Immaculate Heart of Mary Church 934 Highway #8, Box 10130, Stoney Creek, ON L8E 5R1 Ph: 905-643-1637 Email: Website: PARISH OFFICE HOURS: PASTOR: SECRETARY: MASSES: CONFESSIONS: BAPTISMS: FUNERAL RITES: SCHOOL: NEW PARISHIONERS: CHILDREN'S LITURGY: Tuesday 9a.m-12Noon; Wednesday to Friday 9a.m.-5p.m. Rev. Edward J. Mahony Ilaria Paletta Saturday 5:00p.m; Sunday 9:00a.m. & 11:00a.m. Saturday Evening - Before Mass; Sunday Morning – Before Masses Sunday - Make appointment TWO WEEKS in advance of desired date When a death occurs in your family, please advise the Pastor or Parish Office and we will assist you in making the liturgical arrangements. For information on Catholic Burial, call 905-522-7727 190 Glover Road, Stoney Creek, ON L8E 5J2 PH: 905-523-2332 Principal: Mr. M. Laskowski; Secretary: Mrs. M. McEniry We welcome you and your family to Immaculate Heart of Mary! Please introduce yourself to Fr. Mahony. Call the Parish Office to register. During 11:00am Mass. For children JK to Grade 2 only. (September to June) A WARM WELCOME TO ALL VISITORS WHO ARE WITH US TODAY. MAY THE LORD BLESS YOU! QUOTE OF THE WEEK: Let us go and respond to others by our loving service. MASS INTENTIONS –SEPTEMBER 20 to SEPTEMBER 26 TUESDAY 9:00A.M. ROSA BERALDO – Malfina DiGiammatteo WEDNESDAY 9:00A.M. DONATO D’ALESIO – Domenico & Antonietta Rotella THURSDAY 9:00A.M. VITO DINANNO – Art & Fran Sebastian & Family FRIDAY 9:00A.M. GIUSEPPINA NARDINI – Joe & Palmira Caucci SATURDAY 5:00P.M. MARIA DIVITTORIO – Michele & Mina Vallorani BLOOD DONOR CLINIC MONDAY SEPTEMBER 21, FROM 2-7PM. AT OUR PARISH Please register by calling 1-888-2-DONATE. Interested Volunteers to help during the clinic, or if you have any questions, please call Joe van Troost at 905-662-7583. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ BLESSING OF PETS will take place on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 at 10a.m. , outside the front of the Church. This is the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assissi. Friendly and well-behaved pets are invited. For those pets who become nervous, aggressive or who simply cannot make it, they can be represented by photos. Everyone including family and friends are invited to bring their pets to have them blessed. If you have any questions please call the parish office at 905-643-1637 or email: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ I.H.M CHURCH PASTA DINNER NIGHT – FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2 beginning at 5p.m. in the parish hall. Tickets are available after the weekend Masses or at the Parish Office. OUR KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL AWARDED “STAR COUNCIL” Immaculate Heart of Mary Council #14421 of the Knights of Columbus has earned the distinction of Star Council, one of the organization’s top international awards, for the 2008 – 2009 fraternal year. The award recognizes overall excellence in the areas of membership recruitment and retention, promotion of the fraternal insurance program, and sponsorship of service-oriented activities. The award was presented to the membership by our District Deputy, John Stewart, at the General Meeting on September 8, 2009. About the Knights: The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic lay organization. It provides members and their families with volunteer opportunities in service to the Church, their communities, families and young people. With more than 1.7 million members in over 13,000 councils around the world, the Knights of Columbus annually donates more than $150 million and 68 million hours of service to charitable causes. Please visit for more information. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ BISHOP’S COLLECTION FOR THE NEEDS OF THE CHURCH IN CANADA: The annual Collection for the Needs of the Catholic Church in Canada will be held in most parishes in Canada next weekend (September 26 & 27). The monies raised will be sent to our diocese, which will use these revenues to help pay its annual contribution to the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB). Through the work of the Bishops of Canada who are its members, the Conference is involved in national and international areas of pastoral activity, including ecumenical and interfaith relations, social justice, aid to developing countries, collaboration with Aboriginal Peoples, the protection of human life, liturgy and catechesis. It also provides the Bishops a forum to share their experiences and insights on the life of the Church and the major events that shape our society. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ CEMETERY TOUR - A free walking tour of Holy Sepulchre and Gate of Heaven Cemeteries is scheduled for OCTOBER 7 from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. The history of Holy Sepulchre and the development of Gate of Heaven will be the focus of this tour, hosted by Dwayne Cahill of The Catholic Cemeteries. Bus transportation will be provided between the two cemeteries. A complimentary light lunch will be served following the tour. To register, call The Catholic Cemeteries at 905-522-7727 . ___________________________________________________________________________________________ CATECHETICAL CORRESPONDENCE COURSES - Register NOW for Family Faith Development in the Home! Programs available for children from Kindergarten through to High School. These programs are intended for children not currently receiving religious instruction, but can be beneficial to families wishing to engage in faith development as well. Call Ilaria at 905-643-1637 or email: for more information and registration forms. (Same Programs previously offered by the School Sisters of Notre Dame.) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ STEWARDSHIP for WEEKEND OF SEPTEMBER 12 & 13, 2009 - $3544.00 (Envelope users Only) PARISH HALL RENTAL FOR MAJOR EVENTS, please call ALBERT MARRONE 905-643-3605. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Please pray for priests, religious workers & volunteers throughout our diocese September 20-26, 2009 Sunday – Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time; Monday – Fr. Arthur Busch Tuesday – Fr. George Stortz; Wednesday – Congregation of the Resurrection; Thursday - Fr. Robert Kiffman; Friday – Msgr Vincent Kerr; Saturday – Fr. Edward Hughes ____________________________________________________________________________________________ THERE IS A PROMISE OF MARRIAGE BETWEEN: CRISTINA FIDALGO PINTO & MICHEL JOSEPH ROBERT ST. PIERRE ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Please remember to pray for the sick in our Parish.