Junior Certificate Art, Craft, Design rebalanced syllabus Summary of proposed amendments to the syllabus April 2008 The rebalanced Art, Craft, Design syllabus The rebalanced Junior Certificate Art, Craft, Design syllabus is presented as follows: Introduction General principles on which the syllabus is based and an indication of how the syllabus enhances the aims, intended outcomes and areas of experience associated with junior cycle. Aims of the syllabus These are broad statements of the changes that are brought about by the study of the syllabus and should match the general aims / intended outcomes of the junior cycle. Objectives of the syllabus These describe the learning that will take place during the study of the subject. Syllabus overview This outlines the structure of the syllabus and contains an overview table/graphic. Differentiation This provides information on how the needs of all students can be met through the use of different approaches to learning, teaching, and assessment. Assessment This sets out broad principles of educational assessment and describes how the syllabus will be assessed for certification purposes. Topics and learning outcomes This contains key headings of content, brief descriptions of topics, and associated learning outcomes. Learning outcomes provide clear statements on precisely what students are expected to know and be able to do as a result of studying the subject. Statement of links This shows how the subject relates to other areas of junior cycle curriculum. It also describes how the subject builds on the student’s learning at primary school and how it links to the curriculum at senior cycle. 2 Outline of changes The syllabus continues to combine the necessary breadth and depth of study with the freedom of choice required to accommodate a wide range of abilities, material resources, and teacher specialisation. However, a greater emphasis has been placed on the appreciation of art, craft, design and the built environment in order to rebalance the nature and use of the material within the course. It is imperative that in the teaching and learning students engage with the appreciation element, make it part of their habitual art learning activities at all stages of the course and where possible integrate ICT into their class and project work. The appreciation element is now redefined to include an emphasis on the craft, design and the built environment as well as fine art. The balance between perceptual, cultural and aesthetic education, with artistic education is facilitated by the appreciation component and a fresh approach is taken in presenting this form of art/design knowledge. Re-defined content The review of the subject presented an opportunity to address issues of overload in Section 1 Drawing, Section 2 2D Studies, and Section 3 3D Studies of the syllabus. As part of the review some areas were re-defined in order to clarify certain aspects of the course. Care has been taken not only to ensure that the integrity of the course has not been compromised but also to bring the course closer to what was envisioned in the original syllabus document in terms of learning outcomes for students. ICT The use of ICT is encouraged in all areas of the revised syllabus. This can support student’s learning in art by: - facilitating experimentation, reducing resource requirements and recording different stages of ideas electronically for review - providing modern, motivational tools to plan, create and communicate ideas - enabling the production of electronically generated artefacts As a result of the rebalancing process, the Art, Craft, Design syllabus shows some changes from the current syllabus. These changes are described below. In considering the changes you might wish to refer to the current syllabus, which is available at www.ncca.ie/juniorcycle. 3 Section: 1 Drawing Topic Topic revised 1.1 Drawing Ordinary level students will do either a life drawing or a drawing of a natural/man-made form Assessment of drawing Higher level students must do life drawing Section 2: 2D Studies Topic Topic revised 2.1 Fine Art 2.3 Graphic Design Assessment of Fine Art/Graphic Design Higher level students may choose between Fine Art or Graphic Design Photography and printing Photography and printing no longer appear as topics within this section. However, both still feature as choices in the 2D Craft topic. Appreciation/ Preparatory Work For assessment purposes, appreciation and preparatory work to be presented together on same sheet (Ordinary and Higher levels). Section 3: 3D Studies Topic Topic revised 3D Submission of preparatory work The requirement that students at Ordinary level submit 3D preparatory work is removed. Section 4: Appreciation of Art Craft Design and the Built Environment Topic Topic revised Appreciation A greater emphasis has been placed on the appreciation of art, craft, design and the built environment in order to re-balance the nature and use of the material within the course. 4