Department of Defence - Defence Infrastructure Panel 2014 – 2017 - Scope of Services SCOPE OF SERVICES - TOWN PLANNING 1. Introduction 1.1 This area of activity involves two separate types of Services. The preparation of zone plans for Defence bases and the provision of advice and the preparation of Defence submissions to State, Territory and local government in relation to land use planning strategies, land planning policy documents and development proposals in areas: (a) adjacent to, or within close proximity to Defence bases, training areas, other installations or other land; (b) or which may impact on current and future Defence activities in some way. 2. Zone Plans 2.1 Defence Zone Planning is defined as the process by which real estate is reserved to allow for the optimal long term siting of activities on Defence establishments to achieve the highest and best use of land, and for provision of engineering infrastructure systems to support existing and emerging Defence capabilities within regional and environmental constraints. 2.2 Therefore, the Zone Plans are a significant element of Defence capability and estate management. A Zone Plan is based on a 10 year time horizon with a half life of 5 years and permits development of an establishment to effectively achieve its functional role as identified by Government policy, Defence capability requirements and force disposition decisions. 2.3 Accordingly, appropriate areas of serviced land are provided to manage the strategic development of competing land uses, and thus to ensure ADF capabilities are sustained in a secure operational environment. Zone Plans for significant bases will be commissioned by Estate Planning (EP) Branch, Defence Support and Reform Group with plans for other bases being commissioned by regional offices. 3. Services Required 3.1 The development of Zone Plans involves the preparation of two main documents, a Strategic Analysis and Zone Options Report and the final Zone Plan Report. 3.2 The Strategic Analysis and Zone Options Report identifies significant planning issues, constraints and opportunities and outlines the specific criteria that have formed the basis for developing the Zone Plan Options. The preparation of this report includes: (a) the review of any existing Master Zone or Precinct Plans, as well as existing strategic planning guidance and other related documents for the nominated Defence establishment; (b) Site Analysis identifying all current activities, existing buildings and structures, existing services/engineering infrastructure, and existing environmental conditions, including heritage items; and (c) Issues Analysis which addresses both the environmental constraints and operational constraints such as Explosive Ordnance (EO) Safety Arcs and Aircraft Noise Exposure Forecast (ANEF), as well as surrounding land uses, current zonings and their effects on Defence operations. 3.3 Infrastructure Condition and Capacity Assessment is an integral component of the zone planning process. 3.4 The final Zone Plans are primarily concerned with the spatial reservation of land for prescribed groups of compatible land uses and activities. Legal\311504323.6 1 Department of Defence - Defence Infrastructure Panel 2014 – 2017 - Scope of Services 3.5 The Zone Plan Report for major Defence establishments will be reviewed by EP Branch and higher Defence committees. 3.6 To ensure consistency of Zone Plans across Defence establishments, drafting notes and document templates and have been developed that set out Defence’s expectations for the content of a Strategic Analysis and Zone Options Report and a Zone Plan Report 4. Town Planning - Other Services 4.1 The Consultant may be required to provide advice and prepare submissions on behalf of Defence in relation to land use planning matters external to Defence which may impact on Defence establishments. Consultants may also be requested to provide land use planning solutions for approved infrastructure development projects and estate management priorities keeping in mind Defence’s operational and capability requirements, including its duties and obligations under the WHS Legislation. 5. Services Required 5.1 Key requirements for the Services include: 6. (a) preparing Constraints and Opportunities Plans and Precinct Development Plans for specific projects; (b) assisting in the preparation of documentation associated with the Defence (Area Controls) Regulations 1989 (Cth) (D(AC)R) made under the Defence Act 1903 (Cth) for specific projects; (c) providing advice to Defence and prepare submissions of behalf of Defence regarding State, Territory and local government land use planning strategies and statutory planning instruments covering non-Defence owned land adjoining Defence establishments, and the impact on Defence estate and current and future activities for specific projects; (d ) providing advice regarding specific public and private sector development and property proposals on non-Defence owned land adjoining Defence establishments, and their impact on Defence estate and current and future activities for specific projects; and (e) preparing information packages to guide development and planning policy near Defence bases and provide information on planning matters to be considered by external parties wishing to pursue development near Defence bases for specific projects. Interpretation Unless the context otherwise requires, capitalised terms in the Scope of Services or Brief will have the meaning given to them by the Defence Infrastructure Panel 2014-2017 Terms of Engagement, Panel Conditions, Letter of Acceptance, or the meaning given to them by the Commonwealth as published on the Defence Estate Quality Management System (DEQMS) website (, from time to time. Attachments (As managed and updated on the website DEQMS Document & Templates page): Strategic Analysis and Zone Options Report; Drafting Notes for Strategic Analysis and Zone Options Report; Zone Plan Report; and Drafting Notes for Zone Plan Report. NB. For each engagement, Consultants are required to source the above attachments from the DEQMS website which is linked above. Legal\311504323.6 2