Chia Ying Lee 128, Sec. 2, Academia Rd. Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica Nankang, Taipei 11529 TAIWAN Phone: +886-2-2652-5031 FAX: +886-2-2785-6622 Education June, 1993: B.S. Kaohsiung Medical College, Psychology Department June, 1995: M.A. National Chung-Cheng University, Psychology Department December, 2000: Ph.D. National Chung-Cheng University, Psychology Department Academic position and relevant experience June 2009- Associate research fellow, Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica 2002-2009 Assistant research fellow, Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica Field of specialty Psycholinguistics, Neurolinguistics, fMRI, and Event-Related Potential Awards and Honor 2007 Academia Sinica Research Award for Junior Research Investigators Ad hoc Reviewer Brain and Language, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Journal of Research in Reading, Language and cognitive processing, Memory and Language, European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, Neuropsychologia, Cognition, International Journal of Psychophysiology, Neuroscience, Journal of Neurolinguistics, Frontiers in Psychology, Neuropsychology. Selected publications Kuo,W. J., Yeh, T. C., Lee, C. Y., Wu, Y. T., Chou, C. C., Ho, L. T., Hung, D. L., Tzeng, O. J. L., & Hsieh, J. C. 2003. Frequency Effects of Chinese Character Processing in the Brain: an Event-Related fMRI Study. Neuroimage 18. 720-730. Lee, C. Y., Tsai, J.-L., Kuo, W.-J., Hung, D. L., Tzeng, O. J. L., Yeh, T.-C., Ho, L.-T., & Hsieh, J.-J. 2004. Neuronal correlates of consistency and frequency effects on Chinese character naming: Event-related fMRI study. Neuroimage 23. 1235-1245. Lee, C.-Y., Tsai, J.-L., Su, E. C.-I., Tzeng, O. J. L., & Hung, D. L. 2005. Consistency, regularity and frequency effects in naming Chinese characters. Language and Linguistics 6(1). 75-107. Lee, C.-Y., Tsai, J.-L., Chiu, Y.-C., Tzeng, O. J.-L., & Hung, D. L. 2006. The early extraction of sublexical phonology in reading Chinese pseudocharacters. Language and Linguistics 7(3). 619-636. Huang, H-W., Lee, C.-Y*., Tsai, J.-L., Tzeng, O. J.-L., & Hung, D. L. 2006. Orthographic 1 neighborhood effects in reading Chinese two-character words. Neuroreport 17(10). 1061-1065. Lee, C.-Y., Tsai, J.-L., Huang, H-W., Tzeng, O. J.-L., & Hung, D. L. 2006. The temporal signatures of semantic and phonological activations for Chinese sublexical processing: an event-related potential study. Brain Research 1121(1). 150-159. Ahrens, K., Liu, H.-L., Lee, C.-Y., Gong, S.-P., Fang, S.-Y., & Hsu, Y.-Y. 2007. Functional MRI of conventional and anomalous metaphors in Mandarin Chinese. Brain and Language 100(2). 163-171. Hsiao, J., Shillcock R., & Lee, C.-Y. 2007. Neural correlates of foveal splitting in reading: evidence from an ERP study of Chinese character recognition. Neuropsychologia 45(6). 1280-1292. Lee, C.-Y., Tsai, J.-L., Chan, W-H., Hsu, C-H., Tzeng, O. J.-L., & Hung, D. L. 2007. The temporal dynamics of the consistency effect in reading Chinese: An ERP study. Neuroreport 18(2). 147-151. Lee, C.-Y. 2008. Rethinking of the Regularity and Consistency Effects in Reading Chinese. Language and Linguistics 9(1). 177-186. Hsu, C.-H., Tsai, J.-L., Lee, C.-Y.*, & Tzeng, O. J.-L. 2009. Orthographic combinability and phonological consistency effects in reading Chinese phonograms: An event-related potential study. Brain and Language 108. 56-66. Lee, C.-Y. 2009. The Cognitive and Neural Basis for Learning to Reading Chinese. Journal of Basic Education 18(2):63-85. (In Chinese) Lee, C.-Y., Huang, H.-W., Kuo, W.-J., Tsai, J.-L., & Tzeng, O. J.-L. 2010. Cognitive and neural basis of the consistency and lexicality effects in reading Chinese. Journal of Neurolinguistics 23. 10-27. Hsu, C.-H., Lee, C.-Y., & Marantz, A. 2011. Effects of visual complexity and sublexical information in the occipitotemporal cortex in the reading of Chinese phonograms: a single-trial analysis with MEG. Brain and Language 117(1):1-11. Huang, H.-W., Lee, C.-Y., Tsai, J.-L., & Tzeng, O. J.-L. 2011. The sublexical semantic ambiguity effects for reading Chinese disyllabic compounds. Brain and Language 117(2):77-87. Huang, C.Y., Lee, C.-Y.*, Huang, H.-W., & Chou, C.J. 2011. Number of sense effects of Chinese disyllabic compounds in the two hemispheres. Brain and Language 119(2): 99-109. Lee, C.-Y. 2011. The statistical learning perspective on Chinese reading. In P. McCardle, J.-R. Lee, O. Tzeng, & B. Miller (eds.), Dyslexia across Languages: orthography and the Brain-Gene-Behavior Link, 44-61. Baltimore: Brookes Publishing Lee, C.-Y., Liu, Y.-N., & Tsai, J.-L. 2012. The time course of contextual effects on visual word recognition. Frontiers in Language Sciences 3(285):1-13. Lee, C.-Y.*, Yen, H.-L., Yeh, P.-W., Lin, W.-H., Cheng, Y.-Y., Tzeng, Y.-L., & Wu, H.-C. 2012. Mismatch Responses to Lexical Tone, Initial Consonant, and Vowel in Mandarin-Speaking Preschoolers. Neuropsychologia 50(14): 3228-3239. 2