Meiosis Quiz

Meiosis Quiz
Biology Name ______________________
Period _______
NBpg# _____
Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question.
____ 1. The process of male gamete formation is called
A. oogenesis.
B. spermatogenesis.
C. cytokinesis.
____ 2. The chromatids of a tetrad wrap around each other, break, and rejoin resulting in the
exchange of genes. This is called
A. synapsis.
B. mitosis.
C. crossing-over.
D. meiosis.
____ 3. What is needed for fertilization?
A. sperm only
B. egg only
C. both sperm and egg
____ 4. What has a “tail”?
A. sperm only
C. both sperm and egg
B. egg only
____ 5. To separate chromatids of each chromosome into separate cells is the purpose of
A. Meiosis I.
B. Meiosis II.
Which process is illustrated in the diagram below?
crossing over
A human with the genotype XX is
A. an example of the failure of chromosomes to separate during meiosis.
B. a female.
C. a male.
D. a dwarf.
23. The human kind has 23 chromosomes. This statement describes
A. the human sperm only.
B. the human egg only.
C. both the human egg and sperm.
D. the human skin cell.
24. Which diagram illustrates fertilization that would most likely lead to the development of a
normal human male?
25. A cell produced by meiosis has the _?_ number of chromosomes.
A. diploid
B. haploid
C. triploid
D. double
26. In plants, meiosis occurs within the special reproductive structures called
A. flowers.
B. gonads.
C. hospitals.
D. Punnett squares.
27. Complex organisms produce sex cells that unite during fertilization, which forms a single cell
known as
A. a gonad.
B. a zygote.
C. an embryo.
D. a gamete.
True or False
____ 8. Meiosis occurs in animals but does not occur in plants.
____ 9. Meiosis reduces the chromosome number from diploid to haploid.
____10. The human diploid number is 46.
____11. The sperm is larger than the egg cell.
____12. Four chromatids of a homologous chromosome pair are a tetrad.
Number the following diagrams 1-7 to put them in the proper sequence to show the process
of meiosis.
Each space is worth two points.
Write your answers in the space provided.
1. Meiosis consists of two phases:
2. Three things that occur during Prophase I of Meiosis, just like Prophase of Mitosis are:
3. Unlike Prophase of Mitosis, two events distinguish Prophase I from Mitotic Prophase:
4. At the end of Meiosis I, are the cells haploid or diploid?
5. Meiosis II is just like
6. Meiosis is often called
Circle the correct option to identify the phases of meiosis depicted below.
a. Prophase I
b. Metaphase I
c. Anaphase I
d. Prophase II
e. Metaphase II
f. Anaphase II
g. Telophase II
a. Prophase I
b. Metaphase I
c. Anaphase I
d. Prophase II
e. Metaphase II
f. Anaphase II
g. Telophase II
a. Prophase I
b. Metaphase I
c. Anaphase I
d. Prophase II
e. Metaphase II
f. Anaphase II
g. Telophase II
a. Prophase I
b. Metaphase I
c. Anaphase I
d. Prophase II
e. Metaphase II
f. Anaphase II
g. Telophase II
Meiosis Quiz
Biology Name ______________________
Period _______
NBpg# _____
Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer for each question.
____ 1. The process of male gamete formation is called
A. oogenesis.
B. cytokinesis.
C. spermatogenesis.
____ 2. The chromatids of a tetrad wrap around each other, break, and rejoin resulting in the
exchange of genes. This is called
A. synapsis.
B. crossing-over.
C. mitosis.
D. meiosis.
____ 3. What has a “tail”?
A. sperm only
B. egg only
C. both sperm and egg
____ 4. What is needed for fertilization?
A. sperm only
B. egg only
C. both sperm and egg
____ 5. To separate chromatids of each chromosome into separate cells is the purpose of
A. Meiosis I.
B. Meiosis II.
____ 6. Which diagram represents a pair of homologous chromosomes?
____ 7. The diagram below represents a pair of chromosomes.
Which diagram best represents the results of crossing over between the chromosomes?
True or False
____ 8. The human diploid number is 46.
____ 9. The sperm is larger than the egg cell.
____10. Meiosis occurs in animals but does not occur in plants.
____11. Meiosis reduces the chromosome number from diploid to haploid.
____12. Four chromatids of a homologous chromosome pair are a tetrad.
Number the following diagrams 1-7 to put them in the proper sequence to show the process
of meiosis.