Perspective Quiz

NAME----------------- PERIOD--------------------Circle the correct answer
1. When one object is-------part of a second object,
the first seems to be closer to the viewer.
a. eye level
b. overlapping c. missing d. detail
2. Objects closer to you appear to have more----than objects further away.
a. overlapping line b. red colors c. detail d. size
3. The -------------of objects that are at the bottom
and top of you picture plane appear to be closer
to the viewer while objects placed along the
horizon line appear further away.
a. plane b. eye level c. overlapping d. placement
4. The ---------is an imagery line where the sky and
the land come together.
a. horizon line b. vanishing point c. sea
d. converging line
5. The smaller the -----------of an object, the farther
away it appears.
a. size b. picture plane c. placement d. line
6. A drawing system that creates the illusion of
distance and depth on a flat 2-dimensional
picture plane is called----------------.
a. drawing b. atmospheric c. perspective d. line
7. The ------------refers to the flat 2-dimensional
drawing surface.
a. overlapping
b. vanishing point
c. picture plane d. horizon line
8. The -----------are usually on the horizon line,
where receding parallel lines meet in a
perspective drawing.
a. vanishing point b. overlapping lines
c. picture plane d. objects
9. Colors closer to you appear brighter than those
further away because of the rain particles in the --------------a. water b. atmosphere
c. mountains d. rocks
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