Agenda Item 4, Appendix A Headline CMS Activity in Dacorum Programme Parish Paths Partnership Health Walks Programme 116105438 Activity Negotiate and support delivery and implementation of annual action plans to secure improved Rights of Way and enjoyment meeting local priorities. Leading development and delivery of volunteer led health walks activity. Scale An average of 10 parishes producing annual action plans and implementing these through a dedicated budget of £1k each per annum. Options 1. Withdraw from activity 2. Sustain in Chilterns AONB only 3. Maintain full service Implications/Comments 1. Parishes do not have opportunity to address community identified priorities. 2. Action plans in AONB could be funded (part) through small projects fund 3. Parishes local priorities responded to (possibly rebadged as Herts Local?) Currently in excess 1. Withdraw from 1. Some activity would 44 trained volunteer activity persist informally but would leaders, over 500 be difficult to restore to walks per annum, 2. Maintain current current levels in the future circa 7000 scheme and continue with the loss of trust / attendances to develop additional goodwill. Possible loss of Programme runs 6 provision where meets funding from external days per week. HCC objectives. partners. Walks from all the major settlements. 3. Work to AONB 2. Decision to badge as delivery Plan Herts Local may have implications with other sponsors across the county Agenda Item 4, Appendix A Example for further development – Children’s Centres in Dacorum interested in developing their own schemes. Land Management Advisory Services Management advice and where appropriate assistance with gaining grant aid 2 Farm Grant Schemes 4 management plans 12 informal plans / advice 1. Withdraw from activity 2. Sustain in AONB and on HCC rural estate and other property 3. Maintain full service 3. Provision targeted at AONB objectives would result in support for programmes in Apsley and Kings Langley being dropped 1.May not gain as much benefit to biodiversity and landscape from schemes developed without CMS input. Harder to achieve Wildlife Sites management improvements in respect of NI 197. 2.Best quality landscape and areas most likely to receive high level agri environment grant have access to service. Service to HCC and tenants maintained 116105438 Agenda Item 4, Appendix A Sites/greenspace Support and development of Borough owned sites including Greenflag. Green Infrastructure Provision Promotion of access to the Countryside 116105438 Plans developed for 7 sites with a further 3 being supported. 1.Withdraw from activity 2.Minimal support to borough owned Wildlife sites that contribute to NI 197 targets Will be defined in soon to be published Green Infrastructure Prospectus. Includes developing strategic corridors such as Nicky Line and Grand Union Canal as well as totally new provision linked to new development as identified in E of E plan. Proposals for CMS to carry out urban fringe analysis around north and east of Hemel Hempstead and as required in response to development proposals. 1. Withdraw from activity. 2. Confine activity to HCC identified strategic objectives. 3. Contract to DBC on full cost recovery basis Walking and cycling routes promoted through leaflets and supported with signs and waymarks. Routes monitored by volunteers and CMS co-ordinate any action required to maintain route quality. 11 Walking and cycling routes in AONB and 6 outside – majority of routes monitored by volunteers 1. Withdraw from activity 2. Sustain in AONB only 3. Maintain full service 1. LAA Greenflag commitment on target for ‘final’ judging in spring 2009, but retention and increased numbers threatened. 2. Harder to secure Wildlife Sites management improvements in respect of NI 197. 1. Opportunities linked to development and funding such as GAF could be lost. 2. Strategic infrastructure would still be resourced. 3. Would allow CMS to positively influence plans preparation and support delivery. 1. Routes may fall into disrepair and cause difficulties for users 2. As above but on fewer routes. Agenda Item 4, Appendix A Events – predominately promoted through “Walks and More” programme. Biodiversity – Biodiversity Action Plan Habitat Action Plans and Species Action Plans also NI 197 CMS are lead on Farmland HAP. BAP is a consideration when planning and prioritising in area work programme. National Indicator 197 will guide activity directed towards County Wildlife Sites 9 – 10 events per year approx half in AONB Some BAP targets relating to specific sites – consideration is amount of effort and resource directed to projects. Approximately 250 wildlife sites in Dacorum 116105438 1. Withdraw from activity 2. Sustain in AONB only 3. Maintain full service 1. Withdraw from activity 2. Sustain in AONB only 3. Maintain full service 3. Some routes branded through AONB most of others could be Herts local as HCC responsible for Rights of Way 1. All Hertfordshire residents denied opportunities in Dacorum 2. Continue to support promotion of “Chilterns Country Walks and programmes such as Chalk Streams and Commons 3. Could be badged as a Herts Local programme. 1. Would have implications for performance against NI 197. 2. As above with (although to a lesser extent) Agenda Item 4, Appendix A Parish Environmnetal Action Projects and Community Projects Volunteers 116105438 Work at a community level to develop parish wide plans and also supporting community groups and parish councils to manage sites / projects. Borough wide pond survey. Extensive project in Aylesbury Vale 5 other community projects currently being supported. 1. Withdraw from activity 2. Sustain in AONB only 3. Maintain full service Tree Wardens schemes established in Dacorum and St Albans DC in partnership with Tree Council – CMS bringing cross district co-operation allows schemes to benefit from economies of scale. 35 volunteers 1. Withdraw from activity 2. Maintain in AONB 3. Maintain full service Support development of Friends Groups – community groups 5 Friends Groups linked to DBC sites 1. Withdraw from activity 1. Tail off in ability to support plans already developed. Momentum lost, and difficult for CMS to pick up projects again in the future. 2. Would lessen impact of above – but in a limited way as much of the current activity is outside the AONB. 1. Strongly linked to DBC although does have wider benefit for stimulating environmental improvement in communities 2. Relatively low number of tree wardens as mainly linked to larger settlements – would support AONB Special Trees Project 3. Makes contribution to opportunities for volunteering. 1. Local groups unable to or limited access to support. Agenda Item 4, Appendix A Strategic support and development linked with local green spaces. proposed 2. Sustain in AONB only 3. Maintain full service Midweek Group – peripatetic group of volunteers working on small scale improvement projects. 50 events per year across area 4 districts / boroughs 1. Withdraw from activity 2. Sustain in AONB only 3. Maintain full service CMS Area Manager is a member of the Dacorum Environmental Forum (DEF) and currently represents this group on the Dacorum Local Strategic Partnership. 4 meetings per year 1. Withdraw from for each activity 2. Sustain in AONB only 3. Maintain full service CMS provide secretariat for DEF Water Group CMS Area Manager attends Chilterns AONB Environment Forum and Recreation and Access Group. 116105438 10 meetings per year 2. Contributes to AONB objectives. 3. Makes contribution to opportunities for volunteering. 1. Has implications for quality of programme offered to volunteers (who are recruited throughout area). 2. Supports AONB objectives. 3. Some work carried out on DBC sites 1. CMS would lose some networking and influence. 2. AONB groups also have a bearing on CMS activity in Three Rivers and North Herts. 3. Networks maintained