SECURING THE FUTURE PROGRAM: A CONCEPT PAPER FOR FUNDRAISING SEPTEMBER 2008 YOUTH AGAINST AIDS ORGANIZATION ‘SECURING THE FUTURE’ A Program Concept by: Youth Against AIDS Organization (YAGAO) Near Nkopola Lodge Off Mangochi-Monkey Bay Road P O Box 49 Mangochi; MALAWI (YAGAO is registered Under the National Youth Council of Malawi Act 1996. Registration No.: 2004/SR/004) Issued to: Individuals, Trusts, Institutions and Foundations Let your contributions make big positive lasting change to the children and youth in need in Malawi SECURING THE FUTURE PROGRAM: A CONCEPT PAPER FOR FUNDRAISING SEPTEMBER 2008 1. Concept Summary Sub-Saharan Africa has been more devastated by the HIV/AIDS epidemic than any other region of the world. By the end of 2003, 2.3 million people in the region had died of AIDS-related illnesses, and almost 27 million were estimated to be living with HIV/AIDS 1. The epidemic is taking an enormous toll on the region’s youth: Nearly 10 million women and men aged 15–24—roughly one in 14 young adults—are living with HIV/AIDS2. Half of the 3.0–3.4 million new cases of HIV infection in this region in 2003 occurred among this age-group. HIV/AIDS has taken its toll in Malawi in general and Mangochi in particular and is continuing to do so especially among those who do not have sufficient knowledge, skills or resources to protect themselves against its speedy match. It is attacking the youths who are just beginning the prime of their lives. Women are close to 60 percent of those infected with the virus, and are 75 percent of infected 15-24 year olds. This growing feminization of the pandemic not only reflects women’s greater physiological vulnerability to infection, but also their social and psychological vulnerability created by a set of interrelated factors like cultural practices including sexual initiation practices that often expose young girls to HIV from their first sexual encounter; gender norms and low socio-economic status of girls and women that create major barriers to successful negotiation for safer sex (there is evidence that HIV infection in younger females ages 15-24 is 4-6 times higher than among their male counterparts). Mangochi is one of the hardest hit with the HIV/AIDS prevalence at 21% well above the national rate of 14%3. However, there is hope! Adolescence is the window of opportunity of changing the course of the epidemic. The more encouraging news is that many young people are not yet sexually experienced, and adolescence therefore presents a window of opportunity for introducing policies, educational programs and reproductive health services that could change the course of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Malawi. A focus on youth and women has even more far-reaching implications. Young people and their future contributions to society are crucial to the survival and well-being of the entire region. Therefore, curbing the HIV/AIDS epidemic by focusing on the needs of youth is an urgent priority. The fight against HIV/AIDS also will require change in certain socio-cultural norms, values and practices that promote gender stereotypes and a power imbalance between men and women. It is against this background therefore that Youth Against AIDS Organization (YAGAO), a youth non-governmental organization based and operating in Mangochi, Southern Malawi, has developed this program concept document to raise a US$500,000.00 three year funding for the implementation of integrated interventions aimed at responding to the inter-related issues affecting the youth and women. Individuals, trusts, organizations and foundations are therefore requested to support any of the interventions either in part or in full by contributing financially, materially or otherwise. The inter-related projects are: Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and World Health Organization (WHO), AIDS Epidemic Update, Dec. 2003 United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Africa’s Orphaned Generations, New York: UNICEF, 2003; and The Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI), unpublished calculations based on United Nations (UN), World Population Prospects: The 2002 Revision, Vol. II, UN, 2003. 3 DHS 2005 1 2 2 Youth Against AIDS Organization (YAGAO) Near Nkopola Lodge, Off Mangochi-Monkey Bay Road P O Box 49; Mangochi; Malawi. Tel.: +265 158 0213; Hotlines: +265 955 1203, +265 887 6927 E-mail: SECURING THE FUTURE PROGRAM: A CONCEPT PAPER FOR FUNDRAISING SEPTEMBER 2008 Strengthening HIV/AIDS prevention & life skills through Peer Education among the youth Empowering women in sexual decision-making, and promoting inter-personal communication on sexual matters between males and females Promotion of Access to Quality Education with emphasis on the girl child 2. Situation Analysis Malawi is one of the countries worst hit by HIV/AIDS pandemic in the world and Sub-Saharan Africa in particular. The prevalence rate; continue to soar with the rural and semi-rural areas being hardest hit4. The country has one of the highest HIV/AIDS prevalence rates in the world, with 14.0 percent of those aged 15-49 years infected. Malawi’s estimated HIV prevalence rate among pregnant women in the 15-49 year age bracket continued to rise, from 13.8% in 1996 to an estimated 20% in 2001 and then dropping to 16.9% by 2005. By 2000, life expectancy declined to 39 years from a projected 54 years without the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The epidemic has taken a great toll on the young and middle-aged population, thereby undermining the country’s effort to reduce poverty. The HIV/AIDS epidemic in Malawi has its roots in gender inequality, poverty 5, low access to basic services such as health, water and education, stigma for those who are HIV positive or thought to be, and numerous barriers to open discussion of sexual matters. Poverty takes away choice even when people are aware that behaviors they are engaging in place them at risk for HIV. Other factors that enhance vulnerability to HIV/AIDS 6 and have been cited by all districts include: cultural practices including sexual initiation practices that often expose young girls to HIV from their first sexual encounter; gender norms and low socio-economic status of girls and women that create major barriers to successful negotiation for safer sex (there is evidence that HIV infection in younger females ages 15-24 is 4-6 times higher than among their male counterparts); high mobility of workers and migrant laborers separated from their partners that increases the risk of multiple partners and use of sex workers; low involvement of youth in community affairs; limited access to education, voluntary counseling and testing services (VCT) and advice and services for the prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT). Mangochi district is not isolated to the above national situation. HIV/ADS prevalence rate stands at 21% well above the national average of 14%. In fact, it is one of the high-risk districts because of the cultural practices including sexual initiation practices, the commercial activities associated with fishing and tourism; and the migration of people to South Africa for employment etc. The prevalence of poverty in the focus district is estimated to be 46% to 66%. High rates of illiteracy and of school dropouts’ have exacerbated the problem. 4 5 6 HIV/AIDS in Malawi: 2003 Estimates and Implications by [Malawi] National AIDS Commission (NAC) SCUK HIV/AIDS Strategy for Malawi UNAIDS 2001 3 Youth Against AIDS Organization (YAGAO) Near Nkopola Lodge, Off Mangochi-Monkey Bay Road P O Box 49; Mangochi; Malawi. Tel.: +265 158 0213; Hotlines: +265 955 1203, +265 887 6927 E-mail: SECURING THE FUTURE PROGRAM: A CONCEPT PAPER FOR FUNDRAISING SEPTEMBER 2008 Education is closely linked to a young person’s ability to avoid HIV/AIDS. Throughout the 1990s in Zambia, for example, the prevalence of HIV decreased among 15–19-year-old women with some education, but remained unchanged among those with no schooling 7. And in a number of Sub-Saharan African countries, higher proportions of unmarried adolescents who are not in school than of their in-school counterparts engage in unprotected intercourse8. Such findings may have serious implications for the future of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the region, given the levels of education. Mangochi is one of the districts that have the highest number of school going age out of school and also have the highest school drop-out rate in Malawi with some Traditional Authority areas recording as high as 51%9. The most common and notable ones for girls are: early marriages, juvenile employment, long distance to school and lack of interest. For boys it is early marriages, fishing, business ventures, long distance to school, and lack of interest. The other reasons contributing to high drop-out rates in the district include initiation ceremonies conflicting with school calendar and in some areas sole focus on MADRAS education. Despite commendable increase in physical infrastructure in response to the increase in enrolment resulting from free primary education and campaigns to keep school going age in school, distances to school in some TA/STAs are still long. The long distances to school are a disincentive for children to continue with school. The inadequate number of teachers especially in remote areas contributes to high drop-out rates. It is common to have full primary schools with only 1 or 2 teachers. This makes some children find it worthwhile to stay home, go fishing or do business ventures and worst still for girls, indulge in prostitution. 3. Organizational Background Founded in October 2002, Youth Against AIDS Organization (YAGAO) is a fast growing youth non-governmental organization (NGO) registered under the National Youth Council of Malawi Act of 1996 (Registration # 2004/SR/004) based and operating in Mangochi district in Southern Malawi. It is the only youth NGO in the district. Its major strategic program areas include but not limited to health, HIV/AIDS, food security, gender and human rights. On HIV and AIDS, its overall goal is to facilitate a behavioral change, care and support, advocacy and participatory process impacting on the communities’ high-risk groups and restoring the human dignity in the process minimizing the number of new infections. YAGAO works to promote child rights, promote youth, and girl child participation in all issues of national development Since inception, the organization has carried out many programs ranging from food security, human rights, HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, care and support with support, both financially, materially and otherwise from diverse stakeholders. In particular, YAGAO has implemented 7 8 9 Vandemoortele J and Delamonica E, The “education vaccine” against HIV/AIDS, Current Issues in Comparative Education, 2000 Bankole A and Singh S, Condom use and need for protection against STIs/HIV among young men in Sub-Saharan Africa Mangochi Social Economic Profile 2006 4 Youth Against AIDS Organization (YAGAO) Near Nkopola Lodge, Off Mangochi-Monkey Bay Road P O Box 49; Mangochi; Malawi. Tel.: +265 158 0213; Hotlines: +265 955 1203, +265 887 6927 E-mail: SECURING THE FUTURE PROGRAM: A CONCEPT PAPER FOR FUNDRAISING SEPTEMBER 2008 projects with funding from UNICEF (in kind), National AIDS Commission (NAC) through Save the Children US (SCUS), and the National Youth Council of Malawi (NYCOM). Currently, the organization is implementing a 2-Year US$150,000.00 project funded by the WK Kellogg Foundation of the United States of America. The capacity of YAGAO to implement project to the highest standards is demonstrated through the following: 1. Our Board of Trustees As provided for in Article 8 of our constitution, the composition of the Board of Trustees is carefully blended with members from within and around the communities we serve. This has proved and continues to be helpful in the Board’s oversight role. The members, despite being regularly receiving and reviewing reports from the secretariat, they have the chance to feel, see and assess the practical reality of our programs on the ground. In short, there is direct and continued oversight function in the initiatives that YAGAO takes. Currently the Board is headed by Pastor Peter Likagwa Secondly, our Board is full of men and women from across the whole community spectrum thereby ensuring that all community interests are represented. The faith, local leadership, youth, and business communities, and the community at large are represented. With this mix of people from different professional background and social orientation, the Board has provided and continues to provide the most unparalleled strategic direction and oversight to the organization. 2. Our Executive Management Team Through the years, YAGAO has managed to develop its on human resource base on one end and attract and retain on the other highly motivated, results oriented and proactive young men and women (gender mainstreaming) to manage the secretariat. The team is the best combination of professionals with the edge-cutting skills, knowledge and progressive experience in managing both the NGO and grants. It is because of this blend of expertise that has seen more donors coming to assist the organizations in its various programs either financially, materially and otherwise. The organization is headed by the Executives Director. He is supported by the Technical Advisor both of which have been charged with the responsibility of leading in the planning, implementation and reviews of the project in areas of program delivery; and finance and administration respectively. The Technical Advisor oversees the finance and administrative functions of the program including resource mobilization in conjunction with the ED. They are assisted by young and dynamic officers. The Program Officer who reports to the ED oversees the overall programs planning and implementation with direct responsibility over project officers. The Finance Officer manages the organization’s 5 Youth Against AIDS Organization (YAGAO) Near Nkopola Lodge, Off Mangochi-Monkey Bay Road P O Box 49; Mangochi; Malawi. Tel.: +265 158 0213; Hotlines: +265 955 1203, +265 887 6927 E-mail: SECURING THE FUTURE PROGRAM: A CONCEPT PAPER FOR FUNDRAISING SEPTEMBER 2008 finance and administrative functions with direct reporting line to the TA. The Communication Officer oversees the public relations of the organization and the information, education and communication functions of the various projects. Community volunteers also support the organization’s service delivery 3. Partnerships YAGAO believes in partnerships. The organization collaborates with all various players implementing HIV/AIDS, youth, education and other civil society activities in Mangochi district and partners with all the relevant district level government departments of Youth, Health, Social Welfare, Education, etc. Linkages with all community structures such as Area Development Committees (ADC), Village Development Committees (VDC), local leaders, will be harnessed thereby increasing sustainability of the projects. Project primary beneficiaries have been and will continue to be directly involved in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of project activities in order to raise their understanding of the project objectives and develop a shared vision for the program. This approach has proved to be effective in achieving project goals and objectives since the inception of YAGAO’s initiatives way back in summer of 2002. This is to be enhanced for the projects to come. So far the youth NGO has earned itself the following reputation: a. Delivers and satisfies the requirements of contracts/grants and expectations as set out in the work plan b. Embodies professional standards that meet donors’ and stakeholders’ expectations: Value–Added c. Brings a focus to programming priorities and cross–cutting themes (e.g. Poverty, HIV/AIDS, Gender and Human Rights) d. Clearly and concisely articulates results to facilitate understanding by key audiences. e. Provides useful, pragmatic recommendations and lessons learned developed through a participatory process that actively involves stakeholders 4. Program Goals, Strategies, and Objectives The program shares in the following goals: a. To contribute to reduction in incidence of HIV amongst youth by providing life skills that creates stronger social support structures leading to increased utilization of youth friendly health services. Objectives a. To increase by 50% the proportion of the youth practicing safer sex 10 in the targeted communities by January 2011. b. To increase the proportion of the youth knowing their sero-status from 10% to 50% in the targeted communities by January 2011. 10 Safe sex proxy for Abstinence, Be Faithful and Condom use 6 Youth Against AIDS Organization (YAGAO) Near Nkopola Lodge, Off Mangochi-Monkey Bay Road P O Box 49; Mangochi; Malawi. Tel.: +265 158 0213; Hotlines: +265 955 1203, +265 887 6927 E-mail: SECURING THE FUTURE PROGRAM: A CONCEPT PAPER FOR FUNDRAISING SEPTEMBER 2008 Expected Results a. Youth will have greater awareness, knowledge and commitment to the prevention of HIV/AIDS resulting in healthier lifestyles and behavioral patterns. b. Stronger social support networks will be created among youth which build solidarity and understanding c. Girls and young women will obtain increased knowledge, skills and capacity related to their daily lives and work. d. Youth will have greater access to competent health care and advice related to HIV/AIDS for long run, integral support and medical attention. e. The stigma and misconceptions of HIV/AIDS will be decreased in the lives of young people and their families; Greater respect will be shown for HIV/AIDS victims and vulnerable groups. f. Students will have knowledge and attitudes which contribute to the prevention of HIV/AIDS. b. To empower women in sexual decision-making, and promoting inter-personal communication on sexual matters between males and females Objectives a. To build the self-esteem of young women, thereby improving their ability to engage in alternative income-earning activities or to negotiate safe sex. b. To provide Information and education to strengthen the defense and negotiation capacity of women and young girls. Expected results a. Increased empowerment of women and girls b. Increase in safer sex practices c. Reduced in qualities among women and men c. To promote access to quality education with emphasis on the girl child Objectives: a. To increase the gross enrolment ratio both in primary and secondary schools b. To reduce the school drop-out rate both in primary and secondary schools c. To advocate for more resources for the development and maintenance of school infrastructures and facilities; and the training of more teachers to reduce pupil/teacher ratio which affects school drop-outs Expected Results a. Increased gross enrolment ratios in schools b. Reduced school drop-out rates c. More resources provision to the education sector 5. The Budget The program activities have been budgeted at US$ 500,000.00 over a period of three (3) years 6. How You Can Help 7 Youth Against AIDS Organization (YAGAO) Near Nkopola Lodge, Off Mangochi-Monkey Bay Road P O Box 49; Mangochi; Malawi. Tel.: +265 158 0213; Hotlines: +265 955 1203, +265 887 6927 E-mail: SECURING THE FUTURE PROGRAM: A CONCEPT PAPER FOR FUNDRAISING SEPTEMBER 2008 Financial, material and/or any in-kind support is welcome from individuals, foundations trusts and organizations. You can choose to contribute partially and/or fully a budget line item or towards the attainment of: i. A single goal ii. An objective and/or objectives in a single goal iii. A combination of goals iv. A selection of objectives from more than one goal v. All goals and their objectives To make your contributions and/or your intentions to contribute, please see the budget and fill out the attached Pledge Form and send it to the address below. Alternatively, contact us: Youth Against AIDS Organization (YAGAO) Near Nkopola Lodge Off Mangochi-Monkey Bay Road Po Box 49 Mangochi Malawi Hotline 1: +265 955 1203 Hotline 2: +265 887 6927 Email: (YAGAO is registered Under the National Youth Council of Malawi Act 1996. Registration No.: 2004/SR/004) 8 Youth Against AIDS Organization (YAGAO) Near Nkopola Lodge, Off Mangochi-Monkey Bay Road P O Box 49; Mangochi; Malawi. Tel.: +265 158 0213; Hotlines: +265 955 1203, +265 887 6927 E-mail: