Uploaded by Kalina Wińska

Drawing II-Quiz 4-Perspective Sp 2019

ART 1011 Drawing II/Spring 2019/Winska/Quiz 4
Student Name:
Circle correct answer(s) to each question. Maximum points for the quiz are 10 (100%). You can
get 2 points (20%) maximum for a correctly answered question. Partial credit is possible.
1) The term “Atmospheric perspective” is used in relation to:
a) monochromatic color palette
b) other characteristics seen in objects that are usually lined up at the horizon line
c) objects drawn with decreased clarity, contrast, detail, value and color in order to show
their distance.
d) Linear perspective as a complement – when used together the illusion of 3dimensionanlity and space can be powerful.
2) Which of the following is synonymous with the eye level?
a) Picture Plane
b) Horizon Line
c) Chroma
d) Converging line
3) Circle all that is true about linear perspective:
a) The objects on the horizon appear to be points.
b) The points of convergence at the horizon line are called vanishing points.
c) The lines and planes of drawn objects diminish as they recede in space.
d) The picture plane is perpendicular to the observer’s line of sight.
4) A drawing is in one-point perspective:
a) When one “face”/plane/side of a cubelike form is parallel to the picture plane
b) When all vertical and horizontal edges of objects are intact – unaffected by distortions
of perspective.
c) When the areas of shadow are reduced in the amount of texture.
d) When there are three vanishing points on the horizon line.
5) A drawing is in two-point perspective:
a) When you can easily trace orthogonals converging in only one vanishing point on the
horizon line.
b) When there is no evidence of diminution of objects.
c) When shapes become forshortened as a result of edges and planes appearing
progressively shorter as their angle to the picture plane increases.
d) When no “face”/plane/side of a cubelike form is parallel to the picture plane, but rather
all planes are at an oblique angle to the picture plane.