coastal tourism & recreation questionnaire Argyll and Bute Coastal



Argyll and Bute Coastal Development Strategy

Argyll and Bute Council is developing a Coastal Development Strategy as supplementary guidance alongside the new Local Development Plan (LDP). This strategy will look to inform the proposed coastal development policy in the LDP, help prioritise investment in existing ports and harbour infrastructure and identify other coastal areas where specific development may be required to support marine renewables, aquaculture, tourism infrastructure and other potential economic development opportunities.

Tourism and recreation is one of the key sectors that will be considered in the Coastal Development

Strategy. Therefore the Council is seeking information and views from key organisations and groups to ensure a relevant, effective and up to date strategy is developed to assist sustainable growth of coastal tourism and recreation.

Your views

To assist the Council by providing your views please complete the questionnaire below. Please note there is no requirement to answer every question.

Further information on the proposed aims and objectives and land/sea boundaries of the Coastal

Development Strategy can be viewed at

About you

Please provide your full name

Please identify your area of interest i.e. recreational user, kayaker, tourism business etc.

Are you responding as an individual or as an individual on behalf of a group/organisation?

(a) an individual (b) on behalf of a group or organisation

If you are responding on behalf of a group/organisation, please identify the name of the group/organisation

If you would like to be kept informed about the progress of the Coastal Development Strategy please provide an email address

Please note that your email address will not be published or passed on to third parties.


Key priorities and assets

1. What do you consider to be the key coastal tourism/recreational assets of Argyll and Bute?

Note – assets can be environmental, economic and social

2. Please identify any key assets that you consider to be sensitive to marine or coastal development. (locations, activities, features)

3. What do you consider to be the key priorities for delivering sustainable growth of coastal tourism and recreation in Argyll and Bute?

Infrastructure & development opportunities

4. What upgrading or additional pieces of infrastructure do you think are needed to allow the sustainable growth of coastal tourism and recreation? Please be as specific as possible.

Are there any other development opportunities related to coastal tourism/recreation?

Key activities and locations

5. Are there any key areas or locations that you consider to be essential for specific coastal tourism/recreational activities or regional/national events?

If so, please identify the area/location and activities.

Do you consider any of these specific locations to be sensitive to marine or coastal development? If so please identify why.

Interactions with other activities

6. Are there any key interactions (positive, negative or incompatible) between coastal tourism/recreation activities and other activities or interests that you feel should be considered in a Coastal Development Strategy?

Can any of these interactions be managed by policy relating to coastal development?

Are there any opportunities that could be realised from positive interactions?

SWOT analysis

7. It is proposed to prepare a SWOT analysis for coastal tourism/recreation in relation to its sustainable economic growth. Please identify what you consider to be key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities or threats for Argyll and the Isles.

Additional information

8. Please identify any projects, reports, or sources of information which you think may assist the development of the Coastal Development Strategy?

9. Do you or the organisation you represent have any economic information that could be used to help identify the economic value/contribution of any coastal tourism/recreation activities?

If Yes, please identify the relevant sources of information or provide data;

Note - quantitative information such as number of trips/boats/people is also useful.

If No, please identify any potential source of information you are aware others may be able to provide.

Thank you for completing this questionnaire

Please send your completed form to:

Mark Steward

Argyll and Bute Council

Municipal Buildings

Albany Street


PA34 4AW
