INT. DOCTOR’S OFFICE – AFTERNOON DOCTOR HUNT, middle 50’s, is sitting behind his big oak desk scribbling on his note pad. The office walls are covered in certificates and degrees. PERRY LOWELL, early 20’s clean-cut, enters the office and sits on the other side of the desk directly across from Doctor. He looks around the doctor’s office at the various diagrams of the human ear, nose and throat. DOCTOR Perry, it’s very nice to see you again. As you know, every three months we re-evaluate your brother’s rare condition. I just have a few questions to ask you about him. PERRY I’m here to help you in anyway I can sir. DOCTOR Well thank you. So, tell me, how do you see your brother dealing with his condition? Perry looks out the window. He takes a deep breath, and then looks back at the Doctor. PERRY When he first started losing his voice, he was very resentful towards everyone, even me. But, I don’t really blame him. Doctor Hunt continues scribbling on a sheet of paper, not looking up from his notes. PERRY When mom pulled him from regular school to home school him he would lock himself in his room for hours. DOCTOR What would he do all day? 2 PERRY He would just stay up there and play his guitar. DOCTOR What about now? INT. HOUSE FOYER – EARLY EVENING The front door opens to a middle class home, and Perry walks in and shuts the door behind him. PERRY Hey mom, I’m back. The sound of a guitar echoed through the entire house. Perry looks up, closes his eyes and smiles. Then he makes his way upstairs to find the source of the music. INT. SAM’S BEDROOM - EARLY EVENING Standing in the doorway of his brother’s bedroom Perry watches his brother play the guitar. After a few moment of standing there unnoticed Perry sneezes. SAM LOWELL, late teens, hearing the sneeze turns towards the door and sees his brother is standing there. Then he turns back to his guitar and continues playing. INT. HALLWAY – EARLY EVENING Perry turns and walks away from his brother’s room down hallway to his own bedroom and shuts his door. 3 INT. DINNINGROOM – EARLY EVENING Sam and Perry are sitting across from each other at the dinner table. MOM, mid 40’s, is on the phone in the kitchen walking back and forth in front of the door talking loudly. Sam’s expression is that of disinterest. His head is in a fixed position looking down at his plate. He shuffles his food around on his plate with a fork. Mom sits down at the table and begins eating her dinner with her two sons. Not taking notice of her young sons lack of interest. MOM That was your father. He called and said hello. He’s moved to Texas. Neither Sam nor Perry responded to the mentioning of their father. She skips right over the subject. MOM So Perry, how was the meeting today with Dr. Hunt? Sam looks up at his Mom with a heated glare. Perry sees his brother’s reaction to his Mom’s probing question. PERRY Oh, it was fine. He just asked a few questions and then I was gone. MOM Well, what did he want to know? Sam drops his fork to his plate loudly and leaves the table. Mom and Perry look at each other, Mom shrugs her shoulders. MOM He’s must not be hungry. Perry stairs across the table at his mother. PERRY You talk like he’s not even here. 4 INT. DOCTOR’S OFFICE – (FLASHBACK) Doctor Hunt looks up from his note pad and repeats himself. Perry is looking out the window again. DOCTOR (O.C) Perry, how is he doing now? Perry looks towards the Doctor again. PERRY Well, I can tell he gets frustrated with people that talk too much. Like how our mom does sometimes, well a lot of times. The doctor tilts his head with interest looking at Perry over the top of his reading specs. DOCTOR What is it that your mother does that seems bothers him the most? Perry sits back and thinks about the question, running his hand through his hair. PERRY She doesn’t seem to notice his frustration when she “speaks for him”. It’s almost like she doesn’t even want him to try and cope with his disability. Doctor nods his head with an understanding expression on his face. DOCTOR Well, he does have to learn to speak without a voice. PERRY Like using sign language? 5 DOCTOR Yes, but there are many ways to be heard. PERRY He uses a note pad, in the rare occasion that he wants to talk. INT. PERRY’S BEDROOM – EVENING (PRESENT) After dinner Perry is sitting at his desk in his bedroom doing some studying under a solitary desk lamp. Sam knocks on the door. Perry looks up from his books to see his brother standing in the door. PERRY Hey Sam, what’s up? Sam smiles, grabs Perry’s guitar and motions for him to follow him to his room. PERRY Sam, I have to finish studying. Sam stops turns around and rolls his eyes at his brother, once again motioning him to follow. INT. SAM’S BEDROOM Sam drags a chair right next to his bed, and then sits on the bed. Perry walks into the room and sits in the chair and takes his guitar out of Sam’s hand. Sam grabs his guitar off the bed and starts playing. Sam plays a familiar song to Perry, and he starts playing along with his brother. Music fills the room, then the house. 6 INT. KITCHEN Mom is cleaning up from dinner. She hears the music that her two sons are playing up stairs. She puts down the rag and plate she was cleaning and walks across the kitchen to the doorway. She leans her head against the doorframe, smiles and closes her eyes to listen. INT. SAM’S ROOM Sam and Perry finish playing the song. Sam scribbles on a note pad. He holds the note up to Perry and the note reads: DO YOU WANT TO HEAR A SONG I WROTE? Perry reads it and looks back at his brother and nods his head yes. Sam opens a three-ring binder filled with sheets of hand written music and starts playing his song. With every note and string that Sam hits his expression slowly changes from a smile to an intense look of emotional release. The music plays on and Perry starts playing along with his brother’s rhythm and chords. While playing the song Sam starts to tear up, and stops playing. He reaches over and grabs a book off his nightstand and flips to a marked page in his music book and points at the quote: AFTER SILENCE, THAT WHICH COMES NEAREST TO EXPRESSING THE INEXPRESSIBLE IS MUSIC. -ALDOUS HUXLEY PERRY I can hear you little brother. Perry leans over and gives his brother a hug as they both start tearing up. PERRY I hear you. FADE OUT: THE END