1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Title: 3G1XServices packet Abstract: This contribution suggest corrective text for the discrepancy pointed out by Samsung contribution C25-20040920-029. Source: Parag Agashe QUALCOMM Incorporated 858-658-5076 pagashe@qualcomm.com 16 17 Date: October 13, 2004 18 19 Recommendation: Review and adopt. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 20 Notice QUALCOMM Incorporated grants a free, irrevocable license to 3GPP2 and its Organization Partners to incorporate text or other copyrightable material contained in the contribution and any modifications thereof in the creation of 3GPP2 publications; to copyright and sell in Organizational Partner’s name any Organizational Partner’s standards publication even though it may include portions of the contribution; and at the Organization Partner’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part such contributions or the resulting Organizational Partner’s standards publication. QUALCOMM Incorporated is also willing to grant licenses under such contributor copyrights to third parties on reasonable, non-discriminatory terms and conditions for purpose of practicing an Organizational Partner’s standard which incorporates this contribution. This document has been prepared by QUALCOMM Incorporated to assist the development of specifications by 3GPP2. It is proposed to the Committee as a basis for discussion and is not to be construed as a binding proposal on QUALCOMM Incorporated. QUALCOMM Incorporated specifically reserves the right to amend or modify the material contained herein and nothing herein shall be construed as conferring or offering licenses or rights with respect to any intellectual property of QUALCOMM Incorporated other than provided in the copyright statement above. 1-1 1 1 INTRODUCTION 2 3 4 5 6 7 Contribution number C25-20040920-029 from Samsung pointed out that there exists no mechanism in C.S0024-A to fragment a 3G1X packet if the 3G1X Circuit Services Notification Protocol is bound to a stream (as against a Virtual Stream). This problem can be remedied by carrying the 3G1X LAN Encapsulated PDU as payload of a signaling message of the 3G1X Circuit Services Notification Protocol, thus allowing the segmentation service of SLP-F to be used. 8 2 PROPOSED TEXT CHANGES 9 Page 217, line 16: 10 5.2 Data Encapsulation for the InUse Instance of the Application 11 12 The 3G1X Circuit Services Notification Protocol sends a 3G1X LAC encapsulated PDU as payload in a 3G1XServices message. 13 14 15 16 If the 3G1X Circuit Services Notification Application is bound to a stream in the Stream Layer, it uses the Signaling Application to transmit and receive messages. If this application is bound to a virtual stream in the Stream Layer, it uses the stream protocol such as Generic Virtual Stream Protocol to transmit and receive messages. 17 18 Page 221, line 5: 19 5.5.3 Protocol Data Unit 20 21 22 The 3G1X Circuit Services Notification Protocol sends a 3G1X Link Access Control (LAC) encapsulated Protocol Data Unit (PDU) containing a 3G1X Layer 3 message as payload in a 3G1XServices message. 23 2.1.1 Procedures and Messages for the InUse Instance of the Protocol 24 Procedures 25 General Requirements 26 27 28 29 30 31 The 3G1X Circuit Services Notification Protocol receives a 3G1X LAC encapsulated PDU containing a 3G1X Layer 3 message for transmission from the higher layer Error! Reference source not found., and forms a 3G1XServices message. As defined in Error! Reference source not found., a LAC encapsulated PDU is a LAC PDU together with the associated length and the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) fields added by the Segmentation and Reassembly (SAR) sublayer of the 3G1X LAC. 32 33 34 35 The higher layer shall set the ACK_REQ field of the encapsulated PDU to ‘0’. The higher layer shall set the VALID_ACK field of the encapsulated PDU to ‘0’. If the payload from the 3G1X LAC layer is to be delivered reliably, then the sender shall set AckRequired field of the 3G1XServices message to ‘1’. Otherwise, the sender shall set the AckRequired field of the 2-2 1 2 3 4 5 3G1XServices message to ‘0’. Upon receiving a 3G1XServices message with AckRequired field set to ‘1’, the receiver shall respond with a PacketAck message. If the sender does not receive a PacketAck message within an implementation specific time interval in response to the corresponding 3G1XServices message requiring an acknowledgment, then the sender should retransmit the 3G1XServices message an implementation specific number of times. 6 A 3G1XServices message shall have priority in the range 20 to 50, inclusive. 7 8 Page 222. line 10: 9 Transmission and Reception of LAC Encapsulated PDUs 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 The higher layer shall construct the LAC Encapsulated PDU as if for transmission on the r-csch logical channel as defined in Error! Reference source not found. . The higher layer shall omit the Radio Environment Report Fields (See Error! Reference source not found. ) of the Utility Sublayer from the LAC Encapsulated PDU sent to the Stream Layer. The LAC Encapsulated PDU shall contain only messages with MessageIDs listed in the AllowedReverseLinkMessages attribute. If the LAC Encapsulated PDU contains an Order message, then the Order message shall contain only orders with (order codes, order qualification code) pairs listed in the OrderCodeReverse attribute. If an order qualification code is not included along with an order code in the OrderCodeReverse attribute, then the Order message may contain an order with any order qualification code for that order code. 20 21 Page 224, line 12: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 The access network shall construct a LAC Encapsulated PDU as if for transmission on the f-csch logical channel as defined in Error! Reference source not found.. The LAC Encapsulated PDU shall contain only messages with MessageIDs listed in the AllowedForwardLinkMessages attribute. If the LAC Encapsulated PDU contains an Order message, then the Order message shall contain only orders with (order codes, order qualification code) pairs listed in the OrderCodeForward attribute. If an order qualification code is not included along with an order code in the OrderCodeForward attribute, then the Order message may contain an order with any order qualification code for that order code. 30 31 32 Page 226, line 22: 33 34 Message Formats 35 3G1XServices 36 37 The access terminal or the access network sends a 3G1XServices message to send a 3G1X LAC Encacpsulated PDU. 2-3 Field Length (bits) MessageID 8 AckRequired 1 MessageSequence 6 PDULength 9 PDU PDULength × 8 1 MessageID The sender shall set this field to 0x02. 2 3 4 AckRequired The sender shall set this field to ‘1’ if the receiver is required to acknowledge the receipt of this message. Otherwise, the sender shall set this field to ‘0’. 5 6 7 8 MessageSequence If AckRequired is ‘1’, then the sender shall set this field to one more (modulo 64) than the MessageSequence field of the last 3G1XServices message requiring acknowledgement sent by the sender. Otherwise, the sender shall set this field to zero. 9 10 PDULength The sender shall set this field to the length, in units of octets, of the 3G1X LAC encapsulated PDU carried in this 3G1XServices message. 11 PDU The sender shall set this field to the 3G1X LAC Encapsulated PDU. 12 PacketAck 13 14 15 The access terminal or the access network sends a PacketAck message to acknowledge the receipt of a 3G1XServices message. Field Length (bits) MessageID 8 AckSequence 6 Reserved 2 16 MessageID The sender shall set this field to 0x00. 17 18 AckSequence The sender shall set this field to the MessageSequence field of the 3G1XServices message whose receipt is being acknowledged. 19 20 21 Reserved The sender shall set this field to ‘00’. The receiver shall ignore this field. 2-4 Channels Addressing FTC CC RTC AC unicast 1 2-5 SLP Priority Best Effort 40