701 Broad Street Danville, VA 24541 434-799

701 Broad Street ◊ Danville, VA 24541 ◊ 434-799-6410
Student Mediation And Response Team:
 This is a multi-tiered intervention plan to reduce the number of students
suspended due to excessive referrals, which in turn will increase school wide
attendance, improve student academics, and reduce poor student behavior.
 SMART will identify students in need of intervention and monitor progress in the
areas of academics, behaviors, discipline, and attendance.
 The multidisciplinary team will consist of an administrator, a SMART coordinator,
a guidance counselor, a department chairman, selected teachers, the parents,
and the student.
The Multi-Tiered Plan:
Tier 1
Occurs before a referral has been written but documentation must be
kept for use in Tier 3.
 This is the primary level of intervention implemented by the general
education teacher.
Forms to be completed
1. None
Supporting documentation
1. Documentation of parent contacts
 Phone calls
 Emails
 Letters home
2. Student/Teacher conferences
3. First attendance letter
Tier 2
This level begins when the student has received 3 or more referrals.
 Guidance counselors will meet with the student to complete a guidance
intervention form documenting the information discussed during the
 SMART will collect this information to assist with determining the best
intervention and response plan for the student if they reach Tier 3 status.
Forms to be completed
1. Guidance intervention form
2. Behavioral Checklist form
Additional supporting documentation
1. Parent Conference
2. Tutoring log
3. Guidance counselor intervention form
4. Second attendance letter
Tier 3
This level begins when the student has received 5 or more referrals.
 SMART will hold a mediation and response meeting to review all
documentation and devise an intervention plan to meet the students
individual needs not being met in the previous two tiers.
 SMART co-chair will schedule a meeting with the team, the parent, and
Forms to be completed
1. Mediation and Response form
Additional supporting documentation
1. Guidance intervention form
2. Behavioral Checklist form
Tier 4
This level begins when the student has received 7 or more referrals.
 SMART coordinator will meet with the student and his/her administrator.
 Tier 4 is created for students that may require a more intensive intervention
that cannot be met through one of the previous tiers.
Forms to be completed
1. Mediation and Response form
2. Reference forms that might be made to other agencies:
 Day treatment
 Court referral
 Mental Health/Social Services/etc
 Others as determined by team
All subsequent referrals will result in but not limited to suspension, possible
recommendation for long term suspension, or alternative placement.
The SMART process:
1. Before referrals teachers should do the following:
 Student conference
 Parent contact
 Provide tutoring
 Exhaust all resources
2. At 3rd referral:
 SMART chair will contact student’s guidance counselor who will schedule a
meeting with the student and complete the guidance intervention form
 SMART chair will contact teachers to complete the behavioral checklist form
 Guidance will forward forms to SMART co-chairs Mr. Hessinger or Mrs. A.
Shelton to keep on file for future use if needed.
3. At 5th referral:
 Co-chairs will review the request and documentation; collect any additional
information needed prior to the scheduled meeting and schedule the SMART
 Supporting documentation
 Parent questionnaire
 All teachers complete academic/behavior checklist
4. At 7th referral:
 Student will meet with an administrator and a SMART coordinator to discuss
future actions.
 Supporting documentation
 All previous forms, checklists, and questionnaires currently in the
student SMART folder
5. Next:
 After SMART meeting the team will discuss the interventions and strategies
developed for the students targeted areas of concern.
 A review meeting will be scheduled for 3 weeks after the original meeting.
 Progress monitoring forms will be disseminated and collected prior to the
review meeting.
6. Finally:
 Review meeting
I. SMART will review the data.
II. SMART will determine if the intervention and responses will continue,
be modified or be discontinued.
III. If strategies are working, the student will continue with the plan and
SMART will continue to collect and update data on a 3 week basis.
IV. If strategies are not working, then SMART will reconvene and consider
changing the plan or determining if a more intensive intervention is