LABORATORY SUPPLY REQUEST Microbiology 302 Winter, 2012 Note: Maintenance of positive and negative control organisms for staining reactions is the responsibility of the students. Suitable media for transfer of stock cultures will be supplied upon request. Refer to the attached list of organisms for complete generic names. DATE MEDIA/SUPPLIES PROVIDED/GROUP 1/10 Acid-fast stain reagents (Chp 1,2,12) Gram stain reagents 4 N.A. slants or plates ORGANISMS M. phlei or M. smegmatis N. sicca or M. catarrhalis S. aureus, B. subtilis, E. coli Note: From this point on, for each group of organisms listed, each individual at your table (up to six students) will be given one organism from the list as an unknown for inoculation onto appropriate media. It is the responsibility of the entire table to develop flow charts to identify all of the organisms listed and to turn in reports giving the identity of each of the unknowns at your table. Included in the reports will be the flow charts that you developed. The reports will be worth 10 points each, for a total of 80 points. 1/12 (Chp 4) 6 sets glucose Staph. O/F media S. aureus 6 CBA S. saprophyticus 3 MSA (2 organisms/plate) S. epidermidis 6 Rabbit plasma M. luteus 3 DNase plates (2 organisms/plate) 3 Mueller-Hinton plates (100 mm; 2 organisms/plate) Catalase Sterile cotton swabs Bacitracin Taxo A disks (0.04 units) Novobiocin disks, 5 ug Mineral oil 37o C water bath or heating block 1/17 (Chp 4) 8 CBA plates (2 for CAMP – 3/plate) 6 Bile esculin slants 6 - 6.5% NaCl PYR disks + reagents Bacitracin Taxo A disks Optochin Taxo P disks 1 N HCl in dropper bottle Catalase reagent 10% Na desoxycholate (bile solubility test) Sodium hippurate reagent (rapid test) Candle jars S. pyogenes (Gp. A) S. agalactiae (Gp. B) S. pneumoniae ( - ) E. faecalis (Gp. D) S. bovis (Gp. D) S. aureus for CAMP test 1/19 (Chp 5) Staph/Micrococcus Group Unknown Report due (10 points) 6 Choc. N. meningitidis 6 CBA N. gonorrhoeae 3 T.M. (2 organisms/plate) N. lactamica 6 sets chromogenic enzyme reactions M. catarrhalis (CarboFermTMNeisseria Kit) Nitrate discs B lactamase disks (cefinase) Catalase reagent Oxidase reagent Candle jars 1/24 (Chp 7) Strep Group Unknown Report due (10 points) 6 Mac, 6 SS, 6 TSI, 6 CBA, 6 motility, 6 nitrate,12 MR-VP, 6 citrate, 6 LIA, 6 urea, 6 PA E. coli Shigella sonnei E. aerogenes K. pneumoniae Mineral oil Oxidase reagent Catalase reagent Spot indole reagent Nitrate disk reagents 1/26 (Chp 7) Neisseria Group Unknowns Report due (10 points) 20 point quiz 6 Mac, 6 HE, 6 CBA, 6 TSI, 12 MR-VP, S. typhi 6 PA, 6 motility, 6 citrate, 6 LIA, 6 urea, P. mirabilis 6 nitrate, 6 CIN C. freundii Y. enterocolitica Mineral oil Oxidase reagent Nitrate reagents Spot indole reagent MR reagent VP reagents 10% ferric chloride Shigella typing serum 1/ 31 (Chp 7, 8) Enterobacteriaceae I Group Unknown Report due (10 points) 6 Mac, 6 HE, 6 CBA, 6 CIN, 6 TSI, V. alginolyticus 12 MR-VP, 6 PA, 6 motility, 6 citrate, A. hydrophila 6 LIA, 6 ODC, 6 ADC, 6 urea, 6 nitrate, P. multocida Mineral oil Oxidase reagent Nitrate reagents Spot indole reagent MR reagent VP reagent 10% ferric chloride Salmonella typing serum Demo of C. jejuni (on choc + campy pak) 2/2 (Chp. 9) Enterobacteriaceae II Group Unknown Report due (10 points) 6 Mac, 6 CBA, 6 sets NF O/F Glucose media, A. lwoffi 6 motility, 6 TSI, 6 nitrate, 6 PA, P. aeruginosa 6 rapid LDC, 6 rapid ODC S. maltophilia C. meningoseptica Mineral oil Sxt. Disks Oxidase reagent Nitrate reagents Spot indole reagent MR reagent VP reagents 10% Ferric chloride 2/7 (Chp 6, 10) Vibrio et al. Group Unknown Report due (10 points) 6 CBA (for streaking for isolation), H. influenzae 3 CBA (2/plate for satellite testing), H. parainfluenzae 6 Bile esculin, 4 BHI, L. monocytogenes 0 12 Motility (RT and 37 C) C. xerosis 6 Choc S. aureus for satellite testing X, V & XV strips B lactamase (cefinase) G. vaginalis (demoBacitracin disks (10 units) on vaginalis agar) 10% Ferric chloride Oxidase reagent Nitrate reagents 2/9 2/14 Midterm Exam (100 points) Nonfermenter Group Unknown Report due (10 points) Oxidase reagent Catalase reagent Fecal Unknown handed out; primary isolation media will be provided. Haemophilus et al. Group Unknown Report due (10 points) Work on Fecal Unknown; biochemical media provided upon justified request. Blood Unknown handed out; primary isolation media will be provided. 2/16 Work on Unknowns; biochemical media provided upon justified request. 2/21 Continue work on Unknowns Practice with micropipettors Anaerobe educator: Gram stain reaction & morphology, size, clinical significance Bacteriodes fragilis group Bacteroides ureolyticus Clostridium perfringens – continued on next page Clostridium difficile Fusobacterium nucleatum Fusobacterium necrophorum Peptostreptococcus anaerobius Porphyromonas spp. Prevotella intermedia Propionibacterium acnes 2/23 Genus-species for Fecal Unknown Report due at beginning of class (20 points) Anaerobe educator continued Isolate DNA from Molecular Unknown; the instructor will determine the DNA concentration. (Refer to DNA Isolation and DNA Concentration Determination handouts). Supplies required: QIAamp DNA isolation kit Micropipettors Pipet tips 2 ml. microcentrifuge tubes microcentrifuge 370C, 560C, and 900C heating blocks or water baths Lysis solution (20 mg/ml lysozyme, 20mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0, 2 mM EDTA, 1.2% Triton X-100) Ethanol Proteinase K (provided with kit) Gloves 2/28 Genus-species for Blood Unknown Report due at beginning of class (20 points) Anaerobe educator continued Set up PCR for Molecular Unknown DNA (refer to PCR handout) Supplies required: Unknown DNA (isolated by students during previous lab period) Control DNA (previously isolated by the instructor) Primers 1 (RW01) and 2 (dg74) 10X PCR buffer dNTPs (200 uM) Taq polymerase Micropipettors Pipet tips PCR tubes Ice in insulated containers dH2O Microcentrifuge Thermocycler Gloves 3/1 Agarose gel electrophoresis of Molecular Unknown PCR product (refer to Agarose Gel Electrophoresis handout) Cut Molecular Unknown DNA band from the gel and store in refrigerator until next lab period Supplies required: 1% agarose gel (already prepared) Power supply 0.5X TBE 100 basepair DNA ladder 5X gel loading buffer Micropipettors Pipet tips Razor blades UV transilluminator Film or versadoc 2 ml screw cap microcentrifuge tubes Microcentrifuge Gloves 3/6 Elute Molecular Unknown DNA from gel (refer to DNA Elution from Agarose Gel Handout) Sequencing reaction (refer to Sequencing Reaction handout) Supplies required: Gel extraction kit 500 C heating block Isopropanol Unknown and known DNAs (DNA you extracted from the gel, above) Reaction premix Sequencing buffer Primer (RW01) PCR tubes Micropipettors Pipet tips Microcentrifuge Thermocycler Ice in insulated container Gloves 3/8 Remove excess dyes in preparation of running sequencing gel for Molecular Unknown DNA (refer to DyeEX Spin Kit handout) Supplies required: DyeEx Spin Kit 2 ml. microcentrifuge tubes Microcentrifuge Speed-vac dryer (McQueen lab) Gloves Set up PCR reaction to identify strains of E. coli carrying a Shiga-like toxin (refer to PCR handout) Supplies required: Unknown sample Primers 1-4 10X PCR buffer dNTPs (200 uM) Taq polymerase Micropipettors Pipet tips PCR tubes Ice in insulated containers dH2O Microcentrifuge Thermocycler Gloves 3/13 Agarose gel of E. coli PCR products (refer to Agarose Gel Electrophoresis handout) Supplies required: 1% agarose gel (already prepared) Power supply 0.5X TBE 100 basepair DNA ladder 5X gel loading buffer Micropipettors Pipet tips Gloves UV transilluminator Versadoc to record gel DNA bands Analysis of agarose gel results to identify pathogenic E. coli strains Analysis of sequencing results to identify Molecular Unknown (use BLAST databank) 3/15 LABORATORY FINAL EXAM - 100 Points Genus-species of Molecular Unknown Report due (40 points)