Unit 1, Week 1- Word Work Plans Theme: School Days David’s New Friends Focus: Words with short a and short i Spelling Words: has, wag, bad, six, will, sat, had, fix, him, if High Frequency Words: blue, even, study (word cards included) Review Words: can, hit Monday: Vocabulary – Oral Vocabulary card story What Goat Learned or Day one of Robust Vocabulary lesson. Word Work – Review each spelling word by discussing meaning. Distribute word cards to partners and have them generate a sentence for each word. Have them share their sentence. Collect word cards. Grammar – Sentences/ Statements A sentence is a group of words that tells a complete thought. Every sentence begins with a capital letter. Transparency 1 High Frequency Words – Introduce High Frequency word cards, Chant &Check, Define, describes attributes and uses each high frequency word in a sentence. blue, even, study Tuesday: Vocabulary: – Robust Vocabulary Lesson: Day 2 Word Associations or Oral Vocab Lesson 13E Work Work Activity: Word sort-13G. Use word cards attached.. Classwork: On level practice book pg. 2 Grammar: – Questions, A question is a sentence that asks something, Transparency 2. Wednesday: Vocabulary: – Robust Vocabulary Lesson: Day 3: Making Choices and Questions, Reasons, and Examples of Vocab. Lesson or Oral Vocab Cards – 31D Word Work Activity – Blend and Build, p. 31F. Do this a s a group – making and breaking words and doing the vowel substitution found at the bottom of 31F Grammar: Punctuating Statements and Questions, Transparency 3, 31K Thursday: Vocabulary – Robust Vocabulary Lesson-Day 4-Relating Words and Synonyms or Oral Vocab. Cards- Lesson 31N Work Work – p. 31p, inflectional endings s, es. , Practice on whiteboards, Classwork: On Level Practice Book pg. 7 Grammar –Review of statements and Questions, Practice proof reading to edit for statements and questions, Transparency 4, p. 35C Friday: Vocabulary – Review and Assess: Students do short assessment. See Voc. Plans Work Work –Review and Assess: Silent Spelling Review (writing block Play Silent Spelling: Students sit in groups of 4 with 1 white board and 1 pen. Teacher says a word from the spelling list. First student writes first letter and passes board. 2nd student writes next letter and on and on until the word is spelled. If a student sees that a word is spelled wrong, he or she may change only one letter on their turn. When all members think the word is correct, they hold up the word. This game is SILENT!! ) Spelling Test is taken during Writing Block. Grammar – Review and Assess, Statements and questions: independently for assessment. Transparency 5. Students complete has wag bad six will sat had fix him if Use for Day 1, 2 Monday –n, a, p, t, I, n, f, i, h, d, b, l, s to make nap, tap, tip, pit, pin, pan, tin, tan, fan, fat, fit, had, hid, bat, bit, fin, lip, lap, sit, sat Also Included are ‘s’ and ‘es’ for inflected ending practice n a p t l n f h d i b l s es s Making Words h a s w g b d s x i ll t f m s es Spelling Words: has, wag, bad, six, will, sat, had, fix, him, if, can, hit, Endings included for inflected ending practice. h a s w g b d s x i ll t f m s es Spelling Words: has, wag, bad, six, will, sat, had, fix, him, if, can, hit, Endings included for inflected ending practice. h a s w g b d s x i ll t f m s es Spelling Words: has, wag, bad, six, will, sat, had, fix, him, if, can, hit, Endings included for inflected ending practice. blue even study