Bachelor of Arts in English: Writing Concentration (36 credits) Control Sheet # 3 For students not seeking teaching certification admitted through Spring 2010 and for students seeking teaching certification admitted through Spring 2008 1. Portal Course (3 credits; required of all English majors; should be taken early in the major.) ENG 2000 Methods of Literary Analysis 2. Core Writing Courses (6 credits; both courses required) ENG 3300 Critical Writing I ENG 2310 Introduction to Creative Writing [formerly called 331 Creative Writing] 3. Linguistics Course (3 credits; choose one) ENG 4010 Linguistics and Grammar ENG 4020 Development of the English Language [suggested for Teaching Certification] ENG 4030 Grammar and Style [suggested for Teaching Certification] 4. Literature Surveys (6 credits; choose any two below) ENG 3010 English Literature through the Neoclassical ENG 3020 English Literature: Romantic Through Modern ENG 3030 American Literature to 1865 ENG 3040 American Literature 1865-1914 ENG 3050 Literature of Western Europe to the Renaissance ENG 3060 Literature of Western Europe: Renaissance through Modern ENG 3170 Modern American Literature ENG 3180 Modern British Literature 5. Advanced Writing Courses (9 credits; select three below but no more than one from Comm.) ENG 3090 Book and Magazine Editing [formerly numbered 209] ENG 3000 Technical Writing ENG 3240 Modern Biography and Autobiography ENG 3320 Advanced Creative Writing ENG 3330 Critical Writing II ENG 3340 Creative Non-Fiction Writing ENG 3380 Fiction Writing ENG 3390 Poetry Writing ENG 3430 Writing Experimental Fiction ENG 3550 Writing Sudden Fiction ENG 6170 Modern Techniques of Composition [limited availability; special permission only] ENG 6190 Writing for the Magazine Market [limited availability; special permission only] COMM 2100 Media Writing; COMM 2500 Journalism; COMM 3240 Writing for Radio or TV; COMM 4310 Screenwriting; COMM 4510 Freelance Writing; COMM 4560 Playwriting Some Communications prerequisites may be waived; requests for waivers must first be approved by the English Department Chair, then by the Communication Department Chair. 3. English Electives (9 credits; any three additional English courses at or above the 2000-level; at least one literature course is suggested.) ENG _____________________________________________ ENG _____________________________________________ ENG _____________________________________________ Eng 3370 Children's Lit. is suggested and may be required for Elem. Ed. Certification Eng 3360 Adolescent Lit. is suggested for Secondary Ed. Certification. Rev. 10/16/12