
“Allowance Incorporated “
~~ Attendant Care ~~
Workplace bullying and harassment can continue unchecked because people often don't want to
talk about it. Some people think it is just a part of the workplace environment but it can be very
harmful to a person's health and wellbeing.
What happens to someone who is being bullied?
When someone is being bullied they can suffer from a number of stress-related illnesses that affect
them not only at work but at home in their family relationships and in their social and community
Remember ... workplace bullying is against the law
No matter who is doing the bullying it is the employer's responsibility to stop it.
The Occupational health, safety and welfare law and regulations say that employers must provide a
safe and healthy working environment.
What is bullying and harassment?
Bullying and harassment are often thought of separately; however both involve a more powerful
person or group oppressing a less powerful person or group, often on the grounds of ‘difference’.
These differences can be related to culture, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, sexual orientation, ability
or disability, religion, body size and physical appearance, age, marital status or economic status.
Harassment is unwelcome conduct that humiliates, offends or intimidates people. Harassment is
bullying conduct that is neither appropriate nor relevant to work. This includes words as well as
acts, pictures and images, manifest attitudes and a hostile or threatening atmosphere. The effect is
to make a person feel insulted, offended, intimidated and unable to work effectively or, ultimately
Bullying is a form of workplace harassment that many employers and employees face. Examples
of bullying behaviour include unfair and excessive criticism, publicly insulting victims, ignoring
their point of view, constantly changing or setting unrealistic work targets and undervaluing their
efforts at work, or culturally insensitivity
Bullying is considered a Work Health and Safety Hazard. Bullying constitutes repeated
unreasonable behaviour directed towards a worker that creates a risk to health and safety.
PO Box 3024, Bangor Post Office , Bangor NSW 2234
Ph: 02 8525 4000 Fax: 02 8525 4011
Abn: 47 110 995 518
“Allowance Incorporated “
~~ Attendant Care ~~
Examples of direct form of bullying can be:
 Verbal abuse
 Putting someone down
 Spreading rumours or innuendo about someone
 Interfering with someone’s personal property or work equipment
Examples of Indirect form of bullying can be:
 Unjustified criticism or complaints
 Deliberately excluding someone from workplace activities
 Deliberately denying access to information or other resources
 Withholding information that is vital for effective work performance
 Setting tasks that are unreasonably above or below a worker’s ability
 Deliberately changing work arrangements, such as rosters and leave, to inconvenience a
particular worker or workers.
 Setting timelines that are very difficult to achieve
 Excessive scrutiny at work
What isn’t Bullying:
Reasonable management actions carried out in a fair way are not bullying. Examples:.
 Setting reasonable performance goals, standards and deadlines
 Allocating work to a worker as per their job description
 Rostering and allocating working hours
 Informing a worker about unsatisfactory work performance
 Informing a worker about inappropriate behaviour
 Implementing organisational changes
 Performance management processes
 Constructive feedback
Employer’s Responsibility
As an employer you may be liable for the actions of employees if you have not taken
reasonable actions to prevent bullying or harassment, or respond to any complaint.
Reasonable actions can include acting on bullying or harassment issues, implementing policies
and procedures and training programs for all staff.
What to do to prevent bullying or harassment
The first step in prevention is to acknowledge that bullying and harassment can occur in any
The most effective way to prevent bullying and harassment is for you to send a clear message to
all employees that workplace bullying is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
The bullying and harassment message is incorporated into employee’s Code of Conduct
handbook. During employee’s induction session anti-bullying and harassment message should
also be reinforced, and periodically by reminders for all employees.
PO Box 3024, Bangor Post Office , Bangor NSW 2234
Ph: 02 8525 4000 Fax: 02 8525 4011
Abn: 47 110 995 518
“Allowance Incorporated “
~~ Attendant Care ~~
An excellent guide for employers in preventing workplace bullying can be found on this
Workcover NSW web page.
If bullying and harassment occursEmployer’s step-by-step guide to dealing with workplace bullying and harrassment
Listen carefully to what is occurring in the workplace.
Investigate all complaints of workplace bullying.
Act immediately to deal with the problem, call a meeting in a quiet confidential place and
clearly explain to the participants ( concerned stakeholders) that bullying and harassment is a
serious matter and is not tolerated in your workplace
Provision of Hazard/Incident/Near Miss/Feedback Reporting Form.
Follow Allowance Incorporated procedures, remain completely professional, stay calm,
take notes of the discussion and record the agreement reached.
Monitor the workplace for indications of workplace bullying and identify the reasons for
If the problem is not resolved you should immediately contact Allowance Incorporated
office and request assistance.
An employee's step-by-step guide to dealing with workplace bullying
Recognizing that you are being bullied;
Complete Hazard/Incident/Near Miss/Feedback Reporting Form, give the form to your
employer and send a copy to Allowance Incorporated’s office
Keep records. Keep a diary or notes of bullying incidents, when and where it happened, who
was responsible, how you felt, potential witnesses etc.
You need to address the problem with your network of support in your work environment.
Contact Allowance Incorporated office and discuss the problem with health and safety
Do not retaliate, and do not become a bully yourself or use verbal or physical violence or you
may be seen to be no better than the bullies themselves.
Stay where you are, do not resign as this would be letting the bully win.
Make a formal complaint in writing (always keep a copy).
Assistance by management
Allowance Incorporate Management to communicate with concerned stakeholders and discuss
recommendations to resolve the issue. As need arise Allowance Incorporated to organise
Allowance Incorporatde to arrange an Independent of investigator where serious allegations are
involved and report has been lodged in order to substantiate the claim.
PO Box 3024, Bangor Post Office , Bangor NSW 2234
Ph: 02 8525 4000 Fax: 02 8525 4011
Abn: 47 110 995 518
“Allowance Incorporated “
~~ Attendant Care ~~
Allowance Incoporated will organise referal to neutral and suitably qualified independent person who
is able to mediate and encourage discussion and resolution between the parties involved
If your management doesn't help you then:
There are other organisations which can help you such as:
The Equal Opportunity Commission
The Office of the Employee Ombudsman
WorkCover NSW
PO Box 3024, Bangor Post Office , Bangor NSW 2234
Ph: 02 8525 4000 Fax: 02 8525 4011
Abn: 47 110 995 518