Summary of GPAQ Survey For Brick Lane Surgery Patient Dynamics GPAQ Report Wednesday 21/09/2011 50 questionnaires per GP + 50 = 150 questionnaires in total for Brick Lane Surgery Benchmark scores were obtained using data from identical questions in the postal version GPAS where more data has been acquired over a longer period. Brick Lane Surgery scored above benchmark figures for:Very Good Satisfaction with receptionists. Satisfaction with doctors’ questioning. Satisfaction with how well doctor listens. Satisfaction with how well doctor puts patient at ease. Satisfaction with how much the doctor involves the patient. Satisfaction with doctors’ explanations. Satisfaction with time doctor spends. Satisfaction with doctors’ patience. Satisfaction with doctors’ caring and concern. Satisfaction with how the nurse listened to what you say. Satisfaction with quality of care the nurse provided. Satisfaction with how well the nurse explained your health problems. Good Satisfaction with opening hours. Satisfaction with availability of a particular doctor. Satisfaction with availability of any doctor. Satisfaction with phoning through to the practice. Satisfaction with continuity of care. Fair Satisfaction with phoning through to the doctor for advice. Brick Lane Surgery scored below benchmark figures for:Fair Satisfaction with waiting times at the practice. Our patients voted their overall satisfaction with the practice:Very satisfied Of the patients who had answered the questions:79% had visited the surgery 3 or more times in the last year. 92% rated the receptionists as good to excellent. 82% were satisfied (good to excellent) with opening hours. Opening hours from the QPAQ questionnaire:8% would like the surgery open early mornings. 7% would like surgery open at lunch times (actually it already is and appointments are available until 1.00pm but not between 1.00pm and 4.00pm unless they are emergencies). 17% would like the practice open evenings (we are already open Tuesday and Thursday evenings until 7.00pm and 8.00pm alternating weeks for the late finish). 24% would like the practice open at weekends. 44% are satisfied with the opening hours. 70% of patients can see the GP of their choice within 3 working days. 83% of patients were satisfied with the availability of any particular doctor. 75% could see a doctor within 2 working days. 80% could normally be seen on the same day if necessary. 93% of patients have to wait more than 10 minutes. 45% of patients more than 30 minutes. 97% of patients thought phoning through to the practice was fair to excellent. 46% of patients did not know they could phone the doctor for advice. 44% rated telephoning for advice as fair to excellent. 74% of patients could always/almost always see their usual doctor. 76% of patients thought continuity of care was very good/excellent. 82% of patients rated doctor’s questioning as very good/excellent. 83% rated doctor’s listening as very good/excellent. 82% rated doctor’s skill at putting patients at ease as very good/excellent. 73% rated the doctor involving the patient as very good/excellent. 79% rated satisfaction with doctors explanation as very good/excellent. 83% rated as time doctor spends as very good/excellent. 81% rated doctor’s patience as very good/excellent. 82% rated doctor’s caring and concern as very good/excellent. Nursing care 64% of patients had seen the nurse in the last year. 89% rated the nurse’s listening as very good/excellent. 89% rated the nurses care as very good/excellent. 82% rated the explanation of health problems very good/excellent. Over practice 79% of patients were very/completely satisfied with the practice. Open ended comments Anything good about the practice:Lots of comments – lovely ones about the good standard of care received from all the staff at the surgery. Many thanks for all your kind comments. What could be improved:Patients have commented adversely on:1. Premises – we could not agree more, we would very much like to move but the NHS will not find a new surgery for us and we do not have the money personally to build a new surgery. We are still trying to move. 2. Extra evening appointments requested. (This was requested more than weekend opening). 3. Weekend opening requested. (Less often than extra evenings). 4. Longer opening hours requested. 5. Waiting times to long – sorry I do apologise. I will try again to rearrange my appointments. (Dr Benjamin) 6. Not enough privacy at reception. Lack of confidentiality. We will discuss this at the next practice meeting and see how we can improve this.