Application - WGC Metals Bridgefields Welwyn Garden City

Agenda No.
Report of the Director of Environment and Commercial Services
Chay Dempster
Tel: 01992 556256
Local Member: Malcolm Cowan
Purpose of Report
To consider planning application ref. 6/2095 -10 for the processing of
scrap metal and the storage, dismantling and de-pollution of end of life
vehicles at Welwyn Garden City Metals Ltd, Bridgefields, Welwyn
Garden City, Herts.
This is a retrospective planning application for the use of the site for
storage, sorting and transfer of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and for
planning permission for the de-pollution and dismantling of end of life
vehicles (ELV). Planning permission is also sought to erect a
replacement wall of 3m in height along the site’s south western
WGC Metals currently uses the site for recycling metals. This use is
understood to have subsisted for a number of years operating as B2
industrial use. The application seeks to regularise the metal recycling
use and introduce the processing of end of life vehicles.
The site has two existing buildings including a large warehouse for
storage of recycled metals adjoining the southern boundary and a
smaller workshop for de-pollution of end of life vehicles adjoining the
western boundary. The baling machine and car storage areas are
located in the open central part of the site.
The ELV operation involves bringing vehicles to the site where they are
de-polluted (removal of oil, fuel, gases, and batteries). This part of the
operation takes place within a dedicated building. Useful car parts are
removed and stored in the warehouse for recycling. The vehicles are
WGCMetals. Application ref: 6/2095-10 Site ref: CM909
then baled and stored in the open part of the site before being removed
for recycling.
The main issues in the determination of this application are:
waste and employment policy
the need for waste recycling facilities
This retrospective application proposes use of the site for processing
end of life vehicles. The use of the site for metal recycling and
processing ELVs would meet a demonstrable need and regularise the
use of the site. Appropriate planning conditions can be used to control
the use of the site.
The use of the site would not have a negative impact on the character
of the industrial area and would not restrict supply of suitable sites for
B1, B2 or B8 in the area.
The proposed number of vehicles would not have a significant impact
on the road network. The limited use of the baler for up to 3 hours per
day would limit the impact of noise.
It is considered that the proposal meets with the aims and objectives of
Waste Local Plan Policy 13 and Welwyn Hatfield policies R1 and EMP1
and 2.
The report concludes that the Director of Environment and Commercial
Services should be authorised to grant planning permission subject to
the following conditions:
hours of operation the permitted hours of operation of the site are
Monday to Friday 7am to 4pm; 7.30 am to 11.45am on
Saturdays. No permitted use on Sundays, or Public and Bank
use of the crusher / baler the permitted hours of use of the baler /
crusher are restricted to 3 hours on any one day. There shall be
no use of the baler / crusher outside the normal hours of
operation (condition a)
HGV movements there shall be no more than 10 HGV lorry
movements (exceeding 7.5 tonnes) in any 24 hour period (5 in, 5
out) from Monday to Friday and 6 HGV lorry movements (3 in, 3
out) on Saturdays. There shall be no HGV lorry movements
outside the hours of operation set out in condition a).
stockpiles the maximum height of any stockpiles shall not exceed
5 metres. The maximum height of any stockpile of tyres shall not
exceed 3 metres
WGCMetals. Application ref: 6/2095-10 Site ref: CM909
noise monitoring and attenuation scheme details of a scheme for
monitoring operational noise of the baler shall be submitted for
approval, to include appropriate noise attenuation measures.
noise other than the baler / crusher there shall be no use of
mechanical tools outside of buildings
contaminant storage details of de-pollution storage
containers/tanks (including their location on the site) shall be
provided within 3 months of the date of this permission;
the withdrawal of permitted development rights so that planning
permission is required for further buildings.
parking space to be provided and maintained for parking in
connection with the site in accordance with plan referenced
7888010062/PA/03 Rev A3
preliminary risk assessment for flood risk details shall be
submitted for approval
WGCMetals. Application ref: 6/2095-10 Site ref: CM909
Site Description
The application site is located in the corner of an existing industrial site
served by its own estate road (Bridgefields leading to Tewin Road)
which serves four other premises, ABD Mechanical and Electrical
Engineering, Insight, Xerox, and Eurotrade Plastics.
To the west of the site is a Royal Mail sorting office plus a large office/
distribution building each with access onto Bessemer Road. To the
south of the site is a gas storage facility operated by Transco.
The site is located approximately 850 metres north-east of the railway
station and 370 metres from the A1000 with links to the A1(M) to the
west and the B1000 to Hertford to the east.
The application site is approximately 0.41 hectares in area and is
completely covered with a concrete hardstanding. The southern
boundary is marked by a 2.4m high palisade fence. There is a
substantial fence constructed of railway sleepers between the site and
the sorting office.
There are two existing buildings on site, the smaller workshop building
is currently used for vehicle de-pollution, and the larger warehouse
building is used to store recycled metals and car parts.
The site is within a designated employment area in the Welwyn Hatfield
Local Plan, and is some considerable distance from the nearest
residential properties.
Proposed development
This application proposes the use of the site for recycling metals and
processing end of life vehicles (ELV). It is understood the site has been
used for metal recycling for a number of years and that this has
operated under a B2 Use. It is understood the site is currently permitted
by the Environment Agency for metal recycling.
The application proposes to erect a 3 metre high brick wall along the
western boundary which is required by the Environment Agency to
meet the terms of the permit regime.
The application proposes 6 parking spaces on land immediately to the
north of the application for staff and visitors on land controlled by the
applicant. No alterations are proposed to the highway access to
Bridgefields or Tewin Road.
It is estimated the site would handle 25,000 tonnes of waste each year.
This equates to around 80 tonnes per day (6 days a week, 52 weeks a
year). The application proposes a maximum of 160 vehicle movements
WGCMetals. Application ref: 6/2095-10 Site ref: CM909
per day (80 in, 80 out). The proposed hours of operation are 7.30am to
5pm Monday to Friday and 7.30am to 11.45 on Saturdays.
As part of the dismantling process ELVs would be brought to the
application site where they would be weighed on a weighbridge before
being de-polluted within one of the existing buildings. Valuable parts
would then be removed for re-use. The vehicle would then be baled
and stored before being removed from site for recycling.
The process of recycling ferrous and non-ferrous metals involves
metals brought to the site by small flat bed trucks, taken to the
weighbridge (as required by the waste acceptance procedures) and
separated in to ferrous and non-ferrous components.
The non-ferrous metals are placed in steel tipping skips and taken to a
special sorting area at the rear of the warehouse. Metals are separated
by type then cleaned and placed into containers awaiting dispatch for
sale. Ferrous metals are deposited at the rear of the site in a dedicated
sorting area where they are sorted manually or mechanically using a
crane/grab and separated into the appropriate storage area.
The machinery for the ELV process consists of a de-pollution unit
located in the smaller workshop building, a mobile crane/ grab, and a
mobile shearer compactor (press and shear). The baler is fitted to the
back of an articulated lorry which can be moved around the site and to
alternative sites if required.
Statutory Consultations
Welwyn and Hatfield Borough Council objects to the development on
the following grounds:
‘The application site is located within a designated employment area
where the proposed change of use would be contrary to Policy EMP2
of the Local Plan stating that proposals for uses other than B1, B2 or
B8 should not be permitted’.
‘The proposed use is Sui Generis and does not fall within the Classes
B1, B2 and B8. Policy EM1 does allow some flexibility to meet the
needs of such uses and a pragmatic approach should be taken due to
the specific nature of the proposed use and its location in the middle of
the employment area. However the onus is entirely on the applicant to
demonstrate why such a use should be allowed in this area and
insufficient information has been submitted to demonstrate this’.
‘The only justification within the submission is that the application
states that the proposed use would still generate employment uses and
so can still be considered to accord with the intention of the policy of
retaining employment uses. It is considered that this is not a sufficient
reason to warrant an approval of the proposal, based on the policies of
WGCMetals. Application ref: 6/2095-10 Site ref: CM909
the local plan, in this location and it is therefore considered that
insufficient justification has not been given which addresses the
objection to the principle of development’.
Welwyn Hatfield Environmental Health department has not responded
to this application, however they provided the following comments on
the withdrawn application (6/1549-08):
Matters preventing land and water contamination will be addressed by
the Environment Agency. It appears that the nearest offices likely to be
affected by noise from the operations are approximately 75m away
from the site. Outside the façade of the offices noise levels are likely to
be in the region of 65dB LAeq and 52dB internally. Peak noise during
the 81 sec cycle may generate internal noise levels in excess of 64dB
increasing the likelihood of complaints alleging statutory noise
nuisance. Occasional use of the baler is unlikely to generate problems,
although regular use throughout the day could result in complaints.
The Environment Agency advises that any permission should include
conditions to ensure that (1) an acceptable scheme is submitted to
prevent contamination of the site; (2) proposals for remediation of the
site in the event of pollution events being submitted for approval, and
(3) a scheme for the disposal of foul and surface water being submitted
for approval.
Hertfordshire County Council as Highway Authority has no objection
subject to a condition that there shall be no more than 10 HGV lorry
movements (5 in, 5 out, lorries exceeding 7.5 tonnes) at the site on any
one working day, and 6 HGV lorry movements (3 in, 3 out) Saturday
The highway authority notes the ELVs would be brought to the site on
flat bed trucks. The vehicles would be removed using a forklift and
placed in the de-pollution building. The de-polluted vehicle would be
placed into the baler by the forklift. The baled vehicles would be stored
on site prior to removal. HGV articulated vehicles currently reverse into
the site from Bridgefields. This process is managed by a member or
staff. HGVs exit the site in a forward gear. The recycled metals are
removed from the site by one HGV which is owned by the applicant.
It is anticipated that between 5 and 10 ELVs would be processed each
day. This would involve up to 10 flat bed trucks (non HGV) delivering to
the site per day. The average ELV shell weighs around 1 tonne and
HGVs are limited to 25 tonnes. It is therefore anticipated that there
would be no more than 1 HGV movement every two days related to
ELV processing.
WGCMetals. Application ref: 6/2095-10 Site ref: CM909
Third Party Comments
In total 67 consultation letters were sent to surrounding properties
(dated 22 September 2010) and a site notice erected at the front of the
site (dated 10 October 2010). 2 objection letters have been received
highlighting the following concerns:
increased level of noise
The baling machine generates noise and cause considerable
nuisance, particularly noticeable during the summer months when
windows are open
increased number of large vehicle movements.
up to 100 tonnes of waste would enter the site and 100 tonnes
leaving the site each day,
dust and air pollution - adjoining users will not be able to open
windows without suffering the affects
potential water course pollution
The Development Plan
The following polices are relevant to the determination of this
Hertfordshire Waste Local Plan 1995- 2005
Waste Policy 1 – Sustainable Development
Waste Policy 2 – Need for waste management facilities
Waste Policy 13 – Criteria for re-use, recovery, recycling and transfer
of waste (except green waste composting) outside areas of search
Waste Policy 40 – Noise from Waste Management Operations
Waste Policy 43 – Traffic
Welwyn Hatfield District Plan 2005
Policy R1 (Maximising the Use of Previously Developed Land)
Policy EMP1 (Employment Areas)
Policy EMP2 (Acceptable Uses in Employment Areas)
Planning Considerations
The main issues in determination of this application are:
waste and employment policy
the need for waste recycling facilities
noise impact
WGCMetals. Application ref: 6/2095-10 Site ref: CM909
Waste / Employment Policy
Policy 13 of the Hertfordshire Waste Local Plan identifies appropriate
locations for waste facilities (outside specific areas of search) to include
land within or adjacent to established or proposed general industrial
areas. The site is therefore considered to be appropriate for metal
waste recycling in terms of Policy 13.
Policy EMP1 of the Welwyn Hatfield District Plan states that non Class
B uses will only be permitted within existing employment areas where
existing employment land is no longer required to meet future
employment requirements. Policy EMP2 (Acceptable Uses within
Employment Areas) states that proposals for B1, B2 and B8
development will be permitted within designated employment areas
provided that the proposal is satisfactory in terms of transport
infrastructure and adequate parking, servicing and access and does
not impact on residential properties.
The processing of scrap metal and end of life vehicles is deemed to fall
within a sui generis use because the nature of the activity is unique.
However the operation would share some similarities with B1 (General
Industry) and B2 (Light Industry) in terms of employment and traffic
generated. It is noted that B1 and B2 uses cover the full range of
industrial activities, to include uses such as a ‘non ferrous metals baling
place (from scrap, and ancillary storage thereof) not related to a
In terms of employment and traffic generation the operation is set to
employ 9 people and would generate up to 160 vehicles movements
per day (80 in, 80 out).
The sui generis operation of the site for metal recycling and processing
end of life vehicles is compatible with other Class B uses in the area in
terms of traffic and employment generated. Adequate parking,
servicing and access are provided and the proposed would not impact
on residential properties.
The limited size of the site together with the generally poor condition of
the buildings and corner location of the site are likely to limit its appeal
to other potential users. It is noted that there are a number of
alternative B1/B2 sites in the vicinity of the site currently to let.
As such it is considered that the proposal accords with Waste Policy 13
and policies EMP1 and 2 of the local plan.
Need for the development
The application states that this type of development is needed because
of regulations requiring manufacturers to reuse/ recover at least 85% of
ELVs made after 1986 (rising to 95% by 2015). The aim of the
WGCMetals. Application ref: 6/2095-10 Site ref: CM909
regulations is to reduce the amount of non-recyclable waste arising
from scrapping vehicles.
It is estimated that ELV waste generated in Hertfordshire will increase
from 48,000 tonnes in 2010 to 55,000 tonnes by 2015 and 62,000 by
Taking this into account there is clearly a long term need for this type of
facility in Hertfordshire and there is an existing and demonstrable need
for this specific facility.
Additional benefits of facilities for ELV processing is that motor parts
are re-used rather than vehicles being scrapped as a whole. Waste is
divided into the separate waste streams avoiding environmental
pollution and waste is moved up the waste hierarchy.
It is noted that the alternative locations in the vicinity of the site (sites
which have specific planning permissions for handling scrap metal or
ELVs) are located at Welham Green (Travellers Lane, Sovchem Ltd),
Hitchin (Wallace Way, H Williams) Cole Green (B + T Motors) and
Kings Langley (ASM). The application site is well located to serve the
local catchment area.
Waste Policy 40 states that where a waste management facility is likely
to cause significant noise intrusion to existing noise sensitive
development planning permission will not be granted unless noise can
be adequately controlled by conditions.
The potential noise sources relate to metal import and export,
distribution of materials on the site, and metal sorting, shearing and
crushing. The principle noise source is associated with the processing
of a mobile scrap metal crusher/baler.
The crusher / baler is proposed to operate continuously for up to 3
hours per day at a rate of up to 10 cycles per hour lasting
approximately 81 seconds (13.5 minutes per hour of operation).
The submitted noise impact assessment uses predictive modelling to
determine the noise received at the nearest properties north of the site
(Communications Court and Insight) to be between 62 and 63dB LAeqT.
This noise level is slightly above the existing measured ambient
daytime noise level which averages 61dB (measured at 15 minute
intervals through the day).
The noise impact assessment concluded that while the baler would be
clearly audible during operation it should not be a dominant noise
source. The assessment concludes that occupants of the
WGCMetals. Application ref: 6/2095-10 Site ref: CM909
Communications Court and Insight offices would not be unduly affected
by operational noise when windows are open.
It is noted that use of the baler will be limited to times when sufficient
ELVs are available on site and this will vary based on demand. As such
the baler may be used for up to 3 hours per day but it is unlikely it
would be used every weekday.
The two objections on noise grounds are from occupiers of units on the
Brownfields industrial estate located east of Tewin Road. Taking into
account the existing ambient noise levels and the limited hours of use/
operational cycle of the baler it is considered there would not be an
unacceptable noise impact on properties in the vicinity of the site. The
recommended condition requires further noise monitoring to determine
whether further mitigation would be required.
Waste Plan Policy 43 states that the county council will take into
account the effect of lorry movements on local communities/ residential
areas and impose limits on the number of lorry movements where
The proposal would result in a relatively high number of non-HGV
movements throughout the day although the majority would be related
to the existing scrap recycling use. It is considered that a relatively
small number of movements would be related to ELV processing,
which is estimated to be between 5 and 10 ELVs per day.
The overall level of traffic generated would be similar to many B1, B2
and B8 uses. The highways authority is satisfied that subject to the
condition restricting the numbers of HGV vehicles the development
would be acceptable from a highways perspective.
WGCMetals. Application ref: 6/2095-10 Site ref: CM909
The application site is located within an employment area (as identified
in the Welwyn Hatfield District Plan). The use of the site for storage,
sorting and transfer of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and for the depollution and dismantling of end of life vehicles is considered
compatible with this part of Welwyn Garden City industrial area.
The use of the site for metal recycling and processing ELVs would
meet a demonstrable need and regularise the use of the site.
Appropriate planning conditions are proposed to control activity at the
The operation is relatively small scale and the impacts of noise and
traffic are likely to be minimal taking into account the surrounding
industrial uses.
For the reasons set out in the report it is concluded that the Director of
Environment and Commercial Services should be authorised to grant
planning permission subject to the following conditions:
hours of operation the permitted hours of operation of the site are
Monday to Friday 7am to 4pm; 7.30 am to 11.45am on
Saturdays. No permitted use on Sundays, or Public and Bank
use of the crusher / baler the permitted hours of use of the baler /
crusher are restricted to 3 hours on any one day. There shall be
no use of the baler / crusher outside the normal hours of
operation (condition a)
HGV movements there shall be no more than 10 HGV lorry
movements (exceeding 7.5 tonnes) in any 24 hour period (5 in, 5
out) from Monday to Friday and 6 HGV lorry movements (3 in, 3
out) on Saturdays. There shall be no HGV lorry movements
outside the hours of operation set out in condition a).
stockpiles the maximum height of any stockpiles shall not exceed
5 metres. The maximum height of any stockpile of tyres shall not
exceed 3 metres
noise monitoring and attenuation scheme details of a scheme for
monitoring operational noise of the baler shall be submitted for
approval, to include appropriate noise attenuation measures.
noise other than the baler / crusher there shall be no use of
mechanical tools outside of buildings
contaminant storage details of de-pollution storage
containers/tanks (including their location on the site) shall be
provided within 3 months of the date of this permission;
the withdrawal of permitted development rights so that planning
permission is required for further buildings.
parking space to be provided and maintained for parking in
connection with the site in accordance with plan referenced
7888010062/PA/03 Rev A3
WGCMetals. Application ref: 6/2095-10 Site ref: CM909
preliminary risk assessment for flood risk details shall be
submitted for approval
Financial Implications
The only costs implications for this committee would be potential
appeal costs in the event of planning application being refused.
Background information used by the author in compiling this report
Planning application reference 6/1549-08
Consultee responses
Relevant policy documents
Appendix 1 – Relevant development plan policies
In identifying land or considering proposals for waste management
development, the County Council will have regard to the extent to which the
development is sustainable in form and location and helps to conserve
resources of land, water, materials, energy and the environment and
minimises traffic congestion, travel distances, waste generation and pollution.
The County Council in dealing with waste management will give preference to
the location of waste recycling, handling, reduction and disposal facilities as
close as practicable to the origin of the waste.
The establishment of facilities for handling, transfer, treatment and disposal of
waste (waste management facilities) will be supported provided that in order
to accommodate the equivalent of Hertfordshire’s own waste arisings, there is
a clearly established need for additional capacity and facilities of the kind that
the proposed development would provide, which outweighs any material
agricultural, landscape, conservation or environmental interest affected by the
Applications which would not meet the environmental and planning standards
contained in other policies of the development plan, including those related to
quality of design, will not be permitted.
WGCMetals. Application ref: 6/2095-10 Site ref: CM909
Proposals for facilities to re-use, recover, transfer and recycle waste outside
preferred areas of search, or for additional categories of waste management
within the areas of search, will be permitted subject to compliance with waste
policy 2 and provided the proposals:
minimise impact on local or natural environments;
have or could secure ready access to the main road network, or a rail
or water link, avoiding, as far as possible, major residential areas;
in the case of large plants, are where visual and landscape impact is
not a critical issue;
serve Hertfordshire’s main population and employment areas; and
are preferably on land falling into one of the following categories:
land allocated for development, or subject to potential
redevelopment, or on despoiled land;
within or adjacent to existing waste management facilities such
as household waste sites or waste transfer stations;
within or adjacent to an established or proposed general
industrial area (employment areas identified in district local plans
with a significant proportion of b2/b8 uses or with major
developments such as power stations);
within or adjacent to compatible land uses such as local
authority depots, open storage uses, sewage works and mineral
processing plant (for the life of the plant in the case of temporary
permissions or plant on mineral working sites).
In all cases, proximity to existing and proposed residential areas will be taken
into account.
Where the county council considers that a waste management proposal is
likely to cause significant noise intrusion to existing noise sensitive
development or constrain planned noise sensitive development, planning
permission will not be granted unless the applicant is able to demonstrate that
no significant noise intrusion, or constraint arising from noise, will occur, or
that any such problem can be adequately controlled by condition.
Conditions may include, amongst other matters:
• control of working hours;
WGCMetals. Application ref: 6/2095-10 Site ref: CM909
• measures to reduce the impact of noise emission from operations;
• a requirement for a scheme to be submitted to and approved by the
planning authority specifying a programme of work and site layout
designed to reduce noise levels at noise sensitive locations,
construction of baffle mounds and erection of acoustic fencing;
• limits on daytime noise emission from the development.
Day time noise levels, at noise sensitive properties used as dwellings, of no
more than 70db laeq.1hr. May be permitted for a period of no more than 8
weeks to enable baffle mounds to be constructed.
If a proposed application is in essence a large significant development, and
noise generation is a significant issue, the county council will require the
applicant to submit with his application an environmental noise statement.
That statement is to be prepared in the light of current guidance on
preparation of such, and will include specifically with respect to noise:
• in the case of the filling of a void created by mineral extraction, details
of noise during extraction of minerals from the site, if available;
• details of background noise;
• details of local noise-sensitive existing and proposed development;
• predictions of the future noise separately for:
- access traffic to the site
- landfill operations
- fixed industrial development on the site;
• methods of proposed noise control and monitoring and liaison
Planning permission will only be granted for the disposal, transfer, processing
or recycling of waste which is capable of being transported to sites via rail,
water or primary and distributor roads as identified in the County Council’s
current transport policies and programmes (TPP) document). In determining
proposals, the county council will take into account the effect of lorry traffic on
local communities and residential areas. Support will be given to proposals for
the transport of waste by rail or water.
Where the transport of waste would require the use of local roads (as defined
in the county council’s TPP) to gain access to the waste management site
from the major road network, or where other roads may be unsuitable on
traffic safety, engineering or environmental grounds for increased levels of
heavy traffic, applicants for planning permission will be required to carry out,
WGCMetals. Application ref: 6/2095-10 Site ref: CM909
and submit the results of, a study of the impact of heavy goods vehicle traffic
on road safety and the environment.
Planning permission will be granted if the traffic impact study demonstrates
that the adverse impacts can be ameliorated by environmentally acceptable
highway and/or other improvements to the satisfaction of the county council.
All road works which would be necessary to permit waste management
development would either be the subject of planning conditions requiring the
works to be carried out in advance of development or subject to the applicant
entering into a legal agreement with the County Council to ensure the
implementation of such improvements. Where appropriate, limits on vehicle
numbers will be imposed. Where acceptable works to local rural roads would
enable temporary waste management development to take place, the
restoration of such roads back to their original scale and appearance once
waste disposal development is complete may also be required, depending on
local circumstances.
In determining applications for waste management facilities, the county
council will take into account the effect the extra activity will have upon other
users of the road system in the area, the structure of the roads, road verges,
roadside trees, hedges and the adjoining environment.
Conditions to prevent any soiling of the public highway may be imposed
including the provision of suitably surfaced access roads, wheel cleaning
equipment, and, possibly, water bowsers and sheeting to prevent dust or
Welwyn Hatfield District Plan 2005 (adopted 15 April 2005)
Policy EMP1 - Employment Areas
The following areas of land as shown on the Proposals Map are designated
as Employment Areas:
EA1 Welwyn Garden City Industrial Area 149
Employment land is a very valuable resource. Policy 14 of the Hertfordshire
Structure Plan Review 1991-2011 seeks to foster economic growth in existing
employment areas through planned regeneration. It provides for the re-use of
existing employment land and buildings for Class B uses. With regard to nonClass B uses, these will only be allowed where existing employment land and
buildings are no longer required to meet future employment requirements and
business and community needs. This is important in the context of the
restraint arising from the location of the district within the Green Belt, which
limits the amount of land available for employment. Accordingly, a cautious
approach has been adopted by the Council, which generally resists uses other
than those within Class B in designated Employment Areas.
In the context of this cautious approach, it is important to keep employment
development in balance with potential housing supply and the available
WGCMetals. Application ref: 6/2095-10 Site ref: CM909
infrastructure. Employment development on a large scale may increase
pressure for additional housing to be built within the district in order to attract
an inflow of labour; there may also be circumstances where the scale of
employment generated will, instead of attracting workers from the local area,
attract commuters in to the district, resulting in an unsustainable increase in
traffic and subsequent congestion.
The approach set out in paragraph 12.19 above provides clarity for existing
occupiers and potential investors and thereby facilitates continued investment
and the regeneration of the older parts of the Employment Areas, through the
upgrading of existing building and facilities and through redevelopment. The
Council will give favourable consideration to proposals for the redevelopment
of existing employment sites, in the designated Employment Areas, which
would update and improve the quality of the employment stock in the district.
Other Employment Generating Uses in Employment Areas
Whilst the Council seeks to retain designated Employment Areas for uses
within Class B, it is recognised that there is a need for some flexibility to meet
the needs of uses such as tyre and exhaust centres, trade wholesalers,
vehicle hire, plant hire and taxi vehicle depots, which are composite uses,
combining a retail element with a predominately business, industrial or
storage use, but which do not readily fit within Use Class B. Due to the
planned nature of the district's two main towns, it is difficult to find suitable
locations for these uses outside of the designated Employment Areas.
Vehicles sales showrooms are a sui generis use and are dealt with separately
in Policy EMP4.
In situations where it can be clearly demonstrated that existing land or
premises are no longer required to meet future employment requirements and
business and community needs, the Council may grant planning permission
for other, non-Class B, uses. In considering proposals for non-Class B uses
in Employment Areas, the Council will also pay particular attention to the
resultant employment density of the proposed development, the impact on the
vitality and viability of the district's town centres, the effect on local transport
infrastructure and the general impact on the environment of the area.
Proposals for retail and leisure uses in the designated Employment Areas will
also need to demonstrate that they accord with the sequential approach set
out in Planning Policy Guidance note 6: Town Centres and Retail
Developments or its successor.
Policy EMP2 - Acceptable Uses in Employment Areas
In the designated employment areas, proposals for development within Use
Classes B1, B2 and B8 will be permitted, subject to the following criteria:
(i) The proposal would not, due to the scale of employment generated, have
an unacceptable impact on the demand for housing in the travel to work area;
(ii) The proposal would not have an unacceptable impact on the local and/or
strategic transport infrastructure;
WGCMetals. Application ref: 6/2095-10 Site ref: CM909
(iii) The proposal would not harm the amenities of any nearby residential
(iv) The development would provide adequate parking, servicing and access;
(v) Any retail element of the development would clearly be ancillary to the
main business use.
Proposals for Class B8 development should also be well located in relation to
the primary road network.
Proposals for any other uses in the designated employment areas should
generally be resisted and will only be permitted where it can be clearly
demonstrated that the existing land or premises are no longer required to
meet future employment requirements and business and community needs.
All such proposals will also be required to satisfy criteria (i) to (v) above and
other relevant policies of the Plan relating to the use proposed.
Policy R1 - Maximising the Use of Previously Developed Land
In order to make the best use of land in the district, the Council will require
development to take place on land which has been previously used or
developed. Development will only be permitted on 'greenfield' land where it
can be demonstrated that no suitable opportunities exist on previously used or
developed land.
WGCMetals. Application ref: 6/2095-10 Site ref: CM909