Dorms and twin rooms Shower Rooms

Bat Conservation Ireland, Ulex House, Drumheel,
Lisduff, Virginia, County Cavan.
086 4049468
Charity No. 13016
BCIreland Bat Detector Workshop: Closing date for applications: 4th June 2011
Full Name
Date of Birth
Male / Female
Permission to share email with other delegates? Yes/No
Email address
Details of Special Dietary
Medical Conditions that we
may need to know about
Residential: Accommodation, and workshop consisting of
presentations, fieldwork and food €220.00
Non-residential Workshop, presentations, fieldwork,
food only €200.00
Email or telephone to confirm
I enclose a cheque for €
availability to: Crossed cheques should be made payable to:
Bat Conservation Ireland and sent to:
Tel: 00353 86 4049468
Ulex House, Drumheel,
Lisduff, Virginia, County Cavan
A receipt for fees will be issued if required: please send SAE
Please give a brief summary of any previous detector experience
Bat Conservation Ireland, Ulex House, Drumheel,
Lisduff, Virginia, County Cavan.
086 4049468
Charity No. 13016
Registration: Friday @ 5 p.m.
Light meal: 5.30 p.m. – 6.30 p.m.
Lectures start time: 6.30 p.m.
Sunday: course finishes at 12.30 midday
Weekend Plan - Summary
A series of lectures will take place in the Turlough Outdoor Education Centre on the Friday evening
(6.30 p.m. start time) (including topics on an introduction to Irish bats, bat detector use and tracking
bats) and Saturday afternoon (including topics such as Bats and the law, bat and bridges and lesser
horseshoe bats) along with a practical session examining bat droppings and dead bat specimens. This
indoor work will be complimented by 2 nights fieldwork at known bat roosts (e.g. lesser horseshoe,
brown long-eared and soprano pipistrelle) and good foraging areas to train attendees to detect at least
the four common species: common pipistrelles, soprano pipistrelle, Daubenton’s bat and Leisler’s bat.
One dawn survey will be undertaken in the local village/town of North Clare and nature reserves. The
dawn survey is optional for those people travelling long distances.
Essential Kit:
Head torch
Bat detector and headphones
Spare batteries
Sleeping bag
Stout outdoor footwear
Indoor shoes – for use in the hostel
Waterproof jacket
Warm outdoor clothing
Optional but recommended:
Water boots (Wellingtons) or gaiters to prevent ticks
Insect repellent
Warm hat
Health & Safety – accommodation
 All residents are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the fire exits and procedures for responding to fire
 Do not assume that alarms are false and respond immediately to the instructions at the accommodation
 Please follow the hostel rules found in each room
 Remember that others may be sleeping and be quiet in the accommodation area
 It is the interests of participants that any pre-existing medical or dietary needs are notified to the organisers in
advance. Any such information will be treated in strict confidence. Participants are responsible for the safety of
their medication.
Bat Conservation Ireland, Ulex House, Drumheel,
Lisduff, Virginia, County Cavan.
086 4049468
Charity No. 13016
The kitchen is available to all delegates and tea, coffee, milk etc will be available and labelled ‘Bat Conservation
Health & Safety – Field work
 All participants including field tutors must wear the supplied high visibility vest at all times in the field. Delegates will
wear yellow vests, tutors will wear orange vests and will carry a working mobile phone, a ‘walkie-talkie’ two way radio
and a first aid kit
 Vehicular traffic may use roads through the night – take care to avoid a collision
 Only groups of two or more should undertake field work, contact should be maintained at all times – no one should
wander off by themselves
 Should any participant wish to leave at any time they must notify the organisers
 Please talk quietly and make little noise except in the event there is danger
 Do not stray into areas that have been designated as ‘Private’
 Avoid contact with animals and dung
 Wear gaiters or wellingtons to help avoid ticks. Check your body periodically for ticks especially after returning from
field work and if any are found remove as soon as possible. If a tick is found and you contract flu like symptoms inform your doctor that you may have been exposed to Lyme’s disease.
 Delegates are not permitted to handle bats at any time. If a delegate or field tutor should be bitten by a bat or contact is
made with the bodily fluids of a bat, the incident should be reported to the workshop organisers as soon as possible
Post- exposure vaccinations are recommended by the relevant health authorities and the subject’s General Practitioner
should be notified as soon as possible
 All field tutors who handle bats must have a current proof of vaccination and titre level
 Travel by boat is not permitted at any time, delegates and tutors should stay within their designated survey areas
 Avoid contact with river or standing water especially if cut or grazed. If contact with river or standing water is made,
wash the affected area with soap and water as soon as possible. If you contract ‘flu like symptoms, inform your doctor
that you may have been exposed to Weil’s disease.
 Adverse weather, high winds, rain or temperatures below 7° Celsius may necessitate the cancellation of a survey night/s
 All accidents, no matter how small should be reported to the organisers as soon as possible and logged.
NUIG Field Study Centre
Welcome to the NUIG Field Centre in Carron. This information sheet is intended to provide you with any information you
may need during your stay in the Burren
This centre, located in the heart of the Burren, offers accommodation for 24 people – in two dorms of 10 and two twin
rooms. Cover sheets and pillow covers are supplied as well as 16 quilts and covers. Extra bedding will need to be brought
if the group is over in number.
A fully equipped kitchen is available along with sitting / dining area, lab/ class room, showers, toilets and drying area.
The centre is heated (storage heaters) and has a usable open fire in the dining room. All fire materials must be
supplied and the fireplace cleaned of ashes before departure.
Please separate your kitchen waste and place all raw food waste in the compost bin in the back yard.
Please place all glass in one of the round BLACK bins in the back yard.
Cartons, newspaper, food tins, cardboard and plastic bottles can all go in the BLUE recycling bin. Please wash out all
cartons, tins and bottles before placing in the bin. If unsure, please refer to the notice on items for recycling in the
Please place all other waste in the bins provided and then in the BLACK wheelie bin in the back yard. c.
Carron village is about 1 ½ km away and offers a public phone, post office and pub. The pub provides evening meals
and lunches if required. Contact Cassidys: 065 - 7089211.
Bat Conservation Ireland, Ulex House, Drumheel,
Lisduff, Virginia, County Cavan.
086 4049468
Charity No. 13016
Garda Stations / Police
065 7077002
065 7071020
Fire Brigades
999 or 112
Dr. John O’Dea
Dr. Glynn
065 7077035
065 6827603
065 7077111
091 631045
After hours and at weekends call Shannon Doc. 0850 212 999
Philip Fahy
Banner Taxis
13 miles
13 miles
13 miles
Toibins, Kinvara 091 637397
065 7074104
20 miles
065 7071450
087 7959555
On arrival at the centre, you and your group have sole responsibility for the centre and its contents.
Please familiarise yourselves with the fire exits on arrival and allocate an assembly point outside – outside the front gate is a
suggestion. The centre is fitted with an alarm system and fire extinguishers. If the alarm sounds, evacuate the centre
immediately, checking all dorms and toilets. Meet in your chosen Assembly Area. If there is obvious fire, please call the
emergency services without delay. If there is no smoke or sign of flames, it may be safe to enter the front reception area
WITH EXTREME CAUTION and check the control panel.
The panel will be lit for a particular zone. WITH EXTREME CAUTION check that zone. If there is a small fire with little
or no smoke, fire safety equipment can be used to put the fire out. If this is not successful within one or two minutes, please
evacuate the building immediately and call the emergency services.
If there is no fire, please check the zone thoroughly. Only when you are absolutely certain that no fire exists can the alarm
be silenced and reset. Only at this stage should the building be reentered.
Dining and Lab area
Wash, dry and store all delph, pots, etc
Sweep all floors and clean tables
Clean all surfaces
Clean hobs and oven, if used.
Bat Conservation Ireland, Ulex House, Drumheel,
Lisduff, Virginia, County Cavan.
086 4049468
Charity No. 13016
Sweep and mop floor
Dorms and twin rooms
Remove all pillow slips
Place beside washing machine
Empty bins
Shower Rooms
Cleans sink, mirror etc
Clean showers
Sweep and clean floors