Acupuncture Intake Form Please circle each symptom you have suffered from within the last two weeks. Deficient Qi Weakness, lethargy, or weakness Lowered libido Decreased motivation Dull thinking, sensing, or feeling Poor appetite Weak digestion Susceptible to colds or flu Prolonged recovery following illness Pasty, pale complexion Limp hair Shortness of breath Averse to talking Perspires easily with exertion Weak muscles Chills easily Frequent, profuse urination Infertility Miscarriage Dull, soft nails Tongue, pale, enlarged, thin fur Pulse, weak, soft, slow Deficient Moisture Dry and thirsty Dryness of mucous membranes, secretions Constipation Uncomfortable feeling of heat in the body Restlessness and insomnia Low fever in the afternoon or evening Parched and cracked skin Hot flashes Night sweats Constant hunger, sometimes with weight loss Unstable blood sugar Persistent dry cough Dry or sore throat Dry brittle nails Flushed face with dry skin and lips Tongue, red no fur Pulse, thin rapid or weak Deficient Blood Restless fatigue Irritability Poor sleep Itching, prickling skin or scalp Dryness without thirst Blurred or weak vision Loss or thinning of hair Dizziness Dry or hard stool Premature aging of skin Dry skin, eyes, hair Anemia Numbness of hands and feet Muscle cramps Lack of semen Scanty or irregular menstruation Pale, waxy, sallow complexion Easy bruising Poor skin healing Palpitations Postpartum weakness or anemia Pale, opaque, thin, weak nails Tongue, pale pink or orange (and lips) Pulse, weak, thin, or irregular Slack Qi Prolapse of stomach, intestines or anus Fecal incontinence or constant diarrhea Hemorrhoids Dizzy or weak after meal or bowel movement Loose or flaccid muscles Tongue, flabby Pulse, weak or disappearing Slack Moisture Excess secretion from eyes, nose, mouth, skin, vagina Seminal incontinence or premature ejaculation Frequent urination, enuresis, or incontinence Dizzy or weak following sex Pulse, floating, thin Slack Blood Excessive or prolonged bleeding from skin, nose, lungs, stomach, intestines, bladder Ulcers of skin, mucous membranes, stomach, intestines Excessive bleeding during menses, pregnancy, or postpartum Bleeding hemorrhoids Anemia with inflammation of stomach, small or large intestines Pulse, thin, irregular Stagnant Qi Head feels stuffy Distention or fullness in chest or abdomen Mild nausea Gas pains, cramps, tension in stomach or intestines Hiccups, belching, or flatulence Constipation with gas Vague or migratory pains Pulse, taut Stagnant Moisture Soft or loose stool Bloating with water retention Puffy eyes, face, hands, or ankles Frequent but scanty urination Feels swollen, tender, lethargic in humid weather Soft swellings or enlarged lymph nodes Premenstrual soreness and swelling of breasts Pulse, soft Stagnant Blood Chilliness of limbs Sharp pains in head, eyes, joints, internal organs Irregular or painful menses Premenstrual pain and hardness of breasts Painful hemorrhoids or cysts Elevated cholesterol Pulse, uneven Obstructed Qi Generalized discomfort, fullness, pressure in the head, chest, limbs or abdomen Belching and flatulence Wheezing Difficulty swallowing Stitch or acute pain in abdomen Fullness under ribs Tongue, thick fur Pulse, full, tense Obstructed moisture Swollen or heavy head, limbs, or abdomen Tender muscles and joints Thick or sticky saliva or phlegm Sticky perspiration Lumps, nodules, and cysts Sticky or slimy stool Scanty urine Generalized water retention Edema of hands and feet Thick nauseated feeling in mouth and stomach Congestion in the eyes and sinuses Tongue, enlarged with thick cheesy fur Pulse, slippery or soft and large Obstructed blood Traumatic bruises, swellings and sprains Persistent, localized, stabbing, or throbbing pains, esp. in joints or viscera Pain aggravated at night or inactivity Severe cramping, numbness or paralysis Severe headaches Dark red complexion Red or purple lesions on skin and mucous membrane Angina Severe menstrual cramps with dark blood or clots Pain worse with pressure or massage Hard, fixed lumps Tongue, purplish or dark red, or spots Pulse, strong or tense, intermittent Patterns of penetration or accumulation of adverse climates Heat Cold Fever, with infection or inflammation Pain, soreness, swelling, or dryness with a burning sensation Sores/ infections with green/ yellow pus Yellow/ green mucous discharges from ears, nose, throat, anus, vagina, urethra Extreme thirst, craves cold drinks Reddening of eyes, nose, ears, lips, face, skin, mucous membrane or tongue Worse from exposure to heat or dryness Tongue, red, yellow fur Cold limbs, head, chest or abdomen Weakness with cold or clammy face, hands, or feet Loose stool after eating raw or cold foods Profuse urination or swelling of face or limbs upon exposure to cold climate or after drinking cold lifquids Cravings for warm, cooked foods and hot drinks Pale skin, nail beds, lips, mucous membrane, or tongue Tongue, thick white fur, or purple Pulse, soft, tense, slow, deep Wind Erratic, spasms, cramps, or contractures of skin, nerves, vessels, muscles and viscera Itching, prickling, twitching, and other discomfiting sensations in skin/muscles Migrating pains appear or retreat suddenly and unpredictably Dizziness, uncoordinated movement, and disequilibrium Itchy, painful ears, eyes, nose, sneezing, headache, muscle soreness, or shivering when exposed to wind or drafts Trembling or shaking of the hands, feet, head Tongue, spasm or quivering Pulse, taut or wiry Phlegm Dizziness or fullness in head with mucous congestion or nausea Nausea or difficult breathing with fullness in upper abdomen or chest Thick, sticky secretions or discharges from skin, mucous membranes, ears, eyes, nose, throat, mouth, anus, vagina, or urethra Soft, mobile lumps or enlarge lymph nodes Worse in humid environment or from eating sticky, greasy, fatty foods, milk products, eggs, or sugar Tongue, sticky or oily fur Pulse, full, slippery Organ network deficiency or disturbance Liver network Easily irritated Sensitive to wind, noise, strong odors, and tastes Muscle tension or cramps, esp. in neck, shoulders, lower abdomen, hips, calves Weak or blurry vision Dry eyes Coarse brittle nails or hair Numbness or tingling in limbs when asleep or inactive Easy chilling of arms, hands, legs, feet Difficult elimination, dry stool, tense colon Weak, dizzy, flushed from hunger, tension or anger Irregular and/or scanty menstruation Nausea or queasiness from hunger or fatigue Genital organ hypersensitivity Stitching pains in ribs, beneath diaphragm, groin, and pelvic region Cravings for sour, spicy, fatty foods Tinnitus characterized by whistling or ringing Aggravations from heat, wind, and drafts Pulse, very tense or wiry Heart network Easily confused Fatigue with anxiety and restlessness Slight exertion or excitement causes heat, perspiration Insomnia or palpitations when nervous, worried or overtired Frequent urination and bowel movements from nervousness Burning, sensitivity, or irritation of mouth, tongue, urethra, vagina or anus Dry mouth or throat with craving for cool drinks and juicy foods Easy blushing of face and ears Easily hot, easily cold Anxiety and fatigue cause light, restless sleep and vivid dreams or nightmares Cravings for spicy, hot, and sweet foods Aggravations from heat and dryness Pulse, large and bounding Spleen network Easily worried Upset by changes Overwhelmed by details Lethargy and inertia Slow digestion of food Frequent abdominal gas and bloating Lingering hunger after meals Cravings for sweets and starchy foods Heaviness of head and limbs Water retention and puffiness Looses stool from eating raw or cold foods and liquids Tender muscles Easy or frequent bruising Lack of muscle tone or strength, esp. of abdomen, back or neck Prolapse of stomach, intestines, uterus, vagina, bladder Hemorrhoids Frequent but scanty urination Aggravations from cold and dampness Pulse, full and soft or sliding Lung network Frequent colds Frequent rhinitis or sinusitis Cough with or without phlegm Frequent throat clearing or laryngitis Morning attacks of coughing or sneezing with clear phlegm or mucous discharge Sensitive to wind, cold, and dryness Dry skin and mucous membrane, esp. of face, nose and mouth Shortness of breath, chest pain, or wheezing in chest from fatigue or exertion Easily disappointed or offended Craves spicy, juicy, sweet foods and stimulants Aggravations from heat, cold and dryness Pulse, tense and buoyant Kidney network Sore throats from fatigue Frequent or difficult urination Puffiness of swelling of feet and ankles Puffiness around eyes Dull hearing Tinnitus characterized by low humming Low back pain or soreness Weakness or soreness of hips, knees, ankles or feet Diminished libido Diminished motivation Lack of sexual secretions Infertility or difficulty conceiving and/or going to term Loss of stamina Needs to sleep a lot Easily depressed and disgruntled Anemia Amenorrhea Forgetful and dull-minded Aggravations from cold, sex, and lack of rest Pulse, deep, small, firm