North Sea Marine Advocacy Officer

North Sea Marine Advocacy Officer
The Trust operates throughout the traditional county of Yorkshire (i.e. all of the Yorkshire and
Humber region except North Lincolnshire) from the Humber to the Pennines and from the Dales
and Moors to the urban conurbations of the south. It is the second oldest of the 47 Wildlife
Trusts which work in partnership together covering the whole of the UK. Our purpose is to lead
the way in achieving our vision of a Yorkshire rich in wildlife for everyone through pursuing our
mission of creating Living Landscapes and securing Living Seas in Yorkshire. We will do this by
being passionate leaders and natural partners whose objectives are to:
demonstrate how nature works
inspire people and communities to value and take action for wildlife
champion wildlife and our work
and to enable this by:
growing our resources through inspiring people to value our work
knowledge sharing, cooperation, flexibility and effectiveness and
ensuring excellent governance.
The Trust seeks to realise this vision through the objectives identified in the Development Plan
and Business Plan. Activities that the Trust undertakes to achieve the plans are nature reserve
management of 95 reserves covering more than 2,500 hectares scattered across the region,
specialist projects in river and wetland management, community development and
environmental education activities, publicity and promotion and campaigning and policy work.
The Trust employs 100 staff (equivalent of 80 F/T staff) and, crucially, enjoys the support of
36,000 members. The staff work through four teams: support services; development; and two
conservation delivery teams – north & east and south & west. Each team has a director who
reports to the Chief Executive who is responsible for the operations of the Trust and, in turn,
reports to the Board of Trustees who govern the organisation.
The conservation delivery teams are then divided into regional teams which are led by a
Regional Manager who reports to the Director of the delivery team.
The Trust engages more than 700 dedicated volunteers and voluntary trainees in its work. They
make a huge contribution by giving time, skills, knowledge, enthusiasm and local ownership to
our vision. All employees are expected to encourage, develop and support volunteer
involvement wherever possible.
The post holder will sit within YWT’s North & East team and work primarily at YWT headquarters
in York, with frequent travel throughout the project region (from Berwick to Felixstowe) at both
coastal and inland locations. The post will coordinate The Wildlife Trusts approach to Marine
Protected Areas within the North Sea and gather evidence and data to support recommendation
and management.
North Sea Marine Advocacy Officer
Responsible to: Director of Operations North and East
Directly responsible for: Volunteers and trainees, contractors and consultants.
Indirectly responsible for: providing support and guidance for local Wildlife Trusts
(including a team of regional advocates) associated with the North Sea MPA project
The North Sea Marine Advocacy Officer is responsible for delivery of The Wildlife Trusts’ Marine
Protected Areas (MPA) advocacy programme within the North Sea, aiming to secure positive
outcomes for marine wildlife through the identification of a suite of well managed Marine
Protected Areas. The role involves being a major stakeholder at every stage of the Marine
Conservation Zone Project, Natura 2000 project and other key North Sea policy areas which
impact upon MPAs, such as planning and fisheries issues. The post holder will deliver advocacy
work within and outside of the Wildlife Trusts focussing on the objectives of the Marine and
Coastal Act (2009). This will raise the awareness of marine conservation such that Trust staff
and volunteers deliver benefits for marine wildlife through their own work.
The post holder will be employed by Yorkshire Wildlife Trust on behalf of the following Wildlife
Trusts: Northumberland, Durham, Tees Valley, Sheffield, Lincolnshire, Nottingham, Leicestershire
and Rutland, Derbyshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Beds, Cambs, Northants Wildlife Trusts.
Job Description
Act as a major stakeholder in the MPA process, attending appropriate meetings and
advocating strongly for wildlife benefits throughout the process. This includes:
 Verifying the data accumulation exercise by collecting and analysing data, identifying gaps
and, subject to further funds, commissioning surveys;
 Undertaking a critical analysis of the resulting ecological review of the North Sea, identifying
weaknesses and suggesting further research and analysis;
 Using models developed in the south-west England and elsewhere around the world,
critically examine the requirements of a North Sea MPA network that can substantially
conserve marine wildlife;
 Critically examine the identification of MPA sites, identifying gaps and suggesting new sites
or revising site boundaries; and
 Critically examine resulting management plans arguing strongly for sustainable resource
management that will lead to a substantial rebuilding of wildlife populations within and
around MPAs.
Build internal capacity within the North Sea Wildlife Trusts for marine advocacy
 Working with all the Eastern Wildlife Trusts to deliver a specific programme of internal
advocacy work, including presentations and production of material for publications and
 Develop and coordinate a programme steering group and advocacy strategy, leading a
North Sea advocacy team to deliver this strategy
 Produce and distribute ‘awareness products’ within and outside of the Wildlife Trusts
partnership where appropriate
Liaise with the Wildlife Trusts national and regional Living Seas team, sharing approaches to
working and keeping up to date on national policy developments.
Develop and coordinate media campaigns and liaise with the media and local Wildlife Trust
communications staff to raise awareness of marine conservation issues.
Provide support and advice for each of the Wildlife Trusts within the project through the
production of a wide range of communication materials and regular contact
Building external capacity for marine advocacy within the North Sea
 Liaise with and work closely with other relevant stakeholders, including Natural England and
other NGOs and volunteer/community groups where appropriate.
 Respond to appropriate consultations relating to the development and management of the
MPA network, seeking advice where necessary.
 Engage with MPs and other key decision makers to raise awareness of the importance of the
North Seas marine environment and need for MPAs.
 Work with and develop positive relationships with marine regulators including the MMO
and IFCAs. Seek to influence inshore fisheries management through the local Inshore
Fisheries Conservation Authorities
 Work with, and link other groups (such as Fisheries Local Action Group, marine biodiversity
action group, and Local Nature Partnerships) to secure tangible and measurable benefits for
the marine environment.
Project & line management
 Managing project and site based spending using YWT budgeting, administrative and project
management techniques
 Undertake annual business planning and budgeting as well as monitoring of expenditure
 Ensure effective project management of externally funded programmes of work seeking to
delight the funder
 Work closely with the East Coast Living Seas Officers (based in Northumberland, Yorkshire
and Lincolnshire alongside the wider regional marine advocates) to ensure local scale Living
Seas work contributes towards the development of North Sea MPAs.
 Ensure external (legal) and internal policy compliance including HR, health and safety,
environmental and child welfare policy and procedure.
Other Duties
 Ensure all work follows Wildlife Trust procedures and policies and contributing to the
business planning, project reporting and budgeting process within the Trust.
 Undertaking other work specified by your line manager that is commensurate with the post.
 Promoting the Wildlife Trusts wherever possible.
Person Specification
 Proven management and advocacy experience in marine
wildlife conservation work
 Experience of advocacy, influencing or lobbying work
 Experience of awareness and research/analytical work
 Experience of communications work, developing and running
successful campaigns
 Proven experience of developing new projects, budgets and
managing staff and volunteers
 Proven track record of effective working with sea users, NGOs
and statutory agencies
 Experience of Developing policies and strategies
Knowledge and Understanding
 A deep understanding of marine ecology, preferably with
expertise in the North Sea ecosystem
 Good understanding of marine wildlife conservation issues
 Good understanding of marine policy in particular the Marine
Act, Marine Protected Area network, Marine Spatial Planning
and Fisheries.
 Knowledge of good working practices in relation to staff and
Skills and Qualifications
 Proven project management skills and leadership ability
 High level IT skills – proficient in Word, Excel, PowerPoint and
Outlook and preferably good GIS skills (MapInfo ideally).
 Proven advocacy and influencing skills.
 Excellent communication and presentation skills, including
report-writing, given presentations, writing press releases and
running events
 Educated to postgraduate qualification
Personal Qualities
 A good team player
 Leadership skills
 Able to work under own initiative
 A robust personality able to put across clear arguments in the
face of trenchant opposition
Essential (E) or
Desirable (D)
 Able to communicate with a wide range of people, including in
often challenging and difficult circumstances
 Quick to learn and desire to learn more
 Self motivated
Job Specification
This is a complex and technical role with a strong external focus working with a wide range of
stakeholders. The post holder also has financial and staff management responsibilities requiring
considerable relevant work experience and high level understanding/qualifications in the
subject area.
Terms and Conditions
£26,100 per annum. This is a fixed term contract to 30 June 2015 to cover
a period of maternity leave.
35 working hours per week, Monday to Friday. The nature of the post’s
duties will require evening and weekend work on occasions. Paid
overtime is not available, but time off in lieu will be given.
25 working days per annum in addition to normal public holidays.
The post holder will be eligible to be auto enrolled into the Trust’s Group
Flexible Retirement plan. The Trust will contribute to this plan on your
behalf at a rate set by the Trust’s Council. The rate is currently 3% of your
basic salary. However, if you choose to make an employee contribution
the Trust will make an employer contribution of up to 8% depending upon
the amount you choose to contribute as an employee. Written terms of
the scheme are available on request from finance.
The Trust operates a Childcare Voucher Scheme. Details of which are
available on request.
The Trust provides paid staff with access to an Employee Assistance
Programme. This is a confidential service which aims to provide staff with
support for a range of issues. Further details are available from the HR and
Training Manager.
Notice Period:
8 weeks
Place of Work:
The post will be based at the Trusts Headquarters with frequent travel
required within the project area (Berwick – Felixstowe) on the coast and
Public transport is encouraged although pool vehicles are available. In
exceptional circumstances the use of the officer’s own vehicle may be
necessary for business use for which a mileage rate of 27.5p per mile will
be paid.
The Trust is fully committed to personal development and training.
Closing deadline:
9 am on Thursday 3 July 2014
Interview Date:
Likely to be held on Wednesday 16 July 2014