DAILY DEMOCRAT EVENTS OF 1896. Jan 1.—Wm. Pickett of Otterville celebrated his 66th birthday; Mrs. Patrick Gorman died; Protracted meeting in Paradise; Thomas K. Donnalley, aged 87 years, died; Mrs. Jerome Mackelfresh died at Raymond; Mis Ida Murphy and Joseph Hildred of Otterville married. Jan. 2—Wm. Huen purchased the millinery store formerly owned by Mrs. Geo. Beatty; David Stafford of Otterville purchased Prentiss Noble’s farm; Mrs. H. D. Bull gave a tea-party in honor of her nieces, Misses Edith and Helen Rue, of Alton; Paul Chapman entertained his friends; Mrs. D. A. Thompson of Kane, died; Miss Cora Thompson of Girard, died. Jan. 3—Mrs. A. W. Lowe gave a leap year party to Nellie Cone; John L. White, aged 71 years, died; The Medical and Surgical Society of Western Illinois met at court house; Mrs. O. Snedeker gave a unique musicale; Ezra Kendall at opera house; Utah became a State. Jan. 4—Will S. Landon injured at Batchtown in a runaway accident; Fred Mutteson’s father died at Galesburg; The M. W. A. public installation and supper at Fieldon; Mr. Wright of Greene Co. and Mrs. Mildred Miller of Fieldon, married. Jan. 6— Installation of officers of Ruby Rebekah Lodge No. 268 I. O. O. F.; Louis H. Cray married to Mrs. Frances Atcheson of Kane. Jan. 7— Installation o fofficers of Jerseyville Encampment I. O. O. F.; Oyster super given by Baptist gentlemen. Jan. 8—“Andrew Jackson Day;” Miss Ellen Dugan and Joseph Carroll married. Jan. 9—Charles Race, of Kane, dangerously ill; Revival meetings at Bethany church; Miss Anna McGannon’s Baptist Sunday school class entertained by teacher; Protracted meeting at Shiloh; Mrs. Dr. Barry seriously ill; Eight prisoners in county jail; John Hand, aged 30 years, died; Wm. Kirby, aged 81 years, died; Mr. Follis of rosedale died. Jan. 10— Leap year dance in Bull building; Installation of officers of the Royal Neighbors; Kindergarten entertainment; Dancing party at Joseph Maloney’s. Jan. 11—Mae Ayres Sherry at opera house; Mr. Foults of Rosedale fatally wounded. Jan. 12—Branch order of the Western Catholic Union organized at Fieldon; Mrs. D. D. Gleason of Rosedale met with fatal accident. Jan. 13—Installation of officers of Hickory Grove Camp No. 442, M. W. A.; Surprise party at John Voorhees’. Jan. 14—Musical sociable at J. N. English’s; Installation of officers of Antioch Lodge No. 65, K. of P.; Jasper Howard and Harry Higbull released from jail. Jan. 15—A daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leak; Robert Armstrong and Miss Jennie Davis of Grafton were married; Robbery at Regelman’s store; Joseph Connor’s, aged 8 years, died. Jan. 16—Dr. Tyson seriously ill; Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Legate of Rosedale; Charles Randolph died; Joshua Cornelius married Effie Cornelius at Fieldon; Thieves that broke into Regelman’s store captured. Jan. 17—George Wieghard died; Cora Whitehead’s five o’clock tea party. Jan. 18—Charles Rudolph, jr., of Rosedale, married Carrie Milem, of Richwoods. Jan. 19—Farmers’ Institute at court house; Theo. Egelhoff of Fieldon, died; Charles Oehmsted celebrated his 73rd birthday; Mrs. Mary A. West, aged 72 years, died. Jan. 20—Freeman Long married Nora Calhoun of Vandalia, Mo.; Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Fahey; Mrs. Emma Updike and daughter nearly suffocated by gas. Jan. 21—John Stanton burned; Dan Caslick and Miss Nan Simpson married at Grafton; Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Folsom of Elsah. Jan. 22— Lotus Club gives a dance; Charles Blish, aged 58 years, died; May Reedel, aged 8 years, died at Elsah; John Durkee died at Los Angeles, Cal. Jan. 23—Annual praise meeting of the Ladies Home and Foreign Missionary Societies; Rev. Revilo F. Parshall, aged 73 years, died in Chicago. Jan. 24—Ball at McClusky; Prairie Union Grange installs officers; Ball at Fidelity; Rena Bickenmeyer entertained friends in honor of visitors; George L. Burruss, aged 75 years, died at his home near Carrollton; Dan Noonan’s arm and leg cut off by train. Jan 25—James P. Rose, aged 52 years, died; Bessie Cockrell’s party. Jan. 26—Rev. J. J. Porter’s resignation rejected; Hon. Joseph S. Carr died. Jan. 27—Installation of officers of Apollo Lodge, Knights of Honor, 877; Six months old infant of Mr. and Mrs. John Durney died; Birthday dinner given to E. G. Miner; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Simmons celebrated their tenth marriage anniversary; Fire at Dunham’s Laundry; Euchre party at Will Clark’s; Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dashner. Jan. 29—Merry Youth’s ball; Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Frailey. Jan. 30—Mrs. Mary Griswold adjudged insane and taken to Jacksonville; Concert at Fieldon; Remains of Mrs. Harris brought here from Parsons, Kansas. Jan. 31—Messrs. John C. Winsor and John I. White celebrated their joint birthdays at Mr. White’s; Teachers’ Institute at school house. Feb. 1—Miss Mamie Beatty gave a company in honor of Miss Sanderson. Feb. 2—Child of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barnett of Paradise, died; Mrs. J. G. Pope, aged 42 years, died at her home in Kane; Mrs. John Beatty gave a theater party; Mrs. Susan Stroud, aged 79 years, died. Feb. 4—Miss Kate Nutt entertained. Feb. 5—Sobieski at Bull’s hall; Conrad Borger bought C. C. Borger’s jewelry store. Feb. 6— Leap year social at the Baptist church; “Candlemas Day” at Catholic churches; Mr. Levi Cory very sick; Girl born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gill of Elsah. Feb. 7—Charity entertainment at Bul’s hall; Mr. Hartwell, aged 51 years, was accidentally shot and killed at Elsah. Feb. 8— Old Mrs. Ford of Grafton died. Feb. 9—Funeral of little Francis Thomas of Fieldon; Mrs. Theodore Hill’s party given in honor of Mr. John Hill. Feb. 10—Leap year parties in Fidelity; Nellie Bowman’s party; Mrs. Emma Rush purchased Wm. Campbell’s farm; R. Herman of Fieldon died. Feb. 11—Frank Vahl married Minnie Munsterman; Roy Landon married Carrie Clatworthy of Harmon, Ill. Feb. 12—Mrs. Walter Cory of Kane entertained; Mrs. A. A. Shobe’s reception. Feb. 13—Herman Bierman married Theresa Tonsor; Mrs. W. W. Estabrooke gives an afternoon tea and evening party; Masquerade ball at Fieldon. Feb. 14—Katie Holmes’ grotesque dancing party; Leap year dance at Grafton; Carrie Locke’s valentine party; Valentine social at Elsah; Eugene Everts entertains his class; Mrs. Everts entertained. Feb. 15—Nickolaus Smith of Shrewsbury, Mo., married Fannie Pierre; Fidelity school entertainment; Children’s party at Mrs. Carrie Holmes’. Feb. 16—Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. VanPelt; Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nelson of Daum, Ill.; Confirmation at German church; Mrs. Asa Adams, aged 84 years, died. Feb. 17— Merry Youths’ ball; Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Snow; James Bell bought Chappell’s feed store; Eugene Hale married Jennie Lovell. Feb. 18—Son born to Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hutchison; Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moran; Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Deichler of Fidelity; Mrs. O. A. Snedeker gave luncheon; Business Men’s ball. Feb. 19—Jersey County Farmers’ Institute at court house; H. N. Wyckoff moved his store; Mrs. J. E. Cooper died; Wm. Hill, aged 85 years, died; A. Milem and Miss Olive Cleyland of Fieldon married. Feb. 20—“Up to Date” lecture by W. H. Edgar at Bull’s hall; German Evangelical church gave an entertainment. Feb. 21— George and Martha Washington dinner at Baptist church; Mrs. Edward Wenle, aged 29 years, died; Wm. N. Hill died; Kings’ Daughters celebrated their tenth anniversary. Feb. 22— Washington’s Birthday. Feb. 23—Miss Bertha Goeten, aged 26 years, died; Leap year party at Chapman’s hall. Feb. 24—Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Borger celebrated their fortieth marriage anniversary. Feb. 25—Freeman & Pickett bought Dunham’s laundry; Mrs. Susan Nevlin died at her home in Upper Alton. Feb. 26—K. of P. Lodge instituted at Medora. Feb. 27—Tolman sale; Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mourning; Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Terry’s part at Otterville; Wm. Butt, aged 63 years, died at Fieldon. March 1—Mr. Ed. Trabue’s family reunion. March 2—Charles Vaughn married Miss Lulu Shimmell of Alton. March 3—Best meeting I. O. G. T. ever held. March 4—Robert M. Dickson and Miss Ida May Byrd of De Soto, Mo., married. March 5—Dairy social by Junior Christian Endeavorers at Presbyterian church; Wm. C. Bayer, aged 30 years, died. Mar. 6—Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rice; Ladies’ Missionary Society of M. E. church gave an entertainment; Bernice Costello at Presbyterian church. March 7—William Miller, aged 40 years, died at Grafton. March 8—Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ferguson; John R. Isett of Godfrey died; Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schneider; Sermon to Woodmen by Pastor Porter at Baptist church. March 9—Mme. Ladowiska Murray at opera house; revival meeting at Methodist church, conducted by Miss Addie Snell. March 10—Miss Maud Sloan’s “Green and White Card Party” at Carrollton; Otis Wheeler of Grafton drowned. March 12—Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith of Fidelity. March 13—Newton Burley, aged 76 years, died at Newburn; Mrs. Lewis Terrell, aged 55 years, died. March 14—Miss Laura Lee of Grafton died. March 17—St. Patrick’s Day. March 18—James Ashlock shot and killed C. M. Whalen of Whitehall in Roodhouse. March 19—Louis Casavant married Miss Greta Risley in Washington, D. C. March 20—Mrs. John Garrell of Fieldon died; W. J. Pittenger died at Goddard, Kansas; Schwarz will case at court house. March 21—Annual temperance manifesto at Baptist church in Fidelity; Mrs. Leona Bell Boyer, aged 42 years, died at Vandalia, Ill. March 22—Mrs. Mary Ann Randolph, aged 85 years, died. March 23—Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. West of Fieldon. March 26—Gold Medal Contest at Presbyterian church. March 27—Clara Schuman Ladies’ Orchestra at opera house. March 28—Endowment Bank organized in Antioch Lodge No. 65, K. of P. March 29—Dinner party at Neumeyer’s in honor of little Marguerite Schmidt; Michael Wurth, aged 82 years, died. March 30—Daniel & Enos new firm organized. March 31—Second annual meeting of the Jerseyville Cycling Club; J. S. Baker, aged 52 years, died in Denver. April 1—Son born to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Legate. April 2— Charles Howell and family and Wm. Howell departed for Los Angeles, Cal.; “Tad” given by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Castleton at opera house; Andrew Spangle’s residence at Otterville burned; Miss Lucy VanHorne entertained twenty-five friends. April 3—Mr. Johnson’s house in Grafton burned. April 4—Meeting of Jersey Co. Teachers’ Association; Edgar M. Dyer, aged 41 years, died at Ashville, Ill. April 5—Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Fitzgerald; Easter Sunday. April 6—Robbery at Dr. Flautt’s at Otterville. April 7—Mr. Mike Leahy opened bakery. April 9—J. C. Caskill and family moved to Springfield; Charles Eaton, aged 78 years, died at Grafton; Rainbow reception by the Misses Shepherd. April 10—Miss Elise Jackson entertained the Tuesday Evening Club; Easter ball at Bull’s hall; Harriet Randolph won gold medal at Fidelity. April 11—Michael Clinton died. April 12—Mrs. Mary Thuston, aged 75 years, died; Diamond Sunday school organized; Enoch Risely, aged 33 years, died. April 14—Mr. Chris. Loehr’s 64th birthday celebration at Elsah; Chas. Brown (colored) died. April 15—W. C. T. U. convention at Elsah. April 16—Frank Glossup broke his arm; Apollo Club concert and banquet. April 17—Leap year party given by the social club at Nettie Allen’s. April 18—Louis Keller died at Elsah; Elias Simpson’s hand hurt. April 19—Junior Epworth League graduating exercises. April 20—Mrs. Laura E. Daniels, aged 30 years, died; Confirmation at Episcopal church; Katie Platto, aged 8 years, died. April 21—Fire at Judge Cheney’s residence; Calico dance at Chapman’s hall. April 22—John Kielber and Miss Mary Cook married; Mrs. Wm. Ashlock dislocated her right knee and fractured her leg; Larry Ready killed by a train; James Moore married Mrs. Gebka Hensinger in Fidelity. April 23—Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. John Hargraves; Class recital given by Mrs. Nellie A. Parcell. April 24—Open meeting of High School Prytaneum at opera house; Steelman Comp No. 146, Royal Neighbors of America, celebrated its first anniversary; Mrs. John Tack badly hurt; State Board of Health vs. Dr. Eugene Eastman, trial. April 25—Mrs. Wm. Krotzsch fell and sprained her ankle; Harry Barnett graduated from Missouri Dental College in St. Louis; Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. James Long; Eph. Chappell married Louella Vanderslice at Elsah. April 26—Rev. Porter preached to Odd Fellows at the Baptist church; Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Warner; Infant of Mr. and Mrs. Bates of Delhi, died. April 28—Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gunther; Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. George Park of Fieldon. April 29—George Ford married Mrs. Eva Hudspeth; Cripple Creek Col., entirely wiped out by fire. April 30— Arbor Day; A. L. Conklin sold his farm to McKabney of Kane for $100 an acre; L. P. Davis of Arkansas married Miss Edith Silverman; Louis J. Krueger married Emma M. Kessler. May 1—Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Reddish’s fiftieth anniversary. May 2—Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar House; Barn dance at Wm. Scott’s; Miss Lena Smith married Marshall Thomas of Fieldon. May 3—Son of Andrew Bierman accidently struck with an ax. May 4—Bill passed in congress allowing bridge to be built across the Illinois river at Grafton. May 5—Contract let for Woman’s Relief Corps building at Camp grounds. May 6—Albert Upmeyer of St. Louis married Fannie Cartwright; Prof. Carson’s second recital; Mrs. Margaret Cory died at Denver. May 7—Jane Christopher aged 90 years, died; Mrs. Rice T. Jones, aged 52 died. May 8—James V. Howell aged 71 years, died at Kansas City, Mo. May 9—Mrs. Nettie Rockewell’s birthday party at Camp grounds; Mandolin Club’s first dance. May 10—Cycling Club’s first run. May 11—John Flemming accidently ran sheep shears through his mouth. May 13—Mr. Bishop and son badly hurt. May 14—Theodore Schueske aged 28 years died in St. Louis; Newbern Brick Co. reorganized. May 15—School closed for vacation; Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Butler; Destructive tornado at Sherman, Texas; Julia Whipple aged 57 years, died; K. P. Lodge organized at Kane. May 16—Seventh annual Pike county bicycle tour; Jonas Ward died at Belleview. May 17—Mary Henderson celebrated her 87th birthday; Baccalaureate sermon preached by Rev. Crow at the M. E. church; Ruth Isringhausen burned by gasoline stove. May 18—Contract let for building the Lovejoy monument at Alton; Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith of Fidelity; Wm. Duncing and Miss Minnie Groppel were married at Rosedale. May 19—New artesian well finished; Kate Field aged 56 years died at Honolulu. May 20—Charles Dixon struck by lightning and killed; J. H. S. Alumni Association’s sixth annual banquet; Wm. Pollard of Alton was drowned. May 21—Mr. and Mrs. John Squier moved to Jerseyville; Mrs. Ford Lewis’ reception; August Scheske married Jennie Huggins; Charles Gleason and Emma Gleason married. May 22—Belle R. Barry, aged 27 years, died at Kane. May 23—Jennie C. Christopher aged 18 years died at her home in Wichita, Kansas. May 24—Dr. Tyson preached memorial sermon to old soldiers; James Bringhurst of Fidelity drowned. May 25—Democratic convention at courthouse; Stroud’s elevator at Kane burned. May 26—Fred Purinton married Miss Ida Murray of Havannah. May 27—Cyclone in St. Louis. May 28—Bert Newberry aged 8 years, drown in Otter Creek; W. J. Bell severely hurt. May 29—R. H. Maltimore injured his hand. May 30—Mrs. Louis Schlagel aged 32 years, died. June 1—Edwin Downey married Helen Maud Russell in Pasadena, Cal. June 2—Harvey Gray died at Armona, Cal. June 3—Bluff Line bought vinegar factory in Alton. June 4—Party at Mrs. S. H. Bowman’s; 69th annual commencement at Shurtleff College; Geo. Smith married Miss Kate Rehr at Alton. June 5—Lloyd Sunderland celebrated his 79th birthday. June 6—Jacob Dick married Miss Emma Pope; Thomas McKenna married Miss Minnie Ayers; Mrs. Alvira Landon celebrated her 82nd birthday. June 7— Sunday school convention at Richwoods; “The Feast of Corpus Christi” celebrated at the Catholic churches; Son born to Mr. and Mrs. George Doenges. June 8—Bluff Line wreck at the Camp Grounds; Thomas Case sprained his wrist; John Croker died at Rosedale. June 9—Commencement exercices at Monticello Seminary; George Martin died; Mr. Terrell’s narrow escape; John Brooks and Miss Margaret Stringer of Rockbridge married; John H. Richards, aged 53 years, died; Mandolin Club dance. June 10—Semi-annual convention of the Baptist Young People’s Society at Waverly; Leap year picnic at Assembly grounds. June 11—The Dominant Ninth at Mrs. Cheney’s; Lulu Ely’s reception at Florence Pitt’s. June 12— Initial meeting of the Jerseyville Matinee Club. June 13—Little Mabel Lockridge, aged 1 year, died at Fieldon; Paul Leresche badly hurt by falling; Basket grove meeting at Grant school house. June 14— “Children’s Day”. June 15—Mad dogs killed at Grafton; Mrs. Geo. Ware entertained company of musical people; Mrs. W. E. Holland entertained friends in honor of Miss Mary Holland of Pennsylvania; Louis Bridges arrested for stealing; Sophia Biederman’s surprise party. June 16—Epworth League convention at Bunker Hill; Reunion of class of ’82 at Caroline Leresche’s; Miss Ada Bell married a Chicago merchant. June 17—Len Gray married Miss Minnie Tandy at Jacksonville; H. S. Daniels married Miss Anna Derry at Springfield; “The Vagabonds” at Medora, by the J. H. S. Dramatic Club; Miss Hattie Felter married W. O. Sperry of Alton; Freddie Phillips died at his home in St. Louis. June 18—District C. E. convention at Jacksonville. June 19—Mrs. Sarah Carson died at Hardin; Mrs. R. L. Vandenburg entertained the class of ’86 of the J. H. S. June 20— James House fractured his rib; Daughter born to Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Porter; Party at Mrs. George Locke’s for Edith Locke; Hon. John McDonald died at Hardin. June 21—Nora Hays charged with stealing and put in jail. June 22—Charles McMahan of Carrollton died. June 23—Epworth League convention at Springfield; Fresh Air Mission excursion from St. Louis; Kindergarten entertainment. June 24—Cloud burst at 4:30; L. Y. McAdams’ residence struck by lightning; Casavant