International Conference on: “New Role for the World Sugar Economy in a Changed Political and Economic Environment ” Optimal egyptian factors affecting nonsugar elimination in beet juice purificaton and economic return on sugar recovery Samir Y. El-Sanat (2), Aref A.M. Aly (1), Mohamed M. El-Tabakh (3) and Ibrahim Abdel-ghaney (3) (1) Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Assuit University, Egypt Food Technology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Kafrelsheikh University, Egypt (3) Delta Sugar Company, Egypt. (2) Abstract: The quality of sugar produced in sugar beet industry is highly dependent on the efficiency of the chemical treatment i.e. clarification process, which can be considered as the bottleneck of sugar manufacture . Therefore, any improvement of the clarification process reflects itself on the quality of sugar and its yield. Production of sugar from sugar beet requires a series of sequential unit operations, which comprise beet preparation, extraction clarification, evaporation, crystallization, centrifugal separation, drying and packaging. The main goal of any sugar technology is to get rid of impurities from sucrose solutions and to produce sugar of high quality. Separation of nonsugars from sugar is the aim of almost every step of sugar production and the purpose of juice purification is to remove the majority of these nonsugars. In Delta Sugar Company the percentage of nonsugar elimination is relatively low compared to the theoretical ones .The aim of the present study is to suggest effective procedures to increase removal of nonsugars from beet juice clarification in order to increase the purity of the produced sugar and to achieve a low sugar content in molasses during conditions of both hot and cold liming. Keyword: Sugar beet, α-amino nitrogen liming and nonsugar elimination (NSE). 1. Introduction: “Sugar is made in the field, not in the factory" So, the quality of beet plays an important role in the sugar manufacture. Although year and site are important factors influencing beet quality, the beet growers may improve the quality of the beet by optimal fertilization, choice of varieties, optimal plant population, prevention of stress conditions, control of pests and diseases, way of topping and harvest and storage under optimal conditions[1]. The application of excessive amounts of nitrogen fertilizers not only increases most of the major non-sugars, in particular α-amino nitrogen resulting in lower crystallizable sugar 10-13 November 2012, Aswan, Egypt Ibrahim Abdel-ghaney et al TL2.2/ 1 International Conference on: “New Role for the World Sugar Economy in a Changed Political and Economic Environment ” and alkalinity, but it also has detrimental effects on sugar content and marc, invert sugar, lime salts and color, raffinose and the physical strength of beet tissue[2]. “The sugar factory does not make sugar, it separates nonsugars.”, so the aim of sugar beet processors world-wide is to produce pure sugar, at least expense, from the roots which they have purchased and which represent their major manufacturing cost. Although the efficiency of processing depends to a large extent on the factory equipment and the way in which it is utilized, it is the quality of the roots which is by far the most important parameter affecting processing. The efficiency of sugar manufacturing depends largely on the quality of the raw beet material. Good processing quality is characterized by a combination of high sucrose concentration and low concentration of non sucrose substances that impair white sugar recovery. In the technological process of sugar production the main problem is the separation of non-sucrose compounds. Purified sugar solution, which is tobe crystallized, consists of non-sucrose compounds diluted in water. Colored matters as non-sucrose compounds have the tendency to form inclusions in the sugar crystal or to be adsorbed on the surface. In sugar factories, the color of sugar depends on the quality of the sugar-beet and on the suitability of clarification and the evaporation process of juices [ 3 ]. Sugarbeet roots contain a number of nonsucrose carbohydrates that coextract with sucrose during processing. These carbohydrate impurities are present at low concentrations relative to sucrose, but have a significant impact on sugarbeet processing quality and sucrose yield. Carbohydrate impurities form during the production and postharvest storage of sugarbeet roots with the largest accumulation of impurities occurring during storage. As metabolic derivatives of sucrose, carbohydrate impurities are directly responsible for sucrose loss in sugarbeet roots. Their impact on sucrose yield is compounded by their ability to interfere with processing. Carbohydrate impurities cause color, crystallization and filtration problems during sugarbeet root processing and increase the loss of sucrose to molasses. Carbohydrate impurities include monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. The major monosaccharide impurities in sugarbeet root are the invert sugars, fructose and glucose. These two sugars are formed by the enzymatic degradation of sucrose. Invert sugars co-extract with sucrose, but degrade during processing to organic acids and colored compounds. The major oligosaccharides in sugarbeet roots are the trisaccharides, raffinose, 1kestose, 6-kestose and neo-kestose. In sugarbeet processing, raffinose and the kestoses co-extract with sucrose without degradation. Their presence significantly reduces the rate of sucrose crystallization and alters sucrose crystal morphology causing an increase in sucrose loss during crystal filtration. The major 10-13 November 2012, Aswan, Egypt Ibrahim Abdel-ghaney et al TL2.2/ 2 International Conference on: “New Role for the World Sugar Economy in a Changed Political and Economic Environment ” polysaccharide impurities in sugar beet root are the gums, dextran and levan [4]. A higher dextran and raffinose contents considerably increase the dextrarotation, giving rise to sucrose content apparently higher than true sucrose. This apparent sucrose causes an error in the sucrose balance of the sugar factory and leads to increase of sugar loss in molasses [5]. In the purification process the non-sugars are to be removed from the raw juice to the greatest possible extent.Usually, burned lime is used as an auxiliary agent for purifying the raw juice. A by-product of lime production is carbon dioxide (CO2). Adding carbon dioxide to the juice in the purification process removes excess lime and, thus, improves the juice quality [6]. CaO consumption of individual factories may vary significantly between 1 and 3 % on beet. A general CaO consumption of 90 -120 % on raw juice nonsugars may be considered normal [7]. The goal of sugar technology is to remove the impurities from sucrose solutions and produce sugar that consists of pure crystals. Therefore, sugar technology mainly concentrates on improving impure sucrose solution. 2. Materials and Methods Materials The delivered heterogeneous well- topped beet materials of various qualities, which have been performed through two successive working seasons from 2010 until 2011, in Delta Sugar Company, Elhamoul Mill, and Kafrelsheikh Governorate, Egypt were used in this study. Collected samples were transferred to laboratory, the extracted juice was analyzed daily for sugar polarity, sodium, potassium, α-amino nitrogen, apparent and true sucrose, invert sugar and raffinose. The campaign is divided into 11 periods, every one consists of 10 days. Methods Chemical analysis Total soluble solids (TSS) of beet juice was determined by using a fully automatic digital refractometer, model RX-5000 (ATAGO Co., LTD). The determination included 0-95% Brix and temperature compensation 15 to 40 °C according to the procedure of Delta Sugar Company. Sucrose percentage (%) was determined polarimetrically on lead acetate extract of fresh macerated roots by using automatic saccharimeter, model sucromat, and apparent purity percentage (%) was determined as a ratio between sucrose % and TSS % of roots as the method described by [8]. The concentrations of sucrose, potassium, sodium and α-amino nitrogen were determined from beet brei-clarified by aluminum sulphate 10-13 November 2012, Aswan, Egypt Ibrahim Abdel-ghaney et al TL2.2/ 3 International Conference on: “New Role for the World Sugar Economy in a Changed Political and Economic Environment ” for each section by an automatic beet laboratory system (Venema automation BV – analyzer ΙΙ G - 16 -12- 99, 9716JP /Groningen/Holland, the results were calculated as millimoles/100g beet). Sucrose was analyzed polarimetrically, potassium and sodium were determined by flame-photometry (Minilyser, Fa. Venema) according to [9] and α-amino nitrogen was analyzed by the fluorometric OPA-method [10,11]. True sucrose, Raffinose and inverted sugar were determined by The Berlin Institute method Asadi [1] by using double polarization (inversion method)for true sucrose, raffinose determinations, while inverted sugar was determined by ofner method according to the following equations: % True sucrose = (0.512 DP- IP/0.839) % Raffinose = (0.33 DP + IP/1.563) where: DP is the direct polarization and IP is the invert polarization. %Invert sugar = (ml Thiosulfate Blank – ml Thiosulfate Sample – 0.2)/g Sample ×10 Each data of analysis represents ten replicates. Assessment of the technical quality The highest sugar loss in a sugar factory results from the sugar in molasses which is not crystalizable. Therefore, the attempt was made to evaluate the technical quality of sugar beet with estimation formulas of selected non-sugars in beet. For the current study, the standard molasses loss and the yield of molasses were calculated according to the formula as follows: The loss of sugar in molasses % ob = SM = (SC – 0.6) 100 – PTJ PTJ × PM 100 - PM Where SM is the sugar in molasses (% OB), SC is the sugar in cossette (%), PTJ is the purity of thick juice and PM is the purity of molasses. Yield of Molasses (%OB) = mM = 100 (SM) + NSTJ DSM Where mM is the amount of molasses produced and DSM is the molasses dry substance. The juice purification efficiency and the sugar recovery were determined based on the modification of the sugar recovery formula suggested by Moore [12] as follows: Juice purification efficiency ( η jp) = 100 ×{1- (purity of raw juice) × (100 - purity of thin juice ) } 10-13 November 2012, Aswan, Egypt Ibrahim Abdel-ghaney et al TL2.2/ 4 International Conference on: “New Role for the World Sugar Economy in a Changed Political and Economic Environment ” (Purity of thin juice) × (100 - purity of raw juice) Where η jp is the juice purification efficiency. Sugar recovery = (purity of thin juice – purity of molasses) ×10000 Purity of thin juice (100 – purity of molasses) Mass of non-sugar in raw juice % OB = (Sugar content of beet – sugar loss in pressed pulp) × (100-Purity of raw juice) ×100 100 (Purity of raw juice) Mass of non-sugar in thin juice % OB = (Sugar content of beet – sugar loss in pressed pulp-sugar loss in mud ) × (100-Purity of raw juice) ×100 100 ( Purity of raw juice) Non sugar elimination% OB= (purity of thin juice – purity of raw juice) × 10000 Purity of thin juice - (100 – purity of raw juice) Gain in juice purification= Purity of thin juice - purity of raw juice 3 Quantity of lime (m ) = Quantity of Raw juice( m3 ) × alkalinity of mainliming juice (g CaO / L) No. of grams of CaO per liter CaO % B = Milk of lime %OB × No. of grams of CaO per liter 1000 Statistical analysis All obtained data were statistically analyzed according to the technique of analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the split–plot design to each experiment and for correlation coefficient according to Dowdy et al., [13] and for standard deviation according to [14]. 3. Results and Discussion Technological characteristics of fresh sugar beet roots Total soluble solids (TSS) From data summarized in Table1 minimum total soluble solids (TSS) value (19.00%) was observed in period (1), (this is owing to the early harvesting of the beet (premature beet)), while maximum TSS value of 24.35 % was noticed 10-13 November 2012, Aswan, Egypt Ibrahim Abdel-ghaney et al TL2.2/ 5 International Conference on: “New Role for the World Sugar Economy in a Changed Political and Economic Environment ” in period (7). The over all mean was 24.68 %.The decrease in TSS % is due to excessive nitrogen application which increases root and weight diameter, tissue water content as well as partitioning of more photosynthates to the tops than to the roots of sugar beet plants and consequently TSS %may be lowered.This conclusion was alsoreported by Mostafa et al., [15], Sers and Curtin [16]. pH From the results in Table (1), it could be noticed that the pH value of the beet juice along the eleven periods during the 2011campaign was between 6.2 and 6.8,while the over all mean was 6.6. These data were compatible with those reported by Brukner[17] and Burba [18], who found that the pH value of the cell juice of healthy plants ranged between 6.2 and 6.5 and sugar beet have to synthesize organic acids (oxalic acid, citric acid and malic acid ). Beet quality As evident from Table (1) along the eleven periods during the 2011campaign a gradual increase in beet quality was noticed. Maximum Beet quality (80.43%) was seen in period (11) and minimum (65.65%) was observed in period (1), while the over all mean was 75.94 %. These results are near somewhat from those reported by Hilde et al. [19] who, stated that higher concentrations of α-amino N and K + Na decrease the quality of beet because their presence in the beet interferes with the crystallization process, which causes a great proportion of the sugar to be recovered as molasses with a reduction in refined sugar. Also Abdel-Rahman [20] who mentioned that regarding beet sugar production, differences between theoretical and practical quality during sugar extraction from sugar beet and an increase of molasses purity have been observed in the Egyptian sugar beet factories and in many another countries, especially at the end of the industrial season. Climatic conditions and long time from harvesting to manufacturing cause a drop of sugar beet quality. Also freezing and thawing cause considerable changes in the chemical composition, and thus processability of sugar beet. Finally similar results were reported by Abou- shady [21], Hozayen [22] and Feweez et al., [23]. Beet purity Data presented in Table (1) showed that beet purity along the eleven periods during the 2011campaign gave high significant differences. Beet purity values were ranged between (86.55 and 80.37%) with over all mean 84.35%.The reduction in sucrose and apparent purity percentages due to increasing nitrogen fertilizer levels may be due to the role of nitrogen in increasing non-sucrose substances such as proteins and alpha amino acid, and hence decreasing sucrose content in roots. Moreover, it is a fact that increasing nitrogen levels results in 10-13 November 2012, Aswan, Egypt Ibrahim Abdel-ghaney et al TL2.2/ 6 International Conference on: “New Role for the World Sugar Economy in a Changed Political and Economic Environment ” increasing water retention by the tap root and in turn a decrease in sucrose percentage of root fresh weight, Droycott [2]. Similar results were reported by Zalat [24], Hozayen [22], and Abou EL-Maged et al., [25]. They found that purity of sugar beet juice ranged between 81.18 % and 93.74 . Carbohydrate nonsucrose Reducing sugar Data illustrated in Table (1) show the overall mean of reducing sugar was 0.31%. The maximum and minimum values were 0.37% in period 11 and 0.24% in period 1), respectively. These results are in accordance with those confirmed by Wyse [26], who stated that higher storage temperatures generally increase the accumulation of invert sugars, especially when they exceed 10°C. Similar observations were reported by Akeson [27], who reported that genetic factors and defoliation method also influence invert sugar accumulation. Threefold difference in the extent of invert sugar accumulation during storage has been attributed to genetic variation. Mahn et al. [28] and Steensen & Augustinussen [29] mentioned that defoliation method also affects invert sugar concentrations at harvest and during storage by impacting the frequency of leaf regrowth. Because invert sugar concentrations are three to five times greater in crown tissue than in the subtending root, topped roots have lower invert sugar content at harvest than roots defoliated by flailing. Raffinose content The data shown in Table (1) revealed a high significant difference for raffinose content among the eleven periods during the 2011 campaign. Maximum raffinose content (0.52%) was noticed in period (11) and minimum value was 0.35% in period (1),while the overall mean was 0.45%. These results are in good agreement with those confirmed by Martin et al. [30] who reported that during storage raffinose concentrations change with the magnitude and direction of change dependent on storage conditions. Wyse [31] found that raffinose concentration is dependent on genetic and environmental factors. Genetic variability influences raffinose content at harvest and its accumulation during storage. Greater than fourfold differences in raffinose content at the time of the harvest, and twofold differences in its rate of accumulation during storage has been attributed to genetic variability. Finally, Wyse &Dexter [32] mentioned that the raffinose content at harvest is dependent on temperature conditions before harvest. Low temperatures prior to harvest elevate raffinose concentration at time of harvest. After storage, raffinose content is largely determined by the temperature at which the roots were stored and is independent of raffinose 10-13 November 2012, Aswan, Egypt Ibrahim Abdel-ghaney et al TL2.2/ 7 International Conference on: “New Role for the World Sugar Economy in a Changed Political and Economic Environment ” content at harvest. Table (1): Technological characteristics of the fresh sugar beet roots. Period (10days) TSS (%) pH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Overall mean Significance 19.00g 20.42f 21.51e 22.20de 22.81cd 23.40bc 24.35a 24.35a 23.61abc 23.65ab 23.79ab 22.64 ** 6.80ab 6.80ab 6.70b 6.70b 6.70ab 6.70ab 6.80ab 6.80a 6.40c 6.40c 6.20d 6.60 ** Beet quality (%) Beet purity (%) Reducing sugar (%) Raffinose (%) 65.65g 67.88f 71.48e 74.65d 76.70c 78.30b 79.76a 80.27a 79.90a 80.34a 80.43a 75.94 ** 80.37e 81.87d 82.40d 82.76d 84.56c 84.98bc 85.69ab 86.55a 86.17a 86.28a 86.25a 84.35 ** 0.24d 0.28bcd 0.34ab 0.33abc 0.30bc 0.28cd 0.33abc 0.30bc 0.32abc 0.33ab 0.37a 0.31 ** 0.35d 0.41cd 0.47ab 0.46bc 0.44bc 0.44bc 0.49ab 0.45bc 0.47ab 0.49ab 0.52a 0.45 ** ** High significant 1 %. Means within each column followed by the same letters ( a , b, c, d, e, f and g ) indicate significant differences (P<0.01). The effect of hot and cold liming (% NS) addition on the juice purification, sugar recovery, and sugar losses to molasses The lime requirement for adequate purification depends on the beet quality, in other words, the amount and nature of the nonsugars in the beet. When processing low-quality beet, more lime is needed because the beets have more nonsugars that must be removed. The nature of nonsugars is also important. To process healthy beets, CaO consumption of 1.5 to 2.5% OB (equal to 3.0 to 5.0% CaCO3on beet) is required (may reach 3% OB or more when processing damaged beets). Although the amount of nonsugars of diffusion juice that can be precipitated with lime (removable nonsugars RNS) is about 0.5% OB, during purification 1.5 to 2.5% CaO on beet is used. This means that the amount of CaO is threefold to fivefold. The excess is used as a filter aid [19]. Table: (2) Amount of lime used in hot liming during 2011 seasons decades. (1) (2) Each value represents ten replicates during 10 periods along 2011 season. calculated at milk of lime density 1.184(g / cm3), 66.1%actual purity, and CaO 10-13 November 2012, Aswan, Egypt Ibrahim Abdel-ghaney et al TL2.2/ 8 International Conference on: “New Role for the World Sugar Economy in a Changed Political and Economic Environment ” content in milk of lime is ( 183 g /liter ) at actual purity . calculated on the basis of milk of lime contains 16.04 % CaO (4) calculated on the basis of juice draft 120 Liter % kg beet . (3) Specification 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Lime (% NS)(1) 65 67 69 70 71 72 73 Quantity (ml/Lit.) of juice(2) 83.2 85.7 88.3 89.6 90.8 92.1 93.4 CaO (%B) 2.16 2.23 2.30 2.33 2.36 2.40 2.43 Lime (% on juice)(3) 9.85 10.15 10.45 10.60 10.76 10.91 11.06 Lime (% on beet)(4) 11.82 12.18 12.54 12.73 12.91 13.09 13.27 Table: (3) Amount of lime used in cold liming during 2011 seasons decades (1) Each value represents ten replicates during 10 periods along 2011 season. calculated at milk of lime density 1.173(g/cm3), 65.9% purity and CaO content in mi9lk of ( 156 g /liter ) lime at actual purity. (3) calculated on the basis of milk of lime contains 13.93 % CaO (4) calculated on the basis of juice draft 120 Liter % kg beet . (2( Lime Quantity(ml/Lit.) CaO Lime Lime (% NS)(1) of juice(2) (%B) (% on juice)(3) (% on beet)(4) 1 65 96.7 2.12 11.34 13.61 2 68 101.1 2.22 11.86 14.23 3 71 105.6 2.32 12.39 14.86 4 75 111.5 2.45 13.08 15.70 5 78 116.0 2.55 13.61 16.33 6 80 119.0 2.61 13.96 16.75 7 81 120.5 2.65 14.13 16.96 Table (4): The effect of hot liming (% NS) addition on the juice purification efficiency, sugar recovery, and sugar losses to molasses during 2011 seasons decades. Specification Specification 72% 73% Sig. Raw juice purity % N.S in Raw juice % on Beet(2) 86.3 86.3 86.3 86.3 86.3 86.3 86.3 NS 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 NS Thin juice purity % on Beet(3) 88.5d 88.7.0cd 88.8c 89.0bc 89.3ab 89.5a 89.3ab ** N.S in Thin juice % B 2.34a 2.29ab 2.27abc 2.22bcd 2.16cd 2.11d 2.16cd ** N.S Elimination in juice purification %B 0.52e 0.57de 0.59cd 0.64bc 0.70ab 0.75a 0.70ab ** Juice purification efficiency% 18.18d 19.93cd 20.63bc 22.38b 24.48a 26.22a 24.48a ** Recovery% 81.30d 81.70cd 81.90c 82.20bc 82.80ab 83.10a 82.80ab ** 2.5cd 2.7bc 3.0ab 3.2a 3.0a ** 33.472bc 37.191ab 39.670a 37.191a ** Gain in purity Sugar increasing (Ton/ day)(4) 65% 67% Lime %N.S(1) 70% 71% 2.2e 2.4de 69% 27.27e 29.753de 30.993cd 10-13 November 2012, Aswan, Egypt Ibrahim Abdel-ghaney et al TL2.2/ 9 International Conference on: “New Role for the World Sugar Economy in a Changed Political and Economic Environment ” Sugar loss to Molasses % on Beet (5) 3.31a 3.25ab 3.21abc 3.15bcd 3.05cd 2.99d 3.02cd ** Molasses% on Beet 4.17 a 4.09ab 4.05abc 3.97bcd 3.84cd 3.76d 3.84cd ** ** High significant 1 %. NS: non significance. Means within each column followed by the same letters ( a , b, c, and d) indicate significant differences (P<0.01). 1. Each value represents ten replicates during 10 periods along 2011 season. 2. At pol % on beet (18.31 %) and loss of pulp % on beet (0.3 %). 3. At pol % on beet (18.31 %), loss of pulp % on beet (0.3 %) and loss in Carb. Lime % (0.01%on beet). 4. At 7000 tons crushing beet per day and mean sugar introduced into the sugar house 17.71% on beet. 5. At molasses brix 80%, purity 59%, molasses coefficient 1.44 , and sugar introduced into the sugar house 17.71% on beet Table (5): The effect of cold liming (% NS) addition on the juice purification efficiency, sugar recovery, and sugar losses to molasses during 2011 seasons decade. Specification Raw juice purity % N.S in Raw juice % on Beet 2) Thin juice purity % on Beet 3) N.S in Thin juice % B N.S Elimination in juice purification %B Juice purification efficiency% Recovery% Gain in purity Sugar increasing (Ton/ day) 4) Sugar loss to Molasses % on Beet 5) Molasses% on Beet Lime %N.S1) 75% 78% 65% 68% 71% 80% 81% Sig. 86.3 86.3 86.3 86.3 86.3 86.3 86.3 Ns 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 2.86 NS 88.4e 2.36a 88.9d 2.25b 89.3c 2.16c 89.6bc 2.09cd 89.9ab 2.02de 90.2a 1.96e 89.8ab 2.04d ** ** 0.50e 0.61d 0.70c 0.77bc 0.84ab 0.90a 0.81ab ** 17.48e 81.1e 2.1e 21.33d 82.0d 2.6d 24.48c 82.8c 3.0c 26.92bc 83.3bc 3.3bc 29.37ab 83.8ab 3.6ab 31.47a 84.4a 3.9a 28.32b 83.7ab 3.5ab ** ** ** 37.191c 40.910bc 44.629ab 48.348a 43.390b ** 26.034e 32.232d 3.34a 3.18b 3.05c 2.96cd 2.86de 2.77e 2.89d ** 4.21a 4.01b 3.84c 3.72cd 3.60de 3.49e 3.64d ** ** High significant 1 %. NS: non significance. Means within each column followed by the same letters (a, b, c, and d) indicate significant differences (P<0.01). 1. Each value represents ten replicates during 10 periods along 2011 season. 2. At pol % on beet (18.31 %) and loss of pulp % on beet (0.3 %). 3. At pol % on beet (18.31 %), loss of pulp % on beet (0.3 %) and loss in Carb. Lime % (0.01%on beet). 4. At 7000 tons crushing beet per day and mean sugar introduced into the sugar house 10-13 November 2012, Aswan, Egypt Ibrahim Abdel-ghaney et al TL2.2/ 10 International Conference on: “New Role for the World Sugar Economy in a Changed Political and Economic Environment ” 17.71% on beet. 5. At molasses brix 80%, purity 59%, molasses coefficient 1.44 , and sugar introduced into the sugar house 17.71% on beet. Thin juice purity As regarded to (Tables 4,5) and Figure ( 1 ), it could be noticed that the thin juice purity gave a gradual increase with increasing the amount of lime % NS addition till 72% and 80% hot and cold liming addition respectively. On the other hand, the purities gained in all cold liming additions were the best comparing with hot liming additions. The preceding results agreed with Asadi [1], who reported that the amount of CaO added should be kept at a moderate level of about 80% of nonsugars entering the purification station in the diffusion juice. Low-quality beets require 120% or more, similar observations were stated by Van der Poel et al.[6], who believed that decreasing lime consumption below 70% when processing good-quality beets may result in the following unwanted results: decrease in juice purity, increase in thin-juice color, increase in hardness content and filtration and sedimentation difficulties. N.S.% Hot liming addition 65% 68% 71% 75% 78% 80% 81% 90.5 Purity % 90 89.5 Thin juice purity %(Cold liming) 89 Thin juice purity %(Hot liming) 88.5 88 87.5 65% 67% 69% 70% 71% 72% 73% N.S.% Cold liming addition Fig .(1): Development of thin juice purity with lime % NS added during hot and cold liming. Thin juice nonsugar (% B) Data illustrated in Tables (4 and 5) show a gradual decrease in the thin juice non-sugar with increasing the amount of lime % NS added till 72 % and 80 % hot and cold liming addition respectively. Minimum thin juice nonsugar % B (2.11 %) was noticed at the hot liming 72 % NS addition, while it was 1.96 % at cold liming 80 % NS addition. These results were in accordance with those reported by Carruthers and Oldfield [33]. They pointed out that potassium and sodium salts, amino acids, and betaine constituted about 70 % of the nonsugars second carbonation juice, implying that they are little removed by juice purification procedures and remain in the purified juice to exert their individual inhibitory effects on sucrose recovery . Similar results were obtained by Draycott [2], who found that all non10-13 November 2012, Aswan, Egypt Ibrahim Abdel-ghaney et al TL2.2/ 11 International Conference on: “New Role for the World Sugar Economy in a Changed Political and Economic Environment ” sugars not removed in carbonatation must contribute to the loss of sugar to molasses. Thus, not only potassium and sodium and the amino acids, but also betaine, invert sugar degradation products, raffinose, nitrate, etc., and residues of citrate, malate and sulphate must be included in considerations of melassigenicity. Nonsugar elimination in juice purification (% B) From the results recorded in (Tables 4 and 5) the hot liming 72 % NS addition gave a maximum nonsugar elimination value, while the maximum nonsugar elimination value was obtained at cold liming 80 % NS addition. These results are in accordance with those reported by Burba et al. [34],who reported that only about 30% by weight of these total non-sugars would be removed in the carbonatation purification. Glutamine would be partially decomposed to yield pyroglutamic acid (PGA) and ammonia. invert sugar would be mostly degraded to acidic products and colored substances. Both unreacted glutamine, invert sugar, PGA and the invert sugar degradation products would pass through carbonatation and so influence the rest of the process. These changes are fundamental to the acid-base balance, with the removal of anionic substances (oxalate, phosphate, citrate, malate, sulphate and pectin) releasing free base being counter-balanced by the production of acids from glutamine and invert sugar degradation. In addition, ammonia (a base), released by decomposition of glutamine, is lost by volatilization at the high temperatures during carbonatation. Juice purification efficiency % In respect to Tables 4 and 5and Figure 2 it should be noted that there was a gradual increase in the juice purification efficiency % with increasing the amount of hot lime % NS added from 65 % to 72 %,while with increasing the amount of cold lime % NS added from 65 % to 80 % a gradual increase in the juice purification efficiency % was observed. Maximum value ( 26.22% ) was noticed by the hot liming 72 % NS addition and 31.47% was the maximum value for cold liming 80 % NS addition. These findings are in agreement with those obtained by Asadi [1], who found that in the purification station, 20 to 30% of nonsugars, such as invert sugar, colloids, and coloring substances, are removed. 10-13 November 2012, Aswan, Egypt Ibrahim Abdel-ghaney et al TL2.2/ 12 International Conference on: “New Role for the World Sugar Economy in a Changed Political and Economic Environment ” N.S.%Cold liming addition Juice purification efficiency % 65% 68% 71% 75% 78% 80% 81% 33 30 Juice purification efficiency% (Cold liming) Juice purification efficiency% (Hot liming) 27 24 21 18 15 65% 67% 69% 70% 71% 72% N.S.%Hot liming addition 73% Fig . (2): Two diagrams illustrating the development of the juice purification efficiency with lime % NS added during hot and cold liming. Recovery % The obtained data are presented in Tables 4, 5 and figure 3 . It could be noticed from the result that the hot liming 72 % NS addition gave a maximum recovery % value, while the maximum recovery % value was obtained at cold liming 80 % NS addition. Such findings coincide with those reported by Asadi [1] who stated that sugar yield is increased by increasing the purity (decreasing nonsugars) of the juice (increasing the juice purity by 1% increases sugar yield by approximately1.5%). N.S.%Cold liming addition Recovery % 65% 68% 71% 75% 78% 80% 81% 85 84.5 84 83.5 83 82.5 82 81.5 81 80.5 Recovery% (Cold liming) Recovery% (Hot liming) 65% 67% 69% 70% 71% 72% 73% N.S.%Hot liming addition Fig . (3) : illustrates the development of the sugar recovery with lime % NS added during hot and cold liming. Sugar increasing ( Ton / day ) Concerning the above results in Table 4 and figure 5 the maximum sugar increasing value (39.670 Ton / day) at hot liming of 72% NS addition was observed. On the other hand, the maximum sugar increasing value (48.348 Ton / day) was noticed by cold liming 80% NS addition in the results summarized in (Table 18). Results from Tables 17and 18 graphed in Figure (20) show a gradual increasing in the sugar increasing (Ton / day) with increasing the amount of both hot and cold liming %NS additions till 72% and 80% respectively. Moreover, all 10-13 November 2012, Aswan, Egypt Ibrahim Abdel-ghaney et al TL2.2/ 13 International Conference on: “New Role for the World Sugar Economy in a Changed Political and Economic Environment ” values in cold liming curve were relatively high compared with the hot one also was noticed in Figure (4). N.S.%Cold liming addition 65% 68% 71% 75% 78% 80% 81% 50 Ton/day 45 40 Sugar increasing (Cold liming) 35 Sugar increasing (Hot liming) 30 25 65% 67% 69% 70% 71% 72% N.S.%Hot liming addition 73% Fig . (4): Sugar increase (Ton /day) vs. lime % NS added during hot and cold liming Sugar loss to molasses % on beet A gradual decrease in the sugar loss to molasses % on beet with increasing the amount of lime % NS added till 72 % and 80 % hot and cold liming addition respectively was shown in Tables 4, 5 and Figure(5). Minimum sugar loss to molasses % on beet (2.99 %) was noticed at the hot liming 72 % NS addition, while it was (2.77 %) at cold liming 80 % NS addition. These results are near somewhat from those reported by Asadi [1] who stated that molasses yield and sugar losses to molasses are decreased by increasing juice purity (increasing juice purity by one unit results in a decrease of sugar losses in molasses by about 0.2% OB). This leads to lower sugar losses to molasses (the percentage of sugar in the beet that leaves the factory in molasses). Each nonsucrose substance causes a different increase in molasses production (the lower, the better), and consequently, a different sucrose loss that ends up in molasses. In sugar terms, this is known as the melassigenic effect. The general statement for the melassigenic effect of nonsugars is that each kg (ton or pound) of nonsugars carries about 1.5kg (ton or pound) of sugar into molasses. The damage to sugar yield (extraction) is also 1.5%, since sugar that does not end up in the sugar silo ends up in molasses. N.S.%Cold liming addition %On beet 65% 68% 71% 75% 78% 80% 81% 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 Sugar loss to Molasses% on beet (Hot liming) Sugar loss to Molasses % on beet(cold liming) 65% 67% 69% 70% 71% 72% 73% N.S.%Hot liming addition 10-13 November 2012, Aswan, Egypt Ibrahim Abdel-ghaney et al TL2.2/ 14 International Conference on: “New Role for the World Sugar Economy in a Changed Political and Economic Environment ” Fig . (5): The decrease in the sugar loss to molasses % on beet with lime % NS added during hot and cold liming . Comparison between hot and cold liming at their best additions (%NS) The analysis of the variance shown in Table (6) gives a high significant difference between hot and cold liming at their best lime% NS additions 72 and 80 % respectively. Thin juice purity, nonsugar elimination in juice purification (%B), juice purification efficiency(%), gain in purity(%),recovery (%),lime consumption (% on beets), and invert sugar destruction (%) are higher in cold liming than in hot liming, while nonsugar in thin juice (% B), color formation in thin juice (IU at 420nm), thin juice hardness (mg/100DS), sugar loss to molasses (% on Beet), and molasses (% on Beet) are higher in hot liming than in cold Liming . Furthermore, these results agreed with Asadi [19], who stated that cold liming is more effective because decreasing temperature increases the solubility of CaO in the juice which leads to an increase in the reaction of lime with nonsugar , i.e. the solubility of CaO in a 14% sucrose solution at 40°C, is 1.5% by mass, but at 80°C, it is about 0.5%. The greater lime solubility in solutions with higher sucrose concentration is due to the formation of more calcium saccharate, Ca (C12H22O11)2. The reason for the difference in solubility is the higher saccharate hydrolysis at a higher temperature. Also during the liming process, the amount of CaO used (1 to 3% by mass of the juice) is much higher than can be dissolved (only 0.26% in a 14% sucrose solution at 80°C). The excess of lime is used as the adsorbent for adsorption of nonsugars and as an aid during the juice-filtration process. As a result of the increase in cold liming thin juice purity than hot liming one by about one percent(1%), molasses yield and sugar losses to molasses were decreased (increasing juice purity by one unit results in a decrease of sugar losses in molasses by about 0.2% OB). Also sugar yield was increased by increasing the purity (decreasing nonsugars) of the juice (increasing the juice purity by 1% increases sugar yield by approximately 1.5%). Mathematically, nonsugar removal efficiency during purification is expressed by a nonsugar elimination (NSE) formula. Nonsugar elimination in cold liming was increased by about 5% due to the increase in purity too. The lime consumption in cold liming was higher than hot liming that led to decreasing the color of the cold liming juice because more of the coloring substances were precipitated, i.e., calcium carbonate has a high ratio of surface area to volume. Coloring materials are nonpolar compounds of high molecular weight, so they are adsorbed at the surface of the lime. 10-13 November 2012, Aswan, Egypt Ibrahim Abdel-ghaney et al TL2.2/ 15 International Conference on: “New Role for the World Sugar Economy in a Changed Political and Economic Environment ” 1200 Color % brix 1100 Hot liming 72%N.S Hardness Cold liming 80%N.S. 1000 900 800 700 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Periods Fig . (6) : Two diagrams illustrating the development of the color formation ( color % brix ) with campaign periods during hot and cold liming. From the data presented in Figure(6) the period (5) gives the best results (minimum values of hot liming juice color), while the lowest thin juice color was observed in period (7).While period (6) gives the best results (minimum values of cold liming juice color), the lowest thin juice color was noticed in period (10). Even though, destruction of monosaccharides results in more highly colored thin juice , this is considered preferable to allowing them to form acids or color in the evaporation or crystallization stages . About half of the amino acids in diffusion juice is glutamine and unless it is deamminated in juice purification it will do so in the evaporators and the juice PH will drop. Ammonia which is produced by this reaction( along with ammonia from protein degradation prior to processing) is driven off. Also glutamine which has been converted to 2pyrrolidone -5- carboxylic acid is unavailable for color forming reaction (Clarke and Godshall [35]). The hardness content of cold liming thin juice was in the normal range, similar results were obtained by Asadi, [1] who found that hardness content of 50 to 200 mg/100 DS is normal. Hardness can get too high (up to 600) when a factory processes damaged beet (deteriorated beet due to a long campaign period or frost). During evaporation, part of the hardness precipitates, forming scale on the evaporators ’heating surfaces. But part of hardness passes the evaporation and crystallization process and ends up in molasses. Besides scaling, hardness causes an increase in the viscosity of the juice when concentrated, a decrease in the crystallization process, and a decrease in sucrose recovery. Hardness (mg/100DS) 40 35 Hot liming 72%N.S Hardness Cold liming 80%N.S. 30 25 20 15 10-13 November 2012, Aswan, Egypt 10 Ibrahim Abdel-ghaney et al TL2.2/ 16 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 Periods 7 8 9 10 International Conference on: “New Role for the World Sugar Economy in a Changed Political and Economic Environment ” Fig . (7): illustrates the development of the hardness formation (mg/100DS) with campaign periods during hot and cold liming. From the data presented in Figure(7) period (5) gives the best results (minimum values of hot liming juice hardness), while the lowest thin juice color was recorded in period (6).While period (6) provides the best results (minimum values of cold liming juice color), the lowest thin juice color occurs in period (10). Table (6): Comparison between hot and cold liming at their best additions (%NS) Indicators Hot liming (72%NS) Cold liming (80%NS) Purity of Raw juice (%) 86.3 Purity of Thin juice (%) 89.5 b Gain in purity(%) 3.2b N.S in Raw juice( % B) 2.86 N.S in Thin juice (% B) 2.11a N.S Elimination in juice purification 0.75b (%B) Juice purification efficiency (%) 26.22b Recovery (%) 83.10 b Lime consumption (% on beets) 2.40 b Color %brix in thin juice (IU at 420nm) 950 a Thin juice hardness (mg /100DS) 28.0 a Sugar loss to Molasses (% on Beet) 2.99a Molasses (% on Beet) 3.76a ** High significant 1 %. NS non significance . Means within each column followed by the same letters (a and differences between Hot liming and Cold liming (P<0.01). Sig. 86.3 90.2 a 3.9a 2.86 1.96b ns ** ** Ns ** 0.90 a ** 31.47a 84.40a 2.61a 850 b 19.0b 2.77 b 3.49 b ** ** ** ** ** ** ** b) indicate significant 4. Recommendations The researcher recommends the following: 1- Beet growers must control the addition of nitrogen fertilizer, where it not only increases most of the major nonsugars, in particular α-amino nitrogen 10-13 November 2012, Aswan, Egypt Ibrahim Abdel-ghaney et al TL2.2/ 17 International Conference on: “New Role for the World Sugar Economy in a Changed Political and Economic Environment ” resulting in lower crystalizable sugar and alkalinity, but it also has detrimental effects on sugar content, marc, invert sugar, lime salts, color, physical strength of beet tissue and raffinose. 2- Reducing sugars, betaine and raffinose should be included in quality assessments more regularly. 3- The necessity of manufacturing sugar beets just after harvesting to reduce sugar losses during manufacturing and prevent degradation of sucrose to invert sugar and colored compounds, which decrease the crystallization of sucrose. 4- The beets should be cut below the green leaf stalks of the epicotyl because sugar losses during storage increase when beets are cut below or above the normal level. 5- Plant population should be between 21000 -26000 plants /Fadden to get the highest root yield with high polarization and quality. As the plant population increases as the value of nitrogen fertilizer for every beet root decreases, this leads to decreasing the Impurity value (IV 6- The harvesting time not less than 6-7 months to get the highest yield and quality of sugar. 7- Using of cold liming is better than that of hot liming due to: Sugar recovery, gain in purity, removable non sugar (RNS), consequently N.S.E, and destruction of invert sugar is higher than that of hot liming. On the other hand, lime salt content (Hardness), sugar color and sugar losses in molasses are less than that of hot liming. References 1- Asadi, M. (2007). Beet-Sugar Handbook. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. 2- Draycott, A. P. (2006). Oxford, UK 3- Cooke D.A and Scott R.K.( 1993 ). The sugar beet crop . Chapman & Hall . 4- Darrin M. H., Karen L. K., and Larry C. (2008). Impact of storage temperature, storage duration, and harvest date on sugarbeet raffinose metabolism. 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