Pain-Free in 2013: Are Your Emotions The Key?

Pain-Free in 2013: Are Your Emotions The Key?
By Dr. Bradley Nelson
Is it really possible that you could be free from chronic pain by next year? Free, not only from your
physical pain, but free from the pain of your broken heart, or broken dreams? It may not be possible to
avoid pain initially when trauma occurs, but there are certainly natural means to get pain to leave you
after those traumatic events take place. There are simple ways to get physical and emotional pain to
leave your body, mind and heart, permanently.
The most effective way to get rid of painful aspects of your life is by dealing with the true, underlying
cause of the pain. It's a logical process to look for a solution to pain this way. When your foot hurts and
you find an offending pebble in your shoe, you remove it. Your foot may still hurt for a minute from the
trauma of stepping on that rock, but it is now free to heal. Often the cause of pain is more hidden than
that. It may be hard to connect to its real cause, especially if that cause is emotionally-based.
During the years that we had our holistic chiropractic practice, we learned a lot about pain. We learned
what the underlying causes of pain really are, and what we found was astonishing. Using energy testing,
we discovered that "emotional baggage" is at the root of over 80% of the physical and emotional pain that
we experience.
When you think of pain, you generally think of what happened that caused it... the hammer that hit your
thumb, the car accident that left you with whiplash, the death of your parent, the day that you were fired
from your job, or the broken relationship that tore your heart into little pieces. Intense emotions that you
experience from traumatic events such as these can leave you hurting in more ways than one. The
energy of the emotions that you experience during and after these events can become "trapped" in your
body's energy field. We call these discrete energies "trapped emotions."
You've probably heard the term, "Energy Medicine." You may have even heard important and influential
thinkers and physicians make claims about Energy Medicine being the medicine of the future. They are
absolutely right! The good news is that now you can easily take advantage of the advancements that
have been made over the last decade in Energy Medicine, to change your own life for the better. By
learning some simple methods of energy healing, you can test and release blocked and trapped energies
in your body, to assist, heal, and alleviate your pain. The results from applying these simple tools can be
Let's look at the premise of Energy Medicine. If you were to greatly magnify any part of your body under a
microscope, so that you were no longer even seeing its cells, but seeing beyond the cells and beyond the
atom, you would find that the body is made of pure energy. This is what Quantum Physics is all about and
what Energy Medicine is based upon. Although we perceive our bodies to be solid and substantial, it is a
bit of an illusion, because our bodies are really 99.99999999% empty space!
Life can be a pretty emotional experience at times. Emotionally charged and stressful events that happen
on a daily basis affect your energy body, and can leave you with trapped emotions, just like the bigger
events of your life do. Things like the fight that you had with your teenager, not having enough money for
your bills, flunking a class that you needed to graduate, forgetting to pick up your child from school, or
losing sleep when someone close to you was sick or injured. Life is full of times like these. Though
seemingly insignificant and soon forgotten compared to the huge traumatic problems we sometimes face,
pain can result from these lesser dramas in life, too. Whether the experiences are major or minor, trapped
emotions can leave you in pain, even chronic pain.
Trapped emotions are the energies that remain behind after an emotional event. They distort the normal
energy field of the body. The good news is that you can identify those specific emotions and release them
from your body's energy field. You can retrieve them from the archives of your subconscious mind by
learning some simple methods. You can release the trapped emotions and get yourself out of pain. The
end result is lasting and permanent!
The energy that is you, may still be dealing with the aftermath of some of your life's events, large and
small. Major painful events, the ones that caused you immediate throbbing and undeniable pain, are the
easiest to remember and to connect to their cause. But when pain persists beyond the normal time of
healing, figuring out what to do can be baffling. You may be wondering why you are still hurting
emotionally or physically from an event that happened long ago. There may be several reasons, but the
one that is usually underestimated is the presence of trapped emotions.
Back pain, headache, arthritis, abdominal pain, chest pain, and depression — all of these conditions and
many more have been improved by simply releasing trapped emotions. Even when physical trauma
appears to have been the only cause, trapped emotions are often discovered. When they are released,
the pain dissipates. It seems miraculous and still amazes even me. Though there are many reasons for
pain in the body, trapped emotional energy is like the proverbial elephant in the living room, unrecognized
and overlooked. It is, more often than not, a big reason for pain.
If you are dealing with pain, whether it is physical or emotional, it's probably time to take a serious look at
getting rid of your own emotional baggage, those discrete energies that are inhabiting your body,
disrupting the normal flow of energy and interfering with the normal function of your body. Energy
Medicine is effective. Many people have absolutely changed their lives by clearing their trapped emotions!
Imagine being pain-free in 2013. Getting rid of your trapped emotions, the baggage from your past, may
be the key.
About the Author: Dr. Bradley Nelson ("Dr. Brad") is one of the world's foremost experts in the emerging
fields of bio-energetic medicine and energy psychology. Through his twenty-plus years as a holistic
physician and his studies of ancient medical practice and modern quantum physics, Dr. Brad developed
The Emotion Code, a system for releasing the trapped emotions that block mental and physical healing.
Dr. Brad's knowledge has spread world-wide through his seminars, lectures and best-selling book, The
Emotion Code. His mission is to empower both health practitioners and individuals themselves to work
with the intrinsic healing power and intelligence of the body. Further information as well as Dr. Brad's
books and DVDs can be found on his public websites at and
http:/ Contact Dr. Nelson at