West Bar Surgery West Bar Surgery South Bar House 6 Oxford Rd Banbury Oxfordshire, OX16 9AD Telephone: 01295 256261 01295 756848 Fax Website www.westbarsurgery.co.uk When the surgery is closed call 01295 256261 Welcome to West Bar Surgery Welcome to our surgery website. We hope you will quickly benefit from a user friendly layout and a wealth of information about our healthcare services . One Click Away Find out when we’re open and what to do when we’re not, all from the comfort of your own home. Convenience doesn’t stop there and you can now access a number of services online. Ordering a repeat prescription or sending us your comments are both just a click away. And if you’re not yet registered with us you can download the necessary forms here too. Health and Happiness Our team are dedicated to your continued good health and approach your care with professionalism, discretion and friendliness. You can count on a warm welcome from everyone involved here at the practice. Please take a few moments to look through the website and get acquainted with everything that's on offer. Find out how to do the sort of things you expect like prescriptions and appointments, but keep surfing and you may also find out about services you did not know we offered. Choose Well - click here to see the healthcare options available to you. New patients can register on line now! We are on Search for West Bar Surgery and keep up to date with what's going on in the practice. West Bar Surgery Monday 08:00 - 20:00 Tuesday 08:00 - 19:30 08:00 - 12:00 Wednesday 13:00 - 19:30 Thursday 08:00 - 19:30 Friday 08:00 - 19:30 Weekend closed Hardwick Surgery Monday 08:15 - 12:00 Tuesday closed Wednesday 08:15 - 12:00 Thursday closed Friday 08:15 - 12:00 Weekend closed DR WOOKEY DR HAYNES DR ROGERS MONDAY Clinic (am/pm) Clinic (am/pm) Clinic (am/pm) When We Are Closed TUESDAY Clinic (am/pm) - WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Clinic Clinic (am/pm) Clinic (am) (am/pm) Clinic Clinic Clinic (am) (am/pm) (am/pm) Clinic Clinic Clinic (am/pm) (am/pm) (am/pm) DR SANDERS DR HAYLES DR MACGREGOR DR ELLIOT DR GUPTA DR BARTLEY DR CARTER LOCUMS Clinic (am/pm) Clinic (am/pm) Clinic (am/pm) Clinic (am/pm) Clinic (am/pm) Clinic (am/pm) As arranged Clinic (am/pm) Clinic (am/pm) Clinic (am/pm) Clinic (am/pm) Clinic (am/pm) - Clinic (am/pm) Clinic (am/pm) Clinic (am/pm) Clinic (am/pm) Clinic Clinic (am/pm) (am/pm) Clinic (am) Clinic (am/pm) Clinic (am/pm) Clinic (am/pm) - - Clinic (am/pm) - Clinic (am/pm) In a genuine emergency you should call 999. Chest pains, shortness of breath or bleeding constitute an emergency. Out of hours there is always a doctor on call. The telephone number can be obtained by ringing the surgery 01295 256261 for a recorded message or calling the new 111 out of hours service for advice/redirection. The Oxfordshire Primary Care Trust provides access to GP medical advice and treatment for patients in the North and North East of Oxfordshire and some parts of South Northamptonshire from 18:30 - 23:00 weekdays and from 08:00 - 11:00 at weekends and bank holidays. It can help if, for example, you have a fever or sickness but don’t need to go to a hospital Emergency Department. Patients may be offered advice over the telephone, or may be asked to visit Primary Care Centres in Banbury or Bicester. For those patients who are housebound, home visits may also be made. NHS Direct Alternatively you can access urgent assistance by calling NHS Direct (www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/) on 0845 4647. A triage nurse will assess your situation and take appropriate action. This could simply be by offering advice or where necessary by making arrangements for you to be seen by a doctor. Out-of-hours services are generally busy so please think carefully before asking to see a doctor and only do so if you genuinely cannot wait until the surgery re-opens. Appointments We encourage you to make appointments with your "usual" doctor as this helps us to help you. Please see your own doctor for ongoing problems as it saves you the trouble of having to go through all the details again and it saves us duplication of work. Following patient feedback about the appointments we have undertaken some changes to improve the service. We have recently installed a better phone system to help you get through to us. We would ask however that you do not call at 08.30, unless you need to, as this is the busiest time of the day. From September 2012 we will be offering the following types of appointments: 1. Book on the day Ring before 12.00 to book to see your own G.P. provided they are at work that day and have a slot available. If they are unavailable, you can ask to book a telephone call with that G.P. to discuss the best way to proceed. Many issues may be dealt with by telephone successfully. If your G.P. is away you will be offered an alternative. 2. Pre-bookable appointments Your G.P. may issue you with a green slip to book a follow up appointment on a specific date with reception. You may wish to plan ahead (elderly people may need transport etc) or you may need to be sure of a particular time to coincide with another slot such as a blood test or nurses appointment. You can also ask for this type of appointment. However these appointments are limited. If you have trouble booking, request a phone call with your G.P. and we will try to help. 3. Urgent ON THE DAY appointments Please ring BEFORE 10.00 a.m. These are a quick 5 MINUTE APPOINTMENTS to deal with one URGENT medical problem only. They are held at the end of morning surgery and we offer as many appointments as required on that day, until all patients are seen. Please give as much information as possible to the receptionist so you get the most appropriate appointment. All staff adhere strictly to rules of confidentiality. This may be with your own G.P., another G.P. or the duty doctor. There may be occasions when your "usual" doctor is not available. Please be prepared to accept an appointment with another doctor in these circumstances. 4. Duty doctor appointments You will be offered a telephone call with the duty doctor, later that day If your own doctor is away, if you have called after 10.00 am or if you cannot come on another day and you have an urgent medical problem They will call you back in between jobs. Everyone can speak to a doctor on the day until 18.30 about an urgent medical problem. The doctor and you can then decide on the best solution together. If you have a query about results, hospital appointments or something that is not a medical problem you may be asked to ring back when your own GP is available to help. This will allow us to deal with urgent issues most efficiently and other issues most effectively. Please give the receptionist the information she needs to do this. 5. Telephone Appointments We do not always need to see you face to face to keep an eye on things or sort issues out for you. Telephone appointments can be booked in advance for your own G.P. and we will call you back within a certain time. Please bear in mind this may not be an exact time and keep that time free to talk. Please do not leave your answer phone on! If you have requested a telephone call from the Doctor or Nurse it would be helpful if you could have your contact number to hand - this would enable us to handle your query promptly. We will try to contact you 3 times, and if after that time have not managed to get hold of you, will not try again. We will also assume, unless you have specified otherwise, that you are happy for us to leave a message saying that we have tried to contact you. The message would be something like "Hello, it’s Doctor X returning your call, I’ll try again later" or "Hello, it’s Doctor X returning your call for the third time & I won’t be able to try again but if you still have problems, please contact the surgery". If you are requesting information during your telephone consultation, it may be useful for you to have a pen and paper to hand to record this information. Language Line This facility is available for all our overseas patients who need the assistance of a translator. When booking your appointment please request a double appointment with your doctor and advise us that you would like the assistance of a translator. Cancellations If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason PLEASE INFORM US AS SOON AS POSSIBLE in order for us to give the slot to someone else. Even a last minute cancellation can sometimes be used. If you do not cancel and you do not turn up we reserve the right to use our DNA policy. You can text us on 07501329572 stating your surname and date of birth to cancel your next appointment. Please note this number is for texts only. Calls are not answered. Practice Nurses Sr. Julia Knight and Sr. Maggie Davis are NURSE PRESCRIBERS and can deal with many conditions which patients may previously have felt necessary to be seen by a doctor. The list of conditions they have been trained to deal with includes, upper respiratory tract infections, sore throat, earache, cough, flu, sinusitis, hay fever, nosebleeds, acute asthma, headache, neck pain and back ache, head injury and dizziness. Conjunctivitis, rashes, eczema, nappy rash, warts, infected in growing toe nails, head lice, moles, bites and stings. Abdominal problems which includes diarrhoea and sickness, cystitis, abdominal pain, indigestion, balanitis, rectal bleeding and threadworms. Gynaecological problems which includes vaginal discharge, painful periods, emergency contraception and missed pills. You will be able to make appointments to see Julia or Maggie who will be working alongside the duty doctor. Home Visits IF YOU NEED A HOME VISIT PLEASE CALL BEFORE 10.30 a.m. Whilst we encourage our patients to come to the surgery, where we have the proper equipment and facilities available, we do appreciate this is not always possible. In this respect, if you do need a home visit, you can help us by calling reception BEFORE 10.30 A.M. You may only request a home visit if you are housebound or are too ill to visit the practice on that day. You may get a phone call from your G.P. after you request a visit. Your GP will only visit you at home if they think that your medical condition requires it and will also decide how urgently a visit is needed. Please bear this in mind and be prepared to provide suitable details to enable the doctor to schedule house calls You can also be visited at home by a community nurse if you are referred by your GP. You should also be visited at home by a health visitor if you have recently had a baby or if you are newly registered with a GP and have a child under five years. Sickness Certificates You do not require a doctor's sickness certificate for any illness lasting seven days or less. Your employer may however require you to complete a self-certification form (SC2) which is available from your employer or on the HMRC website (www.hmrc.gov.uk/forms/sc2.pdf) . Evidence that you are sick If you are sick for more than seven days, your employer can ask you to give them some form of medical evidence to support payment of SAP (statutory sick pay). It is up to your employer to decide whether you are incapable of work. A medical certificate, now called a 'Statement of Fitness for Work’ (see below) from your doctor is strong evidence that you are sick and would normally be accepted, unless there is evidence to prove otherwise. You could also provide evidence from someone who is not a medical practitioner, e.g. a dentist. Your employer will decide whether or not this evidence is acceptable. If your employer has any doubts, they may still ask for a medical certificate from your GP. Statement of Fitness for Work - ’Fit Note' The 'fit note' was introduced on 6 April 2010. With your employer's support, the note will help you return to work sooner by providing more information about the effects of your illness or injury. For more information see the DirectGov website (www.direct.gov.uk/en/MoneyTaxAndBenefits/BenefitsTaxCreditsAndOtherSupport/Illorinjured/ DG_175850) (where this information was sourced) Training Practice West Bar Surgery has participated in training doctors for general practice since 1971. Qualified doctors who have already completed at least three years of hospital training join us for one year's experience to complete their training and you may be offered an appointment with them. In our role as a training practice we are regularly inspected to ensure a high quality of care and efficient administration. We also have medical students attached to the practice. You will always be asked beforehand if a medical student may be present at a consultation. Some of our nurses and health visitors are also qualified to train others and may have students attending their clinics from time to time. Research There may be research projects within the practice from time to time. If you are involved you will always be fully informed. Cancellations If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason PLEASE INFORM US AS SOON AS POSSIBLE in order for us to give the slot to someone else. ON THE DAY - please telephone 01295 256 261 or you can text us on 07501329572 stating your surname and date of birth to cancel your next appointment. Please note this number is for texts only. Calls are not answered. MORE THAN 24 HRS - email, telephone us or you can text us on 07501329572 stating your surname and date of birth to cancel your next appointment. Please note this number is for texts only. Calls are not answered. Even a last minute cancellation can sometimes be used. If you do not cancel and you do not turn up we reserve the right to use our DNA policy. The DNA policy applies to patients who have missed three appointments. We have a huge number of appointments wasted by patients not coming, sometimes even when they booked on the day! If you regularly miss appointments we reserve the right to remove you from our list as this is not fair on the vast majority of our patients who turn up at the right time. It may be frustrating when your Doctor runs late but this is due to the time they are giving another patient. One day this may be you,. We do try to run on time so be please be patient. If you arrive late however we reserve the right not to see you. The receptionist will ask your G.P. if they are prepared to see you when you do arrive. If you know you may be a few minutes late it is best to ring ahead. Most doctors will still see you if their workload permits it. Repeat Prescriptions Patients on long-term repeat medicartion can order repeat prescriptions in a variety of ways. Please be aware that we get over 600 requests a day for medication. If you are on repeat medication youmust leave enough time for us to arrange a prescription by planning ahead. You can order a prescripiton in several ways: By email - to westbar.scripts@nhs.net (please be aware that normal email is not encrypted and so may not be totally secure) Online - follow the link at the top of this page to complete a simple registration. By post - remember to enclose a stamped addressed envelope. By telephone (N.B. this service may be phased out in the future) - to 01295 756824 (West Bar) Please call between 13:00 - 16:00 ONLY. West Bar operates a prescription collection service in conjunction with certain chemists. Please ask reception for details. Attention All Patients Would all patients please note that Cox & Robinson and West Bar Surgery are two separate companies. Some patients believe when they request a prescription, it automatically goes to Cox & Robinson. Prescriptions will not automatically go to any chemist; you have to request where you want it to go and advise the chemist that you would like them to collect it. When you request a repeat prescription by any method please state what chemist you want to use, if you want it delivered to you or if you will be picking it up yourself. Also please add your date of birth, address and your usual doctor. If you phone the surgery for a repeat prescription the receptionist will ask you for these details. Medication Reviews Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a doctor, nurse practitioner or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip. Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions. Please allow two full working days for prescriptions to be processed and remember to take weekends and bank holidays into account. Prescriptions Charges and Exemptions Extensive exemption and remission arrangements protect those likely to have difficulty in paying charges (NHS prescription and dental charges, optical and hospital travel costs). The NHS prescription charge is a flat-rate amount which successive Governments have thought it reasonable to charge for those who can afford to pay for their medicines. Prescription prepayment certificates (PPCs) offer real savings for people who need extensive medication. NHS charges These charges apply in England only. In Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales prescriptions are free of charge. Prescription (per item): £7.65 12-month prepayment certificate (PPC): £104.00 3-month PPC: £29.10 If you will have to pay for four or more prescription items in three months, or more than 15 items in 12 months, you may find it cheaper to buy a PPC. Telephone advice and order line 0845 850 0030 General Public - Buy or Renew a PPC On-line There is further information about prescription exemptions and fees on the NHS website (www.nhs.uk/NHSEngland/Healthcosts/Pages/Prescriptioncosts.aspx) 1. All patients will need to go the new web site via their browser even if they were registered with the old web site http://www.westbarsurgery.co.uk/ 2. You will see the WELCOMEscreen Click on the tab at the top that says Prescriptions 3. Choose Repeat Prescriptions from the drop down list 4. You will see the REPEAT PRESCRIPTIONS screen Click on ‘order your repeat prescription online’ 5. The first time you use the service you will need to register (even if you were registered previously) Use the Click here to register right side of the page and follow the instructions. 6. An email will be sent to you to activate the registration You cannot order until you have completed the activation by clicking on a link in the email you have been sent. 7. When you click on this link they will get the Registered Services Logon Screen. This is usually the FIRST screen once the initial registration process has been done. 8. You can now log on here at any time with your email and password to get the Patient Home screen:Click on manage repeats There are three steps involved in ordering a repeat prescription as shown by each tab. These steps are carried out on each of three tabs in the 'Order a Repeat' section. After the first time of use the front page below will fill automatically Please follow the instructions carefully and complete each step. If the drug you want is not a choice from the drop down box, you can type in the name in the drug field then select quantity and we will sort the rest out for you. If you tick the box that requests a confirmation email to be sent at the third step, you will get an email to say that the request has been received at west bar scripts. This will indicate that the process has worked! 10. All in all, once the process is set up there are five steps from logging in to logging out. You can also log in at any time to see a history of which requests have been made on the screen (see bottom of screen). Please allow 48 hours, excluding weekends and Bank Holidays, for your request to be processed. Any problems please telephone the surgery. Clinics & Services Clinics & Services In addition to GP consultations the practice adheres to the General Medical Services Contract for the provision of healthcare services. The following list highlights the services offered. Please see the separate "clinic timetable" page for specific timings. Essential Services Asthma COPD Coronary heart disease Diabetes Additional Services Cervical smears Counseling Drug & alcohol counseling Family planning Child health surveillance & immunisations Healthy living advice Hypertension Maternity services Medicals for employment Minor surgery Phlebotomy (blood tests) Smoking cessation Stroke/TIA Vaccinations and immunisations including travel Vasectomies Women's health Clinic Timetable Clinic Timetable Clinic Held by Asthma clinic Julia Knight Times/Days Doctors Referral Yes/No No Tuesdays Thursdays 13.30 -16.00 Cervical smear tests Sandra Williamson Maggie Davies, Julia Knight, Claire Hunter, Specialist smear clinics Every day No CHD clinic Wednesday 13.00 - 16:00 No Child development and immunisation Wednesday 13.30 – 14.45 No Counselling Robina Zafar & Steve Thorpe By appointment Drug/alcohol Counsellor Claire Forrest Tuesday 13.00 – 18.00 No Diabetic clinic Claire Hunter Wednesday am, Friday am No Family planning Maggie Davies Monday 13.00 – 14.00 No Monday 12.00 – 16.00, Thursday 8.30am -12.00 No Hypertension clinic Maternity (Antenatal)care Held at West Bar Surgery by Midwives. The Midwives are part of the Banbury Community Team based at the Horton General Hospital Minor surgery All doctors Yes No Monday, Wednesday & Friday 09.30 - 16.30 By appointment Yes Stroke/TIA clinic Travel clinic Judith Thomas No Friday 14.00 – 17.30 Smoking Cessation Clinic Mary Koenig, Christine Cane By appointment No Phlebotomy Clinic Tracy McBean, Dianne Kavanagh No Every day Non-NHS Services Non-NHS Services Some services provided are not covered under our contract with the NHS and therefore attract charges. Examples include the following: Medicals for pre-employment, sports and driving requirements (HGV, PSV etc.) Insurance claim forms Passport signing Prescriptions for taking medication abroad Private sick notes Vaccination certificates Private patients (those not eligible for NHS treatment) The fees charged are based on the British Medical Association (BMA) suggested scales and our reception staff will be happy to advise you about them along with appointment availability. Appointments made for these services need to be paid for IN ADVANCE. Reception staff will be happy to help you with this. Test Results Test Results PLEASE TELEPHONE FOR TEST RESULTS AFTER MIDDAY AS THEY MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE BEFORE THEN. THANKYOU When you attend for a test of any kind you will be told how long you should expect to wait for the results. Please bear this in mind and only call the surgery sufficient time has elapsed. We have a strict policy regarding confidentiality and data protection. In this respect we will only give out results to the person they relate to unless that person has given prior permission for their release or if they are not capable of understanding them. Our reception staff are not qualified to comment on results therefore it is your responsibility to check them and make any necessary follow-up appointment with the doctor. Blood Tests Blood Tests A blood test is when a sample of blood is taken for testing in a laboratory. Blood tests have a wide range of uses and are one of the most common types of medical test. For example, a blood test can be used to: assess your general state of health confirm the presence of a bacterial or viral infection see how well certain organs, such as the liver and kidneys, are functioning A blood test usually involves the phlebotomist taking a blood sample from a blood vessel in your arm. and the usual place for a sample is the inside of the elbow or wrist, where the veins are relatively close to the surface. Blood samples from children are most commonly taken from the back of the hand. The child's hand will be anaesthetised (numbed) with a special cream before the sample is taken. You can find out more about blood tests, their purpose and the way they are performed on the NHS Choices website. X-Ray X-Ray An X-ray is a widely used diagnostic test to examine the inside of the body. X-rays are a very effective way of detecting problems with bones, such as fractures. They can also often identify problems with soft tissue, such as pneumonia or breast cancer. If you have a X-ray, you will be asked to lie on a table or stand against a surface so that the part of your body being X-rayed is between the X-ray tube and the photographic plate. An X-ray is usually carried out by a radiographer, a healthcare professional who specialises in using imaging technology, such as X-rays and ultrasound scanners. You can find out more about x-ray tests, how they are performed, their function and the risks by visiting the NHS Choices website (www.nhs.uk/conditions/x-ray/Pages/Introduction.aspx) . Registration New Patient Registration If you live within our practice area you are welcome to register with us and our reception staff will be happy to guide you through the procedure. Eligibility can be quickly confirmed from your address so please provide proof by way of a recent utility bill. We also require one form of photographic ID such as a passport or driving licence. All patients are officially registered as being on the list of The West Bar & Hardwick Surgery and not with an individual doctor. However, for the purpose of continuity of patient care the surgery does prefer to run an internal list for each doctor. The surgery accepts that some patients like to remain with their preferred GP, whereas some patients like to see a same sex doctor for personal issues or it may be that they just feel it is easier for them to speak with a particular doctor. None of the doctors mind patients seeing other doctors in fact the doctors would rather the patients feel most 'at ease' as possible. The allocation of your ‘preferred GP’ will be dependent on the current list sizes of the individual GP. Every effort will be made to allocate patients to the GP of their choice. However, this may not always be possible. We would ask you to see the same doctor however wherever possible for each episode of treatment. This helps us to help you. If you do not have a medical card you will need to complete a registration form (GMS1). We also ask patients to complete a health questionnaire which will provide useful information whilst we wait for your medical records to arrive from your previous doctor. All new patients are offered a health check with a member of the health care team to ensure that any required tests are up to date and that we have an accurate note of any repeat medication you may be taking. Medical treatment is available from the date of registration. Please contact reception for further information. Guide to GP Services The Royal College of General Practitioners has produced a useful guide for patients about the services on offer at GP Surgeries and how to access them. You can download the guide below. A Patient Guide to GP Services (www.rcgp.org.uk/pdf/rcgp_iyp_full_booklet_web_version.pdf) Practice Area Practice Area Registering Online Online 'Pre-Registration' With The Practice If you wish to pre-register click on the link below to open the form. When you have completed all of the details, click on the "Send" button to mail your form to us. When you visit the surgery for the first time you will be asked to sign the form to confirm that the details are correct. Pre-registration Form Note that by sending the form you will be transmitting information about your self across the Internet and although every effort is made to keep this information secure, no guarantee can be offered in this respect. Alternatively you may print off a registration form, fill it out and bring it in with you on your first visit to the practice. Registration Form Temporary Residents Temporary Registration If you are ill while away from home or if you are not registered with a doctor but need to see one you can receive emergency treatment from the local GP practice for 14 days. After 14 days you will need to register as a temporary or permanent patient. You can be registered as a temporary patient for up to three months. This will allow you to be on the local practice list and still remain a patient of your permanent GP. After three months you will have to re-register as a temporary patient or permanently register with that practice. To register as a temporary patient simply contact the local practice you wish to use. Practices do not have to accept you as a temporary patient although they do have an obligation to offer emergency treatment. You cannot register as a temporary patient at a practice in the town or area where you are already registered. Download the Temporary Resident Registration Form Useful Contacts Local Hospital Numbers The nearest Accident and Emergency Department is at the Horton General Hospital - the entrance is off Hightown Road. Horton General Hospital Banbury (01295) 275500 Foscote Private Hospital Banbury (01295) 252281 Orchard Health Centre Banbury (01295) 259851 Churchill Oxford (01865) 741841 John Radcliffe Oxford (01865) 741166 Littlemore Hospital Oxford (01865) 778911 Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre Oxford (01865) 741155 Radcliffe Infirmary Oxford (01865) 311188 Warneford & Park Hospital Oxford (01865) 741717 Helpful Organisations AIDS Helpline Al-Anon (for the families of alcoholics) Alcoholics Anonymous Alzheimer's Local Support Arthritis Care Asthma Society and Friends of the Asthma Research Council Back Pain Association Banbury Carers Banbury Young Homelessness Project Bereavement Support British Epilepsy Association Cancer Relief (Macmillan Fund) Carers' Centre Citizens Advice Bureau CRUSE Bereavement Care Disability Advice Centre Disabled Living Foundation 0800 393799 (020) 7403 0888 (020) 7352 3001 (01295) 750622 020 7916 1500 or Freephone: 0800 289171 (020) 7226 2260 (020) 8977 5474 (01295) 264545 (01295) 259442 (01295) 277010 0845 708 9599 (020) 7351 7811 0845 712 5546 (01295) 262088 (01295) 750705 (01865)791818 (020) 7289 6111 Mondays Orchard Health Centre 10.00am - 12.15pm Tuesdays Horton General Hospital 10.00am - 12.15pm Libra Project (Drug & Alcohol problems) MIND Multiple Sclerosis Support Service National Childbirth Trust National Council for One-Parent Families NHS Direct (01295) 273511 (01295) 271064 (01865) 224405 (020) 8992 8637 (020) 7267 1361 0845 4647 http://www.oxfordshire.nhs.uk/pals.asp (www.oxfordshire.nhs.uk/pals.asp) Parkinson's Disease Society (01295) 255904/720142 Registrar of Births, Marriages & Deaths (01295) 262163 RELATE (Marriage Guidance) (01295) 258141 Samaritans Direct Line 270000 Stoma (Colostomy) Care (01865) 221839 The Stroke Association (020) 7490 7999 Victim Support (01295) 277990 Volunteer Bureau (01295) 255863 Oxfordshire PALS Practice Brochure Please CLICK HERE to download a copy of our Practice Brochure NHS Constitution CLICK HERE to read how West Bar Surgery implements the NHS Constitution Private Fees Private Fees Some medicals and certificates provided by the doctor are not covered by the National Health Service and a BMA recommended fee will be charged for this private work. Services include: Private health insurance claims Pre-employment medicals Holiday cancellation forms Private certificate Fitness to Drive HGV, PSV, Taxi driver medical and sports medicals Some travel vaccinations A current fee list (in line with BMA recommended rates) is available below and at Reception. Please note that a nominal charge will be made for any non medical letters requested by the patient. Private Fees Schedule Practice Policies Confidentiality & Medical Records The practice complies with data protection and access to medical records legislation. Identifiable information about you will be shared with others in the following circumstances: To provide further medical treatment for you e.g. from district nurses and hospital services. To help you get other services e.g. from the social work department. This requires your consent. When we have a duty to others e.g. in child protection cases anonymised patient information will also be used at local and national level to help the Health Board and Government plan services e.g. for diabetic care. If you do not wish anonymous information about you to be used in such a way, please let us know. Reception and administration staff require access to your medical records in order to do their jobs. These members of staff are bound by the same rules of confidentiality as the medical staff. Freedom of Information Information about the General Practioners and the practice required for disclosure under this act can be made available to the public. All requests for such information should be made to the practice manager. Access to Records In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and Access to Health Records Act, patients may request to see their medical records. Such requests should be made through the practice manager and may be subject to an administration charge. No information will be released without the patient consent unless we are legally obliged to do so. Complaints We make every effort to give the best service possible to everyone who attends our practice. However, we are aware that things can go wrong resulting in a patient feeling that they have a genuine cause for complaint. If this is so, we would wish for the matter to be settled as quickly, and as amicably, as possible. To pursue a complaint please contact the practice manager who will deal with your concerns appropriately. Further written information is available regarding the complaints procedure from reception. Violence Policy The NHS operate a zero tolerance policy with regard to violence and abuse and the practice has the right to remove violent patients from the list with immediate effect in order to safeguard practice staff, patients and other persons. Violence in this context includes actual or threatened physical violence or verbal abuse which leads to fear for a person’s safety. In this situation we will notify the patient in writing of their removal from the list and record in the patient’s medical records the fact of the removal and the circumstances leading to it. Staff Details A new experience whilst fundraising! Dr Wookey accompanied a group of trekkers who climbed to the top of Kilimanjaro in September 2012, raising £50,000 for the British Heart Foundation. Well done Dr Wookey! Doctors Dr S LM Wookey MB BCH BAO MRCP MRCGP DCH DRCOG FP Cert Registered London 1983 Specialist Interests: Dermatology & Paediatrics. Senior Partner Dr S A Haynes MB BS MRCGP DFFP Registered London 1987 Specialist Interests: Musculoskeletal & Sports Medicine, GP training, School Health, Medical officer to Bloxham School Dr A K Sanders BSc (Hons) MB BS DRCOG MRCGP Registered London 1996 Specialist Interests: Heart Disease and Stroke, Learning Disabilities, GP Training Dr G Rogers MB BS MRCGP DFFP DRCOG DCH Registered London 1993 Specialist Interests: Women’s Health, Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Family Planning, Child Health Dr S Hayles BSc BM. ChB MA MRCGP Dip Gen Counselling DFFP Registered Oxford 1993 Specialist Interests: Women’s Health, Menopause, Gynaecology, Family planning, Sexual dysfunction, Medical Officer to Tudor Hall School Dr C MacGregor MBBS BSc MRCP (2001) MRCGP (2005) Registered London 1998 Specialist Interests: Respiratory Medicine. Medical Student Trainer Dr Nicky Elliott MBBS BSc (Hons) MRCGP DCH Registered University of London 2001 Specialist Interests: Paediatrics, Teenage Health, Dive Medicine. Medical Student trainer Medical Officer to Tudor Hall School OWN PICTURE COMING SOON.............. Dr Rajesh Gupta BM. ChB. M.RC.G.P. Registered Oxford 2009 Special interests:ENT & Paediatrics Dr Rachel Mulcahy MBChB DCH DRCOG MRCGP Registered in Bristol 1997 Dr Julia Bartley MBChB MRCGP DRCOG Special interests: Palliative Care, Women's health Dr David Carter BSc (Hons) MBBChir DFSRH DRCOG MRCGP Registered Cambridge 2007 Special Interests: Nurse Practitioners Maggie Davies Nurse Prescriber Family Planning Nurse Julia Knight Nurse Prescriber Asthma/COPD specialist nurse Childhood immunisation co-ordinator Nurses Practice nurses are qualified and registered nurses. They can help with health issues such as family planning, healthy living advice, blood pressure checks and dressings. The practice nurses run clinics for longterm health conditions such as asthma or diabetes, minor ailment clinics and carry out cervical smears. Claire Hunter Nurse Prescriber Diabetic care specialist Judith Thomas Travel vaccinations Lucy Haynes Diabetic care specialist Aileen Carter Doppler technician Sandra Williamson Cervical cytology specialist Vicky Hill B.Sc. Adult Nursing 2011 (Leeds) All nursing procedures/phlebotomy Health Practitioners Alison Matthews Health Visitor Yvonne Matthews Health Visitor Katie Worley Health Visitor Barbara Eaton Health Visitor Kate Newman Community Staff Nurse Becky Wiggins Community Nursery Nurse Rachel Hemmings Admin Support A health visitor is a registered nurse who has received training particularly related to babies, children and pregnant women. Their role is to provide families with children under five years old with support and advice around the general aspects of mental, physical and social wellbeing. they are supported by a team of administrative staff. Healthcare Assistants Healthcare assistants support practice nurses with their daily work and carry out tasks such as phlebotomy (drawing blood), blood pressure measurement and new patient checks. They also have specialsit input into things such as 24 hr blood monitoring and ECGs, They may also act as a chaperone when a patient or doctor requests one. Sarah Bates Jo Carter Phlebotomists Practice Management Practice manager Paul Butterworth The practice manager is involved in managing all of the business aspects of the practice such as making sure that the right systems are in place to provide a high quality of patient care, human resources, finance, patient safety, premises and equipment and information technology. The practice manager supports the GPs and other medical professionals with delivering patient services and also helps to develop extended services to enhance patient care. Finance Administrator Dee Evans Administration Tom Honer Audit Co-ordinator Christine Cane Scanning/Data input Mary Koenig Medical Summariser Chris Wheatland IT manager Dianne Home Visit Co-ordinator Phlebotomy Appointments clerk / Surgery Administration Reception Janice Reception Manager Karen Assistant Reception Manager Nam Geri Averil Margaret Sarah Cathy Kerry Hazel Carole Jo Jane Receptionists provide an important link for patients with the practice and are your initial contact point for general enquiries. They can provide basic information on services and results and direct you to the right person depending on your health issue or query. Receptionists make most of the patient appointments with the GPs and nurses. They also perform other important tasks such as issuing repeat prescriptions and dealing with prescription enquiries, dealing with financial claims, dealing with patient records and carrying out searches and practice audits. Secretaries Vicki Bentley Personal Assitant Lynn Miles Personal Assitant Community Nurses Jane Salmon District Nurse/Community Prescriber Claire Bryant District nurse/Community Prescriber Louise Whelton District Nurse Judy Jones District Nurse Helen Bunting District Nurse Sally Hudson District Nurse/Clerical Support Adele Reid District Nurse Catherine Gibson District Nurse Anne Booyens District Nurse Administrator Counsellors Claire Forrest Drugs Counsellor