Andrew Pitts 7th class 9/2/14 English 11: Archetype WebQuest 1. What is an archetype? Why do authors use them? An archetype is a very typical example of a certain person or thing. They use them to identify characters and what they do. 2. Scavenger Hunt Time! Are you the one that always knows what will happen in a story? If you answered yes, you must know your archetypes! (1) Access the links to help you find formal literary definitions and characteristics of each archetype. (2) Then, use your prior knowledge and/or the Internet to list example(s) of each archetype. <Completed chart due at the end of class> Resource Websites: Definition of Archetypes: Archetype Cards: List of Literary Archetypes: Periodic Table of Archetypes: Note: you may also use an Internet search engine, like Google, to locate definitions, characteristics and examples. 3. Identify and explain your favorite archetype. (Does not have to be included on the above list ) Provide an explanation for your selection in a perfect paragraph that is at least 7 sentences in length and provides at least 3 supporting examples from literature or movies. Andrew Pitts 7th class 9/2/14 Archetype Warrior Hero Scapegoat Trickster The Wise Old Man The Temptress The Wanderer The hunter/ Woodsman The Herald Literary Definition / Characteristics A man who fights for his and other’s lives. A godlike hero who faces physical challenges. Diligent Brave Powerful Example(s) Hercules Thor A character that takes blame of everything bad that happens Mort Squidward A person who cheats or deceives people. Evil Mean Manipulative Joker Ursula Been around long enough to know some vital information Smart Nice Helpful Ben Kenobi Mufassa A woman who temps Cat women Wonder women Jessica Rabbit Hobbit Froto Can catch or kill anything Determination Skills Basically all the 5 senses Terminator Katniss The bringer of news, good, bad, or necessary Nosey Provide Full Talkative CNN News Chicken little Afraid Nice Innocent Wants to see the world-could be running from something Curious Wondrous Adventurous Andrew Pitts 7th class 9/2/14 Wants to learn Determination Enthusiastic Smart Dumbledore Velma Helper who aids the hero in seeking a guiding vision to help him/her on the journey Helpful Desperate Pitiful Katness Peta (they seek help from Haymich) This character is symbolic of fulfillment. Abundance, and fertility, offers spiritual and emotional nourishment to those who she contacts; often depicted in earth colors Compassionate Caring Loving others Snow white Cinderella These animals assist the hero and reflect that nature is on the hero’s side. Caring Compassionate Courage Donkey from Shrek The food animals in Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 He has no tendency for weakness especially for himself Skut Farcuse Cato A character that gets in trouble a lot because of their stupidity Trouble Maker Stupidity causes annoyance Most likely not very smart Patrick Star Homer Simpsons Lacks chance or choice and fate is decided by others Sneaky Lonely Pitiful Earnest Sirius Black The Scholar The Shaman The Earth Mother The Friendly Beast Rude Issues with themselves Usually have some weaknesses The Brute The Fool The Prisoner Andrew Pitts 7th class 9/2/14 The poet The Oracle A character that is able to find the meaning of the simplest things Passionate Deep Emotional Cassia (From Matched) Romeo and Juliet A character that is able to peer into the past, present, future. Wise Physic Meet the Robinsons Fortune teller