m Basin Spillway DEFINITION A basin constructed to collect and store soil sediment and prevent excessive sediment runoff into receiving surface waters. PURPOSES Capture significant excess sediment originating on farmed lands. Minimize potential entry of sediment and attached nutrients to surface waters. Optimize the efficacy of erosion control practices on newly developed or replanted vineyards and orchards. CONDITIONS Temporary or permanent sediment basin installations will be constructed, as appropriate to augment erosion control practices on lands where recently disturbed soils pose a potential to exceed acceptable soil loss standards. Sediment basins will be designed and sited in appropriate terrains to optimize sediment trapping efficiency where eroded soils pose potential to leave the site and enter surface waters or neighboring lands. Applications will related mostly to lands over 5% slopes, or situations where excessive sediments may concentrate. The Napa County Conservation Regulations guidelines, as prescribed by the NRCS and Napa Co RCD will be followed in the design and siting of basins. TECHNICAL RESOURCES: Napa Co RCD and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Napa County. NRCS Field Office Technical Guide and NRCS Engineering Handbook. Qualified Professional Engineers and Certified Soil Erosion & Sediment Control Specialists.