teacher motivation What is it that makes some teachers more

teacher motivation
What is it that makes some teachers more motivated to teach than
others? Is it the environment they teach in? Is it the salary? Is it the
rewards? The truth is teachers are motivated to teach for different
reasons. They range from the teacher herself/himself to the actual
educational institute they work in. This research paper will only address
three main factors that effect teachers' motivation administration
students and intrinsic motivation.
Administration can play an important role on teachers' motivation. It is a
significant element that has a substantial influence on the job
environment Evans 2001. According to Nias 1981 administration can
provide good contexts for teachers to enable them to teach and afford
activities for them to improve the growth of their
personalities. Positively, Evans 2001 argues that a successful
administration influences teachers' career life. Thus, it can decrease
thecauses of stress in a working environment Van Dick & Wagner 2001
cited in Shoaib 2004. Also, it can decrease the ambiguity of what to do
and how to do it (Schaawab & Iwanicki 1982 as cited in Shoaib,
2004). Many studies claimed that administrators' role is to understand
the micro-environmental factors of educational institutes (Ball 1987 as
quoted in Evan, 1997). As a result, Pennington (1992) indicates that
sufficient administrators support their employees, encourage their
excellent achievements, and provide helpful methods to clarify whatever
they want to do. To sum up, an effective administration can have a big
effect on teachers.
The second factor that has been proven to play a major role in teacher
motivation is students. Shoaib (2004 states that establishing a fine
rapport between instructor and pupil plays an integral part in instructors'
motivation. So, a good relationship between an instructor and his/her
students can help him/her become more satisfied. Instructors'
motivation also can be related to pupils' passion about their courses
(Chenghesh 2013). Students' interest through good participation and
doing assignments can help teachers to become motivated. Moreover,
pupils' appreciation contributes deeply to instructors' devotion to their
job (Fireston&Penell 1993, cited Shoaib, 2004). Words of appreciation
and gifts motivate teachers. Good rapport, a sound relationship and
student interest in the course have undoubtedly been proven to affect
teachers' motivation.
The last factor that plays a significant role in motivating teachers
is intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation, which Cameron and Pierce
(2002) describe in their book, is "a term used mostly in
psychology…[that]… is simply another way of saying that people are
interested in, and enjoy, what they are doing" (p. 12). Praver & OgaBaldwin (2008) state that there is a connection concerning English
teachers, who teach passionately, and being intrinsically motivated
because the payment of their hard work is their students' advancement
in learning. Also, according to Ryan and Deci (2000), being intrinsically
motivated means that a person is performing an action for the sake of
its essential ending and not for money (as cited in Gavrilyuk, Loginova
& Buzovkina). For example, a teacher who teaches his/her students in
order to achieve success and great mastery of the subject not only to
pass their exams, but to use it in their future lives as well. Ryan and
Deci (2000) argue that intrinsic motivation is occupying one's self doing
something for its pleasure and contentment not for any other outcome
(cited in Gavrilyuk, Loginova & Buzovkina p. 54). Some teachers get
involved in the profession for several reasons, such as money or social
image or reputation (Dörnyei 2001 p 159). So, a good intrinsically
motivated teacher can give his best to insure the success of his job and
students, which gains him a sense of achievement.
In conclusion, there are three main factors that influence the
teachers' motivation: administration, student, and intrinsic motivation.
These factors affect the job life of teachers and stimulates the motivated
behavior among them. So, utilizing these factors will be beneficial for
the teachers' career life.