South West Museum Development Partnership Constitution

South West Museum Development Partnership
Background: In response to an opportunity for Museum Development funding from
Arts Council England, a partnership was formed to apply for and manage that
funding. The partnership arrangement was set out in a Memorandum of Agreement,
signed by the founder bodies and this should be read in conjunction with this
Constitution. It was agreed that Bristol City Council Museums, Archives and Galleries
Service would be the formal applicant for the Grant and enter into Contract with Arts
Council England if successful. The other founding members are: the South Western
Federation of Museums & Art Galleries, Royal Albert Memorial Museum Exeter,
Plymouth City Museum & Art Gallery and representation from the SW Leisure
Officers Group
Name of Organisation: South West Museum Development Partnership
Working in partnership to provide the best museum development support package
anywhere in the UK to maximise the benefits of museums to audiences and
Aims and Objectives
 Establish, review and sustain meaningful and effective partnership
arrangements with local authorities, museums, sector organisations and
other bodies to co-ordinate and/or lead Museum Development functions in
the historic counties of Bristol, Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire,
Somerset and Wiltshire ( the South West);
 Plan, co-ordinate and deliver professional museum development support and
services across the South West;
 Align activities with the key aims and objectives of significant funding
partners – in particular the 5 Goals of Arts Council England set out in
“ Culture, knowledge and understanding: great museums and libraries for
 Respond to evidence based local needs and priorities with a set of support
services, activities, small grants and other mechanisms delivered within
available resources;
 Work with Local Authorities to support their museum activities, maintain
their commitment, financial and other contributions to museum services and
 Give core museum skills, workforce and volunteering skills development high
priority in programme investment;
 Provide clear online communications and information and thereby encourage
networking and sharing of best practice;
Secure funds and other resources to enable the Partnership to meet these
aims and objectives;
Evaluate the impact of its investment in museum development to establish
and argue the case for ongoing investment beyond the current funding cycle;
Conduct its business and deliver the Museum Development Programme in an
open, inclusive and accountable manner.
This Constitution takes a lead from the Museum Development Partnership
Agreement Memorandum of Understanding and this section should be read
within that context. In particular, Bristol City Council and/or any successor holds
the funding contract with Arts Council England and thereby has a range of
contractual and legal liabilities. Where additional funding is secured, similar legal
and contractual liabilities may arise which “overrule” this Constitution.
The Partnership has the following powers:
Raise funding;
Enter into Service Level Agreements with Local Authorities for the
delivery of museum development services;
Devise, implement and deliver Museum Development activities;
Develop annual regional and sub regional plans;
Set an annual budget and authorise payments;
Authorise individual partner organisations to hold and administer funds
on behalf of the Partnership;
Monitor and manage performance of the delivery of the MD Programme;
Recruit volunteers and partners;
Allocate small grants within agreed budgets;
Commission and publish research;
Commission support services;
Research and develop strategies and plans;
Convene meetings and implement consultation activities;
Conduct an annual review of Board performance;
Review and agree changes to the Constitution, powers and working
arrangements of the Board subject to a two thirds majority Board vote;
Dissolve the Partnership in accordance with the procedures set out.
Unless otherwise agreed, the Partnership Board will dissolve when ACE funding
ceases in April 2015 and all final reports and obligations to ACE have been met.
The Partnership will operate as an Executive Board, adhering to the 7 principles of
public life and will comprise:
 One representative of each of the major partner funded museums in the
South West – Bristol, Exeter and Plymouth
 Two representatives of the South Western Federation of Museums & Art
Galleries at least one of whom will be the Chair or Vice Chair of that
Up to 3 representatives of the South West Local Authorities Cultural
Partnership to be nominated by them;
One representative of the Association of Independent Museums to be
nominated by them.
Members may be removed from the Partnership subject to due consideration by
a simple majority vote of the Partnership.
Additional or replacement Board Members may be invited to join the Board at
any time subject to due consideration and a simple majority vote of the Board.
Ex officio* attendance:
 Arts Council England Relationship Manager;
 Employees funded by any grants received eg: the MD Central Team employed
by Bristol CC;
 One representative of the Museum Development Officer network nominated
by them annually. If no nomination is forthcoming, the Board may identify an
individual to perform this role for up to 12 months at a time;
 Anyone else agreed from time to time by the Board.
*Ex officio means that whilst the individual may attend and contribute to
discussions and deliberations however they will not take any part in final decision
Board roles and responsibilities
 The Board will meet at least quarterly;
 Board members are required to attend at least 75% of all meetings but may
send a suitable substitute;
 The Board will be chaired by the current Chair or Vice Chair of the South
Western Federation of Museums and Art Galleries;
 Any Board member may resign giving one month’s notice;
 Each Board member will have one vote on any decision arising;
 If necessary, decisions will be made by a simple majority vote. In the event of
stalemate, the Chair will have a casting vote;
 Board members may be required to lead specific pieces or strands of work
and/or represent the Partnership;
 It is not proposed that members may claim expenses for attending meetings
though due consideration may be given by the Board in particularly difficult
individual circumstances.
 The Board will be serviced and meetings supported by paid employees of the
Central Team, currently employed by Bristol City Council;
 Meetings will be quorate when at least 50% of the Board members or their
representatives are present;
 An annual programme of regular meeting dates will be established;
All papers will, except in exceptional circumstances, be sent out with the
Agenda in an agreed format no less than 3 working days before each
A single official minute of the meeting will be prepared and circulated as
quickly as possible after the meeting;
Voting will be by a show of hands or by e mail/in writing between meetings;
Each Agenda will seek declarations of any Conflicts of Interest which may
arise as a result of the contents of the meeting. Individuals (Board Members
and ex officio attendees) will be required to declare any actual or potential
conflicts of interest at the beginning of the meeting. This will be recorded in
the minutes of the meeting and the Board Member will take no part in
decision making for that agenda item. In particularly sensitive cases, they
may be asked to leave the meeting whilst the matter is considered;
Additional or special meetings may be arranged by any Board member
supported by at least one third of other Board Members at any time giving at
least 2 weeks notice.
 Any grants or funding will be held and administered by one of the Board
Partners. In the case of the ACE grant this is Bristol City Council who also
employ the Central Team ( Programme Manager; Admin Support Officer);
 Generally, the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations of the holding body
will apply;
 To facilitate efficient and effective working, the Programme Manager will
have delegated authority to spend or commit up to £5000 subject to the prior
agreement in writing ( including e mail) of the Chair and the Bristol City
Council Board Member;
 The Chair and BCC Board Member are also authorised to commit resources of
up to £10,000 between meetings and will seek to consult other Board
Members before doing so. A full report of any such actions will be delivered
at the subsequent Board Meeting;
 Any matters requiring commitment of funding beyond £10,000 but between
Board Meetings will be subject to full Board consultation and majority
agreement in writing (including e mail).
Dissolution of the Partnership
 Unless otherwise agreed, the Partnership Board will dissolve when ACE
funding ceases in April 2015 and all final reports and obligations to ACE have
been met;
 If it becomes necessary to dissolve the Partnership prior to that date, a
special meeting will be called with at least 2 weeks notice. Normal quorum
and voting arrangements will apply to any decision;
 Should the Board hold any funding or assets at that time, these will be
distributed in consultation with the relevant funding bodies. Any funding or
assets held by Members on behalf of the Board will be distributed in
accordance with the funding terms and conditions and/or the holding bodies’
financial regulations.
This Constitution was agreed by the Partnership Board on 12 February 2013.
Chair of the Partnership Board
Date: 9th April 2013