Booking Form – Careers in IT - The University of Edinburgh

Careers in IT - Wednesday 5th February 2014
”Opportunities for all”
Please read this Essential Information carefully before returning your booking form
The Careers in IT event will take place in the Informatics Forum, 10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh. A map of the
area is available at
Booking procedure
We recommend booking as soon as you possibly can as we anticipate places may sell out quickly. We aim to
expose students to both smaller specialist companies seeking candidates with a relevant degree and larger
companies offering IT/Technology opportunities for students from any discipline.
The event will be open to students from 1pm - 4pm. Companies will be welcome to arrive from 11am onwards.
You will have until 5pm to pack up after the event finishes and student helpers will be on hand to help with
moving boxes, loading and unloading etc.
Parking & Arrival Information
We advise against bringing a car to this event if possible as we are unable to provide parking. There is pay and
display parking nearby, but this does tend to be very busy. Edinburgh Waverley train station is 15 minutes walk
from the venue or 5 minutes by taxi. Edinburgh Airport is around 25 minutes from the venue by taxi. Vehicles
will be able to stop briefly outside the venue to drop-off.
Equipment to bring
If possible, we would recommend you bring a pull-up banner stand (approx 1m wide), but nothing larger. If you
do not have a banner stand, we can provide you with a poster board (1.2m x 0.8m) which you can use to display
advertising material. We would also recommend you bring some literature to display on your table and hand out
to students – business cards, brochures, leaflets etc.
Deliveries & Pickups
If you would like to send any of the materials you intend to use at the event to the venue in advance, please
send them for arrival on the morning of the event between 8am – 11am on Wednesday 5th February. Please
label deliveries as:
Careers in IT event (5th Feb)
Ref: insert your company name here
University of Edinburgh,
Informatics Forum,
10 Crichton Street,
For larger deliveries, there is a goods entrance located in the alleyway next to loading bay at the corner of
Crichton Street and Potterow. Following the fair, all materials must be uplifted between 4pm and 6pm the
same day, Wednesday 5th February.
Last year, around 300 students attended. 80% were from a STEM background (Science, Technology,
Engineering & Maths); 20% were from other disciplines.70% were undergraduates and 30% were
postgraduates. Students from other universities in Edinburgh are also invited to attend. We are aiming to
increase the attendance number for 2014.
Tea, Coffee and Water will be available throughout the afternoon. If you would like to have lunch at the
university before the event starts, you would be welcome to visit the café in Appleton Tower, which is the
building opposite the Informatics Forum:
Exhibitors’ Property
We can accept no responsibility for any loss or damage to any property brought or sent to the venue.
The Careers Service and its events aim to be accessible to all users. If you have any specific needs please
contact the Employer Engagement Team on 0131 651 5119 or email to make appropriate
Payment should not be sent with the booking form. An invoice will be sent after the event has taken place.
The booking fee for exhibitors is £100+VAT which covers the following:
A 1.5m wide space containing a trestle table with white tablecloth and 2 chairs. Each exhibitor provides
their own display boards; ideally a pull up banner stand approx 1m wide. If you do not have a banner
stand we can provide a poster board with Velcro attachments (1.2m high x 0.8m wide) which you can
use to display your advertising material.
A basic entry in the Fair Guide which is handed out to students on the day- this will list each exhibitor,
their stand location and highlight the type of opportunities they are offering.
A detailed profile on the “Focus on IT” Careers Fair section of the website. This will feature a description
of your organisation, the opportunities you are offering, what you are looking for and a link to your
Marketing of the Fair to students- the Careers Service undertakes a targeted cross-channel marketing
campaign to promote the Fair, including marketing emails, use of social media channels, promotion on
the Careers Service website and on plasma screens throughout the University as well as posters and
flyers posted around campus by our student reps. Face- to face promotion is undertaken by Careers
Advisers and other staff. Students are always directed to the Careers Service website for further
information where they will be able to see your profile.
Booking Form – Careers in IT
Wednesday 5th February 2014, 1pm – 4pm
Please read the essential information on the previous pages and terms and conditions below before completing
and returning this form in order to request a place at the Fair. Please note that this is the only way to book a
place. Once we receive your completed booking form we will send you a confirmation by email. If you do not
receive a confirmation within 5 days please contact us again. Without a confirmation email, you do not have a
place at this event. If you cancel your booking after 13th January 2013 you will be charged the full booking fee.
Please inform us of cancellations by email.
I have read the essential information attached and the terms and conditions below and I would like to reserve
one exhibition space at the Careers in IT event 2014
Organisation Name
Name of contact for this booking
Contact’s job title
Contact’s direct telephone number
Contact’s email address
Your website
How many members of your staff will attend?
Will you bring a pull-up banner to put behind
your table or do you need a poster board?
Do you need electricity access at your stand?
will bring own pull-up banner (max 1m wide)
will need a poster board
Fees and Billing Information
You will be sent an invoice for £100 + VAT (plus any extras ordered below) after the event. Please note that if you
cancel your place after 13th January 2014 you will still be invoiced for £100 +VAT.
Would you like space for a half page full colour advert in the Fair Guide?
Yes, I would like to pay for an advert at £50 + VAT (please send your advert to by 13th
January. Advert should be a PDF, A6 landscape orientation plus 3mm bleed.)
Do you want your company logo included on your listing on our website?
Yes, I would like to pay for my logo to appear on the website £40 + VAT
(please email your logo to along with this booking form)
Please provide your official company name and billing address for your invoice:
If your finance dept. requires a PO number to be quoted on invoices please provide this now:
Would you like the invoice posted to an alternative address instead of going directly to the address above?
Please provide alternative address here:
If you are a non-UK company, please provide your VAT Registration number:
The Careers Service aims to be accessible to all users. If you, or anyone else from your organisation who will
be attending this event, have any specific needs please mark this box and we will contact you to make
appropriate arrangements.
Publicity Details
This information will be used on the event website and programme to give students a flavour of what you can offer
Please provide a description of
your organisation to help students
understand more about you
(approx 30 words)
Please tell us about the
opportunities you will be talking to
students about at this event –
please include details of any work
experience, summer internships,
part-time jobs, full-time jobs etc
(approx 80 – 150 words)
Where are your opportunities
(ie Edinburgh, Scotland, UK-wide)
What degree disciplines are your
opportunities open to?
Informatics only
Informatics and other numerate disciplines: Science/Engineering/Maths
Any discipline
If you would like to provide further details, please do so:
What level of qualifications, skills
and experience are needed, if any?
(eg expected 2:2 or above / fluency in
2 languages / evidence of good team
work and communication skills etc)
Which level of students are your
opportunities relevant for?
(ie who would you like to talk to?)
Happy to
talk to
Undergraduates – early years
Undergraduates – penultimate years (graduating 2015)
Undergraduates – final years (graduating 2014)
Postgraduate taught students (eg MSc students)*
Postgraduate research students (eg Phd students)*
*if you tick these boxes, could you please clarify if
You are happy to recruit postgraduates into your general graduate
You have specific opportunities targeted at postgraduates
We hereby confirm that we have read and understood the Terms and Conditions and Essential Information in
relation to booking Exhibition Spaces at the University of Edinburgh’s Careers in IT event and agree to be
bound by their terms:
Signed for and on behalf of:
(insert company name)
Print name
All enquiries and completed forms should be directed to:
Sharon Cant, Employer Engagement Adviser, University of Edinburgh Careers Service
Email: Tel: 0131 650 4473 Fax: 0131 651 1850
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
1. Definition
In these Terms and Conditions, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
“Booking” means the booking of an Exhibition Space by the Exhibitor at the Fair;
“Booking Form” means the booking form completed by the Exhibitor and returned to the Organiser in order to
book an Exhibition Space at the Careers Fair;
“Careers Fair” means the Careers Fair organised by the Organiser, taking place on the dates specified in the
Booking Form;
“Confirmation Email” means the confirmation email sent by the Organiser to the Exhibitor to confirm details of the
“Contract” means the contract formed between the Organiser and the Exhibitor in relation to the booking of
Exhibition Spaces, incorporating these the Essential Information, the Booking Form and these Terms and
Conditions and formed in the manner outlined in clauses 2.2 and 2.3 below;
“Essential Information” means the Essential Information in relation to the Careers Fair, supplied by the Organiser
to the Exhibitor and attached hereto;
“Exhibition Space” means an exhibition space at the Careers Fair;
“Exhibitor” means any organisation or person who has made a booking or who has otherwise been allocated an
Exhibition Space;
“Organiser” means the University of Edinburgh Careers Service;
“Terms and Conditions” means these terms and conditions in relation to the booking of Exhibition Spaces at the
Careers Fair;
Acceptance of Terms and Conditions
These Terms and Conditions shall:
apply to and be incorporated into the Contract; and
prevail over any inconsistent terms or conditions contained, or referred to, in the Essential
Information or in the Exhibitor's Booking Form, purchase order, confirmation of order or similar, or
otherwise implied by law, trade custom, practice or course of dealing.
Exhibitors may offer to reserve an Exhibition Space by completing the Booking Form and returning it to the
Organiser. The Booking Form may be (a) signed by the Exhibitor electronically and returned to the
Organiser by electronic means, together with certification of the relevant electronic signature (including the
signatory’s public key); or (b) signed as an original document with the hard copy original being returned to
the Organiser by hand delivery or by post. Receipt by the Organiser of the Exhibitor’s completed Booking
Form constitutes an offer by the Exhibitor to purchase an Exhibition Space on these Terms and Conditions.
The Organiser shall have sole discretion whether to accept the Exhibitor’s offer or not. If the Organiser
accepts the Exhibitor’s offer, the Organiser shall send the Exhibitor a Confirmation Email at which point the
Contract between the Organiser and the Exhibitor shall be formed.
Without prejudice to clause 2.2 above, if no Confirmation Email is sent pursuant to clause 2.2, a Contract
may also be formed by the Organiser providing an Exhibition Space(s) to the Exhibitor during the Careers
Fair, at which point a Contract for the purchase of an Exhibition Space(s) on these Terms and Conditions
will be established. For the avoidance of doubt, the Exhibitor's standard terms and conditions (if any)
attached to, enclosed with or referred to in any Booking Form, purchase order or other document shall not
govern the Contract.
Unless otherwise agreed by the Organiser in writing, the fee for Exhibition Space(s) shall be the fee
confirmed by the Organiser to the Exhibitor in the Booking Form or as otherwise agreed in writing between
the Organiser and the Exhibitor.
The fee for the Exhibition Space shall be exclusive of any value added tax, at the prevailing rate from time
to time, which shall be added by the Organiser to the total sum invoiced to the Exhibitor.
The Organiser shall send its invoice to the Exhibitor as soon as reasonable practicable following
confirmation of the Booking, to the billing address supplied by the Exhibitor on the Booking Form.
The Exhibitor shall pay each invoice submitted to it by the Organiser, in full and in cleared funds, within 30
days of receipt (or such other time period specified in the invoice and in any case, prior to the date of the
Careers Fair) to a bank account nominated in writing by the Organiser. Without prejudice to any other
remedy the Organiser may have under this clause 3, if the Exhibitor fails to make payment in terms of this
clause 3.4, the Organiser, in its sole discretion, shall be entitled to cancel the Exhibitor’s booking without
further notice.
Without prejudice to any other right or remedy that it may have, if the Exhibitor fails to pay the Organiser on
the due date in terms of clause 3.4 above, the Organiser may charge interest on such sum from the due
date for payment at the annual rate of 4% above the base lending rate from time to time of The Royal Bank
of Scotland plc accruing on a daily basis and being compounded quarterly until payment is made, whether
before or after any judgment and the Exhibitor shall pay the interest immediately on demand.
The Organiser shall be entitled to refuse entry to the Careers Fair to any Exhibitor who has failed to settle
any invoice in accordance with the terms of clause 3.4 above.
If an Exhibitor wishes to cancel a Booking, they must advise the Organiser of the cancellation by email to by no later than 13th January 2014. In the event of cancellation 13th January 2014,
the Exhibitor shall be liable to pay the full fee in respect of the cancelled booking in accordance with the
payment terms set out in clause 3 above.
For the avoidance of doubt, no fee shall be payable by an Exhibitor in respect of cancellations notified to the
Exhibitor before, or on, 13th January 2014 subject to notice being provided by the Exhibitor to the Organiser
in accordance with clause 4.1 above.
Exhibitor’s Obligations
The Exhibitor shall, at all times, comply with these Terms and Conditions and with any requirements
contained in the Essential Information or otherwise communicated to the Exhibitor by the Organiser,
whether before or during the Careers Fair notwithstanding that such communication may constitute a
variation of either the Essential Information or these Terms and Conditions.
The Exhibitor shall, at all times, be responsible for the safety and security of its equipment, exhibits and any
other property and the Organiser hereby disclaims any and all liability in relation to any loss or damage
thereto to the fullest extent permitted by law.
The Exhibitor shall ensure that its Exhibition Space is manned during the opening hours of the Careers Fair
and must not remove or dismantle any equipment or exhibits before the published closing time on any day.
The Exhibitor shall not sub-let the whole or any part of the Exhibition Space allocated to it without the prior
written consent of the Organiser.
All printed matter or advertisement of any kind intended for distribution in the Careers Fair may only be
distributed from the Exhibitor’s own Exhibition Space and shall not be distributed in the neighbourhood of
the entrance or exits to the Careers Fair. Exhibitors must not station any representative in the gangways or
place anything in or over them, or upon any space other than that allotted to the Exhibitor. The Exhibitor
must not circulate through the Exhibition Hall for advertising purposes or use any audible means of
attracting visitors to the annoyance or inconvenience of any other Exhibitor. Any advertising matter related
to competitions, prizes, award or gifts must first have been submitted for approval to the Organiser and prior
written consent obtained. The Exhibitor shall immediately cease distribution of any materials in breach of
this clause 5.4 if requested to do so by the Organiser.
It is the responsibility of the Exhibitor to ensure that its displays and exhibits comply with all relevant and
applicable health and safety legislation in force from time to time.
Whilst attending the Careers Fair the Exhibitor shall immediately and at all times comply with any
reasonable direction or request given by the Organiser from time to time (including, without limitation, in
relation to health and safety and security measures). If the Exhibitor fails to do so, the Organiser shall be
entitled to ask the Exhibitor to leave the Careers Fair with immediate effect and the Exhibitor shall not be
entitled to any refund or compensation in respect of that portion of the Careers Fair missed as a result.
Intellectual Property
The Exhibitor hereby grants to the Organiser a non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty free licence to use
the Exhibitor’s name and/or logo for marketing and advertising of the Careers Fair.
Any and all marketing and other promotional materials of the Exhibitor using the Organiser’s name and/or
logo must be approved by the Organiser in writing prior to their use. Any failure by the Organiser to
respond within fifteen days of a written request by the Exhibitor for such approval shall be deemed to
constitute refusal of consent.
In relation to any material, content, image or similar provided by the Exhibitor to the Organiser, the Exhibitor
hereby warrants that it owns or has all appropriate licences to use such material, content, image or similar
in the manner contemplated by the Contract (including clause 6.1) and that it is true and accurate in all
respects and such material, content, image or similar does not infringe the rights of any third party.
Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall limit or exclude the Organiser's liability for death or personal
injury caused by its negligence, or the negligence of its employees, agents or subcontractors; or for fraud or
fraudulent misrepresentation.
Subject to clause 7.1:
(a) the Organiser shall under no circumstances whatsoever be liable to the Exhibitor, whether in contract, delict
(including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, for any loss of profit, or any indirect or
consequential loss (whether foreseeable or not) arising under or in connection with the Contract; and
(b) the Organiser's total liability to the Exhibitor in respect of all other losses arising under or in connection with
the Contract, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, shall in
no circumstances exceed the fee specified in the Booking Form paid by the Exhibitor to the Organiser in
connection with the Careers Fair.
The Exhibitor shall indemnify the Organiser and its employees, representatives, agents or sub-contractors
against any liability incurred by the Organiser or its employees, representatives, agents or sub-contractors
to third persons as a result of any act or omission (including negligence) of the Exhibitor, its employees,
representatives, agents or sub-contractors.
Except as set out in these Terms and Conditions, all warranties, representations, conditions and other
terms implied by statute or common law are, to the fullest extent permitted by law, excluded from the
Exhibitors are responsible for effecting their own insurance against risk of loss, damage, injury or liability in
relation to the Careers Fair.
Postponement or Abandonment
The Exhibitor shall have no claim against the Organiser or its employees, representatives, agents or subcontractors in respect of any loss or damage arising from or as a consequence of the postponement or
abandonment of the Careers Fair or upon the venue of the Careers Fair becoming wholly or partially
unavailable for the holding of the Careers Fair for reasons beyond the control of the Organiser or its
employees, representatives, agents or sub-contractors.
10. Assignation
The Exhibitor shall not, and shall not purport to, assign, charge or otherwise transfer the Contract or any
rights or obligations under it without the Organiser’s prior written consent. Any such consent shall not
excuse the Exhibitor from performance of any obligation on its part to be performed.
11. Notices
Unless otherwise specified herein, any notice under the Contract shall be given in writing and delivered by
recorded delivery or personal delivery to the other party at the address specified in the Contract or such
other address as may be notified to the sender in writing. Notices sent by recorded delivery shall be
deemed to have been received forty eight (48) hours after sending (as shown by the senders receipt.
Notices sent by personal delivery shall be treated as received at the time when left at the correct address of
the recipient.
12. Privacy
The Exhibitor acknowledges that Organiser may process information about the Exhibitor (its employees,
representatives, agents or sub-contractors) in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 (as amended
or substituted from time to time). By placing an order to reserve an Exhibition Space the Exhibitor hereby
consents to such processing and warrants that all data provided by it is accurate.
13. Entire agreement
The Contract supersedes all prior agreements and arrangements of whatever nature and sets out the entire
agreement and understanding between the parties relating to its subject matter. Each party agrees that it
shall have no rights or remedies in respect of any representation or warranty (whether made innocently or
negligently) that is not set out in the Contract and to the extent that such rights or remedies exist, they are
hereby excluded and waived to the fullest extent permitted by law. No party shall have any claim for
innocent or negligent misrepresentation based upon any statement in the Contract.
14. Severability
If and in so far as any part or provision of the Contract is or becomes void or unenforceable it shall be
deemed not to be or never to have been or formed a part of the Contract and the remaining provisions of
the Contract shall continue in full force and effect.
15. Independent contractors
The parties are independent contractors and nothing in the Contract and no action taken by the parties
pursuant to the Contract shall constitute, or be deemed to constitute, between the parties a partnership,
association, joint venture or other co-operative entity.
16. Waiver
The failure of either party to exercise or enforce any right conferred on that party by the Contract shall not
be deemed to be a waiver of any such right or operate to bar the exercise or enforcement thereof at any
time or times thereafter.
17. Third Party Rights
Save to the extent expressly set out in this Contract, this Contract is not intended nor shall it create any
rights, entitlement, claims or benefits enforceable by any person that is not a party to it.
18. Variation
Subject to clause 5.1, any variation to the Contract shall only be effective if in writing and signed by both
19. Law
The law of the Scottish Courts shall govern these Terms and Conditions and the Organiser and the
Exhibitor each agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Scottish Courts.