June 2014 Board Minutes

June 3, 2014
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of Lake O’ the Hills Maintenance Association was
held at the Lake O’ the Hills’ Clubhouse on June 3, 2014.
Board Members Present:
Bonnie Baker
Frank Eckert
Bob Champion Danny Curle
Ted Alvarez
Other Attendees: Carol Champion, Secretary-Treasurer
Rick Rosenbaum, Jr. & Carol, Lot owner
Call to Order:
Lot owner
Approval of
Buz May
Debbie Jestis
Billy Lacey
Paul Baker, Lot owner
Betty Martin, Lake Patrol
There being a quorum present, Bonnie called the meeting to order and reminded
everyone present to curtail side conversations since they interfere with the ability to get a
good recording of the meeting.
Bonnie introduced Rickie Rosenbaum, Jr. & Carol. Rickie had sent the Board members
an email about wanting to use the club house to which Bonnie had responded that a
member had to be in good standing (dues had to be current). At the time of his request
he was delinquent but brought his account current by bringing his payment to the meeting
so was told to work with Betty Martin on the use of the Club House. Rickie also inquired
about getting a boat decal and 4 family passes and was told to work with Carol, the
Secretary-Treasurer He also mentioned his brother worked for a landscaping company
and if they could submit a bid for the lake work. Bonnie explained the lake currently had
someone to do the work and the Board was happy with the results but said the Board was
always open to accepting new bids. Carol, the guest, also inquired, on behalf of her
sister, about properties that might be for sale on the lake and the frequency of the Board
meetings. Carol was directed to the lake’s website for some of the information and
Bonnie advised her that any of the Board members would be happy to give her sister a
tour of the lake.
Bonnie asked if everyone had read the previous month’s minutes and explained they had
been emailed to everyone prior to the meeting to help save meeting time. She also
mentioned the minutes that were distributed at the meeting did contain 2 minor corrections
that were made to the emailed minutes. There were no questions or other corrections
from any of the Board members. Ted made a motion to accept the minutes as written and
Danny seconded. The motion carried.
Financial report: Carol, Secretary-Treasurer, presented the list of checks and deposits for the month of
May and commented on the $550 deposit which was related to back dues and penalties
on lot 356. She also mentioned the only unusual payment was for mowing, fertilizing, and
spraying chemicals on the dam to eliminate grubs, etc. to keep moles away. She also
stated the May 31st balance of the maintenance checking account was $39,561 and the
Fire boat account balance was about $800 while the Dam Maintenance Savings account
balance was about $5000. There being no questions or corrections, Frank made a motion
to accept the financial report as written and Ted seconded. The motion carried. Frank
then inquired if there had been any recent disbursements from the Dam Savings account
and Carol stated there had been none for several months. Bonnie explained that when
the current caulking and concrete work was completed that payment would be funded
from the Dam Savings account.
Woodland Lake
Annual meeting Bonnie attended Woodland Lake’s annual meeting as the representative from Lake O’ the
Hills. She commented they had a lot of the same types of problems that our Lake has but
also noted they had a lot more people who volunteer time and money, including such
things as restocking the lake with fish and paper and postage for some of their mailings.
She hopes that possibly we might be able to increase our lake members’ donations in the
future. She did explain their financial situation was different from Lake O’ the Hills’ since
they do not have some of the larger expenses, such as pump and insurance costs, and
have fewer expenses related to their dam since it is so much smaller. Also they file liens
quicker and do collect a large amount from those liens (over $5000 in their prior year).
She and Carol will be going over the Lake properties to ascertain if there should be
additional liens filed but did mention that Ken had filed some already. She further
commented that we will be sending letters to some of the mortgage holders to notify them
of the delinquencies and the lien status. The Lake cannot ask the mortgage holder for
help collecting dues but can advise them of the situation per the Lake Attorney. Bonnie
stated the Woodland Lake President, Shirley Harris; Treasurer, Leigh Mercer; and she
discussed getting together periodically to discuss issues or problems the lakes may have
in common to be able to work together toward resolutions.
Bonnie announced the promotion of Billy Lacey to Chief of the Eudora Fire Department
and offered to send a congratulatory card on behalf of the Board.
Bob said the annual Dam inspection report was due the end of June and included
completing a Mississippi State form and submitting pictures of the Dam. However, he was
waiting to take the pictures until after the Dam was mowed. Bonnie said she thought the
mowing would occur next week. She also said there were 18 fence posts that had been
broken, will need replacement, and will cost about $90. Volunteers will be needed and
Bonnie offered to call Billy Lacey about using his post hole digger. Bob also advised the
Emergency Action Plan had to be updated also and would contact Dewey Jones, the
Lake’s engineer, for his input.
Ted said the May fishing tournament was cancelled due to inclement weather and lack of
participation. He also reminded everyone of the Kids’ fishing tournament the middle of
June. He has collected some funds for the participants’ gifts and winners’ awards but was
seeking more. Ted said Keller’s Pawn Shop was the major sponsor. Bonnie asked if he
wanted signs posted to which he agreed. He also reminded everyone about the July 4th
new Bath Tub race and other festivities. Ted said the patrol boat is running very well and
had gotten some non-ethanol gas but the gas can did not have a cap. Danny volunteered
to provide one of his extra cans so no moisture will get into the gas. Bonnie asked if he
had contacted Mississippi Wildlife to inspect the lake and he said he would give them a
call, as well as contact Art Zurhorst, the retired Biologist. Bonnie will email Art’s number
to Ted.
Danny said he had received a $10,600 quote from Warren Ails of Surplus Irrigation. Chris
Shockley of Delta is in the $9,000 to $10,000 range but only will provide a 3” pipe which
would only give 300 gpm. Warren’s pipe would be 6” PVC pipe. Danny thinks the old
pipe and pump remnants may be the reason Warren only wants a 3” pipe. Frank
explained that regardless of the pipe size the concern is if the pipe/pump remnants will
impede the water flow and the only way to know is to use the new pump. Bonnie
commented she did not want the Lake to spend money on a new pump if it was not going
to solve the problem. Ted suggested the Lake should investigate removing the remnants
as a first step and Bonnie agreed. Danny is to get quotes on retrieving the old pipe/pump
remnants and Bonnie recommended he contact the person who has been doing work on
the Lake’s well already. Bonnie also mentioned this issue may need to be addressed at
the Annual Meeting, particularly if a special assessment will be needed. Ted stated the
pump may not even need to be replaced until next year if the current rains continue this
Frank said he had been updating the website’s minutes and owners’ names and
addresses. He also said he will next be adding the pictures from the Annual Breakfast.
Frank has no new accounts that need to be turned over to Attorney Holland. Bonnie
stated that Mr. Holland had no current active accounts. Frank mentioned the payment
delay on the Langston account and Bonnie reminded Frank if they are past due the entire
debt must be paid so expects we will hear something from them soon.
Betty said the Cunningham’s son was speeding in the coves and the driver of the boat
was an 8 year old. Bonnie agreed to call Joe Cunningham about the situation and said a
letter will follow. Betty also wants to send a thank you to the Fire Department for their
help in correcting power on the pole for a new light near the Fire Boat house, particularly
since they brought the ladder truck. She also suggested they be given use of the Lake’s
Club House for CPR training and that information should be included in the News Letter.
Frank also wants to offer Boat Safety training at the Club House since he is an authorized
instructor. Both ideas were accepted. Frank inquired if the Fire Department was still
interested in taking over the Fire boat. Betty said they had to finish the renovations on
their Fire House before they could tackle the boat and ownership was still in the Lake’s
name. Since Billy Lacey was not at the meeting, Bonnie suggested he be asked to
comment on this matter at a future time.
New business:
Joni Lindsey called Bonnie and explained her husband had died not too long ago and she
now had cancer. She currently owes about $1,036 which includes penalties, fees, and
interest. She also said other vendors were working with her and wanted to know if the
Board would agree to remove the penalties, fees, and interest. She said her offer of $28
per month was not accepted by Ken. Carol talked to Ken who said if she had offered that
sum it would not have been rejected. Carol is to research her account to see if the Board
had in the past forgiven penalties, etc, and will notify Bonnie who will text the Board since
forgiveness of penalties is only offered once.
The Lake was given 3 lots by Mr. Key. Bonnie talked to a realtor but they wanted a
$1,000 listing fee and will charge a 5% fee on the sales price. Frank offered to list the lots
on Craig’s list. Bob recommended the offering price be $750 per lot and be sold as a
package for a total of $2,250 and all agreed. Ted also offered to post the information on
his work’s site and Bonnie asked that the information be posted on the Lake’s website.
Bonnie said the pavilion roof is leaking more, looks really bad, and the decking is
deteriorating. She suggested a metal roof versus a shingled roof but the metal roof
material pretax cost was about $700. Everyone agreed a metal roof was best. Frank
made a motion to allow up to $1,000 for the after tax cost of the metal roof material and
Ted seconded. The motion carried.
Ted announced that Ben Mullins’ and Don Dyes’ boats were missing. Ben’s john boat
was taken by the Spooner son per Betty Martin. Don’s pontoon boat had been at Ben’s
but is missing and only the roof had been found a few years ago. Ted will try to find the
pontoon boat.
There being no further business Bob made a motion to adjourn, Danny seconded, and the
motion carried.
Carol G. Champion (Secretary-Treasurer)