Answer Key - Worldview Weekend

Brannon Howse: One Nation Under Man?
Correct answers shown in blue
!.What does Satan hope to deceive men into believing?
A. That Jesus doesn't want them to enjoy life
B. That hell isn't as bad as it sounds
C. That man is self-governed and he doesn't need God
2. Why should Christians obey the Bible?
A. Because the Bible makes more sense than the Koran
B. Because it is a reflection of the character and nature of God
C. Because it has will earn them bonus points with God
3. What issue separates voters more than any other?
A. Human rights
B. Abortion
C. Religion
4. According to the examples cited by Mr. Howse, what are Christians often likened to?
A. Terrorists and the mentally ill
B. Wishful thinkers
C. Healing streams of water
5. What is the first reason given by Mr. Howse for our nation becoming one nation under man?
A. A lack of funding for education
B. The loss of our Christian heritage
C. Pleasure has become the driving force in the lives of Americans
6. What worldview did the founding fathers have?
A. Judeo-Christian
B. New-progressive
C. Secular-humanist
7. What documents were censored recently in a California public schools?
A. The writings of C.S. Lewis
B. The Bible, the Koran, and the Book of Mormon
C. Excerpts from the Declaration of Independence and other writings of the founders
8. What second reason does Mr. Howse give that we are becoming one nation under man?
A. The ACLU and NEA
B. Feminists like Hillary Clinton have been voted into office
C. The increase in two-income families
10. What is the third reason America is becoming one nation under man?
A. Entertainment based church youth groups
B. Judicial tyranny
C. Excessive taxation
11. What is the job of the judicial system?
A. To interpret the constitution
B. To make laws
C. To correct social ills from the bench
12. What is the name for Darwinian principals applied to the legal system?
A. Legal progressivism
B. Legal positivism
C. Legal rescidivism
13. What is the fourth reason America is becoming one nation under man?
A. The morally corrupt movie rating system
B. The separation of church and state is not enforced sufficiently
C. The myth of separation of church and state
14. What does the separation of church and state really mean?
A. The government should not interfere with the church
B. The church should not interfere with the government
C. The church should never be involved in any public display of religious sentiment
15. What did the government re-define church as?
A. Any public religious activity
B. Any church founded by the federal government
C. An incorporated religious entity
16. What is the fifth reason we are becoming one nation under man?
A. Christians insist on home educating students who are ill-prepared to lead
B. Our children are growing up in the public schools
C. Because of the rejection of the law of the Divine
17. Why did the founding fathers say that they did not want America to be a democracy?
A. Men are too ignorant to govern themselves
B. The hearts of men are evil
C. A true democracy had never been done before
18. What is the sixth reason Mr. Howse gives that we are becoming a nation under man?
A. We have a media-obsessed generation that is bored with civic issues
B. Sunday night church attendance has become a thing of the past
C. The federal funding of secular-humanism
19. What is the seventh reason we are becoming a nation under man?
A. The acceptance of feelings over facts
B. Psychology has created an excuse for sin
C. Men's hearts will always hate God
20. What is intolerance viewed as today?
A. Expressing hatred toward another worldview
B. Declaring a worldview based on absolute truth
C. Violence toward those who hold another belief system
21. What is the eighth reason we are becoming a nation under man?
A. The belief that man evolved from apes
B. The dumbing down of truth in churches
C. The belief that truth is what you make it
22. What is the ninth reason America is becoming a nation under man?
A. A willful disregard for God's law
B. The censorship of creation for the promotion of evolution
C. The development of postmodern thought
23. What is the final reason America is becoming a nation under man?
A. A rejection of moral law, leading ultimately to anarchy
B. The increase in career politicians
C. The churches are not praying
24. What is the solution to the crisis in America?
A. The churches need to teach more Bible stories
B. For American Christians to start getting more involved in politics
C. For churches to stop entertaining and start teaching biblical doctrine