Use of Long-Lead Streamflow Forecasts to Improve Columbia River Reservoir Management JISAO Climate Impacts Group Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Alan F. Hamlet Dennis P. Lettenmaier Draft 10/27/99 Abstract Recent advances in long-lead climate forecasts have made experimental streamflow forecasts developed by the JISAO Climate Impacts Group (CIG) and the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Washington available roughly six months earlier than current operational forecasts that rely on snow pack measurements. These forecasts provide apparent opportunities to make the Columbia Basin reservoir operating system more directly responsive to interannual climate variability in the early fall and winter months. In the current operating system, the so called “critical” and “assured refill” rule curves that restrict releases for hydropower in the period from August to December are based on the critical and third lowest flow sequence respectively. These rule curves provide appropriate protection of energy capacity and reservoir refill in low flow conditions, but are unnecessarily restrictive in normal and high flow years. A new rule curve called the “refill to least flood” curve has been proposed by the authors for the major storage dams to make effective use of extended streamflow forecasts and provide more management flexibility in the fall and early winter while protecting against low flow conditions when appropriate. Recent Improvements in Forecasting Streamflow Figure 1 and Table 1 show an ensemble forecast of natural streamflow and corresponding summer runoff volumes for the Columbia River at The Dalles, Oregon for water year 1999. The forecast was made available on an experimental basis June 1, 1998, based on the 1998-1999 ENSO forecast for La Niña conditions, and heuristic methods for determining the phase of the PDO in real time (Hamlet and Lettenmaier, 1998). This type of longrange ensemble forecast shows promise for improving reservoir operations in the Columbia River Basin. C lim a te C a te g o ry 6 F o re c a s t o f V irg in F lo w a t T h e D a lle s fo r W a te r Y e a r 1 9 9 9 800000 F o re c a s t1 F o re c a s t2 700000 Stream flo w (cfs) F o re c a s t3 600000 F o re c a s t4 F o re c a s t5 500000 F o re c a s t6 400000 F o re c a s t7 300000 F o re c a s t8 F o re c a s t9 200000 F o re c a s t1 0 100000 F o re c a s t1 1 F o re c a s t1 2 M o n th sep au g ju l ju n m ay ap r m ar jan feb d ec oct n ov 0 H ig h C lim a to lo g y L o w C lim a to lo g y O b s e rve d V irg in F lo w Figure 1 Long-range ensemble streamflow forecast for water year 1999 (PDO cold/ENSO cold) [Light gray lines are forecast ensemble members, heavy black lines are the observed minimum and maximum streamflow for each month for 1948-1988] The forecasting scheme is implemented using a macro-scale hydrology model for the Columbia Basin (Figure 2) and observed meteorological driving data selected from the historic record. A schematic of the forecasting method is shown in Figure 3. On about June 1 an ENSO forecast is typically available for the coming winter. The phase of the PDO generally persists from the preceding year, and heuristic methods based on the occurrence of extreme high or low flow events in preceding years are used to identify regime shifts in the PDO in an objective manner (Hamlet and Lettenmaier, 1998). Given the assumed phase of the PDO and the ENSO forecast for the coming winter, precipitation and temperature data from water years associated with these climate conditions are selected from the historic record. Percentile Forecast 1999 Average Forecast 1999 Volume Streamflow at the Runoff at The Dalles Dalles Apr-Aug Apr-Aug. (kcfs) (million acre-ft) 90th 439 133 80th 430 130 70th 406 123 60th 393 119 50th 380 115 40th 379 115 30th 341 103 20th 318 97 10th 299 91 Table 1 Percentile Flows and Runoff Volumes at The Dalles 1999 Water Year Ensemble Forecast The years associated with each climate category are based on retrospective definitions of climate state, using the Nino3.4 and PDO climate indices (winter averages more than 0.5 standard deviations from the mean in each case). Nino3.4 is a numerical measure of sea surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific which may be used to identify and categorize ENSO events (Trenberth, 1997). The PDO (as it is used here) is a decadal-scale climate phenomenon with a characteristic period of about 50 years and bimodal, epochal events typically lasting 20 to 25 years (Mantua et al, 1997). The two most recent epochs for the PDO were cold phase from 1948-1976, and warm phase from 1977-1996(?). There is evidence in the streamflow record that there may have been a PDO regime shift in 1996 or 1997. Having established the climate forecast, the hydrology model is then initialized using the meteorological data from the previous water year, and each of the meteorological sequences associated with the climate state forecast for the coming water year are used to simulate the streamflow, producing an ensemble forecast for the coming year (Figure 1). Post processing then produces summaries like those shown in Table 1. The grid-based hydrologic model is capable of resolving a large number of river locations in the Columbia basin, and a similar streamflow forecast can be provided at each of these points. The main advantage of the method is that it has demonstrable forecast skill for streamflow early in the water year (fall and early winter) not present in currently used streamflow forecasting methods based on snowpack observations, which are not reliable before January. Precipitation, Temperature, Wind, Humidity Evapotransporation (canopy and soil layers) Snow Accumulation and Melt Vegetation and Soil Characteristics Runoff Routing Model Surface Infiltration Base Flow Inter-layer Infiltration Figure 2 Schematic of grid-based macro-scale hydrology model 2 Select Met Data Ensemble from Historic Record Associated with Forecast Climate Category ENSO Long-Lead Climate Forecast Run Initialized Hydrologic Model PDO Ensemble Streamflow Forecast Figure 3 Schematic of Forecasting Method Current Use of Forecasts in Columbia Basin Operations The reservoir operating system for the Columbia River Basin has evolved to make use of streamflow forecasting techniques that become available on January 1 based on observed snowpack and statistical relationships between snowpack and spring and summer streamflow. These forecasts are updated monthly until July. As the snow accumulation season progresses, the forecasts of spring runoff become increasingly accurate until about April or May as knowledge of the total snow water equivalent that will contribute to runoff during the spring melt improves (Koch and Buller, 1993). As the snow melts through the summer, the subsequent streamflow becomes progressively less dependent on the accumulated snow from the previous winter season, and the forecast accuracy declines until by August there is little prediction skill. The forecasting method described above essentially extends the lead time for predicting spring and summer streamflow by approximately six months. These extended forecasts are most useful early in the water year, since subsequent forecasts based on existing methods would be preferred once observations of winter snowpack become available. The current reservoir operating system uses streamflow forecasts to determine flood evacuation requirements and reservoir "assured refill" rule curves in the period from January-July. Figure 4, for example, shows a flood storage evacuation diagram for Libby Dam that is typical for the major federal storage projects in the basin. Until January, the flood evacuation targets are based on fixed values that are independent of forecast information. Starting in January, forecasts of spring runoff volumes determine greater or lesser evacuation requirements based on estimates of total spring runoff at The Dalles or at the individual project. Similarly, reservoir "assured refill" rule curves (Figure 5) are based, from August-December, on conservative assumptions of reservoir inflow (1931 inflow sequence) designed to assure a high likelihood of reservoir refill in summer. The so-called "critical" rule curves are constructed using a reservoir model and a critical period analysis in conjunction with firm energy requirements reported by participants in the Pacific Northwest Coordination Agreement. The current critical period is a streamflow sequence that occurred in 1936-1937. 6000000 Storage (acre-ft) 5000000 Rule Vol 1 4000000 Rule Vol 2 Rule Vol 3 Rule Vol 4 3000000 Rule Vol 5 2000000 1000000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Month (August=1) 3 Figure 4 Flood evacuation targets for Libby Dam 6000000 Storage (acre-ft) 5000000 4000000 3000000 2000000 Critical Assured Refill 1000000 JUL JUN MAY APRIL FEB MAR JAN DEC OCT NOV SEP AUG 0 Month Figure 5 Examples of the critical and assured refill curve for Libby Dam Together these three rule curves determine draft limits for hydropower production allowed at different times of the year. In simple terms, the reservoirs are not permitted to draft below either the critical curves or assured refill curves (whichever is more restrictive) for firm energy production unless the flood curve is below these curves or all reservoirs do so in an balanced manner. Non-firm energy production is not permitted to draw the reservoirs below the assured refill curve or the critical curve unless the flood curve is below this curve. At some dams there are additional restrictions requiring the reservoir to be at but not below flood pool in spring. Starting in January, the assured refill curves are based on forecast inflows, which in all but a few years are less restrictive than those based on the 1931 inflows. Similarly, use of the critical curves to limit hydropower production in the fall are very cautious, because only one extreme low flow sequence in the record justifies the maintenance of such high levels of fall storage to protect firm energy production. Modifications to the Current Operating System to Take Advantage of Long-Lead Forecasts Long-lead streamflow forecasts can be used effectively for long-range planning/marketing even within the constraints of current reservoir operating practice, however there also appear to be economically important opportunities to change reservoir rule curves and relax certain operational constraints to better utilize long-term forecasts, particularly for fall and early winter hydropower production. Conceptual Framework of a Revised Operating Plan In years with above average or high streamflow (e.g. water year 1999, a cold-phase PDO/La Niña year), the current operating plan is unnecessarily restrictive in terms of reservoir draw down for hydropower generation in the fall and early winter (October-December). Refill curves based on the 1931 inflow sequence are more restrictive than those that would be constructed using even the lowest ensemble member (Figure 6), and much higher streamflows are much more likely. Similarly, the critical curves, while appropriately restricting fall and winter energy production during a critical streamflow sequence, are unnecessarily restrictive if relatively high spring and summer streamflow volumes are expected and the approximate flood evacuation requirements in the spring are known ahead of time. Most importantly, the flood evacuation that is likely to be required in spring in years with above average or high streamflow tends to completely overwhelm any other considerations as soon as volume forecasts are made available on January 1. If, based on long-lead forecasts, flood evacuation requirements are likely to heavily draft reservoirs in the spring, then any restrictions on fall and winter releases of storage should more appropriately be based on these expected flood control practices, rather than on a critical period analysis. 4 6000000 Storage (acre ft) 5000000 4000000 3000000 2000000 Low Ensemble Assured Refill 1000000 Status Quo Assured refill Refill to least flood 0 oct nov dec jan feb mar apr may jun jul Month Figure 6 Assured refill curve for Libby Dam constructed using 1931 inflows, assured refill curve constructed using the lowest ensemble flow sequence forecast for 1999, and the refill to least flood curve for 1999 The long-lead forecasting method described above is most successful at predicting an ensemble of spring and summer streamflow volumes. These spring and summer volume estimates in turn determine the probability of certain flood rule curves becoming active in spring. The ensemble forecasts can be used to create a set of refill curves leading to the March or April flood evacuation targets for each dam (Figure 6). These in turn determine how much storage is available to be released from October-April for energy production. To ensure maximum reliability of being at but not below flood pool (which is a spring objective at certain projects), the refill curve based on the lowest ensemble member could be used to restrict hydropower production until the January 1 forecasts are reported, at which time the actual flood curves would be selected in the current manner. In wet years, this new rule curve, which will be referred to as the "refill to least flood" rule curve, is much less restrictive than is the current combination of critical and assured refill curves, as will be shown below. In low flow years there are advantages to this system as well, although the benefits are not necessarily to hydropower production. Using the lowest ensemble member to define a refill curve to a low flood evacuation target may provide more robust protection against drought than using the current operating system by being more restrictive than the current plan and ensuring a high likelihood of reservoir refill under the worst conditions. This is important for the maintenance of fisheries flow targets in drought conditions, for example, due to the very limited storage that is allocated for this purpose. A Revised Reservoir Operating Plan to Make Use of Long-Lead Forecasts This experimental operating system is designed to provide a revised Energy Content Curve in October, November, and December, using a conservative estimate of flood pool in April or March based on forecast spring and summer inflow volumes. To accomplish this, the lowest member of the streamflow forecast ensemble of inflows to each major storage dam in the basin is used to estimate a minimum flood evacuation requirement. The inflow sequence defined by the lowest ensemble member is then used to create a refill curve that would bring the reservoir level to this low estimate of flood control storage requirements given the lowest estimate of inflow (Figure 6). This "refill to least flood" curve would then be used directly in conjunction with the fixed flood control rule curve to create a revised Energy Content Curve in the period from OctoberDecember. The critical curve would not be used in this system. Some may question the elimination of the critical curve in fall. The critical curve, while enforcing restraint in the fall before current forecasts are available, is not a theoretical requirement for successful operation of the system when forecast information is available earlier in the year. In the current system, releases of storage for energy production could potentially overdraft the system in fall in what might prove to be a low-flow year, thus threatening firm energy production in the rest of the year. The critical curve was included in the operating system to prevent this from occurring. However, if all dams are operated according to the revised rule curve, the critical curve serves no useful purpose, since as long as the refill to least flood curves for October-April are used for planning in the fall and early winter, dam releases early in the season will not threaten energy production capacity later in the year. In dry forecast years the refill to least flood curve is even more restrictive than the critical curve (which means the status quo flood curves typically define fall draft limits), and in wet years the fall 5 constraints are appropriately relaxed since the system is not in a critical situation and abundant streamflow is expected later in the year. An Example for Water Year 1999 and 1992 for Libby Dam The forecast April-August volume forecasts for Libby dam for water year 1999 are shown in Table 2. Taking the lowest ensemble member of 5.94 million acre-ft specifies a flood evacuation requirement of about 4 million acre-ft (the second curve from the bottom in Figure 3) by March 15. This is assumed to be the least amount of flood storage likely to be needed for the coming year since it is based on the lowest ensemble member. Then the "refill to least flood" curve is assembled using the inflow sequence defined by the same lowest ensemble member. A 4000 cfs minimum outflow from the dam is assumed. This curve is then used in conjunction with fixed flood evacuation requirements to define a new ECC. Figure 7 compares the new ECC based on the refill to least flood curve to the fall ECC for the status quo. Note the considerable relaxation of constraints on use of storage in the fall. April-August Total Volume Forecast (million acre-ft) max 11.8 95 11.7 90 11.6 80 11.0 70 10.6 60 10.2 50 9.2 40 8.4 30 8.4 20 7.8 10 7.2 5 6.6 min 5.9 Table 2 April-August forecast inflow volume for Libby dam for water year 1999 Libby Storage (acre-ft) Percentile 5000000 4500000 4000000 3500000 3000000 2500000 2000000 1500000 1000000 500000 0 Status quo fall ECC Revised fall ECC oct nov dec Month Figure 7 Refill to least flood rule curve for water year 1999 compared to fall ECC for the status quo Table 3 and Figure 8 show the results of repeating the same rule curve construction procedure for water year 1992 (warm-phase PDO/El Niño) using a retrospective forecast (see Hamlet and Lettenmaier, 1998 for more details). Because of the increased likelihood of very low flow conditions contained in the forecast, the refill to least flood curve is even more restrictive than the status quo assured refill curve and critical curve in this case. 6 As a result the fixed December flood control requirements predominantly define reservoir draw down at Libby in this case, much as they do for the status quo. If an unusually low flow year were encountered, these fixed flood targets might actually prevent reservoir refill in spring. Following the refill to least flood curve until January, however, would ensure reservoir refill to full pool even in the most adverse inflow sequence expected. April-August Total Volume Forecast (million acre-ft) max 10.5 95 10.5 90 10.5 80 10.5 70 10.0 60 9.6 50 8.3 40 6.9 30 6.8 20 6.6 10 4.9 5 4.0 min 3.2 Table 3 April-August forecast inflow volumes for Libby dam for water year 1999 Libby Storage (acre-ft) Percentiles 5000000 4500000 4000000 3500000 3000000 2500000 2000000 1500000 1000000 500000 0 Status quo fall ECC Revised fall ECC oct nov dec Month Figure 8 Revised fall ECC for water year 1992 compared to fall ECC for the status quo Opportunities for Improved Water Resources Management Based on Long-Lead Forecasts and Revised Operating System The potential complexities of hydropower marketing and operation in what may become a deregulated energy market are considerable, and are beyond the scope of this paper. However, it would appear that having the flexibility to market more hydropower in the fall months in years when water is likely to be plentiful in the spring and summer, and to have knowledge in June regarding the available water for fall, winter, and spring energy production is valuable in terms of marketing and supplying more hydropower in wet years (with marginal cost benefits over conventional energy production), and in terms of having more flexibility to provide variable amounts of energy throughout the fall, winter, and spring according to short-term marketing opportunities. There is also a need within the system to achieve a more well-defined balance between the various system uses in the face of normal climate variability. This is particularly true with regard to tradeoffs between winter hydropower production and maintenance of streamflow and storage in spring and summer for salmon protection, irrigation, recreation, etc. These diverse uses of water have conflicting objectives for the accumulation and 7 release of storage. The revised operating plan proposed above eliminates unnecessary restrictions on releases of fall and winter storage for energy production when spring and summer streamflow volumes are likely to be high (ensuring high reliability of water uses that need summer streamflow and storage), while protecting uses of water that are sensitive to summer drought by restricting fall and winter releases when long-lead forecasts show a significant likelihood of low-flow conditions. Technical opportunities for revising fall flood control rule curves based on long-lead forecasts would also appear to exist, however the political, institutional, and social obstacles to changes of this kind may overwhelm any potential benefits. These potential changes would have little effect in wet years, but might help to mitigate conflicts between various uses in summer in low flow years by ensuring greater reliability of reservoir refill (e.g. by staying above the refill to least flood curve until January) (See Hamlet and Lettenmaier, 1998 for more information on potential flood control modifications). Conclusions With the availability of improved streamflow forecasting methods that can provide an ensemble forecast for spring and summer streamflow in June preceding the water year, useful changes in the reservoir operating system for the Columbia are possible that could take advantage of this forecast information. 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