
WESTEST 2 Online Writing
Fifth Grade Sample Passage and Prompt
21st Century Emphasis:
RLA.O.5.2.03 From a prompt, use the writing
process to develop a 3-5 paragraph composition
with an introductory paragraph, supporting detail
paragraph(s), and concluding paragraph that
incorporates specific, relevant details.
Visual Literacy
DIRECTIONS: Read the passage and prompt and type a composition in
the box below.
Floating on Air
Most West Virginians would agree that we have a beautiful state.
Unfortunately, most of us only see a limited view of the state as we travel
in automobiles. Even traveling in an airplane gives a limited view of the
beautiful landscape because an airplane covers hundreds of miles in a few
minutes. Even though you may be flying over something as beautiful as
Black Water Falls, you would only have a few seconds to take in the view.
However, riding in a hot air balloon would be very different. This would be
a very leisure ride. The balloon glides slowly over an area, giving the
passengers time to take in the beautiful scenery.
Many festivals offer the opportunity to ride in a hot air balloon. The Web
site For Hot Air Balloon USA describes a ride this way:
“Floating in a hot air balloon feels as if you’re suspended in the wind. The earth appears to be
turning below. The horizon rises as you dip to kiss the treetops, then falls away until the
landscape spreads to incredible dimensions. A mere whisper of wind on your cheek tells you that
the balloon has changed direction, moving with the breezes through the crystal blue sky.”
Hot Air Balloons USA." Hot Air Balloons USA. 2 May 2008 <http://www.hot-airballoons.com/>.
PROMPT: Imagine that you attended a festival that offered hot air balloon
rides, taking you over the landscape of West Virginia. Write a composition
describing your ride. Be use to use details that help your reader see,
hear, and feel your experience.
Begin typing your composition here
WESTEST 2 Online Writing
Fifth Grade Sample Passage and Prompt
21st Century Emphasis:
RLA.O.5.2.03 From a prompt, use the writing
process to develop a 3-5 paragraph composition
with an introductory paragraph, supporting detail
paragraph(s), and concluding paragraph that
incorporates specific, relevant details.
Global Awareness
DIRECTIONS: Read the passage and prompt and type a composition in
the box below.
The Castle
Have you ever imagined that you would like to live in Cinderella’s or Count
Dracula’s Castle? Or, who knows, maybe you may be the heir to a royal
throne and someday you would be transported to a country such as
England and live somewhere similar to Windsor Castle.
Imagine that one morning you look out the window and discover that a
huge castle has appeared overnight. You rush outside to the castle and
hear strange sounds coming from it. Someone is living in the castle! The
castle door creaks open. You go in.
PROMPT: Write a story about who you meet and what happens inside
the castle.
Begin typing your composition here
WESTEST 2 Online Writing
Grade Sample Passage and Prompt
21st Century Emphasis:
RLA.O.5.2.03 From a prompt, use the writing
process to develop a 3-5 paragraph composition
with an introductory paragraph, supporting detail
paragraph(s), and concluding paragraph that
incorporates specific, relevant details.
Social/Personal Accountability
DIRECTIONS: Read the passage and prompt and type a composition in
the box below.
Classroom Punishment
“This is not fair!” Jimmy thought to himself as he and his classmates sat
in the classroom on a beautiful sunny day. You see, one student who was
always causing problems had gotten the entire class in trouble on this
How many times have you or your classmates felt this way when the
entire class was being punished for what one student had done. Often
teachers feel that punishing the entire class helps with discipline. They
also think that peer pressure will discourage misbehaving.
PROMPT: How do you feel about a teacher punishing the whole class
because one student misbehaves? Think about the reasons why you feel
the way you do about this type of punishment. Is it fair or unfair? Write a
composition telling about a time when you or your class were punished for
something that someone else did or about a time when someone else was
punished because of what you did.
Begin typing your composition here
WESTEST 2 Online Writing
Fifth Grade Sample Passage and Prompt
21st Century Emphasis:
RLA.O.5.2.03 From a prompt, use the writing
process to develop a 3-5 paragraph composition
with an introductory paragraph, supporting detail
paragraph(s), and concluding paragraph that
incorporates specific, relevant details.
Ethical Behavior
DIRECTIONS: Read the passage and prompt and type a composition in
the box below.
Doing the Right Thing
Often students feel pressure to do well on a test or on a special
assignment. This pressure, even though it is often unintentional, may come
from their family and friends or ever from their teachers. When students
feel this pressure, they may decide to cheat on a test or copy someone
else’s work.
Recently, you found out that some cheating took place on a test in your
class. At first you thought it involved only one person. However, as time
passed, you learned from one friend and then from another that several of
your friends had cheated on the test. One friend had stolen the test from
the teacher’s file cabinet. Little by little, several people had seen the test
and were able to look up answers before taking the test.
This upsets you for two reasons: 1) you are disappointed in your friends
and 2) you took the same test and tried your best but still did not do so
well. Now, your friends look really smart to your teacher and you look,
well, below average. You know you must not let this pass and you must do
the right thing and persuade your friends to tell their teacher about what
they have done.
PROMPT: Write a composition persuading your friends to do the right
thing and tell the teacher about the stolen test.
Begin typing your composition here