Species at Risk Report

Species at Risk Report
COSEWIC states that there are nearly 500 species in Canada considered to be “At Risk”
Most people are not aware of these species and do not know what is causing the population to decline
Your assignment is to research a Species at Risk in Canada
You need to suggest measures that will help increase the population of that species and eliminate the risk
of extinction
What to Do?
1) Pick a species from the list
In proper research report format:
2) Describe its normal habitat (where in Canada), behaviour and place in the food chain
3) State the reasons the species is placed on the species at risk list
4) State whether the species is extirpated, threatened, endangered, vulnerable or special concern
5) If the species is declining in numbers, explain the reasons for the decline in its population
6) Summarize the measures that can and are being taken to help protect the species (eg. Research projects,
Laws, legislation, hunting regulations, reintroduction projects, conservation groups)
7) You must properly reference your information, including in text citations and bibliography. A mark of
zero will be given for improperly referenced information
8) Incorporate a picture(s) showing your chosen species and a map indicating its range
Species at Risk in Canada include:
Mammals: American Badger, Beluga Whale, Eastern Wolf, Grey Fox, Polar Bear, Southern Flying Squirrel, Wolverine,
Black footed Ferret, Blue Whale, Swift fox, Grizzly Bear, Woodland Caribou, Killer Whale, Wood Bison, Narwhal, Peary
Caribou, Vancouver Island Marmot, Sea Otter
Birds: Barn Owl, Greater Prairie-chicken, Peregrine Falcon, Red-headed Woodpecker, Red-shouldered Hawk, Short-eared
Owl, Screech Owl, Ivory Gull, Whooping Crane, Spotted Owl, Burrowing Owl, Piping Plover
Reptiles: Blue Racer, Eastern Foxsnake, Eastern Hog-nosed Snake, Eastern Grey Rat Snake, Five-lined Skink, Eastern
Massasauga Rattlesnake, Spiny Softshell Turtle, Spotted Turtle, Stinkpot (Musk) Turtle, Wood Turtle, Prairie Skink
Amphibians: Fowler’s Toad, Jefferson Salamander, Small-mouthed Salamander, Northern Leopard Frog, Tiger Salamander
Fishes: Bigmouth buffalo, Deepwater Sculpin, Orangespotted Sunfish, Paddlefish, River Redhorse, Spotted Gar, White
Sturgeon, Atlantic Whitefish, Atlantic Cod
Molluscs: Mudpuppy mussel, Round Pigtoe
Plants: Bird’s-foot Violet, Dense Blazing Star, Eastern Prickly Pear Cactus, Pitcher’s Thistle, Wild Hyacinth, Wood-poppy,
Butternut, American Chesnut, American Ginseng, Dense Blazing Star, Kentucky Coffee Tree
Arthropods – , Monarch Butterfly, Karner Blue Butterfly
You may also chose a species that is not on this list
Due Date: Wednesday February 25th