D e ar Colleagues,
We are very pleased to announce the 15 th European Conference on Mixing to be held from June 28 till July 03 2015 , in St-Petersburg , Russia . You are cordially invited to participate and contribute to this conference.
The conference provides a forum for presentations and debates on the latest advances in theory and practice of mixing. New ideas, new applications and lots of opinions of the world leading specialists will be subject to discussion. There’ll be sessions on fluid mechanical fundamentals of mixing processes, chemically reactive flows and precipitation, single- and multi-phase mixing, mixing of complex fluids, suspensions and dispersions, mixing in process intensification, mixing in biotechnological applications, and advances in numerical simulation of mixing.
If you are interested in participating in this conference please register at http://mixing15.eu/reg till November 15, 2014.
T h e Conference is hold under the auspices of
European Federation of Chemical Engineering
Russian Academy of Science (RAS)
Kurnakov Research Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of RAS
Mendeleev Russian Chemical Society
St. Petersburg State Institute of Technology
C o nference chair
Prof. Rufat Abiev , St-Petersburg State Institute of Technology, St-
Petersburg, Russia
C o-chairs
Prof. Vadim M. Barabash , Mixing Ltd., St Petersburg, Russia
Prof. Nikolai N. Kulov Vice-President of the Russian Chemical Society named after Mendeleyev, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Moscow, Russia
S c ientific Committee
Prof. Jerzy Baldyga, Dept. of Chemical and Proccess Engineering
Warsaw University of Technology, Warszaw, Poland
Prof. Serafim D. Vlaev , Institute of Chemical Engineering, Bulgarian Academy of
Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Prof. Giuseppina Montante , Department of Industrial Chemistry "Toso
Montanari", Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna,Bologna, Italy
Prof. Pavel Ditl, Dept. of Chemical and Food Process Equipment Design
Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
Prof. Alberto Brucato, DICPM University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy
Dr. Ivan Fort , Dept. of Chemical and Food Process Equipment Design, Czech
Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
Prof. Dr. Ir. Harry E. A. van den Akker, Kramers Lab v. Fysische Technologie
Delft Univ. of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Kraume , Institut für Verfahrenstechnik, Technische
Universität Berlin, Berlin Germany
Prof. Jose C. Lopes , Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Engenharia,
Departamento de Engenharia Quimica, Porto, Portugal
Prof. N.V. Men’shutina , D.Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of
Russia, Moskow, Russia
Dr. Gül Özcan–Taskin , BHR Group, The Fluid Engineering Centre,
Cranfield, Bedfordshire UK
Prof. Ville Alopaeus , Aalto University, Dept. of Biotechnology and Chemical
Technology, Aalto, Finland
Prof. A.W. Nienow , University of Birmingham, UK
Dr. R.R. Hemrajani , Exxon Mobil, USA
Prof. M. Henczka , Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Prof. I.V. Domansky , St-Petersburg State Institute of Technology, St-
Petersburg, Russia
Prof. A.I. Milchenko , St-Petersburg State Institute of Technology, St-
Petersburg, Russia
Prof. P.M. Armenante , New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. R. Calabrese , University of Maryland, USA
Prof. Liné Alain , Université de Toulouse, INSA; LISBP, France
Ex pected participation of local researchers from Russia
St. Petersburg State Institute of Technology (TU)
Kazan National University of Technology
Russian Univ. of Chemical Technologies called after Mendeleyev (Moscow)
Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies called after Lomonossof
Polimetall Company (St-Petersburg)
JS Company “Mixing” (St-Petersburg)
FSUE «NIISK» (Institute of synthetic caoutchouc, St-Petersburg)
GosNIIChP (Kazan)
RusAl-VAMI (St-Petersburg)
ZAO “Chemical Systems” (Ekaterinburg)
Re gistration fee
Academia participants
Normal rate Early birds (before Feb. 1, 2015)
550 500
PhD and undergrad. students
Accompanying person
Exhibition place
275 250
175 150
1100 1000
The hotel price isn’t included
V e n ue
After scientific discussions you will have a chance to discover St-Petersburg, one of the most beautiful cities of the world, the formal capital of the Russian
Empire, the modern cultural capital of Russian Federation.
The conference takes place during white nights. What could be more romantic than a walk along the banks of the city's rivers and canals in almost broad daylight, no matter what the time of day?
No other major European city can rival this experience nor the atmosphere on the streets of St. Petersburg during the summer months - lively, friendly, romantic and bustling with people throughout the night as well as the day!
During the period of white nights, opera, ballet and concert programs will be all very eventful with both Russian performers and guest stars.
A c commodation in the downtown
There are many hotels, as example for high season 2015: hostels from 30
Euro, hotels 3* from 70 Euro, hotels 5* from 170 Euro.
Many of them could be booked by use of Booking.com site or Hotel
Reservation Service system.
Credit cards are usually accepted (Visa, MasterCard, Dinners Club, JCB).
V I SA for entrance to Russia
After the abstract have been accepted by the reviewers, participants should send the pdf copy of their passport to the Organizing Committee. mixing2015@gmail.com
An official invitation will be prepared for each participants and accompanying person (ca. 2-4 weeks).
Attend with the official invitation to the nearest Russian Consulate to get a visa.
The term necessary for visa preparation you can find on the www site of
Russian Consulate in your country.
C o nnections to St. Petersburg
There’re a lot of direct connections to St-Petersburg (Rossija Airlines, Air
France, LOT, Air Berlin, Lufthansa, British Airlines etc.)
You can fly to Moscow and then either get a plane from Moscow to St.
Petersburg (ca. 1 hour) or use a train (about 4 hour ‘Sapsan’ = TGV = ICE or 7-8 hour normal train, you can sleep on board).
Also there is huge diversity of flights from elsewhere to Helsinki, from where you can take a superfast train ‘Allegro’ to St.Petersburg.
If you are interested in participating in this conference please register at http://mixing15.eu/reg till November 15, 2014.