Supplementary Material Detailed methodology for clonal discrimination Eelgrass is a partially clonal species, combining sexual and vegetative reproductions. The first step of the genetic analyses is clonal discrimination. This method is based on the multilocus genotype (MLG) of sampling units, and addresses two questions (Arnaud-Haond et al, 2007a): 1. Do all the replicates of the same MLG really belong to the same genet (i.e., are they all issued from the same sexual reproduction event)? 2. Does each distinct MLG really belong to a distinct genet (i.e., are they truly issued from distinct reproductive events, or are the differences of MLG due to somatic mutations or scoring errors)? Briefly, the first step consists of the estimation of allelic frequencies, following the round-robin method (Parks and Werth, 1993). The probability Psex, that two identical MLG derived from two distinct sexual reproductions (null hypothesis) is then estimated, taking departures from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium into account (Arnaud-Haond et al, 2007a). When Psex falls below a threshold value fixed at 0.01, the null hypothesis is rejected, and the two identical MLGs are considered as belonging to the same clonal lineage. Once this first step is achieved, slightly different MLGS belonging to the same genet may, nevertheless, still occur in the dataset, either due to somatic mutation or scoring errors (Douhovnikoff and Dodd, 2003). If ignored, such differences would lead to an overestimation of the number of clones in the sample. To test whether these slightly different MLG (distinct for one locus) belong to distinct genets, a very similar method to that used with identical MLGs is applied. First, the locus differing among the MLG considered slightly different is removed , with the result that the MLGs now share an identical reduced genotype. Psex is used on the set of identical loci in order to estimate the probability that these MLG could actually be derived from distinct reproductive events. As previously, when psex is lower than 0.01 (null hypothesis rejected), the slightly different MLG can be considered to belong to the same genet or multilocus lineage (MLL, Arnaud-Haond et al, 2007a) and the MLG dataset is corrected. Supplementary Table S1 Estimation of the percentage of Multilocus Genotypes covered by the sampling of 30 ramets. N is the number of sampling units, standardized to 30 in all quadrats, G the number of distinct MLGs or MLLs discriminated in each quadrat, R the estimate of genotypic richness (R=(G-1)/(N-1)). Density corresponds to the estimated number of ramets for 1m². Ntot is the derived estimate of the number of ramets occurring within the 600m²-quadrat, and Gtot corresponds to the expected number of MLGs occurring within the quadrat (Gtot=R * Ntot). %Gsampled is the ratio of G and Gtot in percent, indicating the percentage of MLG covered by the sampling, and Gshared is the number of MLG shared between 2009 and 2012. Location Quadrat Molène / Saint Malo 1 Saint-Malo 2 Roscanvel 2 Arradon 2 Year N G R 2009 2012 2009 2012 2009 2012 2009 2012 2009 2012 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 15 16 19 26 15 19 21 22 21 22 0,48 0,51 0,62 0,86 0,48 0,64 0,69 0,72 0,69 0,72 Density (1m²) 173 150 470 667 373 473 183 270 138 400 Ntot Gtot 103800 90000 282000 400200 223800 283800 109800 162000 82800 240000 49824 45900 174840 344172 107424 181632 75762 116640 57132 172800 %Gsampled Gshared 0,03 0,03 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,03 0,02 0,04 0,01 6 1 5 1 2 Supplementary Table S2 Spring densities for 0.1m²-quadrat. Three counts were performed in each sampling quadrat. Arradon Q1 2004 27.0 2005 14.7 2006 15.3 2007 11.7 2008 14.5 2009 10.8 2010 16.5 2011 23.8 2012 6.7 Arradon Q2 45.0 14.3 11.7 17.7 35.5 13.8 16.5 29.5 40.0 Roscanvel Q1 43.0 30.3 22.0 22.7 - 20.7 20.0 29.0 - Roscanvel Q2 39.3 21.7 21.0 24.3 28.0 18.3 22.3 27.0 - - 12.0 19.7 32.3 0.0 17.3 21.0 24.0 15.0 Sainte-Marguerite Q1 46.7 14.5 18.5 15.8 29.0 19.3 23.3 33.0 - Sainte-Marguerite Q2 - - - - 0.0 21.0 23.3 26.0 - Callot Q1 25.0 18.7 30.3 37.3 72.0 22.7 14.3 21.0 27.5 Molène Callot Q2 25.7 26.0 26.3 34.3 66.0 32.3 13.7 19.0 20.5 Arcouest Q1 48.0 44.0 30.3 33.3 38.0 24.7 19.3 55.8 11.0 Arcouest Q2 47.3 29.3 27.7 35.0 33.0 26.0 28.3 37.3 30.5 Saint-Malo Q1 - 27.0 36.0 33.3 54.7 47.0 56.8 85.5 66.7 Saint-Malo Q2 - 27.3 38.0 27.7 32.7 37.3 37.5 72.8 47.3 Supplementary Table S3 Matrix of genetic distance (Fst). Fst-values were calculated following Weir & Cockerham (1984), for each pair of samples. Significance of values: * for P < 0.05; ** for P < 0.01 and *** for P < 0.001. Arcouest 1 Arcouest 2 Arradon 1 Arradon 2 Callot 1 Callot 2 Molène Roscanvel 1 Roscanvel 2 Sainte-Marguerite 1 Sainte-Marguerite 2 Saint-Malo 1 Saint-Malo 2 Arc 2 0.02* - Arr 1 0.09*** 0.17*** - Arr 2 0.09*** 0.15*** 0.00 - Cal 1 0.03*** 0.06*** 0.08*** 0.08*** - Cal 2 0.01* 0.06** 0.08*** 0.08*** 0.01 - Mol 0.31*** 0.35*** 0.30*** 0.28*** 0.30*** 0.31*** - Ros 1 0.14*** 0.14*** 0.16*** 0.13*** 0.07*** 0.11*** 0.29*** - Ros 2 0.13*** 0.14*** 0.15*** 0.12*** 0.09*** 0.12*** 0.25*** 0.01* - Smar 1 0.19*** 0.24*** 0.20*** 0.20*** 0.21*** 0.19*** 0.18*** 0.24*** 0.21*** - Smar 2 0.28*** 0.32*** 0.26*** 0.27*** 0.29*** 0.26*** 0.17*** 0.28*** 0.24*** 0.04*** - Smal 1 0.09*** 0.08*** 0.19*** 0.16*** 0.08*** 0.10*** 0.26*** 0.12*** 0.11*** 0.24*** 0.30*** - Smal 2 0.19*** 0.20*** 0.26*** 0.22*** 0.19*** 0.19*** 0.23*** 0.18*** 0.15*** 0.27*** 0.30*** 0.05*** - Supplementary Table S4 Network values of Clustering Coefficient (CC). Each value corresponds to the average value of CC inside local networks for one pair of quadrats at a location. Arradon Roscanvel Molène Sainte-Marguerite Callot Arcouest Saint-Malo Average 2009 0.42 0.17 0.33 0.16 0.33 0.31 0.52 0.32 2012 0.43 0.19 0.50 0.34 0.50 0.58 0.43 0.42 Supplementary Figure S1 Locations of the seven intertidal meadows of Zostera marina. For each location, both quadrats sampled in 2009 were also sampled in 2011, except in Molène, where a single quadrat was studied. Approximately 35 sampling units collected from each quadrat, according to randomly-generated coordinates. Supplementary Figure S2 Isolation-by-distance for Z. marina. The full line corresponds to the significant regression combining the two distance-scales, indicating that pairs within a location are less distinct than pairs among locations. The left-hand dashed line corresponds to the regression with pairs of quadrats within a location (local scale), and the right-hand dashed line to the regression with pairs of quadrats among locations (regional scale). The observed pattern is very similar to the ones observed in 2009. The pair of quadrats of Sainte-Marguerite (the diamond-shaped point in the topleft corner) is a noticeable exception indicating that a strong divergence occurred during the threeyear period between samplings.