Code of Practice Multiuser Confocal Microscopy Facility, Ashworth 3 Version 001 12/02/2016 1 ……………………….… CODE OF PRACTICE for the use of the PATHOGEN IMAGING FACILITY UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH ASHWORTH LABORATORIES, KING’S BUILDINGS Last updated: 26th September 2010 Code of Practice Multiuser Confocal Microscopy Facility, Ashworth 3 Version 001 12/02/2016 2 Contents Section Main User Guide Form 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 4a Appendix 4b Appendix 5 Appendix 6a Appendix 6b Appendix 7 Appendix 8 Appendix 9 Page Locale, Management, Type of Work, General arrangements FlowChart Biosafety questionnaire for Flow Cytometry analysis Standard Operating procedures I (non hazardous samples Training Record I (List of authorized users for non-hazardous samples) Standard Operating procedures II (samples requiring CL2) Training Record II (for handling samples requiring CL2) List of authorized users for work requiring CL2 Standard Operating procedures III (samples requiring CL3) Training Record III (for handling samples requiring CL3) List of authorized users for work requiring CL3 CL3 work Decommissioning check list List of standard microscope operating instructions. Charges 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 Code of Practice Multiuser Confocal Microscopy Facility, Ashworth 3 Version 001 12/02/2016 3 LOCATION The Room number of the Facility is B.64 (Ashworth 3, Basement room 64). MANAGEMENT This is a central shared facility for the School of Biological Sciences and the Centre for Infectious Disease (CID) which also may be used by researcher’s outwith SBS and UoE. The Head of School has delegated overall responsibility for the facility to an assigned Responsible Principal Investigator (PI). Day to day management and operation of the Confocal Microscopy Facility is under the responsibility of the Facility Manager. Advice on safety matters may be obtained from the Biological Safety Advisor of the Ashworth Laboratories or the School Biological Safety Officer/Safety Adviser. At the present time the respective staff are: Function Facility Manager Responsible PI Ashworth Safety Adviser School Safety Adviser Name Dr Dianne Murray Prof Keith Mathews Dr David Cavanagh N.N. Contact 51 3658 51 3639 50 5459 50 7746 Maintenance Procedures Maintenance procedures for all major pieces of equipment are detailed elsewhere and are the sole responsibility of the Facility Manager or the Responsible PI. Any problems with any equipment or the operation of the Facility room should be reported to them. It is the responsibility of the Facility Manager or the Responsible PI to issue and sign permits of work and release certificates for equipment should this become necessary (cf. ). Users must not allow maintenance or repair staff (contractors or University staff) to access the facility unless they have a permit to work issued by the Facility Manager or the Responsible PI. Cleaners will be instructed by the Facility Manager, who will organise cleaning and general disinfection of the facility. Guidance for cleaners is available from the safety website and will be communicated to them by the Facility Manager before they are given access to the facility (c.f. ). Code of Practice Multiuser Confocal Microscopy Facility, Ashworth 3 Version 001 12/02/2016 4 TYPE OF WORK The work carried out in this laboratory is general and confocal microscopical analysis of fixed and live samples. Images will be acquired and data processed for export. Fixed samples analysed typically require only containment level 1 precautions (CL1). However, live samples may contain pathogens in hazard group 2 (HG2) and some samples from human sources may potentially contain pathogens including blood borne viruses in HG3 but determined by risk assessment to be low risk for the presence of these pathogens and for these CL2 precautions are required. Therefore, the facility will routinely be operated observing CL2 precautions. Occasionally, use of the facility will be dedicated to samples known to contain particular pathogens in hazard group 3 (mainly parasites) which can be handled at CL3 with certain derogations Any of these samples could contain materials that have been genetically modified.. The facility is not suitable for handling other high risk samples requiring full CL3 precautions. All users must comply with this Code of Practice (CoP) and take action as indicated in the quick User Guide (p. 7) depending on the nature of their work (i.e. depending on whether their work demands CL2 or derogated CL3). Anyone wishing to use the facility must first consult with the Facility Manager (or responsible PI), complete a Biosafety Questionnaire (Form 1; serves to register all projects for future reference and to guarantee appropriate training) and obtain authorization. Risk assessment Principal Investigators are responsible for ensuring appropriate risk assessments are carried out for all work with the materials involved prior to sample submission to the Facility. These will form the basis for completing Form 1. Where the samples include materials that have been genetically modified the GM risk assessment must be approved by the School GM Safety Committee in advance of any work proceeding. GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS Access Access to the Facility is restricted to authorised users and visitors who will be given a key to be returned to the Facility Manager after completion of work. An authorised user must accompany visitors at all times. First time users need approval from their respective PI and must contact the Facility Manager before using the facility. Continued use of the Facility is subject to approval of the Responsible PI and the Facility Manager. The Responsible PI or Facility Manager may, without notice, stop all or any work he considers not being performed according to this CoP, as this may present a health and safety risk to other users. Code of Practice Multiuser Confocal Microscopy Facility, Ashworth 3 Version 001 12/02/2016 5 Booking procedures: The Facility will essentially operate on a first come first served scheme. Bookings will initially be recorded via email by the Facility Manager or responsible PI and displayed on the facility website for general viewing. Please, think of letting the next ones know if you run late or if you do not need all the time that you booked. Live samples analysed at 37 °C require 3h equilibration of the system. Machine Leica SP5 live Booking system via Email for new users online for registered users Information to be given Name, phone number, time (start/end), nature of samples analysed. Data storage / transfer: As a multi-user facility the PC used for microscope control and image acquisition and initial processing will not be equipped for longer term or permanent data storage. Users are asked to export acquired data after each session via Ethernet, transportable hard disks or other mobile data storage systems. System hard disks will be cleared on a routine basis to prevent data overflow and hard disk clogging. Acknowledgement of support: The current instrument Leica SP5 live has been bought with an equipment grant form the BBSRC. Publications that include data acquired on this instrument should acknowledge this support referring to the grant number BB/E012442/1 and be made known to Prof. Keith Matthews as reference will have to be made in reporting on the grants outcome. Code of Practice Multiuser Confocal Microscopy Facility, Ashworth 3 Version 001 12/02/2016 6 User qualification As different users will be working with samples requiring different Containment Levels, training will depend on the respective requirements. Please, consult the User Guide (FlowChart, p7) for a quick reference what your needs may be. If in doubt, please contact the Facility Manager or Responsible PI. Note: The Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) referred to below will not cover Cytofluorimeter settings or data recording software procedures (proficiency in these is assumed) but are regulating sample handling within the facility, disinfection procedures and waste disposal. 1. All new users must demonstrate familiarity with the SOP in place for working with non-hazardous samples (SOP I; Appendix 1) to the Facility Manager. New users must make themselves known to the Facility Manager before using the facility. Awareness of this CoP and training shall be acknowledged by signing the Approved User List (Appendix 2), a Biosafety Questionnaire needs to be filed to register the project. This will qualify users to work with nonhazardous samples. 2. Users who wish to perform analyses that require working under CL2 conditions must be trained and must demonstrate their competence and compliance with the respective SOP in place for this type of work (SOP II; Appendix 3) to the Facility Manager. User names will be listed on a CL2 authorized user list (Appendix 4b). Work can only proceed if the Biosafety Questionnaire (Form 1) detailing the work is filled in by the Principal Investigator and accepted by the Facility Manager. 3. Users who wish to perform analyses or sorting of samples that require working under CL3 (derogated) conditions must be trained and must demonstrate their competence and compliance with the respective SOPs in place for this type of work (SOP III; Appendix 5) to the Facility manager. Such users of the facility must also be an authorised user of a CL3 laboratory having satisfactorily completed training to work unsupervised at CL3. Records will be kept of staff training (Appendix 6a) and their name will be listed on a CL3 authorized user list (Appendix 6b). Work can only proceed if the Biosafety Questionnaire (Form 1) detailing the work is filled in by the Principal Investigator and accepted by the Facility Manager who will send a copy of the Form to the Ashworth Biological Safety Adviser. Records of training (Appendix 4a) will be kept on file by the Facility Manager. If at anytime anyone working in the Facility fails to comply with this Code of Practice for any reason, or in the opinion of Responsible PI, the Facility Manager or their own Principal Investigator is not operating in an acceptable manner, they will be suspended as authorised user, and will need to undergo further training. During this time the suspended person is not allowed to work in the Facility unless supervised by an authorised user. Out of Hours Working Working in the Facility out of normal working hours [8am - 8pm] is subject to the approval of the user’s Principal Investigator and the Facility Manager. Whenever Code of Practice Multiuser Confocal Microscopy Facility, Ashworth 3 Version 001 12/02/2016 7 possible a contact, (colleague, family or friend for example), should be told of an expected completion time for the work, (and be updated if necessary), in order that they can take action if the worker fails to meet or contact them at the expected time. Consideration should be given to the School’s arrangements for lone and out of hours working (see ervision.doc) Disinfection Appropriate disinfection procedures are defined in the SOPs for work under CL1, CL2 and derogated CL3 conditions, respectively. Machines are cleaned and disinfected as part of the standard start up and close down procedures as indicated in the User manuals. Virkon is routinely used for disinfecting surfaces such as benches after any spillage. Waste disposal Non-hazardous solid waste can be disposed in the designated bins in the Facility. Nonhazardous liquid waste fluid may be poured down the sink with copious amounts of water. Glass material (slides or cover slips) containing non-hazardous samples may be discarded in the provided sharps bins. All hazardous waste has to be removed and transported back to the laboratories where the samples were prepared and where appropriate disinfection and disposal rules are in place (see SOP II and III for further details). Accidents First aid: - In the event of an accident resulting in a wound immediately but gently encourage it to bleed, wash thoroughly with soap and water but DO NOT SCRUB, cover with waterproof dressing. - In the event of contamination of skin, conjunctivae or mucous membrane immediately wash thoroughly with copious amounts of water. As in general within the Ashworth Laboratories, all accidents, incidents and near misses should be reported to the person responsible for the area which in this case is the Facility Manager and to the Ashworth Superintendent who will forward a report to the University Health and Safety Department (see accident procedures flow chart under 0flow%20chart.pdf). The University Occupational Health Unit should also be informed in the event of any accident where exposure to a pathogen or infectious material may have occurred. A full accident record should be prepared and forwarded to the Health and Safety Department as soon as possible. The source of any contamination (specimen, sample, material etc) should be clearly identified and retained for testing if necessary. Code of Practice Multiuser Confocal Microscopy Facility, Ashworth 3 Version 001 12/02/2016 8 Quick reference for users intending to analyse samples in the shared Confocal Microscopy Facility (B64;Ashworth3 Laboratories) New? Intro and SOP I Complete Biosafety questionnaire Contact: No Facility manager Samples require CL2? No Yes Training II SOP II Complete Biosafety questionnaire Contact: Record I Acknowledgement and approval of CoP and SOP I Record II Acknowledged and approved SOP II competence Work with HG 1 samples Work with HG 2 samples Facility manager Samples require CL3? CL HG CoP SOP Yes Training I = = = = Yes Training III SOP III Complete Biosafety questionnaire Contact: Facility manager Containment level Hazard Group Code of practice Standard operating procedure Record III Acknowledged and approved SOP III competence Work with HG 3 samples Code of Practice Multiuser Confocal Microscopy Facility, Ashworth 3 Version 001 12/02/2016 9 FORM 1 Biosafety Questionnaire for Shared Confocal Microscopy Facility Ashworth 3, The Confocal Microscopy Facility will be operated as a multi-user facility where many different samples from various sources that may contain known or unknown human pathogens are investigated live. The safety of the staff and of users of the facility is of ultimate concern. Information about the sample sources and potentially infectious agents is critical for effective biosafety measures. Consequently, this sample information form must be filled out completely and signed by PI who is requesting samples to be analyzed in the shared facility before experiments or projects are started. The same biosafety questionnaire will be kept on file, the PI must inform the Facility Manager if any of the information it contains changes. Appropriate risk assessment, and where necessary approval, of experiments prior to sample submission to the core laboratory is required and the responsibility of the User’s PI . NOTE: Work performed in the facility on the Leica SP5 live microscope that is going to be published should acknowledge the support by BBSRC Grant BB/E012442/1 Principal Investigator Date _____________________ Researcher requesting access to facility Name: Phone number E-mail Laboratory PROJECT INFORMATION Project title: Summary or short description of project. Type of sample and source SAFETY INFORMATION Nature of infectious agents (if known) Hazard Group COSHH BA1 RA Nr. If agent is genetically modified: Nature of GMO Hazard Group GM RA Nr. BILLING INFORMATION Institute / Group / Grant R-Number Cost Centre _____________________________ Signature (Principal Investigator) Accepted by Facility Manager: _____________________________ Date and Signature Code of Practice Multiuser Confocal Microscopy Facility, Ashworth 3 Version 001 12/02/2016 10 APPENDIX 1 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE I RULES FOR MICROSCOPICAL ANALYSES OF Non-hazardous SAMPLES (A copy of these rules is to be displayed in the Facility). 1. Projects need to be registered by filing the Biosafety Questionnaire (Form 1) detailing the work is filled in by the Principal Investigator and accepted by the Facility Manager 2. Eating, chewing, drinking, smoking, applying cosmetics, storing of food and outdoor clothing in the Facility is banned. 3. Mouth pipetting must not be used under any circumstances for any reason. 4. All workers in the Facility must cover cuts and abrasions with a waterproof dressing before entering the laboratory. 5. Laboratory coats must be worn at all times whilst in the Facility. 6. Keyboards/mouse used to operate the computers must not be touched with gloves. 7. Door handles must not be touched with gloved hands 8. Always wash hands before leaving the Facility. 9. Follow starting up and closing down procedures as indicated for the machines used (see User manuals). In particular, the cleansing routine for the objectives has to be followed. 10. Solid waste (TC plastic, glass slides, etc. ) may be disposed in the available bins in the Facility or transported back to the home laboratory. 11. Any non hazardous waste fluid should be emptied down the sink with copious amounts of water. 12. On completion of their work each user must leave the area they have used clean and tidy. All waste and samples etc should be disposed of or removed and surfaces and work place must be disinfected with. Code of Practice Multiuser Confocal Microscopy Facility, Ashworth 3 Version 001 12/02/2016 11 APPENDIX 2 page _____ CONFOCAL MICROSCOPY FACILITY ROOM B64 (ASHWORTH 3 BASEMENT)AUTHORISED USERS FOR WORK INVOLVING NONHAZARDOUS SAMPLES The Undersigned acknowledge the rules of the CoP Confocal Microscopy Facility, Ashworth 3 and have demonstrated competence for SOP I of the CoP to the signed authorized user Date User name/Email Signature Authorized by Name Signature Code of Practice Multiuser Confocal Microscopy Facility, Ashworth 3 Version 001 12/02/2016 12 APPENDIX 3 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE II RULES FOR MICROSCOPICAL ANALYSES OF LIVE SAMPLES REQUIRING CONTAINMENT LEVEL 2 (CL2) (A copy of these rules is to be displayed in the Facility). 1 Work can only proceed if the Biosafety Questionnaire (Form 1) detailing the work is filled in by the Principal Investigator and accepted by the Facility Manager. 2 Eating, chewing, drinking, smoking, applying cosmetics, storing of food and outdoor clothing in the Facility is banned. 3 Mouth pipetting must not be used under any circumstances for any reason. 4 All workers in the laboratory must cover cuts and abrasions with a waterproof dressing before entering the Facility. 5 Laboratory coats must be worn at all times whilst in the Facility. 6 Door handles must not be touched with gloved hands 7 Always wash hands before leaving the Facility. 8 Samples have to be transported to and from the facility in a secondary container with a secure lid. 9 Gloves must be worn for all manipulations of the sample Containers holding potentially infective material. Gloves must not be worn when operating computers or control panels. (i.e. the hand changing samples on the sample bay is gloved; the hand operating computers is not). 10 Waste fluid if generated has to be collected in appropriate containers to be removed from the facility after completion of the work. 11 Follow start up and closing down procedures as indicated for the machines used (see User manuals and machine operating procedures). In particular, the cleansing routine for the objectives has to be followed. 12 All waste material (plastic containers from the samples, glass slides, gloves worn when manipulating samples, wipe down paper) must be RETURNED to the home laboratory observing contained transport rules and disposed of as defined under the local waste disposal rules. 13 On completion of their work each user must leave the area they have used clean and tidy and disinfect surfaces where samples were handled with 1% Virkon. 14 Spills should they occur must be immediately disinfected with Virkon granules. Code of Practice Multiuser Confocal Microscopy Facility, Ashworth 3 Version 001 12/02/2016 13 APPENDIX 4a DOCUMENTATION OF TRAINING FOR CONFOCAL MICROSCOPY FACILITY WITH SAMPLES REQUIRING CONTAINMENT LEVEL 2 Trainee: …………………………………………. Date of commencement of training: …………….. Supervisor: ………………………………………. Procedure a Transporting samples c Analyzing samples with gloves on and operating computer keyboard/mouse with gloves off. Removal of contaminated waste , disinfection of instrument and work place. Safe transport and disposal of waste at the end of the work session. Procedures to be adopted in the event of a spillage d e f Date demonstrated by training supervisor Date of satisfactory practice Code of Practice Multiuser Confocal Microscopy Facility, Ashworth 3 Version 001 12/02/2016 14 APPENDIX 4b page________ CONFOCAL MICROSCOPY FACILITY ROOM B64 (ASHWORTH 3 BASEMENT) - AUTHORISED USERS FOR WORK INVOLVING CONTAINMENT LEVEL 2 SAMPLES The Undersigned acknowledge the rules of the CoP Confocal Microscopy Facility, Ashworth 3 and have demonstrated competence for SOP II of the CoP to the signed authorized user Date User name/Email Signature Authorized by: Name Signature Code of Practice Multiuser Confocal Microscopy Facility, Ashworth 3 Version 001 12/02/2016 15 APPENDIX 5 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE III RULES FOR ANALYSES OF LIVE SAMPLES REQUIRING CONTAINMENT LEVEL 3 (CL3) 1 Work can only proceed if the Biosafety Questionnaire (Form 1) detailing the work is filled in by the Principal Investigator and accepted by the Facility Manager Work under derogated CL3 must be arranged in advance with the Facility Manager in order that Facility can be dedicated to that use. Note that the manager will have to give notice to other users in due time (~ 2 weeks in advance) by email, electronic calendar and door notice. 2 The Facility must be brought up to CL3 (derogated) standards (only together and in agreement with Facility Manager): a. Access to the Facility must be restricted by locking the door. b. Door signs must be fixed to indicate CL3 work (with derogations). c. Only users trained and authorized to perform CL3 work are allowed access and use of the Facility is limited to CL3 work for the time required. d. Dedicated laboratory coats must be worn at all times whilst in the Facility and removed before leaving for any reason. 3 Eating, chewing, drinking, smoking, applying cosmetics, storing of food and outdoor clothing in the Facility is banned. 4 Mouth pipetting must not be used under any circumstances for any reason. 5 All workers in the Facility must cover cuts and abrasions with a waterproof dressing before entering the laboratory. 6 The use of sharps is banned in the Facility. 7 Samples have to be transported to the facility in a secondary container with a secure lid appropriate for CL3 materials. 8 Gloves must be worn for all manipulations of the sample containers holding infective material. Gloves must not be worn when operating computers or control panels. 9 Door handles must not be touched with gloved hands. 10 Always wash hands before leaving the Facility 11 Waste fluid if generated has to be collected in appropriate containers to be removed from the facility after completion of the work. 12 Follow start up and closing down procedures as indicated for the machines used (see User manuals and machine operating procedures). In particular, the cleansing routine for the objectives has to be followed. Code of Practice Multiuser Confocal Microscopy Facility, Ashworth 3 Version 001 12/02/2016 16 13 On completion of the work the Facility must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Surfaces and work place (including the floor), must be disinfected with 1% Virkon (in particular area of the sampler bays). 14 All waste material from the samples (containers, gloves worn when handling, wipe down paper) including waste fluid and the laboratory coats must be bagged and RETURNED to the home CL3 (derogated) laboratory and disposed of as defined under the local waste disposal rules. 15 Spills must be immediately disinfected with Virkon granules. 16 After removal of all specific waste and disinfection of all working surfaces, the laboratory is returned to normal operating standard: a. Door signs are removed. b. A decommissioning checklist (Appendix 7) MUST be completed. c. Access restrictions are brought back to normal operating level. Code of Practice Multiuser Confocal Microscopy Facility, Ashworth 3 Version 001 12/02/2016 17 APPENDIX 6a DOCUMENTATION OF TRAINING FOR CONFOCAL MICROSCOPY WITH SAMPLES REQUIRING CONTAINMENT LEVEL 3 Trainee: …………………………………………. Date of commencement of training: …………….. Supervisor: ………………………………………. Procedure a b c d e f g Date demonstrated by training supervisor Date of satisfactory practice Preparation of Facility for temporary work under CL3 Transporting samples preparing machine (preparation and installing of dedicated waste collectors ) Analyzing samples with gloves on and operating computer keyboard/mouse with gloves off. Removal of waste , disinfection of instrument and work place*. : Safe transport and disposal of waste at the end of the work session. Procedures to be adopted in the event of a spillage This training record is solely for shared Confocal Microscopy Facility. Users of the Facility must also be an authorised user of a CL3 laboratory having satisfactorily completed training to work unsupervised at CL3. Code of Practice Multiuser Confocal Microscopy Facility, Ashworth 3 Version 001 12/02/2016 18 APPENDIX 6b page___________ CONFOCAL MICROSCOPY FACILITY ROOM B64 (ASHWORTH 3 BASEMENT) - AUTHORISED USERS FOR WORK INVOLVING CONTAINMENT LEVEL 3 SAMPLES The Undersigned acknowledge the rules of the CoP Confocal Microscopy Facility, Ashworth 3 and have demonstrated competence for SOP III of the CoP to the signed authorized user Date User name/Email Signature Authorized by: Name Signature Code of Practice Multiuser Confocal Microscopy Facility, Ashworth 3 Version 001 12/02/2016 19 LABORATORY DECOMMISSIONING CHECKLIST - CONFOCAL MICROSCOPY FACILITY ROOM B64 (ASHWORTH 3) COMPLETED BY Name Date Actions required: APPENDIX 7 CHECKED BY Name Date Check all biological materials have been removed from the lab – check benches, equipment, sink, floors etc. Check all lab coats have been removed. Check all wastes have been taken away – do not sign off until everything has been removed. Check warning labels on door have been removed. Clean all sinks that may have been contaminated with biological materials – this includes any that have been used whilst the lab is at CL3. Clean all benches and surfaces that may have been contaminated with biological materials – this includes any that have been used whilst the lab is at CL3. Clean, and disinfect as appropriate, any items of equipment that may have been contaminated with biological materials – this includes anything that has been used whilst the lab is at CL3. Clean, and disinfect as appropriate, any other areas that may have been contaminated with biological materials - this includes anything that has been used whilst the lab is at CL3 such as the floor. Declaration: This laboratory has been left in a condition such that it is safe for any personnel to enter without taking any precautions against exposure to biologicalaterials. Print name: ……………………………….….………….. Signature: …………..……………………………..……..………. Date:………………. School: ……………………………………………………….…... Unit/Institute: ……………..……………………………………………………… LEAVE THIS CHECKLIST WITH THE FACILITY MANAGER. TAKE A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS IN THE HOME CL3 LAB Code of Practice Multiuser Confocal Microscopy Facility, Ashworth 3 Version 001 12/02/2016 LIST OF SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS FOR USE OF CONFOCAL MICROSCOPY FACILITY DOCUMENT 1 2 3 4 TITLE ON-OFF-CLEANING (QUICK GUIDE) LAS-SOFTWARE (QUICK GUIDE ) SP5 SAFETY SP5 FULL MANUAL URL (TO BE COMPLETED) LEAVE THIS CHECKLIST WITH THE FACILITY MANAGER. TAKE A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS IN THE HOME CL3 LAB 20 Code of Practice Multiuser Confocal Microscopy Facility, Ashworth 3 Version 001 12/02/2016 CHARGES FOR FACILITY USE: (STATUS 24.04.2008) 21 APPENDIX 9 General comment: Please contact facility manager to discuss how to start your project and find out how charges apply. CHARGES TO BE COSTED INTO GRANT APPLICATIONS: The instrument has been funded by A REI Grant from the BBSRC (grant ref BB/E012442/1) and for this reason two different costing schemes apply: FUNDING SOURCE BBSRC Grants Grants of other agencies Rate/h (as of 24.04.2008) £ 31.94 £ 56.33 LEAVE THIS CHECKLIST WITH THE FACILITY MANAGER. TAKE A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS IN THE HOME CL3 LAB