Machine Characterization for Precision Lathes Accuracy and Precision Analysis Brent Baugh March 15th, 98 Summary Tolerances drive many of the costs associated with the production of cells. Understanding tolerances has lead to the statistical analysis of several features which indicated that high end precision machines are capable of repeatedly producing parts that form a normal distribution with standard deviations on the order or 1.5 to 2 microns. However, the mean dimension fell far outside the nominal target for various features. This essential indicates a systematic error in the process. These shifts appear to be most strongly linked to the geometry of the feature in question, as well as the choice of inspection methods. Background This study was initiated because the tolerances of the NLC DDS cells are driven largely by assumptions made concerning the ability of a machine to accurately and precisely machine a feature repeatedly. Very little information is available in the literature concerning modern day machining capabilities in this respect. This lack of information is the result of machining performance being a function of the machine, the environment, the material, the tool, the CNC code and control systems, and finally the feature itself. Due to the high number of parameters that affect the repeatability, a new study must be conducted for nearly every feature. Although extensive data does not exist for the DDS 3 or DDS 5 cells, a comparable part is the NLCTA .9m Injection Section cells. These cells were produced at Robertson Precision, Inc. and were extensively checked for dimensional accuracy here at SLAC. The Leitz coordinate measuring machine (CMM) was used to evaluate nearly every feature on all the cells. Data was collected for 211 cells. Three separate features have been statistically characterized for this study; the cell’s outer diameter (OD), the inner diameter of the cavity (IDC), and the inner diameter of the iris (IDI). Please note that for the following discussion, the dimensions will be listed in English units followed by metric in parentheses. Outer Diameter of Cell The outer diameter of the cells was held constant for all cells in the stack. The nominal diameter was 1.9750 inches (50.165 mm) with a tolerance of plus zero, minus 0.0005 inches (12.7 m). Bill Robertson indicated that during production this feature was measured while on the machine with a set of digital micrometers that were regularly calibrated on a gauge block. He also indicated that in all cases, he targets the center of the tolerance band for production. This implies that for this particular feature, his machines and machinist were attempting to produce parts that had an offset of -0.00025 inches (6.4 m) from the nominal. The following chart is a histogram indicating the range of diameters found on the parts. The charts also indicate the “target” dimension, and the upper/lower tolerance limits. Tolerance Offset from Nominal Cell OD (1.975 inches +0.0000, -0.0005) 40 Average: -0.00027 in. (-7 m) Offset from Target: -0.00002 in (-0.5 m) Standard Deviation: 0.00006 in. (1.5 m) 35 # of Cells 30 25 20 15 10 5 -0.00002 -0.00006 -0.0001 -0.00014 -0.00018 -0.00022 -0.00026 -0.0003 -0.00034 -0.00038 -0.00042 -0.00046 -0.0005 0 Tolerance Band Nominal Target Tolerance Limits The data is a relatively well behaved Gaussian distribution which is centered almost perfectly on the target. In fact, the mean offset from this target is only 20 millionths of an inch (0.5 microns). Additionally, the standard deviation is quite small. It should be noted that all parts are well within the tolerance band. Inner Diameter of the Cavity The diameter of the cavities varied across the length of the section. A typical dimension for the cavity is about 0.85 inches (21.6 mm). Regardless of the nominal diameter, the tolerance for all cavities was plus or minus three ten-thousandths, 0.0003, of an inch (7.6 m). Bill Robertson indicated that this feature was qualified using go/no-go pins chosen to correspond to the upper and lower limits of the tolerance band. Tolerance Offset from Nominal Cavity ID (Cavity approx. 0.85 inches +0.0003, -0.0003) 35 30 Average: -0.00012 in. (-3 m) Standard Deviation: 0.00008 (2 m) # of Cells 25 20 15 10 5 0.0003 0.00026 0.00022 0.00018 0.00014 0.00010 0.00006 0.00002 -0.00002 -0.00006 -0.0001 -0.00014 -0.00018 -0.00022 -0.00026 -0.0003 0 Tolerance Band Nominal Target Tolerance Limits Again, a normal distribution is revealed. However, this curve is offset from the nominal target by a little more than one ten-thousandth of an inch (3 microns). This shift occurs in the negative direction indicating that, on average, the cavities are smaller than nominally desired. With only one exception, all parts fall inside the tolerance band. Inner Diameter of the Iris The iris diameter also varied across the length of the section. In this case, a typical iris dimension is 0.40 inches (10 mm). The tolerance on all iris diameters was plus or minus three ten-thousandths, 0.0003, of an inch (7.6 m). Again, pin gauges were used for quality assurance during production. Tolerance Offset from Nominal Iris ID (Iris approx. 0.40 inches +0.0003, -0.0003) 35 30 Average: 0.00036 in. (9 m) Standard Deviation: 0.00008 (2 m) # of cells 25 20 15 10 5 More 0.00058 0.00054 0.0005 0.00046 0.00042 0.00038 0.00034 0.0003 0.00026 0.00022 0.00018 0.00014 0.00010 0.00006 0.00002 -0.00002 -0.00006 -0.0001 -0.00014 -0.00018 -0.00022 -0.00026 -0.0003 0 Tolerance Band Nominal Target Tolerance Limits The resulting normal distribution is offset from the nominal target by .00036 inches (3 microns). This shift occurs in the positive direction indicating that, on average, the cavities are larger than nominally desired. Note that this is the opposite of the previously noted trend with respect to cavity diameters. The shift is also large enough in magnitude to cause most of the inspected irises to fall outside the tolerance band. Discussion The systematic error noted in the preceding statistical analyses must be understood to insure the quality of cells produced for the NLC. Several different factors could be, and probably are, at work to cause the error. A DFM tool known as the Cause-Effect diagram was employed to identify potential sources of the offset. Geometry Human Error Machine Tool wear Internal Rectilinear Choose Wrong Target Spindle Eccentricity External Curvilinear Systematic Error + value, - 0 + 0, - value + or - value Tolerance Digital Go/No Go Calibration error In-Process Humidity Analog Temperature QC Machine Error QC Technique Environment Cause - Effect Diagram The Cause - Effect diagram is a tool used to help brainstorm and map all the potential sources of a given outcome. In this case, the major sources of the shift have been identified as feature geometry, human error, machine error, tolerance impact, QC technique, and the environment. Internal to all of these, more specific details are identified. Noting that the best results come from the OD we can identify a number of important differences in production that might result in systematic error. These differences are summarized in the following table. Geometry QC Technique Tolerance OD External Digital + 0, - 0.0005 inches ID’s Internal Go/No-go + or - 0.0003 inches In this case, Robertson maintains that the center of a tolerance band is always his goal, so the tolerance difference should not skew the process in one direction. Also, the OD has a tighter tolerance than the IDs so we would expect if this were the only difference, to see problems reversed (i.e. out of tolerance parts for the OD, not the IDs). The geometry on the other hand has actually influence the choice of QC technique, indicating that the Cause-Effect diagram may not be as ‘linear’ as shown above. Regardless, it seems likely that the cause of the systematic error is probably due to the QC method. Obviously, digital micrometers are superior for identifying proper depths of cut to achieve the desired diameter, and the data supports this. In trying to decipher the cause of the cavity diameter being undersize while the iris was oversized, the major difference appears to be in geometry. Here, the cavity is essentially rectilinear and entirely machined from one side, while the iris has a curvilinear profile which drives the necessity of machining both front and back faces. Machining errors probably increase due to this additional operation. The pin inspection process is most definitely affected by the different geometries. When inspecting the cavity, it is known that if the ‘go’ pin is inserted (‘go’ pin being the lower limit of the tolerance band) and the no-go does not fit, the part is acceptable. If small passes are being taken, and the pin is tried repeatedly until it fits, it seems natural that most of the diameters will be just larger than the smallest acceptable diameter. Therefore, we naturally see a shift toward the ‘go’ gauge. In the case of the iris, the pin technique again functions the same way. However, it may be easier to lodge the pin in the iris. This would drive larger diameters and perhaps reverse the skew. Alternatively, when inspected with the CMM it is imaginable that the probe tip was either slightly above or below the cusp of the curve. If this were the case, the reading from the CMM would indicate an overly larger diameter. Case One: Pin gauge inspection of cavity Case Two: Pin gauge inspection of iris Case Three: CMM inspection of iris However, these are just a few ideas, not necessarily the true source of the problem. Conclusions It appears the largest source of systematic error results from the choice of QC methods. Geometry is closely tied to the QC selection and may prohibit certain options for inspection. If good methodologies for inspection may be developed, it seems likely that existing precision machines will be able to consistently generate parts very accurately, and with a precision of a few microns. Raw Data Cell OD Offset Iris Offset 49 -0.00025 -0.000143 0.000354 50 -0.00029 -0.000121 0.000385 51 -0.00027 -0.000151 0.000375 52 -0.00023 -0.000168 0.000324 53 -0.00024 -0.000155 0.000321 54 -0.00026 -0.000075 0.000355 55 -0.00029 -0.000019 0.000439 56 -0.0003 -0.000093 0.000349 57 -0.0003 -0.000052 0.000289 58 -0.00032 -0.000023 0.000356 59 -0.00033 0.000008 0.000501 60 -0.00032 -0.000116 0.000327 61 -0.0003 -0.000093 0.000344 62 -0.0003 -0.000019 0.000384 63 -0.00026 -0.000113 0.000421 64 -0.00031 -0.000116 0.000376 65 -0.00027 -0.000137 0.000388 66 -0.00023 -0.000143 0.000336 67 -0.0004 -0.000197 0.000425 68 -0.00031 -0.000198 0.00032 69 -0.00029 -0.000201 0.000331 70 -0.00029 -0.000196 0.000362 71 -0.00036 -0.00002 0.000517 72 -0.00035 -0.000138 0.000358 73 -0.00015 -0.000098 0.000351 74 -0.00021 -0.000108 0.000348 75 -0.0003 -0.000011 0.000391 76 -0.00036 0.000068 0.000488 77 -0.00025 -0.00015 0.000268 78 -0.00025 -0.000157 0.000138 79 -0.00017 -0.000198 0.000244 80 -0.00026 -0.000225 0.00037 1 -0.00029 Cavity Offset -0.000132 2 -0.00033 -0.000081 0.000268 3 -0.00019 -0.000048 0.000348 4 -0.00035 0.000018 0.000349 5 -0.00026 -0.00005 0.000248 6 -0.00025 -0.000046 0.00021 7 -0.00027 -0.000201 0.000128 8 -0.00026 -0.000178 0.000198 9 -0.00032 0.000022 0.000367 10 -0.00036 0 0.000394 11 -0.00038 0.000037 0.000448 12 -0.0003 0.000096 0.000414 13 -0.00035 0.000093 0.000433 14 -0.00031 0.000139 0.000496 15 -0.00039 0.000139 0.000522 16 -0.00033 0.000005 0.000338 17 -0.00039 0.000014 0.000332 18 -0.00034 0.00003 0.000354 19 -0.00039 -0.000066 0.000249 20 -0.00037 -0.000102 0.000341 21 -0.00036 -0.000118 0.000292 22 -0.00037 -0.000131 0.000274 23 -0.00038 -0.000064 0.000397 24 -0.00037 -0.000153 0.000283 25 -0.00036 -0.000077 0.000351 26 -0.00036 -0.000076 0.000339 27 -0.0004 -0.000049 0.000423 28 -0.00033 -0.000029 0.000329 29 -0.0004 -0.000055 0.000345 81 -0.0002 -0.000161 0.000392 30 -0.00034 -0.000068 0.000313 82 -0.00024 -0.000137 0.000444 31 -0.00015 -0.00017 0.00007 83 -0.00018 -0.000135 0.000421 32 -0.0001 -0.000078 0.000407 84 -0.00024 0.000252 0.000677 33 -0.00022 -0.00001 0.00039 85 -0.00021 -0.000137 0.000497 34 -0.00036 -0.000123 0.000357 86 -0.00025 -0.000032 0.000493 35 -0.00039 -0.000134 0.000401 87 -0.00021 -0.000108 0.000406 36 -0.00028 -0.000046 0.000452 88 -0.00028 -0.000057 0.000512 37 -0.00032 -0.00003 0.000437 89 -0.00023 -0.000069 0.000475 38 -0.00028 -0.000055 0.000375 90 -0.00026 -0.000135 0.00047 39 -0.00026 -0.000079 0.000498 91 -0.0002 -0.000137 0.000259 40 -0.00023 -0.000026 0.000371 92 -0.00024 -0.000195 0.000295 41 -0.0003 -0.000043 0.000394 93 -0.0002 -0.000091 0.000402 42 -0.0003 -0.000087 0.000428 94 -0.0002 -0.000067 0.000324 43 -0.00022 -0.000104 0.000379 95 -0.0002 -0.000121 0.00025 44 -0.00032 -0.00007 0.000338 96 -0.00025 -0.000131 0.000382 45 -0.00032 -0.000084 0.000294 97 -0.00025 -0.000146 0.000411 46 -0.00025 -0.000107 0.000365 98 -0.00024 -0.00016 0.000371 47 -0.00022 -0.000141 0.000339 99 -0.00026 -0.000114 0.000403 48 -0.00025 -0.000161 0.000341 100 -0.00027 -0.000153 0.00047 0.00034 101 -0.00023 -0.000105 0.000228 153 -0.00019 -0.000214 0.000301 102 -0.00026 -0.00019 0.000398 154 -0.00019 -0.00022 0.000183 103 -0.00029 -0.000151 0.000441 155 -0.00019 -0.000227 0.000252 104 -0.00031 -0.000167 0.000361 156 -0.00015 -0.00024 0.000222 105 -0.0003 -0.000089 0.000506 157 -0.0002 -0.000146 0.000213 106 -0.00032 -0.000136 0.000417 158 -0.0001 -0.000142 0.000274 107 -0.00033 -0.000119 0.000414 159 -0.00016 -0.000144 0.000352 108 -0.0003 -0.000146 0.000414 160 -0.00019 -0.00012 0.00035 109 -0.00013 -0.000117 0.000432 161 -0.00014 -0.000308 0.00022 110 -0.0002 -0.000207 0.000073 162 -0.00018 -0.000093 0.000352 111 -0.00018 -0.000213 0.000097 163 -0.00022 -0.000046 0.000353 112 -0.0002 -0.0002 0.000103 164 -0.00025 -0.000116 0.000393 113 -0.00025 -0.000239 0.000327 165 -0.00022 -0.000135 0.000372 114 -0.00024 -0.000173 0.000309 166 -0.00024 -0.000159 0.000334 115 -0.00026 -0.000118 0.000459 167 -0.00023 -0.000133 0.000342 116 -0.00027 -0.000136 0.000378 168 -0.00026 -0.000151 0.000388 117 -0.00027 -0.000116 0.000421 169 -0.00025 -0.000149 0.000346 118 -0.00026 -0.000099 0.00049 170 -0.00024 -0.000195 0.000406 119 -0.00028 -0.000116 0.000422 171 -0.00027 -0.000157 0.000386 120 -0.00026 -0.000192 0.000286 172 -0.00018 -0.000152 0.000385 121 -0.00027 -0.000255 0.000323 173 -0.00019 -0.000053 0.000421 122 -0.00029 -0.000149 0.000354 174 -0.00016 -0.000112 0.000221 123 -0.00031 -0.00015 0.000362 175 -0.00021 -0.00025 0.000315 124 -0.0003 -0.000146 0.000339 176 -0.0002 -0.000251 0.000382 125 -0.00029 -0.000103 0.000394 177 -0.00028 -0.000142 0.000416 126 -0.00028 -0.000085 0.000405 178 -0.00023 -0.000124 0.00022 127 -0.00024 -0.000135 0.000327 179 -0.00026 -0.000229 0.000396 128 -0.00026 -0.000119 0.000438 180 -0.00026 -0.000103 0.00043 129 -0.0003 -0.000121 0.000441 181 -0.00027 -0.000154 0.000343 130 -0.00032 -0.000132 0.00046 182 -0.00025 -0.000165 0.000364 131 -0.00027 -0.000109 0.000451 183 -0.00027 -0.000155 0.000441 132 -0.00023 -0.000196 0.000304 184 -0.00025 -0.000166 0.00041 133 -0.0003 -0.000004 0.000459 185 -0.00028 -0.000161 0.000441 134 -0.00032 -0.000176 0.000378 186 -0.00025 -0.000204 0.000434 135 -0.00027 -0.000111 0.000338 187 -0.00029 -0.000211 0.000426 136 -0.00022 -0.000129 0.000341 188 -0.00028 -0.000196 0.000349 137 -0.00023 -0.000223 0.000278 189 -0.00029 -0.000153 0.000313 138 -0.00021 -0.00015 0.000327 190 -0.00024 -0.000169 0.000208 139 -0.00021 -0.000069 0.000399 191 -0.00027 -0.000222 0.000374 140 -0.00038 -0.000099 0.000293 192 -0.00023 -0.000132 0.000195 141 -0.00027 -0.000006 0.000364 193 -0.00027 -0.000253 0.000336 142 -0.0002 -0.000193 0.000371 194 -0.00028 -0.000185 0.000396 143 -0.00022 -0.000158 0.000226 195 -0.00026 -0.000253 0.000278 144 -0.00021 -0.000147 0.000268 196 -0.00028 -0.000074 0.00032 145 -0.00026 -0.000197 0.000363 197 -0.00026 -0.00008 0.000373 146 -0.00025 -0.000142 0.000339 198 -0.00023 -0.000096 0.000451 147 -0.00032 -0.00024 0.000358 199 -0.00023 -0.000091 0.000395 148 -0.00033 -0.000204 0.00037 200 -0.00022 -0.000218 0.000288 149 -0.00034 -0.00017 0.000375 201 -0.00026 -0.000056 0.000346 150 -0.00028 -0.000152 0.000436 202 -0.00019 -0.000063 0.000354 151 -0.00015 -0.000251 0.000264 203 -0.00033 -0.000207 0.000367 152 -0.00038 -0.000173 0.000422 204 -0.00031 -0.000097 0.000401 205 -0.00022 -0.000173 0.000317 206 -0.00026 -0.00017 0.000307 207 -0.00018 -0.000175 0.000376 208 -0.00015 -0.000276 0.000358 209 -0.00025 -0.000198 0.000348 210 -0.00026 -0.000152 0.000275 211 -0.00029 -0.000045 0.000346