Publications since 2001 David Kay Peer Reviewed Scientific Journal Papers Books and Book Chapters (since 2001) 2012 1. Kay, D. and Fricker, C. (Eds) (2012) The Significance of Feacal Indicators in Water: a global perspective. Proceedings of the 2011 FIPs Conference, Edinburgh. Royal Society of Chemistry, London. 188p. ISBN: 978-1-84973169-0. doi:10.1039/9781849735421. 2. Wyer, M.D., Wyn-Jones, P., Kay, D., Au-Young, C., Girones, R., Lopez-pila, J., de Roda Husman, A.M., Rutjes, S. and Schneider, O. (2012) Relationships between human adenoviruses and indicator organisms in European recreational waters. Water Research (in press) doi:10.1016/j.watres.2012.04.008 3. Kay, D., Crowther, J., Davies, C., Edwards, A., Fewtrell, L., Francis, C., Kay, C., McDonald, A., Stapleton, Watkins, J., and Wyer, M. (2012) Faecal indicators and pathogens: expanding opportunities for the microbiology community. Chapter 1 in Kay, D. and Fricker, C. (Eds) (2012) The Significance of Feacal Indicators in Water: a global perspective. Proceedings of the 2011 FIPs Conference, Edinburgh. Royal Society of Chemistry, London. p1-17. ISBN: 978-1-84973-169-0. doi:10.1039/9781849735421. 4. Fewtrell, L., Davies, C., Francis, C., Jones, H., Watkins, J., and Kay, D. (2012) Microbiology of sustainable water systems: rainwater harvesting a UK perspective. Chapter 19 in in Kay, D. and Fricker, C. (Eds) (2012) The Significance of Feacal Indicators in Water: a global perspective. Proceedings of the 2011 FIPs Conference, Edinburgh. Royal Society of Chemistry, London. p167-176. ISBN: 978-1-84973-169-0. doi:10.1039/9781849735421. 5. Kay. D., Crowther, J., Davies, C., Edwards, A., Fewtrell, L., Francis, C., Kay, C., McDonald, A., Stapleton, C., Watkins, J. and Wyer, M. (2012) Impacts of agriculture on water-borne pathogens. In Hester, R.E. and Harrison, R.M. (Eds) Impacts of agriculture on water-borne pathogens. Issues in Environmental Science and Technology Series, Volume 34, Royal Society of Chemistry. London. ISBN: 978-1-84973-169-0 6. Dufour, A., Wade, T. and Kay, D. (2012) A Review of Epidemiological Studies on Swimmer Health Effects Associated with Potential Exposure to Zoonotic Pathogens in Bathing Beach Water. Chapter 10, In Bos, R. and Bartram, J. (Eds) Animal Waste, Water Quality and Human Health: WHO - Emerging Issues in Water and Infectious Disease series. International Water Association and WHO, London. (in press). 7. Kay, D., Crowther, J., Kay, C., McDonald, A.T., Ferguson, C., Stapleton, C.M., and Wyer, M.D (2012) Effectiveness of best management practices (BMPs) for attenuating the transport of livestock-derived pathogens within catchments. In Bos, R. and Bartram, J. (Eds) Animal Waste, Water Quality and Human Health: WHO - Emerging Issues in Water and Infectious Disease series. International Water Association and WHO, London. (in press). 8. Ferguson, C. and Kay, D. (2012) Transport of microbial pollution in catchment systems. In Bos, R. and Bartram, J. (Eds) Animal Waste, Water 1 Publications since 2001 David Kay Quality and Human Health: WHO - Emerging Issues in Water and Infectious Disease series. International Water Association and WHO, London. (in press). 9. R.A. Falconer, R.A., Lin, B., Rauen, M., Stapleton, C.M. and Kay, D. (2012) Modelling Bacteria and Trace Metal Fluxes in Estuarine Basins. Proceedings of Gerhard H. Jirka Memorial Colloquium. IAHR, London. (in press) 10. McBride, G., Savill, M., Ferguson, C. and Kay, D. (2012) International Conference on Health-Related Water Microbiology: Extreme Events and "The Rotorua Declaration". Water 21, International Water Association. (in press) 2011 11. McDonald, A.T., Clarke, M., Boden, P. and Kay, D. (2011) Social Justice and Water. Chapter 5. In Hester, R.E. and Harrison, R.M. (Eds) Sustainable Water. Issues in Environmental Science and Technology, 31. Royal Society of Chemistry. London. Pages 91-113. 12. Hunter, P.R., Anderle de Sylor, M., Risebro, H.L., Nichols, G.L., Kay, D., Hartemann, P. (2011) Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment of the risks from very small rural water supplies. Risk Analysis. 31(2), 228-236. (doi: 10.1111/j.1539-6924.2010.01499). 13. Wyn-Jones, A.P., Carducci, A., Cook, N., D’Agostino, M., Divizia, M., Fleischer, J., Gantzer, C., Gawler, A., Girones, R., Höller, C., de Roda Husman, A., Kay, D., Kozyra, I., López-Pila, J., Muscillo, M., São José Nascimento, M., Papageorgiou, G., Rutjes, S., Sellwood, J., Szewzyk, R. and Wyer, M.D. (2011) Surveillance of adenoviruses and noroviruses in European recreational waters. Water Research 45, 1025-1038. (doi:10.1016/j.watres.2010.10.015). 14. Kinzelman, J., Kay, D. and Pond, K (2011) Relating MST Results to faecal indicators Pathogens and Standards. Chapter 15 pp. 337-360. In Hagedorn, C., Blanch, A.R. and Harwood, V.J. Eds. Microbial Source Tracking: Methods, Applications, and Case Studies. Springer. ISBN 978-1-4419-9385-4. 15. Hampson, D., Crowther, J., Bateman, I., Kay, D., Posen, P., Stapleton, C., Wyer, M., Fezzi, C., Jones, P. and Tzanopoulos, J. (2011) Predicting microbial pollution concentrations in UK rivers in response to land use change Water Research 44, 4748-4759 (doi:10.1016/j.watres.2010.07.062). 16. Crowther, J., Hampson, D., Bateman, I., Kay, D., Posen, P., Stapleton, C. and Wyer, M. (2011) Generic modelling of faecal indicator organism concentrations in the UK. Water 3, 682-701. doi:10.3390/w3020682 17. Fewtrell, L., Kay, D., Smith, K., Watkins, J., Davies, C. and Francis, C. (2011) The microbiology of urban UK floodwaters and a quantitative microbial risk assessment of flooding and gastrointestinal illness. Journal of Flood Risk Management 4, 77-87. (doi:10.1111/j.1753-318X.2011.01092.x). 18. Robinson, G., Chalmers, R.M., Stapleton, C.M., Palmer, S.R., Watkins, J., Francis, C. and Kay, D. (2011) A whole water catchment approach to investigating the origin and distribution of Cryptosporidium species. Journal for Applied Microbiology 111, 717-730. 2 Publications since 2001 19. David Kay Wither, A., Stapleton, C., Wyer, M., McDonald, A., Kay, D. (2010) Climate change impacts on microbial pollution of Bathing and Shellfish Waters. ‘Report Card’ on Climate Change. Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership, Prepared by CEFAS for DEFRA.,b 6km8gb2,w 2010 20. Kay, D. Anthony, S., Crowther, J. Chambers, B., Nicholson, F., Chadwick, D., Stapleton, C. and Wyer, M. (2010) Microbial water pollution: a screening tool for initial catchment-scale assessment and source apportionment Science of the Total Environment 408, 5649-5656. (doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2009.07.033). 21. Wyer, M., Kay, D., Watkins, J., Davies, C., Kay, C., Thomas, R., Porter, J., Stapleton., C. and Moore, H. (2010) Evaluating short-term changes in recreational water quality during a hydrograph event using combined microbial tracer experiments, environmental microbiology, source tracking and hydrological techniques. Water Research 44, 4783-4795. ( 22. Chalmers, R.,M., Robinson, G., Elwin, K., Hadfield, S.J., Thomas, E., Watkins, J. and Kay, D. (2010) Detection of Cryptosporidium species and sources of contamination with Cryptosporidium hominis during an waterborne outbreak in north west Wales. Journal of Water and Health 8(2), 311-325. (doi: 10.2166/wh.2009.185). 23. Kay, C., Wyer, M., Stapleton, C., Edwards, A., Davies, C., Francis, C., Watkins, J., Matthews, R., Clarke, A., Davies, O., McDonald, A. and Kay, D. (2010) Environmental benefits and impacts of farm ponds and wetlands: some preliminary findings from Scotland and Wales. pp 111-145, In Crighton, K. and Audsley, R. (Eds) Climate, Water and Soil: Science, Policy and Practice. Proceedings of the SAC and SEPA Biennial Conference, Edinburgh, 400p, Published by SAC, Edinburgh; ISBN 1 85482 875 4. 24. Stapleton, C.M., Kay, D., Wyer, M. D., Davies, C., Watkins, J., Kay, C., McDonald, A.T. and Crowther, J. (2010) Identification of microbial risk factors in shellfish harvesting waters: the Loch Etive case study. Aquaculture Research 42, 1-20 (Special Issue on the Proceedings of the Scottish Aquaculture: A Sustainable Future? Symposium, 21-22 April 2009, Edinburgh; ISSN 1365-2109 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2109.2010.02666.x). 25. Gourmelon, M., Caprais, M.P., Kay, D. et Stapleton, C.M. (2010) Techniques de dépistage des sources de pollution microbiennes : méthodologies, application et retour d'expériences concernant l’identification des pollutions en zones littorales en France et au Royaume-Uni. Techniques Sciences Methods 4, 54-64. 26. Bridge, J., Oliver, D.M., Chadwick, D., Godfrey, C.J., Heathwaite, L., Kay, D., Maheswaran, R., McGonigle, D., Nichols, G. and Pickup, R. (2010) Minimising the waterborne disease burden in affluent nations: a key role for environmental sciences. Bulletin of the World Health Organisation 88, 873–875. 3 Publications since 2001 David Kay doi:10.2471/BLT.09.072512 27. Fewtrell L, Smith K, Kay D. 2010. Assessment of infection risks due to urban flooding. In: Pender G and Faulkner H (eds) Flood Risk Science and Management, Wiley-Blackwell 2009 28. Stapleton, C.M., Kay, D., Wyer, M.D., Davies, C., Watkins, J., Kay, C., McDonald, A.T., Porter, J., Gawler, A. (2009) Evaluating the operational utility of a bacteroidales quantitative PCR-based MST approach in determining the source of faecal indicator organisms at a UK bathing water. Water Research 43, 4888-4899. (doi:10.1016/j.watres.2009.09.015). 29. McDonald, A.T., Boden, P., Clarke, M. And Kay, D. (2009) Assessing Yorkshire Water’s impact on the Regional Economy. Yorkshire and Humber Regional Review 19(2), 9-13. 30. Kay, D., McDonald, A.T., Stapleton, C.M., Wyer, M.D. and Crowther, J. (2009) Catchment to coastal systems: managing microbial pollutants in bathing and shellfish harvesting waters. In Jenkins, A. and Ferrier, B. (Eds.) (2009) Catchment Management Handbook.Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, ISBN 9781405171229, pp.181-208. 31. Kay, D. (2009) Water Management. In Kitchin, R. and Thrift, N. (Eds) International Encyclopedia of Human Geography 12, pp 207-214. ISBN 9780-08-044911-1. 32. Rees, G., Pond, K., Kay, D. and Domingo, S. (2009) (Eds.) Safe management of shellfish and harvest waters. Published jointly by International Water Association and World Health Organization 358p. ISBN9781843392255. 33. Kay, D., Lee, R., Wyer, M.D. and Stapleton, C.S. (2009) Integrated catchment studies: source identification and modelling. In Rees, G., Pond, K., Kay, D. and Domingo, S. (Eds.) Safe management of shellfish and harvest waters. Published jointly by International Water Association and World Health Organization 358p. ISBN9781843392255. 34. Kay, D., Lee, R., Wyer, M.D. and Stapleton, C.S. (2009) Profiling shellfish harvesting waters for public health protection. In Rees, G., Pond, K., Kay, D. and Domingo, S. (Eds.) Safe management of shellfish and harvest waters. Published jointly by International Water Association and World Health Organization 358p. ISBN9781843392255. 35. Rees, G. and Kay, D. (2009) Framework for change. In Rees, G., Pond, K., Kay, D. and Domingo, S. (Eds.) Safe management of shellfish and harvest waters. Published jointly by International Water Association and World Health Organization 358p. ISBN 9781843392255. 2008 36. Fewtrell, L. and Kay, D. (Eds.) (2008) A guide to the health impact assessment of sustainable water management. International Water Association, Amsterdam. 320p ISBN 4 Publications since 2001 David Kay 37. Fewtrell, L., Kay, D., Matthews, I., Utzinger, J. and Bos R. (2008) An introduction to health impact assessment. In Fewtrell, L. and Kay, D. (Eds.) (2008) A guide to the health impact assessment of sustainable water management. International Water Association, Amsterdam. Chapter 1. ISBN 13:9781843391333. 38. Fewtrell, L., Kay, D. and McDonald, A.T. (2008) Rainwater harvesting – an HIA of rainwater harvesting in the UK. In Fewtrell, L. and Kay, D. (Eds.) (2008) A guide to the health impact assessment of sustainable water management. International Water Association, Amsterdam. Chapter 3. ISBN 13:9781843391333. 39. Fewtrell, L., Kay, D. and Kellagher, R. (2008) HIA of sustainable drainage options in the UK. In Fewtrell, L. and Kay, D. (Eds.) (2008) A guide to the health impact assessment of sustainable water management. International Water Association, Amsterdam. Chapter 4. ISBN 13:9781843391333. 40. Fewtrell, L., Kay, D., Jeffrey, P. and Jefferson, B. (2008) HIA of grey water reuse in the UK. In Fewtrell, L. and Kay, D. (Eds.) (2008) A guide to the health impact assessment of sustainable water management. International Water Association, Amsterdam. Chapter 5. ISBN 13:9781843391333. 41. Fewtrell, L., Kay, D. and Ashley, R. (2008) Flooding and health – an HIA of urban pluvial flooding in the UK. In Fewtrell, L. and Kay, D. (Eds.) (2008) A guide to the health impact assessment of sustainable water management. International Water Association, Amsterdam. Chapter 6 42. Kay, D., Crowther, J., Stapleton, C.M., Wyer, M.D., Anthony, S., Bradford, M., Edwards, A., Fewtrell, L., Francis, C., Hopkins, M., Kay, C., McDonald, A.T., Watkins, J. and Wilkinson, J. (2008) Faecal indicator organism concentrations and catchment export coefficients in the UK. Water Research 42, 2649-2661. (doi:10.1016/j.watres.2008.01.017). 43. Kay, D., Stapleton, C.M., Crowther, J., Wyer, M.D., Fewtrell, L., Edwards, A., McDonald, A.T., Watkins, J., Francis, F. and Wilkinson, J. (2008) Faecal indicator organism compliance parameter concentrations in sewage and treated effluents. Water Research 42, 442-454. (doi:10.1016/j.watres.2007.07.036). 44. Kay, D., Crowther, J., Fewtrell, L., Francis, C., Hopkins, M., Kay, C., McDonald, A.T., Stapleton, C.M., Watkins, J., Wilkinson, J. and Wyer, M.D. (2008) Quantification and control of microbial pollution from agriculture: a new policy challenge? Environment Science and Policy 11, 171-184. (doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2007.10.009). 45. Stapleton, C. M., Wyer, M. D., Crowther, J., McDonald, A.T., Kay, D., Greaves, J., Wither, A., Watkins, J., Francis, C., Humphrey, N. and Bradford, M. (2008) Quantitative catchment profiling to apportion faecal indicator organism budgets for the Ribble system, the UK’s sentinel drainage basin for 5 Publications since 2001 David Kay Water Framework Directive research. Journal of Environmental Management 87, 535-550. (doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2006.11.035). 46. McDonald, A.T., McDonald, D., Kay, D. and Watkins, J. (2008) Characteristics and significance of liquid effluent from woodchip corrals in Scotland. Journal of Environmental Management 87, 582-590. (doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2007.04.029). 47. Edwards, A.C. and Kay, D. (2008) Farmyards an overlooked source of highly contaminated runoff. Journal of Environmental Management 87, 551-559. (doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2006.06.027). 48. Kay, D., Kershaw, S., Lee, R., Wyer, M.D., Watkins, J. and Francis, C. (2008) Results of field investigations into the impact of intermittent sewage discharges on the microbiological quality of wild mussels (M. edulis) in a tidal estuary. Water Research 42, 3033-3046 (doi:10.1016/j.watres.2008.03.020). 49. Fewtrell L, Kay D (2008) An attempt to quantify the health impacts of flooding in the UK using an urban case study. Public Health 122, 446-451. (doi:10.1016/j.puhe.2007.09.010). 50. D’Arcy BJ, Mclean N, Heal K and Kay D (2008) Enhancing the self purification capacity of watercourses. Water Science & Technology 56 (1), 49-57. 2007 51. Kay, D., Aitken, M., Crowther, J., Dickson, I., Edwards, A.C., Francis, C., Hopkins, M., Jeffrey, W., Kay, C., McDonald, A.T., McDonald, D., Stapleton, C.M., Watkins, J., Wilkinson, J. and Wyer, M. (2007) Reducing fluxes of faecal indicator compliance parameters to bathing waters from diffuse agricultural sources, the Brighouse Bay study, Scotland. Environmental Pollution 147, 139-149. (doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2006.08.019). 52. Kay, D., Edwards, A.C., Ferrier, B., Francis, C., Kay, C., Rushby, L. Watkins, J., McDonald, A.T., Wyer, M., Crowther, J. and Wilkinson, J. (2007) Catchment microbial dynamics: the emergence of a research agenda. Progress in Physical Geography 31(1), 59-76. (doi:10.1177/0309133307073882). 53. Fewtrell, L., Smith, L., Kay, D. and Bartram, J. (2007) Quantifying the global disease burden due to fluoride in drinking water. Journal of Water and Health 4(4), 533-542. (doi:10.2166/wh.2006.045). 54. Stapleton, C.M., Wyer, M.D., Kay, D., Crowther, J., Walters, M., Gawler, A. and Hindle, T. (2007) Microbial source tracking: a forensic technique for microbial source identification? Journal of Environmental Monitoring 9, 427439. (doi:10.1039/b617059e). 55. Fewtrell, L. and Kay, D. (2007) Microbial quality of rainwater supplies in developed countries: a review. Urban Water Journal 4(4), 1-8. (doi:10.1080/15730620701526097). 56. Kay, D. Watkins, J., Francis, C.A., Wyn-Jones, A.P., Stapleton, C.M., Fewtrell , L., Wyer, M.D. and Drury, D. (2007) The microbiological quality of seven large commercial private water supplies in the United Kingdom. Journal of Water and Health 5(4), 523-538. (doi:10.2166/wh.2007.042). 6 Publications since 2001 David Kay 57. Fewtrell, L. and Kay, D. (2007) Quantitative microbial risk assessment with respect to Campylobacter spp. in toilets flushed with harvested rainwater. Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management 21, 275-292. (doi:10.1111/j.1747-6593.2007.00088.x). 58. Fewtrell L, Kay D. (2007) Health impact assessments of water management options in the UK. Proceedings of: Water Management Challenges in Global Change, Eds: Ulanicki, B, Vairavamoorthy, K, Butler, D, Bounds, P.L.M. and Memon, F.A., Taylor & Francis, London, Pages 653-658. 2006 59. Kay, D., Ashbolt, N., Wyer, M.D., Fleisher, J.M., Fewtrell, L., Rogers, A. and Rees, G. (2006) Comment on ‘Derivation of numerical values for the World Health Organization guidelines for recreational waters’ A Reply. Water Research 40(3), 1921-1926. (doi:10.1016/j.watres.2006.02.009) 60. Wilkinson, J., Kay, D., Wyer, M.D. and Jenkins, A. (2006) Processes driving the episodic flux of faecal indicator organisms in streams impacting on recreational and shellfish harvesting waters. Water Research 40(1), 153-161. (DOI:10.1016/j.watres.2005.11.001). 61. Fleisher, J.M and Kay, D. (2006) Risk perception bias, self-reporting of illness, and validity of reported results in an epidemiologic study of recreational illness. Marine Pollution Bulletin 52, 264-268. (doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2005.08.019). 62. Kay, D., McDonald, A.T., Stapleton, C.M., Wyer, M.D. and Fewtrell, L. (2006) Europe: a challenging new framework for water quality. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Water Management 159, 58-64. 63. Kay, D., J Watkins, J. and Fewtrell, L. (2006) An evaluation of public health issues associated with, or arising from, drainage-based infection spread. Building Services Engineering, Research and Technology 27(2), 119-125. 64. Boldo, E., S. Medina, F. Kozisek, K. Cambra, M. Gonzalez, A. Le Tertre, P. Beaudeau, P. Pirard, D. Mouly, N. Stilianakis, O. Mekel, K. Pond, D. Kay, R. Aergeerts, M. Posada, M. J. Carroquino, A. Ramirez, S. Elreedy, D. Dalbokova and M. Krzyzanowski (2006). Assessing the implementation of health impact assessment for drinking-water pollution in European countries. Epidemiology 17(6), S446-S446. 65. Kay, D., Stapleton, C. M., Wyer, M. D., McDonald, A. T., and Crowther, J. (2006) Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL). The USEPA approach to managing faecal indicator fluxes to receiving waters: Lessons for UK environmental regulation? L. Gairns, C. Crighton, and W.A. Jeffrey (Eds) Agriculture and the Environment VI; Managing Rural Diffuse Pollution. Proceedings of the SAC/SEPA Biennial Conference, Edinburgh. International Water Association, Scottish Agricultural College, Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, Edinburgh, ISBN: 1-901322-63-7, pp. 23-33. 66. Merrilees, D. W., Dickson, J. W., Jeffrey, W. A., and Kay, D. (2006) A risk assessment and mitigation strategy to minimise livestock pollution to surface waters. L. Gairns, C. Crighton, and W. A. Jeffrey (Eds.) Agriculture and the 7 Publications since 2001 David Kay Environment VI; Managing Rural Diffuse Pollution. Proceedings of the SAC/SEPA Biennial Conference, Edinburgh. International Water Association, Scottish Agricultural College, Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, Edinburgh, ISBN: 1-901322-63-7, pp. 128-136. 67. Bateman, I., Andrews, J., Brouwer, R., Davies, H., Day, B., Deflandre, A., Salvatore, Di F., Georgiou, S., Hadley, D., Hutchins, M., Jickells, T., Jones, A.P., Kay, D., Leeks, G., Lewis, M., Lovett, A., Neal, C., Posen, P., Rigby, D., heldon, E., Turner, K. (2006) Catchment Hydrology, Resources, Economics and Management (ChREAM): Integrated Modelling of Rural Land Use & Farm Income Impacts of the WFD and its Potential Non-Market Benefits. Journal of Agricultural Economics 57(2), 221-237. 68. Pond, K., Kim, R., Kay, D., Aertgeerts, R., and Dalbokova, D. (2006) Development of water and sanitation indicators to monitor children's Health. Epidemiology 171(6), S181. 69. Lee, R.J. and Kay, D. (2006). Towards a wider application of risk management to bivalve molluscan shellfisheries. In: Henshilwood K. et al (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Molluscan Shellfish Safety, Galway, Ireland, June 14th-18th, 2004, pp 472-480. 2005 70. Kay, D., Stapleton, C. M., Wyer, M. D., McDonald, A. T., Crowther, J., Paul, N., Jones, K., Francis, C., Watkins, J., Humphrey, N., Lin, B., Yang, L., Falconer, R. A. and Gardner, S. (2005). Decay of intestinal enterococci concentrations in high energy estuarine and coastal waters: towards real-time T90 values for modelling faecal indicators in recreational waters. Water Research 39, 655-667. (doi:10.1016/j.watres.2004.11.014). 71. Fewtrell, L, Kaufmann, R.B., Kay, D., Enanoria, W., Haller, L., Colford Jr, J.M. (2006) Water, sanitation and hygiene interventions to reduce diarrhoea in developing countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Infectious Diseases 5, 42-52 (IF 16.44: Citations 188). 72. Kay, D., Wyer, M.D., Crowther, J., Stapleton, C., Crowther, J., Wilkinson, J., and Glass, P. (2005) Sustainable reduction in the flux of microbial compliance parameters to coastal bathing waters by a wetland ecosystem produced by a marine flood defence structure. Water Research 39, 3320-3332. (doi:10.1016/j.watres.2005.05.043). 73. Wither, A., Greaves, J., Dunhill, I., Wyer, M.D., Stapleton, C., Wyer, M.D., Kay, D., Humphrey, N., Watkins, J., Francis, C., McDonald, A.T., and Crowther, J. (2005) Estimation of diffuse and point source microbial pollution in the Ribble catchment discharging to bathing waters in the north west of England. Water Science and Technology 15(3-4), 191-198. 74. Fewtrell, L., Fuge, R., Kay, D. (2005) An estimation of the global burden of disease due to skin lesions caused by arsenic in drinking water. Journal of Water and Health 3(2), 101-107. 8 Publications since 2001 David Kay 75. Kay, D., Wyer, M. D., Crowther, J., Stapleton, C., Bradford, M., McDonald, A. T., Greaves, J., Francis, C. and Watkins, J. (2005). Predicting faecal indicator fluxes using digital land use data in the UK’s sentinel Water Framework Directive catchment: the Ribble study. Water Research 39, 39673981. (doi:10.1016/j.watres.2005.07.006). 76. Kay, D., Wyer, M.D., Crowther, J., Stapleton, C., Crowther, J., Wilkinson, J., and Glass, P. (2005) Sustainable reduction in the flux of microbial compliance parameters to coastal bathing waters by a wetland ecosystem produced by a marine flood defence structure. Water Research 39, 3320-3332. (doi:10.1016/j.watres.2005.05.043). 2004 77. Kay, D, Bartram, J, Prüss, A, Ashbolt, N, Wyer, M D, Fleisher, J M, Fewtrell, L, Rogers, A & Rees, G, (2004) Derivation of numerical values for the World Health Organization guidelines for recreational waters. Water Research 38, 1296-1304. (doi:10.1016/j.watres.2003.11.032). 78. Pruss-Unstun, A, Kay D., Fewtrell, L & Bartram, J, (2004) Unsafe water sanitation and hygiene. In M Ezzati, A D Lopez, A Rogers & C J L Murray (Eds) Comparative quantification of health risks: global and regional burden of disease attributable to selected major risk factors pp 1321-1353. World Health Organisation, Geneva. 2003 79. O'Hara, K., Evans, D. E., Harris, E., Falconer, R., Kay, D., Stapleton, C. (2003) Development of a modelling tool to quantify faecal indicator levels in Cardiff Bay. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Water and Maritime Engineering 156(3), 291. 80. Crowther, J., Wyer, M. D., Bradford, M., Kay, D. and Francis, C. A. (2003) Modelling faecal indicator concentrations in large rural catchments using land use and topographic data. Journal of Applied Microbiology 94(6), 962-973. 2002 81. Fewtrell, L., Macgill, S. and Kay, D. (2002) Copper in drinking water supplies in the United Kingdom: a risk assessment. Journal of Water Supply Research and Technology: Aqua 51(8), 449-461. 82. Prüss, A., Kay, D., Fewtrell, L. and Bartram, J. (2002) Estimating the burden of disease from water, sanitation and hygiene at a global level. Environmental Health Perspectives 110(5), 537-542. 83. Stapleton, C., Wyer, M., Crowther, J., Francis, F., Watkins, J., Rushby, L., Wilkinson, J. and Kay, D. (2002) Towards dynamical modelling of bacterial concentrations in the near-shore zone: I Driving the models with dynamic input variables and assumptions. Proceedings of the 13th International Association for Hydraulic Research/APD Congress Singapore. World Scientific Vol II August, pp 1025-1029. 9 Publications since 2001 David Kay 84. Crowther, J., Kay, D., and Wyer, M. (2002) Faecal indicator concentrations in waters draining lowland catchments in the UK: relationships with land use. Water Research 36(7), 1725-1734. (doi:10.1016/S0043-1354(01)00394-3) 85. Harris, E., Falconer, R.A., Kay, D. and Stapleton, C. (2002) Development of a modelling tool to quantify faecal indicator levels in Cardiff Bay. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers Water and Maritime Engineering 154, 129-136. (Awarded the Robert Alfred Carr Publication Prize of the Institution of Civil Engineers in 2003) 2001 86. Crowther J., Kay D. and Wyer M. D. (2001) Relationships between microbial water quality and environmental conditions in coastal recreational water: the Fylde coast, UK. Water Research 35(17), 4029-4038, 2001. (doi:10.1016/S0043-1354(01)00123-3) 87. Fewtrell, L., Kay, D. and Macgill, S. (2001) A review of the science behind drinking water standards for copper. International Journal of Environmental Health Research 11, 161-167. 88. Fewtrell, L., Macgill, S.M., Kay, D. and Casemore, D. (2001) Uncertainties in risk assessment for the determination of drinking water pollutant concentrations: Cryptosporidium case study. Water Research 35(2), 441-447. (doi:10.1016/S0043-1354(00)00281-5). 89. Havelaar, A., Blumenthal, U.J., Strauss, M., Kay, D. and Bartram, J. (2001) Guidelines: the current position. In: Water Quality: Guidelines, standards and health. Fewtrell, L. and Bartram, J. (Eds.) IWA publications, London. pp. 1742. 90. Kay, D., Deere, D., von Sperling, M. and Strauss, M. (2001) Framework for guidelines development in practice. In: Water Quality: Guidelines, standards and health. Fewtrell, L. and Bartram, J. (Eds.) IWA publications, London. pp. 395-412. 91. Macgill, S., Fewtrell, L. and Kay, D. (2001) Quality audit and the assessment of waterborne risk. In: Water Quality: Guidelines, standards and health. Fewtrell, L. and Bartram, J. (Eds.) IWA publications, London. pp. 185-206. 92. Macgill, S.M., Fewtrell, L. and Kay, D. (2001) Uncertainty in models for the assessment of risk in drinking water. Risk Management 3(4), 19-33. 93. Kay, D., Wither, A. and Jenkins, A. (2001) Faecal pathogens In D’Arcy, B., Ellis, B., Ferrier, R.C., Jenkins, A. and Dils, R. Diffuse Pollution Impacts. The environmental and economic impacts of diffuse pollution in the UK. International Water Association. Terence Dalton Publishers, Suffolk. ISBN 1 870752 46 5 181p Pages 49-59. 94. McMichael, A., Pastides, H., Pruss, A., Corvalan, C. and Kay D. (2001) Update on World Health Organization's initiative to assess environmental burden of disease. Epidemiology, 12 (2), 277-279. 10 Publications since 2001 David Kay Reports Published by Commissioning Agencies Since 2001 2012 95. Crowther, J. and Kay, D. (2012) Review of sources and measures to control diffuse pollution from agriculture 2012 update. CREH. 150 pages. 96. Crowther, and Kay, D. (2012) Contextualisation of faecal indicator organism (FIO) concentrations in five of the England Catchment Sensitive Farm Delivery Initiative (ECSFDI) study catchments. DRAFT Final Report the Environment Agency for England and Wales. 49p. 97. Crowther, J., Campos, C., Kay, D., and Kershaw, S. (2012) Factors affecting the microbial quality of shellfish Technical Report 3. Sanitary profiles of selected water catchments pre- and post-improvements in sewerage infrastructure. DRAFT report to DEFRA and Environment Agency for Project WT 1001/C3608. CREH and CEFAS, 121p. 98. Kershaw, S., Campos, C. and Kay, D (2012) Review of knowledge on the impact of chronic microbial contamination on bivalve shellfish. DRAFT Final report to DEFRA for Project WT9023. CEFAS and CREH. 43p. 2011 99. Kay, D., Lowe, C., McDonald, A.T., Figueras, M. and Lopez-Pila, J. (2011) Impact of Climate Change on Recreational Water Use: Climate Change Risk of Bathing in Coastal Waters Framework Service Contract. Project Reference: OJ/2009/09/25-PROC/2009/045, European Centre for Disease Control, Stockholm, Final Report, 30th June 2011. 72p. 100. Fewtrell, L. and Kay, D. (2011) Carlisle Flooding: Health Impact Assessment. Final Report by CREH for the EPSRC Flood Risk Management Consortium. Report SWP 3.1, Project Website CREH Aberystwyth University, 84pp. 2010 101. Kay, C., Edwards, A., Watkins, J., Davies, C., Francis, C., Stapleton, C., Wyer, M.D. and Kay, D. (2010) The use of farm ponds to reduce pollution from farm dirty water, performance and effectiveness: Final report for project FF/05/23. Scottish Government Edinburgh, 192p with Tables and Figures. 102. Stapleton, C, Wyer, M., Wagstaff, L. and Kay, D (2010) Reassessment of the trophic status of St Aubin’s Bay, Jersey 2009-10. Final Report Nov. 210p with Tables and Figures. 103. Stapleton, C.M., Kay, D., Kay, C., Chibnal, T., Watkins, J., Davies, C. and Francis, C. (2010) Ultraviolet treatment of CSO effluent: pilot plant trials at Scarborough and Bridlington WwTWs. Final Report to Yorkshire Water Services and Arup Ltd. 55p. 104. Crowther, J., Stapleton, C., and Kay, D. (2010) Development of regression models to investigate the factors affecting faecal indicator organism (FIO) concentrations at four coastal bathing waters in NE England and an assessment of their potential for predicting water quality ‘failures’ for compliance ‘discounting’ Final Report, January 2010, to the Environment Agency, NE Region. 23p. 11 Publications since 2001 David Kay 105. Crowther, J., Stapleton, C., and Kay, D. (2010) Development of generic models to predict faecal indicator organism (FIO) concentrations in rivers in England and Wales, and their application to rivers impacting on coastal bathing waters at Sandsend, Runswick Bay, Saltburn and Seaham, NE England. Final Report, February 2010 Report to the Environment Agency, NE Region, 29p. 106. Kay, C., Crowther, J., McDonald, A.T., Stapleton, C.M., Wyer, M..D. and Kay, D. (2010) Source Strengths and Attenuation of Faecal Indicators Derived from Livestock Farming Activities: Literature Review Draft Interim Report for DEFRA Project WQ0203 Demonstration Test Catchments Initiative. 33p. (with DEFRA Permission: under editorial consideration for publication by WHO and IWA in In Bos, R. and Bartram, J. (Eds) Animal Waste, Water Quality and Human Health: WHO - Emerging Issues in Water and Infectious Disease series. International Water Association and WHO, London. 107. Wyer, M. and Kay, D. (2010) Faecal indicator source apportionment for Swansea Bay: a desk study: Report to Environment Agency, Wales, CREH Report, Aberystwyth University, 71pp. 2009 108. Davies, C., Kay, C., Kay, D., McDonald, A. T., Stapleton, C. M., Watkins, J. and Wyer, M. D. (2009) Verification of Bacteroidetes microbial source tracking with empirical ground truth data. United Kingdom Water Industry Research (UKWIR) Report 08/WW/11/12. ISBN: 1 84057 527 1. 109. Davies, C., Francis, C., Kay, D., Watkins, J. and Wyer, M. (2009). Health impact assessment of domestic rainwater harvesting systems. CREH report to Dwr Cymru/Welsh Water and MWH Ltd. 23p. 110. Wyer, M. and Kay, D. (2009). A statistical analysis of selected heavy metal concentrations in ambient air around Swansea. A report to the City and County of Swansea Environment Department. CREH. 6p Plus Figures and Tables (12 pages). 111. Wyer, M., Kay, D., Stapleton, C., Kay, C., Watkins, J. and Davies, C. (2009). Investigation into poor bathing water quality at Haverigg Bathing Water. A report to Environment Agency North West Region. CREH. 43p Plus Figures and Tables (76 pages). 112. Kay, D., Wyer, M.D., Au-Yeung, C., Bartram, J., Figueras, M., Hunter, P., Kadar, M., Vargha, M., Salmon, R., Thomas, D. (2009) Epibathe Period 2 and Final Activity Report Submitted to the European Community DG-RTD, Contract 022618, under Framework Programme 6, 495pp. ( 113. Kay, D., Wyer, M.D., Au-Yeung, C., Bartram, J., Figueras, M., Hunter, P., Kadar, M., Vargha, M., Salmon, R., Thomas, D. (2009) Epibathe ‘Accessible’ Public Report. Submitted to the European Community DGRTD, Contract 022618, under Framework Programme 6, 14pp. ( 12 Publications since 2001 David Kay 114. Wyer, M., Kay, D., Stapleton, C., Watkins, J., Davies, C. and Moore, H. (2009). An investigation into bathing water quality at Amroth, Pembrokeshire. A report to Environment Agency Wales (Contract ID 21771). CREH. 24p Plus Figures and Tables (37 pages). 115. Wyer, M., Kay, D., Stapleton, C. and Thomas, R. (2009). Results of microbial source tracking (MST) DNA analysis of samples from the investigation into bathing water quality at Amroth, August 2008. A report to Environment Agency Wales (Contract ID 21771). CREH. 4p Plus Appendix (2 pages). 116. Wyer, M.D. and Kay, D. (2009). Assessment of bathing water quality for the States of Jersey 2008. A report to Environmental Protection, States of Jersey. CREH. 14p Plus Figures, Tables and Appendices (57 pages). (Available online: ion/BathingWater.htm 2008 117. Magill, S., Black, K., Kay, D., Stapleton, C., Kershaw, S., Lees, D., Lowther, J., Francis, C., Watkins, J. and Davies, C. (2008). Risk factors in shellfish harvesting areas. Final Project Report prepared for Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum. SARF013/SAMS Report No. 256. Scottish Association for Marine Science, Centre for Research into Environment and Health and CEFAS. Final Reports/SARF013 RISK_FACTORS_IN_SHELLFISH_HARVESTING_AREAS 23June2008.pdf 118. Davies, C., Kay, D., Kay, C., McDonald, A.,Moore, H., Stapleton, C., Watkins, J. and Wyer, M. (2008). Mirobial tracer study of selected inputs into the Guernsey coastal zone. A report to the States of Guernsey, Public services Department. CREH. 26p. available online at: 119. Wyer, M., Stapleton, C. and Kay, D. (2008) Nutrient flux source apportionment for St Aubin’s Bay, Jersey, 2007. A report to Transport and Technical Services, States of Jersey. CREH. 24p Plus Figures and Tables (52 pages). 120. Fewtrell, L. and Kay, D. (2008) Health impact assessment of water management options. Report Reference No. 08/EQ/02/1. UK Water Industry Research Limited. 37 pages ISBN: 1 84057 475 5. (Available online: 121. Kay, D., Fewtrell, L. and Hunter, P. (2008) Recreational Water Exposures: a literature review. R&D Project HH FA23. Environment Agency, Bristol. 122. Kay, D., Wyer, M.D., Au-Yeung, C., Bartram, J., Figueras, M., Hunter, P., Kadar, M., Vargha, M., Salmon, R., Thomas, D.(2008) Epibathe Period 1 Activity Report Submitted to the European Community DG-RTD, Contract 022618, under Framework Programme 6, 225pp. ( 123. Wyer, M.D. and Kay D. (2008). Assessment of bathing water quality for the States of Jersey 2007. A report to the States of Jersey Public Services 13 Publications since 2001 David Kay Department. CREH. 3p Plus Figures, Tables and Appendices (30 pages). (Available online: ion/BathingWater.htm) 2007 124. Wyer M, and Kay D. (2007). Assessment of relationships between virus and faecal indicator organism parameters in EU bathing waters. Virobathe Work Packege 8 Report. 9p Plus Figures and Tables (51 pages). 125. Kay, D. and Fawell, J. (2007) Standards for Recreational Water Quality. Review of Current Knowledge (ROCK) Published by the Foundation for Water Research, UK. Report Reference FR/G005 24 pages. (Available online: 126. Stapleton, C.M., Kay, D., Kay, C., Francis, C. and Watkins, J. (2007) Partial source apportionment for faecal indicator fluxes into Loch Etive outer basin summer 2006, Published by Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum. Perthshire, Scotland, Project SARF 013a, 97p (in press) 127. Stapleton, C. M and Kay, D. (2006) Assessment of catchment derived and point sources of faecal indicator organisms to the coastal waters off Pwllheli. Appendix 3 in: Elliott, A., Hartnett, M., O’Riain, G., Dollard, B. PRISM – Predictive Irish Sea Models. Final Report of the PRISM project (Final Report); (Appendix 3). 128. Kay, D., Kershaw, S., Lee, R. and Wyer, M. (2007) Impact of intermittent discharges on the microbiological quality of shellfish. Published by UK Water Industry Research Ltd. Project code WW18a and available electronically from DEFRA (in press). ISBN: 1 84057 438 0. (Available online: 129. Stapleton C, Kay, D., Lin., Falconer, R, Watkins, J. Francis, C. and Wyer, M. (2007) Fate and Transport of Particles in Estuaries Volume I Summary and Conclusions.15p Environment Agency Science Project SC000002 and EPSRC Grant Reference GR/M99774. Environment Agency, Bristol. ISBN: 978-184432-687-7 130. Wyer, M., Stapleton C., Kay, D., Lin. and Falconer, R. Yang, L., Watkins, J. Francis, C. (2007) Fate and Transport of Particles in Estuaries. Volume II Estimation of enterococci inputs to the Severn estuary from point and diffuse sources. Environment Agency Science Project SC000002 and EPSRC Grant Reference GR/M99774. Environment Agency, Bristol. ISBN: 978-1-84432688-4 131. Watkins, J., Francis, C. Paul, N., Jones, K., Kay D., Wyer, M., Humphrey, N. (2007) Fate and Transport of Particles in Estuaries. Volume III Laboratory experiments: enterococci decay rates and association with sediments. Environment Agency Science Project SC000002 and EPSRC Grant Reference GR/M99774. Environment Agency, Bristol. ISBN: 978-1-84432-689-1 14 Publications since 2001 David Kay 132. Yang. L., Falconer, R., Lin, B., Wyer, M., Stapleton C, Kay D. (2007) Fate and Transport of Particles in Estuaries. Volume IV Numerical modelling for bathing water enterococci estimation in the Severn Estuary. 69p Environment Agency Science Project SC000002 and EPSRC Grant Reference GR/M99774. Environment Agency, Bristol. ISBN: 978-1-84432-690-7. 133. Stapleton, C.M., Kay, D., Kay, C., Francis, C. and Watkins, J. (2007) Partial source apportionment for faecal indicator fluxes into Loch Etive outer basin summer 2006, Published by Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum. Perthshire, Scotland, Project SARF 013a, 97p (in press) 134. Lowe, N., Stapleton, C. M. and Kay, D. (2007) Reducing the amount of bacteria discharged from small sewage treatment works. ICREW Pilot Action 6 UK Final Report. Centre for Research into Environment and Health, University of Wales Aberystwyth. March 2006. ISBN: 978-1-84432-669-3. (Available online: .pdf) 135. Stapleton, C. M., Lowe, N., Kay, D., and Watkins, J. (2007) Reducing the amount of bacteria discharged from small sewage treatment works: Results of field studies from ten treatment plants. ICREW Pilot Action 6 Technical Report. Centre for Research into Environment and Health, University of Wales Aberystwyth. March 2006. ISBN: 978-1-84432-669-3. (Available online: pdf) 136. Lowe, N., Stapleton, C. M. and Kay, D. (2007) Reducing the amount of bacteria discharged from small sewage treatment works: Case Studies ICREW Pilot Action 6 Technical Report. Centre for Research into Environment and Health, University of Wales Aberystwyth. March 2006. ISBN: 978-1-84432669-3. (Available online: 137. Wyer, M.D. and Kay D. (2007). Assessment of bathing water quality for the States of Jersey 2006. A report to the States of Jersey Public Services Department. CREH. 3p Plus Figures, Tables and Appendices (30 pages). (Available online: ion/BathingWater.htm 2006 138. Stapleton, C., Wyer, M., Crowther, J., Kay, D., Bradford, M., Humphrey, N., Francis, C. and Watkins, J. (2006) Assessment of riverine fluxes of nutrients in the Ribble catchment. A report to Environment Agency North West Region. CREH. 43p Plus Figures and Tables (125 pages). 139. Stapleton, C. M., Anthony, S., Crowther, J., Gladstone, M., Kay, D., Proctor, C. and Wyer, M. D. (2006) Assessment of point and diffuse sources of faecal indicators and nutrients in the Windermere and Crake catchments. Phase I: Scoping and desk study. ICREW Pilot Action 2 Technical Report. Centre for 15 Publications since 2001 David Kay Research into Environment and Health, University of Wales Aberystwyth and ADAS Consulting Ltd., Wolverhampton. November 2005. 2 Volumes ISBN: 978-1-84432-669-3. (Volume 1 Available online: k_Study_Report.pdf; (Volume 2 Available online: tudy_Tables_&_Figures.pdf%22%22) 140. Stapleton, C. M., Wyer, M.D., Crowther, J., Kay, D., Kay, C., Francis, C. A., Watkins, J. and Anthony, S. (2006) Assessment of Point and Diffuse Sources of Faecal Indicators and Nutrients in the Windermere and Crake Catchments. Phase II: Faecal Indicator organism budgets and land cover – water quality modelling. ICREW Pilot Action 2 Technical Report. Centre for Research into Environment and Health, University of Wales Aberystwyth and ADAS Consulting Ltd., Wolverhampton. September 2006. 2 Volumes. ISBN: 978-184432-669-3 (Volume 1 Available online: Indicator_Organism_Inputs.pdf; Volume 2 Available online: ism_Inputs_-_Tables,_et.pdf) 141. Lowe, N., Stapleton, C. M. and Kay, D. (2006) European Planning Guidance Note: Small Sewage Treatment Plants – A Guide to Improving Effluent Quality. ICREW Pilot Action 6 Technical Report. Centre for Research into Environment and Health, University of Wales Aberystwyth. March 2006. ISBN: 978-1-84432-669-3. (Available online: Note.pdf) 142. Lowe, N., Stapleton, C. M. and Kay, D. (2006) Small tertiary treatment systems - A guide for regulatory authority field officers. ICREW Pilot Action 6 Technical Report. Centre for Research into Environment and Health, University of Wales Aberystwyth. March 2006. ISBN: 978-1-84432-669-3. (Available online: 143. Wyer, M.D. and Kay D. (2006). Assessment of bathing water quality for the States of Jersey 2005. A report to the States of Jersey Public Services Department. CREH. 3p Plus Figures, Tables and Appendices. 30 pages. (Available online: ion/BathingWater.htm) 144. Lowe, N., Stapleton, C. M. and Kay, D. (2006) Fact sheet for the operators of small wastewater tertiary treatment systems. ICREW Pilot Action 6 Technical Report. Centre for Research into Environment and Health, University of Wales Aberystwyth. March 2006. ISBN: 978-1-84432-669-3. (Available online: 145. Lowe, N., Stapleton, C. M. and Kay, D. (2006) Controlling bacteria in discharges from small sewage treatment plants: Recommendations for regulating or permitting. ICREW Pilot Action 6 Technical Report. Centre for 16 Publications since 2001 David Kay Research into Environment and Health, University of Wales Aberystwyth. March 2006. ISBN: 978-1-84432-669-3. (Available online: ng_and_Permitting.pdf) 146. Lowe, N., Stapleton, C. M. and Kay, D. (2006) Fact sheet on characteristics of effective sustainable sewage treatment systems. ICREW Pilot Action 6 Technical Report. Centre for Research into Environment and Health, University of Wales Aberystwyth. March 2006. ISBN: 978-1-84432-669-3. (Available online: t.pdf) 2005 147. Sanders, B., S. Anthony, S.G., Stapleton, C.M. Kay, D. Crowther, J. and Wilson, J.G. (2005) The impact of De-Stocking on the Microbiological Quality of Rivers in the Caldew Catchment. Environment Agency Science Report SC020045/SR. ISBN:1 84432 382 X. (Available online: 148. Wyer, M.D. and Kay D. (2005). Assessment of bathing water quality for the States of Jersey 2004. A report to the States of Jersey Public Services Department. CREH. 3p Plus Figures, Tables and Appendices (30 pages). (Available online: ion/BathingWater.htm) 149. Edwards, A., Kay, C., Kay, D., Lowe, N., Stapleton, C., Watkins, J. and Wyer, M. D. (2005). A literature review of the efficacy of natural systems in removing faecal indicator bacteria. London, UK Water Industry Research (UKWIR), Water UK, Report Number 06/WW/21/5 92p. Foundation for Water Research, London. ISBN: 1 84057 375 9 150. Kay, D., Francis, C., Edwards, A., Kay, C., McDonald, A., Lowe, N., Stapleton, C., Watkins, J. and Wyer, M. (2005) The efficacy of natural wastewater treatment systems in removing faecal indicator bacteria. London, UK Water Industry Research (UKWIR), Report Number 07/WW/21/5 Foundation for Water Research, London. 58p. 151. Dickson, J. W., Edwards, A. C., Jeffrey, B. and Kay, D. (2005). Catchment scale appraisal of best management practices (BMPs) for the improvement of bathing water – Brighouse Bay. Auchincruive, SAC Environmental, Edinburgh, 95p. (Available online: 152. Kay, D., Wilkinson, J., Crowther, J., Reid, S., Francis, C., Kay, C., Hopkins, M., Watkins, J., Edwards, A., McDonald, A., Wyer, M. and Stapleton, C. (2005) Monitoring the effectiveness of field and steading measures to reduce diffuse pollution from agriculture to bathing waters in the Ettrick, Cessnock, Nairn and Sandyhills catchments. Report reference: ENV/7/4/04. Scottish 17 Publications since 2001 David Kay Executive, Edinburgh. (Available online: 153. McDonald, A.T., McDonald, D., Kay, D., Francis, C., Watkins, J., Stapleton, C., Wyer, M. (2005) The environmental effects of woodchip corrals in Scotland. Final Report on project CRE/001/03. Scottish Executive, Edinburgh. 154. Stapleton, C., Robinson, G., Francis, C., Chalmers, D., Kay, D., and Watkins, J. (2005) Establishing the Relationship between Farm Re-stocking and Cryptosporidia: The Caldew Catchment Study. UKWIR Project 05/DW/06/19, Published by the Foundation for Water Research, London. ISBN: 1-84057374-0. 2004 155. Wyer, M.D. and Kay D. (2004). Assessment of bathing water quality for the States of Jersey 2003. A report to the States of Jersey Public Services Department. CREH. 3p Plus Figures, Tables and Appendices (33 pages). (Available online: ion/BathingWater.htm). 2003 156. Wyer, M.D. and Kay D. (2003). Assessment of bathing water quality for the States of Jersey 2001. A report to the States of Jersey Public Services Department. CREH. 3p Plus Figures, Tables and Appendices (30 pages). (Available online: ion/BathingWater.htm) 157. Kay D. and Dalbokova, D. (2003) Development of environment and health indicators For EU countries, water and health indicators. World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. Bonn. 16p. 158. Bond, A., Fawell, J., Harrison, R., Kay, D., Kemm, J., Kibble, A., Matthews, I., Mullins, J., Morgan, J., Palmer, S., Parry, S., Stoner, J., Thomas, J., Walker D. (2003) Health Impact Assessment of Waste Management: methodological aspects and information sources. R&D Publication P6-011/1 Environment Agency Bristol. 150p. ISBN: 1 84432 351 X. (Available online: 2002 159. Wyer, M.D. and Kay D. (2002). Assessment of bathing water quality for the States of Jersey 2001. A report to the States of Jersey Public Services Department. CREH. 3p Plus Figures, Tables and Appendices (29 pages). (Available online: ion/BathingWater.htm) 18 Publications since 2001 160. David Kay Lee, R., Kay, D., Wilkinson, R. J., Fewtrell, L. and Stapleton, C. M. (2002). Impact of Intermittent Discharges on the Microbial Quality of Shellfish. Environment Agency R & D Technical Report P2-266/TR. Environment Agency: Bristol. ISBN: 1 84432 046 4. (Available online: 2001 161. Wyer, M.D. and Kay D. (2001). Assessment of bathing water quality for the States of Jersey 2000. A report to the States of Jersey Public Services Department. CREH. 3p Plus Figures, Tables and Appendices (30 pages). (Available online: ion/BathingWater.htm). 162. Watkins, J., Francis, C, Stapleton, C., Kay, D., Rushby, L. and Cosrcadden, D. (2001) Pathogens and indicators in seven private water supplies. CREH Analytical Leeds. Report to the UK Drinking Water Inspectorate. 220p. Other Research Contract Reports and Working Papers 2009 163. Stapleton, C. M., Kay, D., Kay, C., Wyer, M.D., Davies, C. and Watkins, J. (2009) Scarborough and Bridlington numerical model empirical data collection project - Field survey data report. Report to Yorkshire Water Services and ARUP Ltd. Centre for Research into Environment and Health, University of Wales Aberystwyth. 2008 164. Stapleton, C. M., Kay, D., Wyer, M.D., Kay, C., Davies, C., Francis, C. A. and Watkins, J. (2008) Quantitative source apportionment for faecal indicator fluxes into the Scarborough coastal zone. Report to Yorkshire Water Services and ARUP Ltd. Centre for Research into Environment and Health, University of Wales Aberystwyth. 165. Stapleton, C. M., Kay, D., Wyer, M.D., Kay, C., Davies, C., Francis, C. A., Watkins, J and McDonald, A. T. (2008) Microbial tracer study of selected inputs into the Scarborough coastal zone. Report to Yorkshire Water Services and ARUP Ltd. Centre for Research into Environment and Health, University of Wales Aberystwyth. 2007 166. Smith K, Kay D and Fewtrell L (2007) Examination of the microbiology of urban flood water components. EPSRC working paper (FRMRC), 39p 19 Publications since 2001 David Kay 2006 167. Fewtrell L and Kay D. (2006) Flooding and health – a review of the literature. ESPRC working paper (FRMRC), 59p 168. Kay, D. and Watkins, A. (2006) Risk assessment of recreational use of the River Cherwell. Report for the Environment Agency, 8p. 169. Kay, D. and Watkins, J. (2006) Microbial tracer investigations to assess the risk of microbial pathogen transmission in aerosols produced by a farm spray irrigation system. CREH Analytical report, 21p. 170. Anthony, S. A., Crowther, J., Stapleton, C., Kay, D., Nicholson, F. A. and Chambers, B. J. (2006) A desk study assessment of the contribution of agriculture to bathing water failures under the Bathing Water Directive. Phase II. Final Report to the Department of Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). Defra Project Code ES0140. ADAS Consulting Ltd. and Centre for Research into Environment and Health. September 2005. 19p. 2005 171. Anthony, S., Crowther, J., Stapleton, C., Kay, D., Nicholson, F. A. and Chambers, B. (2005) A desk study assessment of the contribution of agriculture to bathing water failures under the Bathing Water Directive. Phase I – Scoping Study. Interim Report to the Department of Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). Defra Project Code ES0140. ADAS Consulting Ltd. and Centre for Research into Environment and Health. March 2005. 34p. 2004 172. Fewtrell. L. and Kay, D. (2004) The risks to health from environmental transmission of BSE prions. Report to the UK Environment Agency, Bristol, Centre for Research into Environment and Health, University of Wales Aberystwyth. (This report formed part of the Environment Agency evidence to the SEAC Committee), 35p. 173. Wyer, M. D., Stapleton, C. M., Crowther, J., Kay, D., Bradford, M., Humphrey, N., Francis, C. A. and Watkins, J. (2004) Assessment of Point and Diffuse Sources of Faecal Indicators in the Ribble Catchment. Phase II: Budget Studies and land cover-water quality modelling. Environment Agency, Bristol, 272p. 174. Kay, D. and Stapleton, C. M. (2004) Statistical examination of Cardiff Harbour Authority bacterial data Report Cardiff Harbour Authority. June 2004. 24pp plus tables and figures. 2003 175. Kay, D., Wilkinson, J., Reid, S., Francis, C., Kay, C., Watkins, J., Edwards, A., McDonald, A., Wyer, M., Stapleton, C. (2003) Environmental Monitoring Interim Report Pre-remedial Measures. Faecal Indicator Fluxes for the 59 study catchments. Report to the Scottish Executive, CREH Analytical Leeds, 102p. 20 Publications since 2001 David Kay 176. Kay, D., Wilkinson, J., Reid, S., Francis, C., Kay, C., Watkins, J., Edwards, A., McDonald, A., Wyer, M., Stapleton, C. (2003) Pre-remedial Measures Sample Site Descriptions and Hydrological Instrumentation. CREH Analytical Leeds. 103p. 177. Bond, A., Goodwin, M., Pykett, B., Kay, D. and Matthews, I., (2003) Health Issues and the Planning System (Contract No 054/2002) National Assembly for Wales. Centre for Research into Environment and Health, University of Wales Aberystwyth, 71p. 2002 178. Kay, D. Chalmers, R and Kay, C. (2002) Water quality of private water supplies in the vicinity of the Eppynt stock disposal site. Final Report to the National Assembly for Wales, 35p. 179. Lee, R., Kay, D., Wilkinson, R.J., Fewtrell L., Stapleton, C. (2002). Impact of intermittent discharges on the microbial quality of shellfish. R&D Technical Report P2–266/TR. 180. Stapleton, C. M., Wyer, M. D. and Kay, D. (2002) Assessment of Point and Diffuse Sources of Faecal Indicators in the Ribble Catchment. Phase I: Scoping and Desk Study. Report to the Environment Agency, North West Region. 45p 181. Kay, D. and Stapleton, C. M. (2002) Predicting faecal indicator concentrations in Cardiff Bay (May - September 2001). Phase I Interim Report. Report to Cardiff Bay Harbour Authority, 25p. 182. Kay, D., Aguzzi, A., Bostock, C., Casemore, D., Fawell, J., Gale, P., Klein, W., de Koeijer, A. and Silano, V. (2002) Review of the DNV Report on Risks from BSE via Environmental Pathways 2001 CREH Report to the Environment Agency, 53p. 183. Crowther, J., Kay, D. and Wyer, M. (2002) Predicting enteric bacterial concentrations in coastal bathing waters along the Lancashire coast. Report to the Environment Agency, 54p. 2001 184. Kay, D., Fleisher, J., Wyer, M.D. and Salmon, R.L. (2001) Reanalysis of the sea bathing data from the UK randomised trials. 92p. Report to the expert advisory committee comprising, DEFRA, DoH, Environment Agency and PHLS. 52p. 185. Humphrey, N., Watkins, J., Francis, C., Rushby, L., Kay, D. and Stapleton, C. (2001) Faecal indicator organisms in the GlaxoSmithKline effluent discharged to Irvine Bay. CREH Analytical Leeds. Report to GlaxoSmithKline Ayrshire, 31p. 186. Kay, D. and Wyer, M. D. (2001). Compliance implications of enumeration imprecision of Esherichia coli in shellfish flesh. A Report to the Shellfish Association of Great Britain, 12p. 21 Publications since 2001 David Kay 187. Kay, D. and Chalmers, R (2001) Private water supplies sampling in the vicinity of the Eppynt stock disposal facility Mid Term Report. 19p plus figures and tables. Report to the National Assembly for Wales. 188. Kay, D. and Stapleton, C. (2001) Monitoring of water quality in Cardiff Bay Barrage. Report to Cardiff Harbour Authority 69p. 189. Kay, D. and Wyer, M.D. (2001) Padiham canoe facility. Initial health risk assessment. UWA. Report to the Environment Agency. 23p. 190. Kay, D., Wyer, M.D. and Stapleton, C. (2001) Ayrshire bathing waters. CREH. Report to the Scottish Executive and the European Commission. 23p. 191. Wyer, M.D., Stapleton, C., Kay, D., Francis, C., Watkins, J. and Rushby, L. (2001) Cryptosporidium, Giardia and faecal indicator organisms in surface water and sewage effluent from the Irvine catchment Ayrshire. CREH Analytical Leeds. Report to the Drinking Water Inspectorate, SEPA and West of Scotland Water. 25p. 192. Wyer, M.D., Stapleton, C., Kay, D., Francis, C., Watkins, J. and Rushby, L. (2001) Faecal indicator organisms and budgets for Irvine bay, Ayrshire. CREH Analytical Leeds. Report to the Drinking Water Inspectorate, SEPA and West of Scotland Water. 84p. 22